25 05 2011

Well, the public has been bamboozled again by COINTELPO, OPD and the Alameda County Mafia in the political assassination of Chauncey Bailey.

Boss, we don’t know anything but eating watermelons, fried chicken, farting, grinning, watching TV and dancing. Let the NWO run the world for us. Boss, I am really stupid, but please tell me one thing, “where is Chauncey’s briefcase?”  I am not a genius like all ah folks, but don’t you think the real killers got Chauncey’s briefcase?

The Oscar Grant Murder & the MATRIX Narrative: White Knight Under Fire

“The evidence that this was an accidental shooting and Mehserle did not intend to shoot Grant is simply overwhelming…” L.A.  Superior Court Judge, Robert J. Perry[1]

In the City of Oakland, original case theories (strategic vision) often become official secret MATRIX storylines. In the Oscar Grant Murder, John Burris, Johnny Come Lately in absolute conceit admitted that there was a secret (FOR YOUR EYES ONLY) agreement and gag order between BART [2] to maintain the storyline that the white knight, Johannes Mehserle, confronted with the sudden threat from hostile “Big Black Brutes” pulled his gun instead of his taser and accidentally shot Oscar Grant in the back.[3]

Don’t believe it; revisit the case of 37-year old Michael Joseph Gibson. On Saturday, November 21, 2009, BART Gestapo caught the world’s eye again on video senselessly brutalizing a non resisting bipolar schizophrenic man by hurling him into a glass plate window. Gibson’s only crime had been annoying BART patrons with a public exhibition of his mental suffering. 

Johnny Come Lately was on the case within days representing Gibson. It’s been almost two years since the outrageous incident and the public right to know the disposition of the case, even the name of the officer, has been suppressed. From the sheer repression of public disclosure and trust in the matter of Michael Joseph Gibson, I called the officer by the name that most fit his image and public demeanor, Ernst Julius Röhm, the infamous Nazi Storm Trooper. 

The outcome could have been different with a dissimilar strategic vision if it had been established that Mehserle and Tony Pirone formed a white racist “Bitch-Assed N****r” beat down mob on the night of Grant’s murder in which things turned to its expected outcome. 

Whatever “unprofessional relationship” (Aryan Brotherhood, John Birch Society, Minutemen, Neo-Nazis?) that existed between Mehserle and Pirone that Burris had privity to has been suppressed and hidden from public view due to the secret gag order and MATRIX storyline.

I wasn’t very far off the mark when I asked had he been born of the BEAST, Nazi Germany. It was later revealed that Mehserle was in fact born in Germany. He was a German National.[4]  

In sentencing Mehserle to the lightless sentence possible, Judge Perry simply followed the official MATRIX storyline that the white knight, Johannes Mehserle, confronted under the stress and threats of hostile “Big Black Brutes” and Grant resisting arrest, Mehserle accidentally pulled his gun instead of his Taser and shot and killed Grant.[5]

In the Oscar Grant Murder, we had been bamboozled again. Mehserle is expected to be a free man in a matter of days.

The Chauncey Bailey Murder & the MATRIX Narrative: Black Knight Under Fire

On August 2, 2007, the MATRIX storyline is the black knight, Chauncey Bailey, was working on a story to expose the “Big Black Brutes” of Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) and they murdered him to suppress the story. Devaughndre Broussard of YBMB was some type of black ninja that killed Chauncey Bailey.

Broussard denied shooting Bailey. He said that he had been drugged the morning of the shooting. He confessed to the murder and later recanted that confession on CBS’s nationally televised 60 minutes. He said that he had confessed to the crime because Oakland police beat him while he was in custody. 

LeRue Grim, Of Dogs and Men

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”-The Great Beast 666

Enter old wirily trickster Republican Attorney LeRue Grim. He is/was the Chairperson of American Legion War Memorial Commission in San Francisco.[6] Grim is a U.S. Air Force veteran that says he left military service at 22 years old in 1950 at the beginning of the Korean Conflict.[7] I do not believe that such a short and remote splint in the military could generally quality Grim to run the multi-million dollar War Memorial Complex and Commission. Grim had to have been career military-intelligence since the Korean Aggression.

Grim is affiliated with American Humanist Association and the Humanist Church. Grim is a signer of the Humanist Manifesto II and president of the Fellowship of Humanity on 28th Street of Oakland. [I]n “1933, the Humanist Manifesto was written as a direct challenge to all religions of the world. It asserted that man has the power to be god-like. It promoted atheism, evolution (rather than creation), communism and moral relativity. Thus we are told that there is no God, that the Bible and the Ten Commandments are meaningless hoaxes and that anything we do – even murder – is okay, as long as it is for a “good reason”.[8] Grim is a very treacherous man that operates within Aleister Crowley’s Luciferian Law of Thelema, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”[9] 

Grim was instrumental in setting up paranoid Broussard for the MATRIX storyline that he killed Bailey under the compulsion of “Big Black Brutes” from YBMB and under mind control of Yusuf Bey IV.

Above, Grim with one of his award winning little dogs. Grim’s psychological approach to people is like training dogs as if he was of Mount Olympia.[10]

Crack Heads and Puppet Masters

It is extremely difficult to call my dear brother, Devaughndre Broussard, a “crack head” as if it was badge of condemnation and constriction, and as if it was his choice and his choice alone to self destruct as a crack addict. Crack is one of the most troublesome and problematic drugs in world history. “Crack” or “rock” cocaine is a more powerful form of cocaine created by “cooking” the powder form of the drug to extract its pure oil form. New research shows that chronic cocaine abuse is directly related to dysfunction in areas of the brain involved in higher thought and decision-making 

Even after months of abstaining, people who have used cocaine for a long time can have problems thinking, such as memory, attention, problem solving, and use of words. They can also have problems with hand-eye coordination. Cocaine use can cause people to be paranoid and to hallucinate. Some will have flashbacks for years. Scans of the brain have shown decreases in size and loss of cells and loss of connections between cells even after abstinence.[11] It is a mind and body snatcher.

During Broussard’s testimony, he displayed all the classic symbols of crack addiction; use; problems thinking, such as memory, attention, problem solving, and use of words.

On the witness stand, he struggled through his testimony throughout the days, and minutes after taking the stand. He asked for questions to be repeated, and seemed to find it difficult to formulate answers. Superior Court Judge Reardon tried to clarify and simplify the prosecutors direct examination questions. Broussard struggled for words, sometimes laughing to himself. He labored through the answers.[12]

The prosecution asked him the color of a Cadillac owned by another bakery member, Broussard burst into laughter before saying, “Yellow.” They asked him what was funny. “I am thinking of a yellow Cadillac,” he replied. “That’s why I am laughing.” [13]

Other times he said that he didn’t understand questions or that he didn’t know the right words to articulate answers. When the prosecution asked him why men unrelated to each other called each other brothers at the bakery, he struggled. “I can’t find the words to answer the question,” he said.[14]

Broussard said that Bey IV defined being at the bakery as “more than a job.” When the prosecutor asked for details, he said Bey IV would order his followers to “do stuff you couldn’t ask other people to do. Whatever would come to his mind.” Did Broussard mean committing crimes, the prosecutor asked. “I may have to be more direct,” Broussard said. “I don’t say the word crimes. That’s the way I talk.”[15]

The prosecution asked Broussard, “what agenda (Bey IV) had,” Broussard said, “I am not understanding.” While at the bakery, Broussard testified that he broke bakery rules by using drugs while living and working there. [16]

LeRue Grim, Trickster and Olympian, watched the show from the front row. “That’s just him,” the attorney said outside of court about Broussard’s labored answers. “He’s a little bit meticulous.” [17] Thorough, careful and scrupulous, he says!

CIA, the Body Snatchers, Crack Heads & Puppet Masters

A series of expose articles in the San Jose Mercury-News by late reporter Gary Webb found a mass drug dealing triangle during the 1980s that linked CIA officials in Central Americaas Drug Dealing Mind and Body Snatchers. According to the stories, the CIA and its operatives used crack cocaine–sold via theLos Angelesand San Francisco Bay Area African-American communities to raise millions to support the agency’s clandestine operations inCentral America. Crack cocaine targeted poor black urban areas as a form of genocide.

I call him a “crack head” for shock effect and because we are too easily deceived by smoked mirrors, looking glasses and illusions. We far too often blame the puppets without looking for the puppet masters. The puppet masters deliberately sent Broussard into YBMB on a zombie mission to destabilize and neutralize it.

I can blame Broussard for his addiction and paranoia as much as I would blame the victims ofBuchenwald,Auschwitz,Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Chelmno, Sobibor, and Trebinka for their own demise. The body snatchers created Broussard and hundred of thousands of our loved ones with crippled minds, Zombies, to grow among us as a fungus, a form of genocide, to eat away at the foundations of family, church, society and democracy. Like a plague of locusts, it has caused the death, destruction and imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of African-Americans for decades to come.

Broussard spent most of his formative young life in and out of a matrix of foster homes and psychiatric wards. Even the yellow journalist Chauncey Bailey Project (CBP) admitted Broussard life was like “…jigsaw puzzle with many missing pieces.” [18]  

Broussard came out of the foster care matrix a drug fiend adaptive to a fearful and paranoid way of life. He was lonely, institutionalized, psychological abused and traumatized. Broussard was an individual with very little close family ties. He told police that he had smoked cocaine (crack) before gunning down Chauncey.[19] 

Drugs and psychological tricks can be used to modify attitudes. In fact, it is common MK ULTRA mind control practice to use drugs for the purpose of obtaining hypnotic control.[20] Broussard mentally is not at all unlike Sirhan Sirhan, a person “extraordinarily receptive” to influence and hypnotic suggestion.[21]

If you can accept the logic that Broussard was so mentally unstable that Young Bey could influence him to admit to committing murder, what more could an old powerful influential trickster lawyer do to a hapless “extraordinarily receptive” crack head.

In February 2009, LeRue Grim said that Broussard falsely confessed at the prompting of bakery leader Yusuf Bey IV.[22] By May 2009, the old trickster had Brossard plead guilty to two counts of voluntary manslaughter for shooting Chauncey Bailey and marched him before a grand jury for the Oakland MATRIX to indict Yusuf Bey IV and Antoine Mackey for Triple murders.[23]

In August 2009, Grim raised his head as an attorney for Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson, a 24 year old man that claimed to be Michael Jackson’s son and an heir to his multi-million dollar estate.[24] Quid Pro Quo? I believe so.   


“Sometimes you have to make a deal with a demon to get the devil.” – Deputy District Attorney Melissa Krum, Alameda County Mafia referring to its Star Witness, Devaughndre Broussard

Broussard initially told police that he got high by smoking a cigar stuffed with powder cocaine, and then went looking for Bailey at the apartment building on First Avenue. He said he had intentions to be a soldier because Bailey had written bad stories about the bakery. So he borrowed a white van from someone at the bakery named Ricco and drove — alone — by the Oakland Post offices in search of Bailey. Then he drove up and down 14th Street looking for him. He finally spotted Bailey leaving a McDonalds.[25]

Broussard said when he saw Bailey; he got out of the van and crossed the street. He said he intended only to scare Bailey. “He swung at me. He had a briefcase.”

“I shot him,” he said. “I shot him again and again. I shot him three times with a charcoal-black Mossberg.”

OPD notes said Broussard also described how he killed Bailey and smoked powder after the killing. “I hit him in the chest and the head. Chest first; second head. Third time in the chest,” the notes record Broussard as saying. “I think I threw the mask away. I had a powder cocaine blunt. I smoked it.”[26]

The Yusuf Bey IV and Antoine Mackey show trial and one man “crack head” star witness circus is over. At its end, the Alameda County Mafia DA tolled the MATRIX storyline in collusion with the defense that Devaughndre Broussard was the lone nut black ninja assassin. I want us to believe that Broussard killed Chauncey Bailey out of his own, so to say, crack head obsession.

The prosecution showed that the murder weapon (Mossberg Shotgun) without fingerprints was found conveniently just outside of Broussard’s bedroom window during a police raid led by Sgt. Derwin Longmire.

It seems rather conveniently odd that Broussard found the cunning and intelligence in a crack cocaine stupor to avoid capture in a thunderous shotgun blast murder of a popular and well known journalist concealed as a black ninja with a ski mask in a big white unregistered van with no license plates in broad daylight on a busy street; conceal the ski mask and his blood scattered and gun powdered ninja outfit; and not dispose of the murder weapon.

Shells matching the ballistics reports of shell castings and fragments from Chauncey Bailey’s body were found conveniently in and about the bedroom floor of Yusuf Bey IV during a police raid led by Sgt. Derwin Longmire. 

The prosecution proved the chain of possession of the Mossberg Shotgun by a previous out of court statement of a friendly Saudi asset, Ehab Taha, that Yusuf Bey IV stole the gun during a raid that was video recorded which showed no such theft of a gun or a bloody assault against anyone at the Oakland New York Liquor Store. All of his prior lying statements came in without questions or cross examination. 

When called to testify by the prosecution, Taha conveniently lost all memory of the gun theft which allowed the prosecution to enter into evidence his prior consistent statement without cross examination. Later, the prosecution showed a convenient recording of  Taha telling police how he was beaten bloody during the attack and how the assailants stole a sawed-off shotgun from the store.[27]

The prosecution showed by the testimony of a Mexican national, Rigoberto Magana, that linked Bey to a white van seen leaving the murder scene with the black ninja. Magana gave the van keys to Bey.[28] Incidentally, Magana is again conveniently tucked away somewhere in Mexico with trace evidence, the unregistered white van with no license plates.[29]

It seem rather conveniently odd that a pair of assailants who pull off a high profile murder in rush hour morning in downtown Oakland could escape in an unregistered BIG white van with no license plates.  Where was the OPD? I gather that it can only happen inOakland in a high profile political assassination! 

You would like to think that if a possible suspect in a high profile political assassination told you that he smoked a cigar full of crack that “I AM THE LONE NUT BLACK NINJA ASSASSIN” that murdered Chauncey Bailey that the police would have collaborated that statement with paraffin (gun powder residue) test evidence. Wouldn’t you? Well, there is conveniently no such evidence that Broussard ever fired a weapon. 


“Now, no one is suggesting or implying the department [OPD] intended to kill Chauncey Bailey!”

San Francisco Attorney John Scott, representing Sgt. Derwin Longmire slipped and said,

“The department, I believe, had its own sense of guilt or believed it had its own sense of guilt or responsibility for the murder because the department was supposed to execute a warrant on the Black Muslim Bakery on August 1st, the day before the murder.” Scott said. “Now, no one is suggesting or implying the department intended to kill Chauncey Bailey.”[30]

According to documents reviewed by KTVU, Channel 2 investigative journalist showed that “… as early as five years before Bailey was shot Sgt. Longmire warned the police command staff that the bakery was a criminal enterprise and needed to be cleaned up.[31]

Who is Sgt. Derwin Longmire?

Sgt. Longmire is/was an OPD intelligence unit supervisor. [32] In other words, he was a leader of a specialized trained “Red Squad” unit. Red Squads are police intelligence units that specialize in infiltrating, conducting counter-measures and gathering intelligence on political and social groups. [33] It other words, Sgt. Longmire was involved in illegal COINTELPRO activities.

COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.[34]

COINTELPRO ran in secret tandem wth the CIA’s Project CHAOS. Operation CHAOS or Operation MHCHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency. A department within the CIA was established in 1967 on orders from President of the United States Lyndon B. Johnson and later expanded under President Richard Nixon. The operation was launched under Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Richard Helms, by chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober.[35] 

Oakland has a long history of COINTELPRO and Project CHAOS clandestine illegal activities against citizens. OPD had the infamous COINTELPRO “Panther Squad”, a secret specialized Red Squad led by black officer Ray Brown of the OPD.[36]

OPD Police Chief Charles Gain and William Chohendet led the FBI’s San Francisco office’s “Panther Squad” (a subpart of its COINTELPRO Section). All along during the illegal harassment and deadly assault aginst the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, the OPD Chief had secretly been one of J. Edgar Hoover’s top COINTELPRO FBI agents.[37]

According to the KTVU special investigative report, Sgt. Longmire and the OPD Red Squad targeted YBMB in 2002 for a COINTELPRO neutralization five years before Chauncey’s murder.[38]  

Five years ago, Sgt. Longmire most likely then not got the go from OPD top brass for surveillance, infiltration, discrediting, and disruption of YBMB. YBMB had been one of the few remaining successful and truly independent Black Nationalist (Self Determination) enterprise in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. 

YBMB, Brother Minister Derwin Longmire 

Sgt. Longmire’s operation to infiltrate YBMB to discredit, disrupt and neutralize the bakery was so clandestine that most of the OPD rank and file didn’t know it was a counterintelligence operation. OPD Assistant Chief Howard Jordan didn’t know. They thought Longmire had actually joined YBMB.

Attorney: “Did you believe that Sgt. Longmire had compromised the investigation because of that relationship with either the Black Muslims or the bakery?”

Howard Jordan: “Yes.”

Attorney: “At the time of the Chauncey Bailey murder, did you believe that Sergeant Longmire was associated with the Black Muslim Bakery?”

Howard Jordan: “Yes.”[39]

Below, check the timeline of the fall of YBMB that is consistent with Sgt. Longmire and the OPD Red Squad targeting them in 2002 for an illegal and clandestine COINTELPRO neutralization campaign. 

On September 19, 2002, Yusuf Bey, Sr. founder of YBMB turned himself in when a warrant was issued for his arrest, charged with 27 counts in the alleged rapes of four girls under the age of 14.

September 2003: Yusuf Bey Sr. dies pending trial on charges of statutory rape.

February 2004: Waajid Aljawwaad, Yusuf Bey’s chosen successor, disappears. 

March 2004: Antar Bey, son of Yusuf Bey, declares he was elected bakery CEO at a board meeting. Dissention arises when family members allege that Antar “hijacked” the corporation and squandered its assets.

July 2004: Aljawwaad’s body is found in a shallow grave in theEast Oaklandhills. No arrests are made. Most likely no OPD investigation either. Sgt. Longmire.

June 2005: John Bey, who protested Antar Bey’s takeover, is wounded by three gunmen outside hisMontclairhome.

October 2005: Antar Bey is shot and killed at a gas station in what police said was a robbery targeting his $80,000 BMW. Sgt. Longmire is lead investigator of the case. Yusuf Bey IV, 19, becomes CEO with Sgt. Longmire as his mentor.

November 2005: Bey IV allegedly directs the trashing of two Muslim owned liquor stores inWest Oaklandthat sell alcohol to the black community. A Mossberg shotgun is alleged to have been stolen.

December 2005: Bey IV is arrested inVallejousing a false ID to buy a $55,000 Mercedes Benz with no money down. He is charged in January with felony grand theft. He pleaded no contest but has not been sentenced.

April 28, 2006: Bey IV is arrested after he allegedly used his BMW to run down a bouncer outside the New Century Theater strip club onLarkin Street in Oakland. The case is pending.

August 2006:Vallejo police arrest Bey IV on a gun charge after they recover an unregistered 9mm pistol from the center console of his car. He pleaded no contest but has not been sentenced. Why? Sgt. Longmire.

October 2006: YBMB files for a public record bankruptcy. 

December 2006: Bey IV pleads no contest to charges stemming from his arrest in August inVallejo, but sentencing is delayed. I wonder why? Sgt. Longmire.

January 2007: Bey IV is arrested and cited for shoplifting condoms from a Walgreens inOakland’s Temescal district. His brother, Yusuf Bey V, is arrested for possession of a machine pistol. He gets probation. I wonder why? Sgt. Longmire.

May 2007: Bey IV allegedly orchestrates the kidnapping of a mother and daughter as they drive home from a night of bingo. Police say the younger woman is tortured, apparently because her abductors think she knows where a drug dealer keeps his money. The masked men flee when a police officer drives up. 

June 2007: Bey IV fails to appear for a court hearing in theSan Franciscoassault case, and a judge issues a $375,000 warrant for his arrest. Wonder why the warrant was not executed? Sgt. Longmire.

July 2007: Two men are shot in separate slayings with the same weapon, an AK-47 police say was already tied to earlier bakery-related crimes. Most likely no OPD investigation either. Sgt. Longmire. 

Aug. 1, 2007, OPD and multi-agency raid on YBMB is suddenly postponed. 

Aug. 2, 2007: Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey is slaughtered by a ninja assassin with a ski mask on an Oaklandbusy main thoroughfare during morning rush hour and escape in an unregistered big WHITE van with no license plates

Aug. 3, 2007: A multi-agency police commando and task force raid YBMB. They seize the Mossberg shotgun as it is being allegedly tossed out a window by Devaughndre Broussard. Bey IV, arrested for alleged May kidnapping and torture. I wonder why? Sgt. Longmire.

Bey tells police that Broussard told him he killed Bailey. Sgt. Longmire allows Bey to meet with Broussard without tape or video. Bey tells Broussard to admit to killing Chauncey. Paranoid and confused, Broussard admits he killed Bailey. 

During the trial, Sgt. Longmire and the OPD COINTELPRO Red Squad got a free pass from any type of inquiry. Nevertheless, a state justice department official, John Porbanic, led a 2009 OPD-Longmire-YBMB investigation. The justice department found that Sgt. Longmire had “intentionally compromised” the investigation because he was friends with Bey IV. An OPD internal affairs investigation reached the same conclusion.[40]

Yet, neither defense attorneys Gene Peretti (Bey) nor Gary Sirbu (Mackey) asked Longmire any questions about his intelligence background; handling of the case,  infiltration of YBMB, or the OPD Red Squad. They tolled the MATRIX storyline.


The Dead

  1. Yusuf Bey Sr., 67 years old;
  2. Waajid Aljawwaad Bey, 51 years old;
  3. Antar Bey, 23 years old;
  4. Chauncey Bailey, 58 years old;
  5. Mike Wills Jr., 36 years old;
  6. Odell Robinson, Jr., 31 years old. 

The Imprisoned

  1. Devaughndre Broussard, 19 years old (25 years imprisonment);
  2. Richard Lewis, 26 years old (10 to Life Imprisonment).
  3. Alfonza Phillips, 20 years old (Life Imprisonment);
  4. Joshua Bey, 23 years old (3 years imprisonment);
  5. Tamon Oshun Halfin, 24 years old (? imprisonment);
  6. Yusef Bey V, 23 years old, (10 years Imprisonment)
  7. Yusef Bey VI,
  8. Antoine Mackey

COINTELPRO, Sgt. Longmire and the OPD Red Squad also got a free pass from the yellow journalist CBP as if it was Project MOCKINGBIRD journalists. CBP didn’t touch COINTELPRO, Sgt. Longmire’s counterintelligence background or its connections with targeting YBMB like Huey P. Newton, the Panthers, Judi Bari- Darryl Cherney (Earth First), and the White Radical Left for clandestine infiltration and neutralization.[41]


The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation are a major sponsor and one of the puppet masters behind the Chauncey Bailey Project.[42] The Knight Foundation is a major funding source and collaborator of the ultra conservative Aspen Institute.[43] 

The Aspen Institute is an asset of the Committee of 300, and the Club of Rome.[44] The “Committee of 300” now call themselves “World Government Founders for the NWO”.[45]

“There is no need to use ‘they’ or ‘the enemy’ except as shorthand. We know who ‘they,’ the enemy, is. The Committee of 300 with its Eastern Liberal Establishment ‘aristocracy,’ its banks, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators – this is the enemy.” – John Coleman, “Conspirators Hierarchy”[46]

The Committee of 300 aka The Olympians is a group allegedly founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. It is alleged to be an international council which organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts. The figure of 300 is derived from the 1909 article Geschäftlicher Nachwuchs by Walter Rathenau.[47]

This elite group, the Olympians and Luciferians, truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above God. They absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing divine rights upon the earth as if from the gods.[48] 

The Club of Rome (CoR) is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. Founded in 1968 at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy, the CoR describes itself as “a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity.”[49]  One of the major goals of the Club of Rome is to reduce the world’s population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary.[50] Genocide!

“The CIA is a creature of the Committee of 300 and not of the American people or of the U.S. Government. The CIA is the instrument through which “300” missions are carried out.”[51]


In May 2009, The National Association of Black Journalist (NABJ) named the Chauncey Bailey Project winner of its annual Community Service award, in recognition of the Project’s work in blindly and single-mindedly campaigning for a mass media lynching of the  defenseless “Big Black Brutes” of YBMB as the patsies in Bailey’s death.[53]

NABJ is another major highly publicized sponsor or cover for the CBP.[54] It is a major conflict of interest and major breach of public faith to give a group that they sponsor and collaborate with one of their major awards. 

Frank WISNER, Sr. who ran the CIA Mockingbird Project in its earliest days once boasted that the operation was like a “‘mighty Wurlitzer’ … I can play any tune I want on it and Americawill follow along.’”[55] The handkerchief heads of NABJ will follow any tune the CIA and NWO plays. They’ll also grin with big white pearly teeth and dance for them.  The public have been bamboozled by NABJ.


CIA Assassination Games 

I’m just a patsy!” –Lee Harvey Oswald

Just as in any high profile political assassination games, false leads and a lone nut or patsy (ies) come gift wrapped for the public within hours to allow the real assassins a window to escape. Oswald was identified as the lone nut communist assassin within minutes of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.[56]

Within minutes of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a bundle with a rifle was dropped near the scene of the shooting identifying James Earl Ray as the racist lone nut assassin.[57]

Sirhan Sirhan was apprehended within seconds after the assassination of Senator and Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy as the lone nut radical Palestinian assassin even though he couldn’t have possibly killed RFK.[58] 

Within minutes of the assassination of Dr. Marcus A. Foster, Deputy Superintendent Robert Blackburn intentionally gave police a false lead to allow the real assassins a window to escape. Blackburntold police the assassins were Black Panthers.[59]

Within moments of the assassination of Chauncey Bailey, it was the radical Black Muslims of YBMB identified as the patsies and Broussard as the lone nut assassin, the perfect assassination game.

My Closing Argument

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury:

I will be brief. If I learned anything, it is that “Physical Evidence” does not lie. I ask you to keep that in mind during my closing argument. You’re heard two months of testimony and evidence against our clients. The prosecution says that Devaughndre Broussard shot and killed Chauncey Bailey. Broussard’s confession is the only direct evidence to tie the killing of Chauncey Bailey to our clients at YBMB. If I create a doubt in your mind that Broussard was the triggerman, you must acquit my clients.

The witnesses were consistent that Chauncey Bailey’s killer wore a ski mask and black clothing. Where’s the physical evidence, ski mask and black clothing? What did Broussard have to say about the ski mask, he said “I think I threw the mask away?” What about the black clothing that had to have had Chauncey’s blood, bone and tissue scatter matter on it? OPD didn’t seem to care to ask him. But, I am sure the answer could have been the same because according to Broussard after the assault, he told them, “I had a powder cocaine blunt. I smoked it.”

Well, you don’t smoke cocaine per se. You smoke “crack cocaine” and their evidence shows that Broussard was in some sort of a crack cocaine stupor before and after Chauncey’s death. He doesn’t have any idea where the ski mask and black clothing is because he never had it. If he had it, I pretty sure that the ever vigilant OPD would have found it. Particularly if he was in a crack cocaine stupor, and that particular drug (crack cocaine) negatively impacted his problem solving capabilities. 

Plus, OPD and a number of other law enforcement agencies had the members of YBMB under surveillance. They would have known his whereabouts and had some idea where he disposed of the ski mask and bloody black clothing if he ever had it. We contend again that he never had it, because he wasn’t the triggerman.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let’s practice some common sense in this case. You can use common sense when you evaluate and weight the evidence. Here, the prosecution star witness is an admitted crack cocaine abuser. He admits to being under the influence the day of the murder. The prosecution won’t dispute that because if they believe he’s hallucinating and fantasizing about that, then he is most likely fantasizing about shooting Chauncey Bailey in a drug stupor. They have a real problem in this case. Please, this is not a matter of going to a “demon” to get the “devil” as the prosecution would like you to conceive as an illusion.

Broussard is not a demon. He is a poor weak defenseless sick individual created by the state’s foster care system. In this case, it is a matter of slitting through the recollections of a hapless crack addict’s brain for facts. Crack is not just any drug. It’s a terrible drug. It’s one of the most destructive and addictive substances devised by man in the 20th Century.

Science has shown that people who have used crack cocaine for a long time can have problems thinking, such as memory, attention, problem solving, and use of words. They can also have problems with hand-eye coordination. They suffer long term paranoia. They have been found to hallucinate and can easily be manipulated and influenced. During Broussard’s testimony, you witnessed it for yourselves. He had major problems with thinking, memory, use of words, and problem solving. You saw that!

Well, if that’s the cards the prosecution has been dealt with in this case. We have to look for facts that collaborate that Broussard killed Chauncey as he confessed that he did. Now, let’s use that common sense. It is established that he was suffering under the influence of drugs when he said that he shot Chauncey three times at close range with a sawed-off shotgun.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are 11 years into the 21st century. The OPD is a 21st century police department with the latest technology available to solve crimes. That’s what they do- solve crimes. How do you collaborate a crack addict’s statement that he killed someone with a shotgun especially in a high profile assassination of national and international interest such as this? Well, you conduct a gun powder residue test on the subject’s hands, face, clothing and shoes. It’s called a paraffin test.

It’s real simple stuff. That makes sense, 21st century crime solving technology common sense. That’s physical evidence that just don’t lie. In this case, would you be surprised if there is no such physical evidence to collaborate that Broussard ever fired a weapon. Well, there isn’t.

They didn’t test the assailant’s clothing, because it wasn’t recovered. The OPD wasn’t particularly interested in recovering Broussard’s blood  and tissue scattered clothing. Because, the defense contents that it didn’t exist. It didn’t exist because Broussard wasn’t the triggerman.

They didn’t test Broussard’s hands, face or shoes for gun powder residue. Because, the defense contents there wasn’t any gun powder residue on him. It didn’t exist because Broussard wasn’t the triggerman.

There is no physical evidence that Broussard ever fired a shotgun. Then there is the Mossberg shotgun. Broussard’s fingerprints weren’t found on that weapon. That’s important physical evidence. The OPD said that they found a shotgun shell case on our client’s carpet matching the ballistics’ report at the crime scene. Well, there are no finger prints found on either the weapon or shell case that conclusively tie those pieces of evidence to our clients or the confessed killer. That’s odd.

Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s look at the crime scene. This picture was taken not too long after the murder. Chauncey Bailey’s body is underneath the plastic coverings. Notice how the officers are walking through the crime scene.

How, look at the standing position of the male black officer with notepad. 

Now, look at a Bailey crime diagram exhibit. Pay close attention to No. 3 where the assailant’s spent shotgun shell casting was recovered. Now, look at where the black officer is standing again. He is standing on top of the crime scene No. 3.

Let’s recall what Broussard confessed to. He said that he wanted to make sure Chauncey was dead so he returned and shot Bailey in the chest. On the crime scene diagram, spent shell castings No. 1 and No. 2 is consistent with an assailant approaching Chauncey from 14th street to the sidewalk to confront Chauncey. No 3 spent shell is consistent with an assailant’s approach out of the parking lot in front of the post office on 13th Street. Physical evidence doesn’t lie.

Why is that extremely significant for a second assailant? Recall what the witness said from McDonald’s that Chauncey exited McDonald’s headed up 14th Street carrying his briefcase. How let’s revisit Broussard’s statement, “He swung at me. He had a briefcase.” “I shot him.”

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, where’s the briefcase? It’s not on the crime scene diagram. It wasn’t recovered from the crime scene. The defense contends that an assailant consistent with moving from within the parking lot from 13th Street delivered Chauncey’s head shot and removed the briefcase.

It shows that Broussard had been implanted with the Chauncey Bailey murder storyline that included details about the briefcase. Whoever killed Chauncey either forgot to leave an empty briefcase at the scene or didn’t have a window of opportunity to empty it prior to escaping. It is clear. A window closed to rifle Chauncey’s briefcase and plant it. The killers ran with the briefcase and the person(s) charged with implanting the patsies with details of the murder missed that little small detail about the briefcase. So, the details about Chauncey’s briefcase disappeared from news accounts and this case.  But, Broussard didn’t forget that small but important detail given to him and repeated it over and over again.  

Now let’s revisit the police raid on YBMB on August 3, 2007 when Broussard and our clients were arrested. The multi-task force police raid had been scheduled for August 1, but OPD postponed the date. Why, it didn’t fit the window of opportunity to setup YBMB as the patsies for Chauncey Bailey’s murder. 

Now, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, let’s recall what Sgt. Longmire’s attorney, John Scott, slipped and said, Now, no one is suggesting or implying the department [OPD] intended to kill Chauncey Bailey!”

It’s crystal clear now. Isn’t it. If the police raid took place on August 1, the window closed to use Broussard and our clients as pasties for murder. Someone or some entity very powerful wanted Chauncey Bailey dead. Whether that someone or entity was in the OPD I can’t say, but someone in the OPD was complicit in extending that window of opportunity to kill Chauncey and have gift wrapped pasties. That someone or entity wanted what was in Chauncey’s briefcase. You see the real killers have the briefcase, the ski mask and bloody clothing.

The real killers pulled off that brazen morning rush hour assassination of a popular and well liked journalist and escaped in a big white unregistered van without license plates because the OPD allowed them a window and opportunity to escape with an arranged set of literally defenseless poor pasties.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, neither Broussard nor my clients have that type of power, cunning or opportunity to pull off a brazen assassination in broad daylight on a busy street; and under 24-hr police surveillance. They didn’t have the power to make Chauncey’s Briefcase disappear from the physical evidence of this case. Find Chauncey’s briefcase and you’ll find the real killers. 


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I beg you to consider what the U.S. Supreme Court had to say about “Confessions.”

No other class of evidence is so profoundly prejudicial… triers of fact accord confessions such heavy weight in their determinations that the introduction of a confession makes the other aspects of a trial in court superfluous, and the real trial, for all practical purposes, occurs when the confession is obtained.

Colorado vs. Connelly-  United States Supreme Court 49 U.S. 157, 182 (1986)

I ask you to give Broussard’s “Crack Head{ Confession without any substantial collaborating PHYSICAL EVIDENCE  its proper value and weight to convict my clients of murder. That is, very little or no weight or probative value in this case.  Acquit my clients of the murder of Chauncey Bailey.

[5]Id. At footnote 1








[38]Id. At footnote 22


[44] Coleman, John, Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300,America West Publishers (1992) pgs. 31, 50

[54]Id. At footnote 23

[59] People v. Remiro (1979) 89 Cal App 3rd 809 [153 Cal.Rptr. 89]


17 02 2010

BART Gestapo- Hard on Inferior Class of Beings, Bitch Assed N'rs, Useless Eaters & Liberals

-Matrix- something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization as Nazism (National Socialism) is the matrix for an apartheid U.S police state.- Princeray- 


Since the racial extermination of Oscar Grant on January 1, 2009 by BART Gestapo and Officer Tony Pirone’s explosive racist battle cry heard around the World against Oakland’s people of color, “Bitch Assed N’ers” and other racially explosive offenses against society, instead of developing humane policies and guarantees, BART has decided to be aggressive, play low-down dirty and lynch even Good Ole Boy Attorney John Burris. It has decided to strike first against the people as psychological warfare tactics.

After BART issued a recent public statement disclosing a $1.5 million settlement for Grant’s 5-year-old daughter, Tatiana, Dale Allen, BART’s attorney, took the initiative against John Burris’ clients, Grant’s five friends, who were brutalized and terrorized by BART Gestapo the night Grant was murdered. He offensively boasted that he would vigorously defend BART against a civil rights lawsuit by Grant’s friends because four of the five men had admitted in depositions that they had “significant police contacts” and were trying to evade police officers during the incident. [1][2] Dale Allen’s law firm is appropriately entitled “Low, Ball & Lynch”.

Allen alleged that the men acted “aggressively” toward officers, were “interfering in a police investigation,” tried to evade police and “created a stressful environment” that led to Grant’s death. [3]

Allen said the men also said in their depositions that Grant was involved in a fight with another passenger on a train before it stopped at the Fruitvale BART station.[4]

In addition to chest beating, Allen also exposed some very explosive news that may have a bearing on Mehserle’s upcoming murder trial. Allen bragged that Grant’s five friends corroborated statements in depositions by other witnesses that Mehserle was “shocked, dazed and stunned” after the shooting, backing up Mehserle’s defense that the shooting was an accident.[5] 

Due to Allen’s public news leak seriously attacking his clients’ creditability and standing in the community in violation of some type of covert confidentiality agreement with BART, Burris said at a February 5, 2010 news conference that BART’s boastings may crater the settlement with Tatiana.  However, Allen blasted back that Burris had entered a stipulation of dismissal accepting the settlement on behalf of Grant’s daughter “and we fully intend to enforce the terms of the settlement if he attempts to withdraw.” [6] 


Well, this is all very interesting. Wasn’t John Burris the legal representative for Grant’s five friends, Nigel Bryson, 19, his brother, Jackie Bryson, 21, Michael Greer, 22, Carlos Reyes, 21, and Fernando “June” Anicete, 20? On October 13, 2009, Burris filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against BART for the five young brothers. [7]

It would seem to reason that Burris was at the Low Ball & Lynch depositions of the five brothers. Did he deliberately standby under a shroud of confidentiality and allow the BART Gestapo to coerce and further terrorize the five young men to make paradoxical statements to set the stage to undermine Mehserle’s upcoming first degree murder trial? 

During the solo press conference Burris called in response to BART’s public posturing in the Oscar Grant affair, Burris exposed publicly for the first time that he had voluntarily entered into some type of secret collective CIA/James Bond type “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” protective gag order with Oakland’s Secret Matrix that even his clients didn’t know about.

I suppose that Burris would be upset with BART for dissing him, particularly, in lieu of what have I done for you lately. Burris said that he had been a good House Negro keeping the secrets and protecting the Oakland Secret Matrix. Burris’ press conference was more like Malcolm’s reference to House Negroes’ cry about the master’s house fire, “our house is on fire.”  It seems that Burris was more concerned about being dissed by occupants of the house (legal system) than the injustices and crimes perpetrated against the community. During the press conference, Burris kept referring to Oscar Grant’s friends as “Boys.” What was that all about? Coded? 

In Johnny Come Lately & the Alameda County Mafia, I was puzzled why Burris directed a letter to BART Police Chief Gary Gee to look into and investigate the existence of an “unprofessional relationship” between BART Officers Tony Pirone and Johannes Mehserle that had been confidentially offered to him from some source. By the revelations in his press conference, I am quite now certain why. 

To be foretold is to be forewarned. I maintained that that information was important and involved public safety whether or not these officers were secretly acting in concert as neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Minutemen, Birchers or the like.[8] Note the names of other officers involved in the officer involved mayhem and murder that night, Marysol Domenici, Jon Woffinden, and Emery Knudtson. [9] It sounds like members of the “Axis Forces” of World War II, the Gestapo. 

What about 37-year old Michael Joseph Gibson? On Saturday, November 21, 2009, BART Gestapo caught the world’s eye again on video senselessly brutalizing a non resisting bipolar schizophrenic Gibson by hurling him into a glass plate window. Gibson’s only crime had been annoying BART patrons with a public exhibition of his mental suffering.

The Michael Joseph Gibson Affair could not have come at a worst time for BART’s PR campaign and national reputation, which was in the middle of an international spotlight involving the videotaped cold blood and senseless execution of Grant with his hands behind his back by BART Gestapo.

In the Gibson affair, BART decided to strike first as a psychological warfare PR tactic. They called a rare Sunday press conference to get ahead of the story to control once the video was exposed to the World. BART refused to identify the officer.  

By Monday, “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” good ole House Negro John Burris was on the case representing Gibson guarding and covering-up Matrix secrets; and absolutely nothing has been publicly released further about the Michael Joseph Gibson-BART Affair. Subsequently, the D.A. found no justified grounds to charge Gibson with felonies for resisting arrest and assaulting BART Gestapo. At the time of this posting, the name of the Gestapo officer is still shockingly SECRET!

The Michael Joseph Gibson Affair was obviously important to the public, the Oscar Grant Case and Mehserle’s upcoming murder trial as evidence of a custom, pattern and routine habit of senselessly brutalizing people of color. 

It would also have a bearing on civil rights lawsuits under 42 U.S.C.A. §1983 against BART by developing and maintaining policies and customs which exhibited deliberate indifference to the constitutional rights of people of color in Oakland, namely, inadequate/improper investigation of citizen complaints of police misconduct; inadequate/improper recruitment, training of police officers; inadequate disciplining, sanctioning, and shielding of police officers who engage in unlawful conduct; and, inadequate training against a code of silence or” blue code” within the police department.

I maintain that BART is the product of Stanford Research Institute (SRI). SRI is the archetype of the BEAST Nazi War Criminal Obergruppenfuhrer SS Hans Kammler’s Sonderkommando (Special Unit) “think tank.” SS Kammler was secretly disappeared by the OSS out of Germany in May 1945 in Operation Paperclip. [10]  The BART Police Force is a private army of the Sonderkommando, a reflection of the BEAST, the SS and the Gestapo.

Along with Fayedine Coulter, John Grigsby, G. William (Billy) Hunter, Earl Warren, D. Lowell Jensen, Edwin Meese; Thomas Jensen, and DA Thomas Orloff, John Burris is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall and Alameda County D.A’s “Good Ole Boys Club” forever loyal and a silent partner to Oakland’s Murder Inc. Secret Matrix; the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, the BEAST, and Lucifer’s servants and its seeds. [11]


[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.

[5] Id.

[6] Id.

[7] Bryson el. al.  v. Gee, US District Court, Case No. 4:2009cv04835(10-13-2010)






3 12 2009


I had been taken by surprise when I discovered that one of the reasons that ex Bay Area Rapid Transit Officer Johannes Mehserle’s murder trial for killing Oscar Grant was justified to be moved out of Oakland was that it had been “Home of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense” (BPPSD).

It is ironic that after the Military-Industry-Congressional Complex committed so much money, resources, brain matter and technology, the BPPSD and its formation still strikes fear in their hearts. As a Manchild, I had no idea that a small band of struggling brothers and sisters from Oakland would win the hearts and minds of the people of the World. The BPPSD was the product of the ingenious and revolutionary courage and spirit of Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton.

The organization that they formed in October 1966 was incredibly ingenious in that it provided a platform and vehicle for some of most misplaced, disenfranchised and marginalized members of the community that Bobby often defined as “The Lumpen” to make a direct revolutionary constructive contribution to the struggle for freedom and justice in this country. 

The feared BPPSD was the victim of the some of the most secret coordinated vicious, costly and illegal domestic Human Rights Violations in the history of the United States. The road to destroy and neutralize the Black Lumpen of the BPPSD and its Shining Prince ran right through Oakland.


On one night in Oakland, the Black Lumpen would gather to make a revolutionary contribution to an international movement to free the Minister of Defense, Huey P. Newton.      

It was between November 13 and December 1967, Bobby Seale, Chairman of the BPPSD, called a meeting at a small church at 32nd and Grove in Oakland. It was just after Huey had been indicted for the October 29, 1967 homicide of Oakland Police Officer John Frey, and the wounding of Officer Hearne during an alleged random traffic patrol stop in West Oakland.  

Before the meeting, an extremely humble appearing man with a weak handshake was circulating around introducing himself as the new BPPSD Minister of Information. A brother turned to me and asked, “Who was that?” I didn’t know at the time. It was Eldridge Cleaver. 

There was something magical and spiritual about the meeting. The charismatic and fiery spirit of the gathering burned the air with exhilaration and anticipation.  My young heart was beating fast as we assembled to order. My mind was racing full speed ahead as I seemed to have been in the mist of giants. I was filed with anxiety and excitement. This was a gathering of about 100 of the most charismatic and bad-assed brothers and sisters on the face of the planet, The Black Lumpen. One of the brothers exhuming with spirituality, magic and charisma was ALprentice Bunchy Carter out of Los Angeles. Among Bunchy’s contingent from L.A. was an impressive Herculean figure that stood out among the crowd, Baby-D. Baby-D was one of biggest and most muscular men that I had ever seen. He was a lumpen gladiator.

Brother Malcolm, a poet from Soul Students Advisory Council at Merritt Jr. College, took the center stage. He was a sharp contrast to the room full of battle-worthy hard-core soldiers in black leather coats, berets and revolutionary African attire.

Malcolm was tall and thin as a rail with a bushy black mustache and eyebrows. He wore round metal rimmed glasses. He was dressed in perfectly ceased wool slacks with a dark brown tweed sports coat with a sweater and shirt underneath with a wool scarf warped around his neck. He had on penny loafers with a pair pennies in the slots. 

He read a poem dedicated to Huey accompanied by flute player. His poem trumpeted Huey as: “Warrior” “Bold Warrior” “Black warrior.” It was well suited for the atmosphere. Brother Malcolm was well received by the brothers and sisters. I was impressed with his poem, and how with his words he was able to quiet our spirits and compliment the tone of the meeting.  

If I recall correctly, it was the brothers and sisters of the San Francisco Black Arts West Theatre that preformed an inspiring and powerful short skit dramatizing the October 28, 1967 incident with Huey, Gene McKinney, OPD Officers Frey and Hearne. After seeing the skit, we could visualize Gene and Huey’s revolutionary acts that night. I learned the power of the art of revolutionary drama.


Bobby introduced Alprentice Bunchy Carter, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Southern California Chapter of the BPPSD. Bunchy’s reputation had preceded him. The buzz among the crowd had mostly been about Bunchy, the former gang leader of the 5,000 strong Slausons, a Lumpen Army.

On that night, Bunchy, the Mayor of Black Los Angeles, was “The Prince of the Lumpen.” Huey had realized the great potential and magnitude of Bunchy as a panther leader and named him as one of his chief deputies. Bunchy’s spirituality and persona was powerfully high upon the night and burned the air. He seemed to glow in the mellow and gentle lights of the room. He seemed magnificent in coolness, character and pose as he stood and delivered a powerful message of love for Huey and vision for the vanguard, the BPPSD. 

Bobby was a brilliant organizer, and a dynamic and an extremely articulate personality. He was electrifying and held us spellbound as he talked about the hero, Huey P. Newton. Bobby also undated us on Huey’s condition and his upcoming trial strategy.

He also introduced a potent national “Free Huey” campaign beginning in Oakland on Huey’s birthday on February 17, 1968. He implored us to use our imagination, creativity, arts and will to aspire to people, win their hearts and the minds in a victorious fight to “Free Huey.”  

The brothers and sisters of the Lumpen that met that night was actually a close- knit group. Most of the individuals were known, respected and had a proven character within the community. The Black Community maintained a very viable boundless intelligence grapevine. It wasn’t just happenstance that Bunchy’s reputation would precede him, and he could shine, by consensus, above the ranks. We had so much hope.

The Black Lumpen was for real. It was a nucleus of enormous potential and importance to the movement. Huey’s vision had been if each man in the Black Community with a common cause picked up a gun it constitutes an army. By the very nature of an army, it takes political and economy power over its community.  The Black Lumpen and its Shining Prince and its great potential to the Black Community and the Black Liberation Struggle did not go without notice of the U.S. military-intelligence fascist apparatus. 

A little more than the year after the meeting of the Black Lumpen of BPPSD, the Prince would be dead at the age of 26. Less than 15 days later, most of the Lumpen would be purged from the BPPSD. Who benefited from death of the Prince and Great Purge of the Lumpen from the BPPSD?


On January 17, 1969, John Jerome Huggins, 23 and Alprentice “Bunchy” Carter of the BPPSD, were shot in the back and executed at UCLA’s Campbell Hall by Ron Karenga’s US (United Slaves) Simba paramilitary unit; accessories: George P. and Larry Joseph Stiner, Harold Jones, Donald Hawkins;  the triggerman: Claude “Chuchessa” Hubert.

According to Huey, the Stiner brothers were intelligence gatherers for the FBI, while the triggerman Chuchessa Hubert was an undercover FBI agent, who after the assassinations was transferred into the New York office or Guyana. [1] Hubert has never been charged or pursued for the assassinations.

Bunchy and Huggins’ assassinations were arranged by COINTELPRO. The notorious FBI Los Angeles Special Agent in Charge, Richard W. Held, took credit for the killings.[2]  The assassin and his accessories escaped in a waiting getaway car driven by FBI agent Brandon Clearly. [3] Undoubtedly, the assassinations had been planned 

In the political assassination of Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, CIA and military intelligence operatives and assets were on the ground as accessories, intelligence controls, and observers. [4]  If the FBI had prearranged the assassinations of Bunchy and Huggins as the evidence indisputably indicates, just as in the case of RFK, CIA and military intelligence operatives and assets would have been on the ground as well. 


The National Security Agency (NSA) 

NSA Bloodline: Toni Cook

According to Larry Joseph (Watani) Stiner, just before the execution of Bunchy and Huggins he had been talking to or taking directions from Toni Cook. [5]

Toni Cook was a National Security Agency (NSA) bloodline. Cook was the daughter of a dentist and a linguist with the Top Secret NSA. [6]  In military intelligence circles, the NSA means central, main, clearing house, central intelligence, and security agency. The CIA and NSA are direct English translations of the Reichsichethauptamt, the notorious R.S.H.A of Nazi Germany.

The R.S.H.A or Reichsichethauptamt (Reich Main Security Office or Reich Security Main Office) was an organization subordinate to Reichsfurhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler in his capacity as Chef der Deutschen Polizei (Chief of German Police) and Chief of the SS. The organization’s stated duty was to fight all “enemies of the Reich” inside and outside the borders of Nazi Germany. [7] 

At the time of Bunchy and Huggins executions, Lt. Gen. Marshall Sylvester Carter, former deputy director of the CIA under Allen Dulles, was the director of the NSA. The NSA is the largest of the US intelligence agencies and is top secret; and exempt from domestic spying and of the Freedom of Information Act (FOLA). 

From 1968 to the 70’s, the NSA joined the CIA/MK-ULTRA operations; and the COINTELPRO “racial matters” pacification programs along with Project CHAOS; Nixon’s Huston Plan; and the Public Disorder Intelligence Unit of the CCS (Criminal Conspiracy Section of the Los Angeles Police Department) to attack, expose, and neutralize an enemy list of “black extremists” just like Reichsfurhrer Himmler’s Reichsichethauptamt. Bunchy, the dynamic Deputy Minister of Defense of BPPSD and the Prince of the Lumpen would have been at the top of U.S. military intelligence domestic enemy list for neutralization. 

According to Stiner, Toni Cook and Muminia Azizi of US managed to make their way to a small room at the back of the cafeteria and disappeared behind a closed door after Bunchy and Huggins were executed.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Club Pink Pussycat & Jay Richard Kennedy: Elaine Brown

Elaine Brown, a woman with an absolutely bizarre background and history was there, too. According to Geronimo (Pratt) Ji Jada, Elaine Brown setup and incited the commotion at UCLA that led to the executions of Bunchy and Huggins. Ji Jada had succeeded Bunchy as the Chairman of the Southern California Chapter of the BPPSD. Ji Jada spent 27 years behind bars on murder charges trumped up by FBI SA Richard W. Held, and COINTELPRO.

Ji Jada maintains that she slapped one of the Simba Wachanga brothers (US paramilitary unit) whom she also had sexual relations with to trigger the assault. She ran to Huggins screaming that “She’d” been assaulted. Elaine as the agent provocateur of the UCLA incident is supported by Larry “Watani” Stiner. [8]  

Additionally, Ji Jaga maintains that Elaine Brown was the BPPSD clandestine contact with a super mind-control CIA chief of psychology-war operations, Jay Richard Kennedy. [9]

Jay Richard Kennedy A.K.A Samuel Richard Solomonick was a white wealthy Hollywood author, composer, publisher and record executive. Undercover, Kennedy was an old school espionage agent. Kennedy had apparently been the eyes and ears of American military intelligence during the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War. Back in the United States in 1939, he was rewarded by his services with a U.S. State Department contract to make U.S. propaganda films for Central and South America. [10]

During the civil rights movement, he was again the eyes and ears of American military intelligence, this time for the CIA and FBI. For the FBI, he ran a surveillance and counterintelligence operation called, Solo Project, to fund some covert “Racial Matters” operations related to the surveillance and assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One of his civil rights contacts was James Leonard Farmer of the Congress of Racial Equality (C.O.R.E.). [11]

In 1969, President Richard M. Nixon and his fascist administration appointed Farmer as an Assistant Secretary in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, a CIA/MK ULTRA institution. Farmer met regularly with COINTELPRO’s Associated Director of the FBI and Justice Department Public Information Chief, Cartha D. “Deke” DeLoach. [12]

Kennedy recruited Brown as a “honey-pot” out of Club Pink Pussycat in Hollywood where she worked as a cocktail waitress. A honey-pot is a term used to describe an intelligence agency operative (usually opposite sex but could be same sex) who is used to sexually attract and then ensnare a predetermined targeted individual into an affair in order to gain information, and or to lure the target in a way that he or she could be set-up, framed, arrested or assassinated. [13] 

She claims that Jay R. Kennedy taught her to begin to appreciate myself as a black woman. Jay had taught her how to think of black people. Jay determined where Elaine lived and how she lived. Jay s ideas and rhetoric was hers. Her replies reflect Jay s voice, not her own. Jay Kennedy’s influence followed Elaine to UCLA. She was powerless to do anything to stop anything from going on in a relationship with Jay Richard Kennedy. It sounds like CIA-MK ULTRA mind control.

Ji Jada also insists that Brown had been an UCLA psychiatric subject. [14] Dr. Louis Jolyon West’s UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute was carrying out CIA-MK ULTRA mind control experiments out of UCLA. Dr. West was the CIA’s “Maestro of the Mind Control.”

Fromer U.S. Army Ranger Robert Singleton, 1961 C.O.R.E. Freedom Ride Arrest

A man named Robert Singleton was also there. Singleton was a former Special Forces Army Ranger trained at Fort Benning, Georgia. Fort Benning is home to the army rangers. Army rangers are taught to be silent killers, assassins, snipers, ambushers, and torturers for the New World Order.

Fort Benning is the home to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), which was known as the U.S. Army’s School of the Americas (Assassins). At the School of Assassins, Central and South American trainees were encouraged to torture and mass murder political dissidents just like the Nazis.

Allegedly, Singleton was in an office adjoining Campbell Hall with Dr. Beverlee Bruce, the head of UCLA’s high potential program that Bunchy had been a student of. Both Bunchy and Huggins were shot in the back and then reportedly Hubert repeatedly shot them in the head to make sure that they were dead. Singleton may have been the first at the foot of the bodies of Bunchy and Huggins in Campbell Hall. [15] .

 Dr. Bruce reportedly had been Elaine Brown’s inside contact to the BPPSD. [16] Singleton had a civil rights movement relationship with Jay Richard Kennedy’s CIA contact, James Farmer of C.O.R.E. [17] 

How Elaine Brown with her utterly strange and bizarre background was able to move into the top ranks as deputy minister of the Southern Chapter of the BPPSD has yet to be explained. 



After the Southern Chapter of the BPPSD was neutralized with the FBI frame-up of Geronimo Pratt in 1972, Elaine Brown moved into Oakland, Home of the BPPSD. She became editor the Black Panther newspaper, and Panther candidate for the Oakland City Council in 1973 on the coattail of Bobby Seale running for mayor.  In 1974, she became the chairman of the Oakland BBPSD Headquarters after Huey went into exile to escape (homicide) criminal charges in Oakland.  

In 1977, Brown was a central figure in the election of the Alameda County Mafia Superior Court Judge Lionel Wilson as Oakland’s first Black Mayor. Wilson’s tenure as mayor began the CIA/Iran-Contra Cocaine Crisis Epidemic with his son “Mr. Steve” as the drug kingpin. “Mr. Steve” as he was known in the underworld was directly connected to the New York Spatola-Inzerillo-Gambino Mafia Mob drug distribution ring.

How Elaine Brown with her utterly strange and bizarre background was able to move into the top rank of the BPPSD as its Chairman has yet to be satisfactorily explained by Bobby Seale or anyone else.   


In 1986, the DEA discovered that two hangers in IIopango, Costa Rica, owned by the CIA and NSA, were used by the Lt. Co. Oliver North and CIA contract agent, Felix Rodriguez to fly cocaine into the hangers as part and parcel of the CIA/Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine U.S. domestic operations. [18]

In 1985, during the CIA/Iran-Contra Cocaine Crisis Epidemic in Oakland, Toni Cook, NSA bloodline, moved into Oakland with the Bay Area Black Unified Fund. From 1989 to 1990, she was the senior policy advisor for Oakland Mayor Elihu M. Harris that succeeded Lionel Wilson in office.

The crack epidemic refers to the surge of crack houses and crack cocaine use in major cities in the United States between 1984 and 1990. Fallout from the crack epidemic included a huge surge in addiction, homelessness, murder, theft, robbery, gang warfare, and long-term imprisonment among the Lumpen. The first effects of the epidemic started in the early 1980s, but the DEA officially classifies the time of the epidemic starting in 1984 and ending in 1990, in what can be considered to be the height of the epidemic. [19]

Between 1984 and 1994, the homicide rate among the Lumpen aged 14 to 17 more than doubled, and the homicide rate for black males aged 18 to 24 increased nearly as much. During this period, the black community also experienced an increase in fetal death rates, low birth-weight babies, weapons arrests, and the number of children in foster care. [20]

The epidemic affected all major American cities that had significant chapters of the BPPSD. Among the cities most severely impacted were Philadelphia, New York City, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Chicago, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans, Miami and particularly Oakland, Home of the BPPSD. [21]

In August 1996, the late Gary Webb had begun his explosive San Jose Mercury Newspaper series exposing CIA Crack Cocaine domestic operations dumping tons of crack among the Lumpen in Oakland, San Francisco Bay Area, and Los Angeles.  

On December 1996, Cook was the infamous Oakland Board of Education Director that initiated the Ebonics’ resolution debacle as a diversion to Webb’s volatile CIA/Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine domestic operations public exposure. [22]

On December 10, 2004, Webb was found dead in Sacramento. Webb had planned to continue to publicly expose CIA/NSA operatives involved in illegal crack cocaine trafficking. The coroner found that Webb had committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the head. That’s right; he shot himself TWICE in the head. That dog don’t hunt.[23]  


Bunchy and Huggins assassinations at UCLA mirrors the February 21, 1965 assassination of Malcolm X when pandemonium broke out among the 400 n the Audubon Ballroom at 166th Street and Broadway in New York. After the shootings began in Campbell Hall, a similar pandemonium broke out among the students in Campbell Hall. The stories still differ as to who and whom had executed Bunchy and Huggins.

Claude “Chuchessa” Hubert has not been called to answer if he or someone else executed Bunchy and Huggins, and who and whom directed him to murder them. And who and what government agency, agencies and officials armed, abetted and aided him or them.

Oakland has an ugly history and dark secret regarding the persecution and conspiring to disintegration the BPPSD; and the setup, prosecution, and assassinations of Little Bobby Hutton, Alprentice Bunchy Carter, John Huggins, Huey P. Newton, and hundreds of other brothers and sisters for solely political purposes.

One thing is clear, the military-industrial complex wanted to stuff Bunchy’s revolutionary promise and persona among the Lumpen of the World. It was a political assassination.

The fear and promise of a revolutionary Lumpen arising upon the people was so great that it caused the military-industrial complex to seek a narco-pharmacrological solution. The mass drugging of the Lumpen with psychoactive drugs (crack cocaine) was designed to force them to cope with the inequities and injustices of society in altered states of consciousness instead of organized confrontations with grievances. 

Oakland has an ugly history and dark secret regarding the persecution and conspiring to disintegrate the BPPSD; and the setup, prosecution; assassinating and neutralizing prominent and independent men and women of color like Little Bobby Hutton, Huey P. Newton, Charles Alex Gregory, Dr. Marcus Foster, Dorothy King; and the CIA Crack Cocaine domestic operation that has shaken the very core essence of the Black Community. Oakland has an ugly history and dark secret regarding the persecution and conspiring to disintegrate the BPPSD; and the setup, prosecution, and assassinations of our people has to be to driven to the “Light of Day” with an International Human Rights Opinion Tribunal.    


[2] Id.

[3] Id.






[9] Id.

[10] Garrow, David J. The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr. From “Solo” to Memphis, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London, 1981

[11] Id.



[14] Id. At Footnote 8






[20] Id.

[21] Id.


[23] Id. Footnote 10


26 11 2009




When I graduated from high school, I had been pretty much colonialized. I was a Manchild caught in a dilemma between being a street hustler, thug or a factory worker. My high school experience at a predominately white school had only reaffirmed and reinforced my interiority complex. Being Black, I truly believed that I had no other options.

I wasn’t a hustler. I truly loved my sisters. To me, my sisters were truly beautiful and fascinating. I didn’t have the heart or desire to live a life taking advantage of them.  I loved to read and write poetry rhymes. I was completely satisfied to find a dark counter at the public library with a stack of books and read my life away.

I couldn’t be a thug. I had gained a decent reputation as an accomplished street fighter, but I didn’t have the heart or desire to harm anyone. I was a good athlete too, but I didn’t have the money or resources to pay for a physical or the equipment to play high school sports.

I wasn’t a factory worker. Most of my in-laws made a pretty good living at the Chevrolet Plant in Fremont or other factories. I loved the outdoors. My favorite past time was being in the open air and basting in the sun at a local city park like Lincoln Square Recreation Center in Downtown Oakland. I loved exploring the shores of Jack London Square where I spent vast hours alone walking along the shores of the coastal waters. Growing up to be a self realizing Blackman wasn’t an option.  

After graduating from high school, I didn’t know what to do with my life. My dream was to be a railroad Pullman porter and melt away into a life of invisibility and interiority. I was hopelessly confused.

One day, I followed a couple of sisters that graduated with my class to a local college. They were twins, Brenda and Glenda. My cousin had married Glenda as a high school sweetheart joined the military and left for the Vietnam conflict in Southeast Asia. I had a puppy dog crush on Brenda. I had dreams of marrying Brenda and joining my cousin in Southeast Asia and returning home a decorated war hero. I had no idea what war was other than a stage show on a Hollywood set. I was in a fantasy and extremely naïve.

When I broke through the glass double doors of Merritt Jr. College at 59th and Grove, my life changed. I had never been on a college campus in my life. There were girls of every description everywhere. It was another playground for a Manchild. I decided then that I wanted to be a college student.

I had absolutely no idea how to read a college schedule. I picked my classes regardless of the times, days, units or prerequisites. I picked my classes by looking at the titles, “hum-hum-this sounds good, this looks good, and this sounds good.” I had no idea what a prerequisite was. I had no idea what a class conflict was. One day, a couple of older sisters noticed that filling out a class schedule was beyond my understanding, and sat down with me and showed me how to fill it out properly. A white college counselor had signed my class schedule conflicts and all, like 25 class credit units. He didn’t care. He assumed that I wouldn’t be there long.

At Merritt, Brenda had found another brother as a suitor. I was somewhat broken hearted that I couldn’t join my cousin in matrimony and in Vietnam. My heart and attention then went to a beautiful young lady from Richmond named Johnnie. The word in the grapevine was that she was hard as rocks. She had come up hard, very hard actually fighting grown men off her. The amazing thing was she had been successful. Nobody got close to her. Johnnie was tough as nails, but we had a lot of laughs and good times.

A relationship with Johnnie was difficult if not impossible. She had been claimed by one of the most notorious thugs in Richmond. It was suicide to be caught anyplace near her. I found Johnnie regardless of her background, sweet, gentle, quiet and kind. Our affection was mutual. Our moments together were confined to campus. I wished that I could grow wings and fly her away from her troubles. I was a Manchild full of innocent fantasy and dreams and barely able to take care of himself.

It wasn’t long before Brenda, Glenda, and Johnnie dropped out. I found myself getting high, hanging out on campus and flirting with all sorts of young ladies of all races. The Manchild had found a new playground. I became a campus playboy, a campus clown.

One day, I had spent the day drinking and getting high with the brothers. That evening I was hanging out in the hallway in front of the campus cafeteria cutting it up with a couple of brothers.  One brother was giving me the campus lowdown.

That’s “Michael the Pimp.” Michael was a local fixture. Michael was a light skinned brother with a process hairdo. Michael was always good to stop, talk, laugh and for a conversation. He was a hapless heroin addict that hung around campus. I don’t think anyone took him seriously even the women found him harmless and most irrelevant.

“That’s Marcellus, he is a professional boxer.” Marcellus was a bully and a self centered individual with a head full of greasy Gerri-curls, God’s gift to women. He made a beeline straight to cafeteria to impress the young ladies without looking around.  

“That’s Huey.” Huey was a rather ordinary sized brother with an arm full of books. He was modestly dressed. I noticed that he buttoned his shirt all the way up to the neck. The brother suddenly straightened his back and became alert. He respectfully nodded, and the rest of us got the clue and straightened up real quick and nodded our heads in unison. In passing, Huey acknowledged us and nodded respectfully in return, and entered the cafeteria. “That’s Huey. Don’t mess with him!” 

Huey’s reputation had preceded him. From that day on, when Huey passed me in the hallway it always the same, straighten up and straighten up quick no matter how high you was. Huey didn’t talk much. He talked with his eyes. Huey’s girlfriend was a tall beautiful sister with long black hair named Laverne Williams. She was an opera singer and a serious music major. Huey was prelaw.

One day, Huey and Laverne passed me in the hall. As usual, I was holding up the wall in the hallway high. Laverne looked at me and whispered something to Huey about me. I wanted to blend into the woodwork to avoid his attention. Huey glanced at me for a moment and continued down the hallway. Here it was, one of the most bad-assed brothers on campus and his significant one didn’t like me. I wanted to disappear into the walls.

One evening, I rolled around to the brothers in the hallway in front of the cafeteria. One brother told me, “man, you just missed it. Huey and Marcellus just got in it.” My heart sunk to my stomach, Huey got beat down by a professional middle weigh boxer, I thought. The brother continued in utter amazement, “man, Huey cleaned out Marcellus.”  My mouth dropped wide open. I said to myself, “this Huey P. Newton cat is for real!”

From then on each time Laverne passed me, she continued to whisper something to Huey about me. It made me feel so little, miserable, and a failure not to be able to live up to her and now Huey’s expectations. I wasn’t serious about my education. I was at Merritt to get high, play and clown around with the young ladies. She could see right through me. 

One day she passed me in the hallway with Huey, she said something about me again. Huey talked with his eyes. He never looked at me in a despairingly manner. On his day he sort of nodded and with reassuring look in his eye said, “He will be all right.” I knew that I had to get serious about education, and straighten my life out from then on.

 Laverne didn’t know it, but I had decided that I wanted to be like Huey, manly, quiet, respected, and a serious student. I would ultimately win her respect and friendship. That really meant a lot to me.   


It was 1966. A new awareness was breaking out all over campus, each day there were spontaneous groups of black and white students engaging in vigorous political debates about Civil Rights, and the Vietnam War. One of several Black students that stood out in the debates in regards to having an incredible cyclopedia-like recall of references and historical details was Bobby Seale. I had never seen Black men stand up to debate whites regarding any subject, whether history, psychology, philosophy, it didn’t matter. There didn’t seem to be subject that the brothers weren’t aware of. The heated debates lasted into the evenings, and I tried not to miss a moment.

There was Isaac Moore, Ken Freemen, Leo Bazile, Ernie Allen, and others. They were brilliant and beautiful in debate. Isaac Moore and Ken Freeman became my wise, faithful and patient mentors and teachers. Bobby, Ken and particularly Isaac Moore, took time to school and mentor me through the draft. I wouldn’t have made it without them. I subsequently discovered that Bobby Seale was Huey’s closest confidents. They were a prefect match. Bobby was charismatic, outgoing, boisterous, and an extremely fluent public speaker. Bobby had once been a comedian. Huey was intellectual, modest, and extremely reserved.    

The brothers and sisters on campus began to find a common cause among them, and agreed that there was a need to organize on campus around their causes, issues and needs. Some of brothers reasoned that there were numerous student groups with a common union funded by student fees, but none of them addressed the needs and issues of Black people. Why not organize a student group that would meet on campus around a common cause and union to regularly discuss and address issues important to Black students and people of color. It was Bobby Seale that always constantly emphasized the significance and uniqueness of the “soul” of people of color; soul music and soul food. It carried the day. The brothers and sisters formed Soul Students Advisory Council of the Associated Students of Merritt Jr. College. I believe that Leo Bazile became the first president of the new student union. I was in another world. It was a beautiful educational experience for me. I was like a fly on the wall. I tried not to miss anything.   

One issue was common and pressing to most the brothers and sisters on campus was the unjust Vietnam War, and the draft. Ernie Allen called a press conference on campus, and publicly declared his opposition to the war and became one of the first to refuse to be drafted into a war against his conscious and the Yellow brothers and sisters of Southeast Asia fighting the same enemy that people of color were facing in this country. I was absolutely in wonder of these brilliant, courageous, and worldly brothers. 

Huey and Bobby wanted to take the group further beyond intellectualizing to take concrete and direct actions to help organize the community around issues that affected them. They wanted to expand the scope of the union to address police brutality, but most of the other brothers and sisters didn’t want to go that far. Unfortunately, some of the brothers began to assume that Huey and Bobby were too far out and militant for a campus organization.

Things came to a boil when Huey and Bobby used some of the union’s funds as bail money in regards to arrests that occurred protesting a police shooting in Richmond. It wasn’t that they pilfered the money it was that the brothers and sisters of the union demanded a democratic process before using the council’s money. They demanded the right to vote on it. Huey and Bobby argued that it was a time of the essence emergency and a paramount and revolutionary right existed to use the money to come to the aid of the Black community. It was Huey and Bobby on one side and the intellectuals like my mentors, Moore and Freeman and other brothers and sisters of the council, on the other side.

My heart was for unity with all of them. We needed the intellectuals and revolutionaries united for one cause, the liberation of our people. It was like a dark cloud had formed over my head. I was torn between them. I truly loved all of them, but for pragmatic reasons my soul had to go with Huey and Bobby. I was a young mis-educated and poor Manchild. I felt I had little to contribute to further the movement among the brilliant intellectuals. I had nothing to give the movement to liberate our people, but my love, body and soul.       


Huey and Bobby branched out of the Soul Students Advisory Council and formed an off campus organization, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPPSD) in October of 1966. Huey, Minister of Defense,  and Bobby, the  Chairman, developed the 10 Point Plan as the party’s platform to rally the people around. [1] The intellectual criticism was that the man could meet all the demands of the 10 Point Plan and we still wouldn’t be free. However, I thought it was a brilliant idea. Bobby and Huey targeted population were the ordinary brothers and sisters of the Black Community that Bobby called the “Lumpen.” The party’s platform was straightforward, comprehendible, and easy to universally embrace.

I was a fly on the wall. Huey and Bobby was right. That 10-Point Plan platform drew into the ranks of BPPSD some of the baldest, fiercest street thugs, gang members, and ex-servicemen of color on earth under one cause, the liberation of our people. 

The other criticism was that Bobby Seale was weak. In my world, Bobby was one of the boldest brothers on the planet. I didn’t quite understand that point. A couple of years later, I would have learned exactly what they had meant.  

I was unable to participate in the early activities of party like the police patrols. The internal policy was that brothers had to equip themselves with their own personal guns. During this time, most of the community thugs and serious hustlers had the need for guns. I, the Manchild, never had the need or desire for a gun. For a time, I didn’t have the resources to obtain a gun.

I missed Huey’s infamous February 21, 1967 confrontation with the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) while escorting Betty Shabazz, the late wife of Malcolm X, from San Francisco Airport to the Ramparts office for an interview with Eldridge Cleaver. One of the young brothers of the escort told me that a SFPD contingent confronted Huey and brothers outside the Rampart’s office. One of the officers demanded the surrender of the escort’s weapons. An officer stepped forward as if to take Huey’s shotgun; and all that was heard was “click-click.” Huey locked and loaded a shell in his shotgun. Huey meant business and that just wasn’t going to happen. The SFPD backed down. On that day, I lot of people besides the police found out that Huey P. Newton was for real.

I also missed the infamous May 2, 1967 march on Sacramento that put the Black Panther Party for Self Defense on the international map in infinity. I learned a great deal about my life as a Manchild from Huey. Naturally at first, I didn’t have the courage that Huey and some of the other brothers had. I thought we needed more brothers. I thought that there might be safety in numbers if only for myself.

Once on campus, I was trying to convince a high school associate, Danny Crockett, to join the party. The grapevine was humming that Danny had ended a notorious thug’s, John Singleton, reign of terror with a bullet. It didn’t kill him, but from John’s own mouth it had slowed him down, and changed his life from random acts of senseless violence and hurting others needlessly.

While I was talking to Danny, Huey passed. I called Huey over and told him I was trying to recruit Danny. You couldn’t coach Huey to waste any words. Huey looked at Danny and asked if he had a gun. Danny said, “Yes.” Huey asked Danny if he was willing to protect his family with that gun. Danny said, “Yes.” Huey told Danny, “You’re a Panther,” and walked away.  

Huey was right. We didn’t need a lot of brothers in the party. We needed only the few dedicated brothers and sisters that we had to be examples of un-selfness, undying and supreme love, sacrifice and courage for our people. We will ultimately win the hearts and minds of the people. Huey had been the perfect example. I wasn’t wrong to want to be just like Huey P. Newton. Slowly, the de-colonialization process of my mind and spirit was jellying.  The BPPSD was molding into a fearless and internationally respected Black Liberation Warrior Clan. 

HUEY P. NEWTON & Chinese Thought Reform

On October 28, 1967, at about 4:51 a.m., Oakland Police Officer John Frey allegedly at random spotted an automobile moving along his assigned beat in West Oakland. Frey ran a check on the vehicle, and within a minute it was identified as a “known Black Panther vehicle.” [2] Frey decided to the stop the car at Seventh and Willow Street. Officer Herbert Heanes heard the transmission and joined Frey to provide cover.

After the stop, Frey found the vehicle driven for Newton by a passenger, Gene McKinney. Frey attempted to arrest Newton for two parking ticket violations belonging to the car’s owner, Huey’s significant one, Laverne Williams. During the arrest, there was an altercation. Frey was fatally shot and Heanes was wounded in a brief exchange of gunfire. 

That night, I had accompanied brothers to Hunter’s Point for a memorial celebration of its rebellion of September 28 to October 1, 1966 after the SFPD shooting of an unarmed Black youth. We got the word that Huey had gone down.

He was being held at Highland Hospital in Oakland. The word came down that we were going in. I had lost the fear of a Manchild. I was prepared. Sometime later, word came down that the entire hospital had been surrounded by what seemed to have been an army. It would have been suicide to go in. The brothers called the mission off.

By July 1969, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense had become the primary focus of the FBI’s COINTELPRO and the CIA’s OPERATION CHAOS covert programs, and was ultimately the target of 233 of the total 295 authorized “Black Nationalist” COINTELPRO actions. The October 28, 1967 assault on Huey was part of the government’s secret coordinated counterintelligence operations to neutralize Huey and the BPPSD.

At a meeting of Federal prison administrators in 1962, MIT Dr. Edgar Schein, social psychologist, suggested using Chinese Thought Reform on prisoners as a policy. James V. Bennett, then Chief of the Bureau of Prisons thought it was a good idea. Dr. Schein:

This [thought reform] “model” of behavior and attitude change is a general one which can encompass phenomena as widely separated as brainwashing and rehabilitation in a prison or a mental hospital. I would like to have you think of brainwashing not in terms of politics, ethics and morals, but in terms of deliberate changing of behavior and attitudes by a group of men who have relatively complete control over the environment in which the captive population lives. [These changes can be induced by] isolation, sensory deprivation, segregation of leaders, spying, tricking men into signing written statements which are then shown to others, placing individuals whose will power has been severely weakened into a living situation with others more advanced in thought reform, character invalidation, humiliations, sleeplessness, rewarding subservience, and fear [emphasis added]. [3]

In 1945, James Van Benschoten Bennett , President of the American Prison Association, was in Nazi Germany visiting concentration camps and setting up American Military Government German prisons that at that time was involved in the illusionary “denazification” thought reform.[4] It’s ironic that Bennett’s thought reform program was too drastic for the BEAST, The World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers, but good enough for thousands of Black and Brown inmates who were guilty of struggling for freedom, and mostly economic and drug related crimes.

Dr. Schein was an S factor (Stanford University) fiend. He earned his masters at Stanford, and Ph.D at Harvard University in 1952 in social psychology. Dr. Schein is yet another scientist that migrated to the United States from Nazi-dominated countries to set national policy more consistent with Nazi Germany racial policies than American values of freedom and justice for all. He was born in Switzerland and moved into the United States in 1938, when the German General Staff and Reichsfurhrer SS Heinrich Himmler were moving in Nazi agents, the Fifth Column, into the Americas.

Dr. Schein was a disciple of German Psychologist, Dr. Kurt Lewin, head of the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock was the center of trauma-based-mind control research and engineering human behavior for the military-industrial complexes.

Dr. Schein was also an important CIA/MK ULTRA military intelligence asset that worked with clandestine neutralization teams along with Dr. Fred Williams of the Air Force Psychological Warfare Division, Nazi Doctor Expert, Dr. Robert Jay Lifton, Albert Bideman, and Psi specialist Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe. [5]

Dr. Schein’s Los Angeles and Bay Area military intelligence and CIA/MK ULTRA mind control colleagues were Dr. Louis Jolyon West and Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer. They all had worked on top secret and classified programs involving Korean and Chinese “brainwashing, “mind control” and “thought reform” techniques for the government. [6] 

Dr. Schein suggested that physical, psychological, and chemical techniques could be used on prisoners to deliberately alter behavior and attitude. Schein also proposed isolation, sensory deprivation, to destroy socialization among prisoners as well as to sever the links prisoners had to the outside world. Because humans validate their existence, their personality, through contact with others, isolation has a significant impact on the human psyche. This form of psychological disorientation, the removal of others for validation of self, came to be known as the “Muttnik Principle” (so named by psychologist Nathaniel Braden) and was also called the “Psychology of Invisibility.” [7]

In 1968, Huey P. Newton was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter for the death of Officer Frey, and acquitted of assault on officer Herbert Heanes. After the 1968 conviction, Newton was committed to the California Corrections Department to carry out his sentence. Newton was placed at the San Luis Obispo Men’s Colony on the isolated central coast of California between Oakland and Los Angeles. It was hundreds of miles from Huey’s comrades and supporters in the Bay Area. Under the Dr. Schein’s “Muttnik Principle,” it was an idea location.

During his incarceration at San Luis Obispo Men’s Colony, which was a department of corrections medical facility, he was subjected to experimental behavior modification techniques that the brothers called “Chinese Brainwashing Procedures.” It was Schein’s classified Chinese Though Reform Program.

The word came down that brothers and sisters had to make regular visits to San Luis Obispo to keep Huey’s mind together. At that time, I don’t believe very many brothers and sisters knew exactly what “Chinese Brainwashing Procedures” or ”Chinese Though Reform” really meant; and the state of art of behavior modification and mind control programs; and the government’s active covert involvement. I know I didn’t truly understand what it had meant.

By January 1969, I along with most of the original panthers and the national and internationally respected revolutionary-intellectual controversial rank of brothers like Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and James Forman from SNCC were purged from the BPPSD, and harnessed by “goon squads” and ex-prison zombies with a governmental “License to Kill” us.  

HUEY P. NEWTON & Clockwork Orange

I, among others, eagerly awaited the release of Huey. We expected Huey would be able to sort out the COINTELPRO, OPERATION CHAOS, OPERATION GEMSTONE, HUSTON PLAN and MK-ULTRA penetrations of the BPPSD that had caused the deaths, imprisonment, assassination attempts, and polarization of so many brothers and sisters.  

On May 29, 1970, the California Court of Appeals reversed Newton’s manslaughter conviction. [8]  Shortly after August 5, 1970, Huey P. Newton was released from prison. I was there along with thousands when Huey was freed at the Alameda County Superior Courthouse. The man that I once knew bolted from the courthouse jumped up and onto a top of a car. He snatched off his shirt and flexed his muscles. I knew instantly that it wasn’t the quiet and modest and quiet warrior that I once had idolized.

I wasn’t the only one that noticed. In 1973, Kathleen Cleaver was traveling throughout Europe, after Eldridge Cleaver’s California parole was revoked and escaped. During a cocktail party in Switzerland, a reporter for the magazine ‘The Christian Century’ interviewed her about Newton. [9] She reported told the reporter, “Everyone who knew Huey before he went to prison, knows that he is not the same man any more. No one changes his views so radically as he apparently has after such a short term in prison. In fact, prison life has historically tended to make political prisoners more militant, not less so.”  [10]

Cleaver characterized Newton’s recent about-face in regard to establishment institutions, drug use, drug dealing, pimping and pandering as result of the “Clockwork Orange” treatment to which he was subjected to in prison.

“A Clockwork Orange” refers to a movie in which a young man serving a long prison sentence for violent and sadistic criminal activity was offered an early release in exchange for his consent to undergo experimental behavior modification, aversion therapy. The treatment was so effective that the young man was unable to function to normal human reactions and impulses to sex, violence, and self-protection.

In an interview with the reporter, Newton denied undergoing aversion therapy or behavior modification. However, Newton claimed to have witnessed the effects of shock treatment, and stress therapy during his imprisonment. He said, “They were like vegetables.” [11]  The article also noted that the Urban-Black Center of the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley directed a prison ministry program. Julius Thomas, director, said that he had observed several formerly strong-willed criminals come out of prison “acting like pussycats.” [12] The graduate union is linked to Dr. Schein’s military intelligence protégé, Dr. Margaret Singer.


There is little information exposed about the “stress therapy” at San Luis Obispo Men’s Medical Facility, but “Stress Therapy” is a code word for the CIA in other California prison medical facilities, particularly Vacaville.

Clifford Jefferson (Death Row Jeff) was confined with Donald Defreeze (Cinque) of the Symbionese Liberation Army at Vacaville. In a sworn declaration to Patty Hearst’s first lawyer, Terrence Harahan, he declared, “In the early part of 1971, Defreeze stated to me that the CIA was conducting tests to try out certain drugs…Defreeze stated to me that he gone through the tests and also knew of stress tests that were given to prisoners, in which they were kept in solitary, harassed and annoyed until they would do anything asked of them to get out; then they were given these drugs and would become like robots.” [13]

Columnist Jack Anderson further revealed the CIA’s “Stress Therapy” in the California men’s medical facilities, “CIA files confirm that this spy agency did indeed conduct drug experiments on Vacaville inmates. The experiments were designed to study the effects of stress and drugs on military prisoners of war, to determine the point which they would crack. Vacaville Superintendent T. Lawrence Clanon said that the CIA did not conduct any experiments after 1968. However, Superintendent Clanon acknowledged that Defreeze had volunteered for medical research in July 1970 and it is uncertain just when the agency ended its testing there.” [14]

The CIA Station Chief at Vacaville was Dr. James A. Hamilton, another S Factor (Stanford University) psychiatrist. Dr. Hamilton’s chief consultant at the Vacaville’s stress cohort group (Black Cultural Association) experiment was Dr. Schein’s military intelligence protégé, Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA, the Maestro of Mind Control. 

INHUMANE TREATMENT & California’s Expermental Medical Psychiatric Diagnostic Units (MPDU)

At the time of Huey’s incarceration at San Luis Obispo, Raymond K. Procunier was head of the California Department of Corrections. Procunier was one of Governor Ronald Reagan’s fascist department disciples that turned the California prison system into little Auschwitzes to experiment on Black and Brown inmates by every imaginable scientific experimental method with mind altering bending drugs; psychosurgery and lobotomy; and electroconvulsive treatments to modify and engineer human behavior.

On November 19, 1971, the California Department of Corrections invited a group of psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers and prison officials to meet at the University of California at Davis to discuss prison violence and a possible new psychiatric unit at Vacaville. Dr. Edward Opton, senior research psychologist at the Wright Institute, attended the sessions.

At the meeting, corrections officials were vague about what treatments they had in vision for inmates confined at the new MPDU. The corrections research director was Dr. Lawrence Bennett, who refused to discuss moral or ethical questions in regards to MPDU. The head of MPDU was Dr. Stephen Sheppard.

After the Davis meeting, the press picked up the story that corrections officials were planning to carry out experimental brain surgery on inmates at the new MPDU. When this information was exposed, the corrections officials maintained that that it was considering only electrocauterization (by inserting needles into the brain).  However, inmate support groups obtained a copy of a letter, dated September 8, 1971, from Procunier, to the California Council on Criminal Justice, which would arrange the financing of the project. Procunier’s letter spoke of brain surgery for “aggressive”, destructive” inmates. The proposal was submitted on November 11, 1971, a week before the Davis meeting. Procunier proposal referred to “serious management problem inmates” as one of its main reasons for setting up the MPDU at Vacaville:

“The control and management of these segregated inmates have become a serious problem, as shown by the recent episodes of violence and disturbance in different prisons where Adjustment Centers had been inadequate and the problem remains unsolved. New ways and perceptions are now urgently needed to provide a better approach for handling of these cases.” [15]

Under Reagan and Procunier, the electric shock and aversion therapies that Huey witnessed at San Luis Obispo was common in California prisons. Electrical shock therapy was administered at Vacaville approximately 500 times in 1971; Prolixin was injected 1, 093 times in 1970. Drugs like Prolixin are described by users as “sheer torture” and “becoming a zombie”.

Shock treatment, a form of aversion therapy, is also torture. Bear in mind that one electrical shock therapy session may include up to 40 electrical shock charges per therapy session. Reports out of the California State Hospital for the Criminally Insane at Atascadero repeatedly mentioned that genital electroshock was used on sexual offenders as aversion therapy.  It was reported that inmates were shown movies of explicit sexual content. If they began to display sexual arousal, their genitals were shocked. The program was entitled, “Errorless Extinction of Penile Responses.”[16] 

The late Attorney Faye Stender, and the late prison activist Popeye Jackson and others viewed the MPDU as a laboratory of behavior “torture”, which in practice was designed to be performed primarily upon militant Black and Chicano organizers in prison populations.

Dr. George Bach-y-Rita, an electrocauterization specialist, was one of the research psychiatrist heavily involved in developing the MPDU. Dr. Bach-y-Rita said that the MPDU treatment would involve little more than intensive diagnosis through electroencephalogram and traditional doctor-patient and group therapy discussions; also perhaps training in Alpha-wave meditation.[17]

Dr. Bach-y-Rita was a Harvard trained psychiatrist who was a member of the American Psychiatric Task force on Violence. Dr. Bach-Rita was a Spaniard educated in Mexico. Dr. Bach-y-Rita had been slyly slipped into the department of corrections through the backdoor along with Dr. Frank Ervin to secretly advance CIA-MK ULTRA involved electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) research.  

Dr. Bach-y-Rita and Ervin were part of the medical team of Dr. Vernon Mark, Dr. William Sweet of Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston General Hospital; and the notorious mind controller Spaniard, Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado. These doctors invasively implanted electrodes in the brain (ESB) to experimentally control and engineer behavior for the CIA and the military-industrial complex.  

In 1967, psychiatrist Frank Ervin and neurosurgeon Vernon Mark proposed to prevent (Black) urban riots by brain implants. The movie, The Terminal Man, was based on one of Dr. Mark’s psychosurgery victims. Their theory was that Blacks engaging in civil disobedience were suffering from damaged brain cells.

These doctors were also to be involved in Dr. Louis Jolyon West’s UCLA Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence funded by the Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Bureau of Prisons, and the CIA that was to target children and inmates of color for secret eugenic based hideous and inhuman mind control and behavior modification medical experiments.

Dr. Bach-y-Rita sent a letter to his correction department superiors that exposed the shocking truth that the California Departments of Corrections under Reagan and Procunier were not only involved in psychosurgery, electroshock, Prolixin and Anectine therapy experimental research, but they were involved in torturing inmates with sex hormone injections, brain cauterization, sound-wave control techniques, and lithium carbonate. [18]

Dr. Joseph Tupin was alleged to have used lithium carbonate treatments on Vacaville inmates for years. Dr. Arthur Nugent administered Anectine (terror drug: a sensation “worse than dying”) to prisoners at Vacaville. The MPDU funding proposal read: “There has been, for example, a study in the California Medical Facility to determine the usefulness of lithium carbonate in treating hyperaggressive, acting-out patient. Further follow-up in this area would make a significant contribution.” [19]

They, the group of fascist men, like Reagan, Procunier, Doctors Schein, West, Bach-y-Rita, Delgado, Ervin, Mark, Turbin, Bennett, Sheppard and others had relatively complete control over Huey’s prison’s environment. They could have by electrical shock, aversion, sleep deprivation, etc., so radically in a short term, transform Huey P. Newton, the modest warrior, into flamboyant drug abuse, drug dealing, pimping, murder and pandering. They had the technology, means, opportunity, and COINTELPRO motive.



No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treating or punishment.

In 1948, The United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights was created following World War II. The horrific atrocities committed by Germany through the Nazi’s racial mass murder campaigns caused the world to cry out and demand for justice. The Nazis discredited and made a mockery of notions of absolute state sovereignty which the Hitler state asserted and used to commit mass genocide as a matter of sovereign state right. The Nazis and their allies’ massive inhuman transgressions and crimes against humanity changed the worldview on human rights.  

The Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture goes the farthest of any human rights instrument in directly prohibiting the use of techniques aimed at the disintegration of the personality or reduction of physical or mental capacities, which would include psychotropic drugs and brain-damaging procedures like electroshock and psychosurgery. [20]

Pursuant to Operation Paperclip, 10,000 or more Nazis and SS (Knights of the Black Sun) fiends were brought to the United States to continue their campaign of racial mass murder and genocide, and pass on their hideous and baseless pseudo- racial medical theories and practices. The neophytes, apprentices, and apostles of the BEAST were Dr. Edgar Schein, Dr. Louis J. West, Dr. Jose Delgado, Dr. Bach-y-Rita, Dr. Frank Ervin and Dr. Vernon Mark. All of these doctors had direct and secret access to the American prison-inmate population at their disposal for crimes against humanity hideous pseudo-racial medical experiments.  

Even if Huey being the subject of psychological terror and a secret behavior modification/mind control program is discounted, then one must concede that while at San Luis Obispo, he had witnessed the effects of shock treatment and stress therapy during his imprisonment that turned inmates into “vegetables.” Who were the staff psychiatrists at the prison? Who was doing the shock treatment and CIA stress therapies? Who were torturing the men into vegetative states and for what reason and means?  What happened to these inmates? The behavior modification and mind control operations at San Luis Obispo’s Men Medial Facility has not been disclosed or been open to public scrutiny.

The California Department of Corrections’ torture, cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment and punishment of Huey P. Newton and inmates of color has to be exposed, disclosed and confronted. As with other human rights violations and crimes against humanity committed by a sovereign state, justice dictates prosecuting those responsible for the psychological rape and torture of inmates through the reinterpretation of existing laws and the establishment of peoples’ tribunals, and “truth commissions.”

Oakland has an ugly history and dark secret regarding the persecution of the BPPSD; and the setup, prosecution, transformation and assassination of Huey P. Newton. It has an ugly history and dark secret regarding the clandestine activities of the CIA and the military-intelligence complexes in assassinating and neutralizing prominent and independent men and women of color like Charles Alex Gregory, Dr. Marcus Foster, and Dorothy King that also has be to driven to the “Light of Day.”     

By the way, with Huey P. Newton and Laverne Williams as an inspiration to a Manchild Lost in the Promised Land, I graduated from Merritt Jr. College and two other colleges to earn a doctorate.


[2] People v. Newton (May 1970) 8 CA3d 359; 87 Cal Rptr 394, 367

[3] Schein, Man Against Man: Brainwashing, 8 Corrective Psychiatry & J. Social Therapy 90 (1962).





[8] Supra at Footnote 2

[9] Rogers, Cornish, ‘Clockwork Orange’ in California: Fact or Fancy?, The Christian Century, August 1, 1973

[10] Supra

[11] Supra.

[12] Supra.

[13] Jack Anderson, Strange CIA Tale, Oakland Tribune, October 1978

[14] Supra, footnote 9.

[15] Weiner, Bernard, The Clockwork Cure, The Nation, April 3, 1972, page 433

[16] Supra, page 434-435

[17] Supra, page 435

[18] Id.

[19] Id.

[20] See Organization of American States, Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture, Sept. 12, 1985, O.A.S.T.S. No. 67, 25 I.L.M. 519.

Torture shall also be understood to be the use of methods upon a person intended to obliterate the personality of the victim or to diminish his physical or mental capacities, even if they do not cause physical pain or mental anguish.

The concept of torture shall not include physical or mental pain or suffering that is inherent in or solely the consequence of lawful measures, provided that they do not include the performance of the acts or use of the methods referred to in this article.


19 11 2009

MK ULTRA Zombie Expressions of Elderly Victims of the Peoples Temple


My special thanks to Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter of KPFA as one of the few if any progressive radio programs airing a special program this afternoon on November 18, 2009 on the 31st anniversary of one of the nation’s most horrific mass murders in U.S. History involving some 918 people, 305 children, and 40 infants, predominately African-Americans, mass slaughtered in a remote isolated rainforest of Guyana of South America at a covert concentration camp called Jonestown.

It aired a rocking alternative view of Jonestown that it was a governmental coordinated CIA MK ULTRA racial medical-agricultural experiment. This evening I checked KPFA archives on the internet to hear it again, but Bonnie Faulkner’s explosive expose on Jonestown is the only program missing at the KPFA’s 2:00 p.m. air slot. I image that it shook up a lot of Bay Area liberals and progressives sitting on the fence blind to Fascism, Racism, and Nazism that continuing rot away the moral core of this country. 


 My first unbeknown brush with Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple was in Downtown Oakland at the T&D (Turner & Dahnken being the chain) Theatre at 419 11th Street. I recall it was soon after the mass development demolition of Downtown Oakland had begun in 1965-67 that there was a religious group with a number of black people carrying on daily and night services at the recently closed theatre. As manchilds, a group of young macks as we referred to ourselves were interested in checking out the new girls in town. So, we sat in on some of the services.

The Girl with the Beautiful Natural from

What was puzzling and stuck out about the experience with this group was that we could not separate the girls from a group of small kids that watched and listened to everything we said and the girls’ reactions. We tried to shoo the kids away, but over and over again they just wouldn’t move or leave. One of the girls was an attractive tall light skinned young lady with a natural. All of the younger macks just asked how old she was. It was like the younger kids cried “Ohoo-ohoo, we are going to tell.”  As soon as the kids threatened to tell on them, the girls turned in complete unison with the small kids and ran away. It was so puzzling at the time. It was like something out of a movie. 

Another thing that stuck out about this religious group was that on one of the night services, the pastor claimed that he was going to perform a miracle and resurrect the dead. Being an impressionable manchild as I was, I was very much interested in seeing that incredible phenomenon and planned to attend, but for whatever reasons I missed it.  The man in the Bay Area who claimed to be able to resurrect the dead was none other than the self-proclaimed “Prophet”, Rev. Jim Jones. By 1972, Jim Jones would claimed to have done “over 40” resurrections of the dead. [1]

According to assistant prosecuting attorney of Mendocino County and Peoples Temple attorney, Tim Stoen: 

“Jim has been the means by which more than 40 persons have literally been brought back from the dead this year. When I first came into the church, I was the conventional skeptic about such things. But I must be honest: 

“I have seen Jim revive people stiff as a board, tongues hanging out, eyes set, skin graying, and all vital signs absent. Don’t ask me how it happens. It just does.” 
“Jim will go up to such a person and say something like, ‘I love you’ or ‘I need you’ and immediately the vital signs reappear. He feels such a person can feel love in his subconscious even after dying.”
“Jim is very humble about his gift and does not preach it.” [2]
This very same Tim Stoen of the S-Factor, Stanford University, also sat on the Board of Directors of the Alameda County Legal Aid Society.  As an unsuspecting manchild, what I didn’t appreciate at the time for decades was that the religious group that I happened to unknowingly sit in on at the T&D Theatre was Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temples, a deep cover covert CIA-MK ULTRA experiment; and it was made part and parcel of my life experiences in Oakland, California. 

Following the November 18, 1978 mass murder in Jonestown, U.S. Attorney William Hunter was in charge of investigating and covering up the Peoples Temple ties to the CIA. Hunter had a close personal relationship with Temple attorney Stoen ever since they both worked as assistant district attorneys in San Francisco to cover-up a 1975 election fraud perpetrated by Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. When Hunter was promoted to U.S. Attorney, he offered CIA asset Stoen the position of Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney. When this scandalous conflict of interest was disclosed, Hunter stepped down but appointed one of his employees, Robert Dordero, to prosecute Layton. [3] The unsuspecting Charles Alex Gregory had counted the same William (Billy) Hunter as one of his close personal friends and business confidents.


Tim Stoen along with Deborah Layton-Blakely had been central figures in stashing Peoples Temple assets in the millions in secret bank accounts by establishing two offshore dummy Panamanian corporations: Briget, S.A. and Asociacion Evangelica de las Americas, S.A.  [4]

Deborah Layton is one of the key central figures in the Peoples Temple CIA project. Deborah is the daughter of the southern aristocratic Dr. Laurence Laird Layton of the chemical warfare division of the U.S. Agricultural Department (USDA). Plum Island Animal Disease Center and the chemical warfare division of the USDA was the brainchild of (Operation Paperclip) Dr. Erich Traub straight out of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s secret SS biological warfare laboratory on the island of Insel Riems on the Baltic Sea. [5] Keep that in mind, Jonestown was also an agricultural experimental camp, and Dr. Layton and Layton family were some of its major covert funders.

Deborah Layton’s mother, Annalisa Philips-Layton, was of an elite wealthy aristocratic family of Nazi’s Germany. Lisa’s father Hugo Philips of Hamburg, Germany also reportedly funneled money to Lisa for the Jonestown CIA Medical/Agricultural Experiment.

Lisa Layton’s mother was Anita Lea Heilbut, a daughter of a wealthy Hamburg stockbroker. Under the ruse of escaping from Nazi Germany claiming to be of Jewish descent, Lisa sailed for New York aboard the S.S. Manhattan on May 6, 1938. Her claim to be Jewish was patently false. Sometime in 1931, her sister Eva had entered into Himmler’s SS Lebensborn Program as a pediatric nurse. [6]

The organization Lebensborn is part of the race and settlement central bureau of the SS. It served SS leaders in the selection and adoption of qualified Aryan children as part of its secret plan for a 1000 Year Third Reich of Aryan World Supremacy. In 1935, the Lebensborn as an organization was officially placed under the personal direction of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. Under the iron fist of SS and the Gestapo, the Lebensborn program was stringently confined only to persons of certified Aryan decent and ancestry.

On April 23, 1938, the American consulate in Hamburg issued Eva Philips of the SS a visa to the United States, like her sister, Lisa, Eva was in the service of Himmler’s SS in America. [7] Eva traveled to Texas and blended into an Old South aristocratic family of Houston were President of the Reichsbank, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, one of the most important figures of Nazi Germany, was positioned.

After WWII, Dr. Schacht had been indicted as a Nazi war criminal. According to the Nuremberg Tribunal, Schacht was an active supporter of the Nazi Party before its accession to power on January 30, 1933, and supported the appointment of Hitler to the post of Chancellor. After that date, he played an important role in the vigorous rearmament programme which was adopted, using the facilities of the Reichsbank to the fullest extent in the German rearmament effort. The Reichsbank, in its traditional capacity as financial agent for the German Government, floated long-term Government loans, the proceeds of which were fused for rearmament. He devised a system under which five-year notes, known as M.E.F.O. bills, guaranteed by the Reichsbank and backed, in effect, by nothing more than its position as a bank of issue, were used to obtain large sums for rearmament from the short-term money market. As Minister of Economics and as Plenipotentiary General for War Economy he was active in organizing the German economy for war. He made detailed plans for industrial mobilization and the coordination of the Army with industry in the event of war. He was particularly concerned with shortages of raw materials and started a scheme of stock-piling and a system of exchange control designed to prevent Germany’s weak foreign exchange position from hindering the acquisition abroad of raw materials needed for rearmament. On May 3, 1935, he sent a memorandum to Hitler stating that “the accomplishment of the armament programme with speed and in quantity is the problem of German politics, that everything else therefore should be subordinated to this purpose.” [8]

The Peoples Temple Jonestown camp sadistic doctor was Dr. Hjalmar Schacht’s namesake, Larry Schacht. It was Dr. Schacht, the Nazi Minister of Economics, who coined the phase entering Auschwitz “Arheit Macht Frei,” or “Work Will Make You Free.” [9]


According to John Judge, in the first count of the dead at Jonestown which numbered 408 Dr. Larry Schacht wasn’t there. Allegedly, the second count of the dead amounted to 780. Miraculously, an additional 372 people supposedly appeared dead at Jonestown then it climbed to 913 or 918. After the second count an additional 133 people that escaped the initial slaughters were rounded up out of the rainforest and dragged back to Jonestown and executed. Among the second count, purportedly, Dr. Schacht body appeared, but there is still no independent evidence of his death. Dr. Hjalmar Schacht’s namesake at Jonestown is presumed to have escaped the slaughter with other special team members of the killing squads. On May 10, 1952, Deborah Layton’s grandmother and Dr. Layton’s mother-in-law, Anita Philips died from injuries suffered in a fall from from a window of a New York City apartment house. The police determined that Anita’s death was a suicide when they discovered the following note written in German: “My Friends, know that I, free and proper, am a good American. But I was a gossib and have been estangled in a network of intrigue. I no longer have the strength to free myself from it. Forget me not my beloved children and family. And you, Hugo, forgive me. Live well. All of you loved mankind so well.”  [10]

The network of intrigue that Anita referenced was that she was suspected of being part of SS Reichsfurhrer Himmler’s spy network in New York City. During this time, Dr. Erich Traub was also part of SS Reichsfurhrer Himmler’s spy network in New York. During WW I, Traub was a captain in the German army working as an expert in animal infectious diseases, particularly in horses. His veterinary corps led the germ warfare attacks on horses in the United States and Romania with a bacterium called glanders. He was also a member of the National Socialist Motorists Corps (NSKK) [11] 

The NSKK (German: Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrerkorps) also known as the National Socialist Drivers Corps was paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party that officially existed from  1931-1945. In April of 1930, Adolf Hitler joined the NSKK as one of its first members. In 1945, NSKK was disbanded or went underground.  The group was declared a “condemned organization” at the Nuremberg Trials. This was due to the NSKK’s orgins in Heinrich Heydrick’s SA and its doctrine of Aryan superority required  of its members.

During the 1930’s and preceding WWII, Traub worked at the Rockefeller Institute of Princeton in New Jersey on viruses and bacterium. He was an active member of the Amerika Deutscher Volksbund, a German-American club also known as Camp Sigfried. Camp Sigried was the national headquarters of the American Nazi movement. On weekends, about forty thousand people throughout New York participated in mass Nazi rallies marching in lockstep divisions, carrying swastika flags, burning Jewish U.S. congressmen in effigy, and singing Nazi songs pledging their allegiance to the Third Reich as if they were in Nuremberg Nazi Germany.

Dr. Traub’s detailed debriefing from 1949 under Operation Paperclip of Himmler’s secret SS biological warfare research on Insel Riems, and his activities there and during the war and for the Soviets, laid the groundwork for Fort Detrick’s offshore germ warfare animal disease lab on USAD’s Plum Island. Dr. Traub was a founding father. [13]

From 1957 to 1978, Dr. Laurence Laird Layton worked at the USDA’s Western Regional Science Laboratory in Albany, California just outside of Oakland. CIA consultant Colston Richard Westbrook was also located on the borders of WRSL during the creation and operation of the SLA (Symbionese Liberation Army), and Peoples Temple MK ULTRA project. [14]  At USAD, Dr. Layton secretly along with Dr. Traub continued the racial biological research of Himmler’s secret Biological/Chemical Warfare Program with Jonestown as its secret cohort testing grounds.

It makes absolute sense that Deborah Layton, a descent and bloodline of Himmler’s old SS espionage network, would clandestinely take legal control and ownership of the bulk of the Peoples Temple’s assets for ODESSA which by 1978 may have reach a couple of billions of dollars.  After setting up dummy corporations, Stoen then open accounts with the Swiss Banking Corporation in Panama and the Union Bank of Switzerland and Panama, respectively. White member of the Peoples Temple, Deborah Layton along with Maria Kataris, Terri Buford and Stoen traveled to Panama with several million dollars from social security, foster care, and welfare benefits of its Black members as initial deposits in the new accounts. Stoen also established a Temple branch in the country of Luxembourg that opened bank accounts in London, West Germany, Switzerland, Romania, and Venezuela. The signaturies were not Jim Jones or even Tim Stoen but Deborah, Maria and Terri.  [15]

Months later, Deborah and Terri returned to Panama on another mission. From there they flew to Paris, rented a car and drove to Zurich, Switzerland, where they opened one or more secret accounts in Deborah’s name or, more accurately, in her account number. Tim Stoen and other trusted couriers then traveled to Switzerland to deposit untold millions into Deborah’s secret bank account. [16]

Following the Jonestown mass murder in Jonestown, the known wealth of the Peoples Temple was viciously seized by Jimmy Carter’s Presidential Administration to offset the expense in returning the corpses, hundreds of black bodies, to the U.S and a small and trivial remaining portion was distributed to the surviving families, but only a small portion of the Temple’s estimated fifty million to two billion dollars was ever recovered.  Millions were missing; millions that were hoarded in secret Swiss accounts in Deborah Layton’s name. [17]

Deborah’s other responsibility in the Temple was as political liaison in Terri Buford’s   Peoples Temple Department of Diversions; the group was established to carry out the Peoples Temple most sensitive work in government. Deborah gathered data on politicians who might be coerced or blackmailed into cooperating with the Temple, hence the CIA. She also wrote forged and anonymous letters endorsing candidates, commenting on pending legislation and presumably threatening politicians who opposed Jones’ politics. Her correspondence was so incriminating that Deborah wore surgical gloves to type the letters on special “D” typewriters that had been purchased second-hand and then destroyed after fulfilling their purpose so as not to be traced to the Temple. [18]

The Girl with the Natural: Shanda Michele James Before her Murder in Jonestown Taken from Deborah Layton's book "Seductive Posion"

It was Deborah Layton-Blakely that allegedly befriended a young Black young lady in Jonestown with that beautiful natural, Shanda Michele James-Oliver, at the Oakland T&D Theatre that one of the young brothers first asked her age.. In Seductive Poison, Layton said that she had been turned into some type of sexual enslaved concubine that was left comatose with mind altering drugs in the Jonestown medical barracks until she was murdered. [19] 


Our Fragile Brainwashed Elder, Rose Shelton, Slayed in Jonestown, Photograph taken from

I had been told by Rose Shelton’s younger sister who at time was one of my beloved in-laws, who we belovedly called Nanny, that she was one of Jim Jones’ personal nurses. It was either 1974-75 that I was then married to one of Rose’s grand nieces when she visited us in Los Angeles. Nanny and Rose had traveled in the Peoples Temple bus caravan from the Bay Area. For whatever reasons, she couldn’t talk about the Peoples Temple and Rev. Jim Jones in Rose’s presence. In private, Nanny told us that the buses were crammed with people lying in the isles and even stuffed in the luggage compartments. She told us that Jim Jones and Peoples Temple was trying to pressure her to sign over her home on 44th Street in Oakland off of Telegraph to them. She wanted out while Rose, a very fragile senior elder,  remained one of his most loyal and trusted brainwashed followers and supporters.

I, natively, really didn’t know what to make of Rev. Jim Jones and Peoples Temple. I had recently taken a class in Psychiatry and the Law at Loyola School of Law. I was in interested in race and lobotomies (psychosurgery). As a class, we visited a local mental institution. I was dumbfounded by some type of universal zombie-like blank expressions that I observed in young black mental patients. It was their expressionless and blank eyes that left me bewildered and left an everlasting impression.

During Rose and Nanny’s stay at our house, I went by Ralph’s Grocery Store near Hoover and Vernon in Southeast Los Angeles. At the store, there were a number of people circulating around the store panhandling and operating from a table in the front of the store. It was Peoples Temple members. As I approached the store, one of the sisters approached me and asked for a donation for the temple. When I looked directly in her eyes, I observed uncharacteristic excessive wrinkling of the skin around the eyes as if she has been awake for weeks. In her eyes, I saw that same universal zombie-type blank and unemotional expression that I observed in young black mental patients in the mental institution. It was almost the same expressionless eyes that had left me bewildered and mystified.

I was perplexed. I didn’t know what it meant. My wife and I and kids were invited to the Peoples Temple to join Nanny and Rose. Initiatively, I wasn’t interested. But from what Nanny said about the church, and what I had actually observed in the eyes of one its members I had become concerned or deadly curious about what was going on at the Peoples Temple.

It was on a nice and sunny Saturday in Los Angeles that my wife and I went to the Peoples Temple church. I was amazed as I approached the front of an old majestic church at 1366 South Alvarado Street in the Alvarado Terrace Historical District at Alvarado and Hoover. The Peoples Temple was a former First Church of Christ, Scientist, built in 1912. The church has a grand historic Christian Science towering edifice with a mixed Beaux Arts-Italianate-Spanish Romanesque style.

There was dozens of people bustling about the round stairs leading up to the church. The doors were wide open. It was packed with people. There was standing room only. What I saw standing at the pulpit in the church froze me in my steps. At the pulpit looking down at a predominately black congregation was a white guy with a jet-black hair wearing a black robe. He had on large black sunglasses.     

It wasn’t just that a white guy was preaching to a black congregation that initially froze me. There was something about his demeanor and the expression on his face. The image that I saw wasn’t the humble and compassionate Christian pastor that I traditional had become accustomed to. This was different. He was standing there at the pulpit with what appeared to me a mocking posturing figure with a menacing scowl about his face. What Nanny had said about the church and that sister’s empty and tired wrinkled eyes flashed and raced through my mind. My mind was screaming, “this is not right”, “there is something extremely wrong about this.” I couldn’t move. I just couldn’t cross the threshold of that church. I told my wife that I couldn’t go in under no circumstances. She understood. She had promised her grandmother Nanny that she would be there. She entered the church to be with her.    

Suddenly, my mind flashed back to Oakland. I had encountered Rose and this so-called mystic Rev. Jim Jones before. It was at the Havenscourt Jr. High Auditorium at 66th and East 14th Street sometime in 1970 or 1971. At the time, I was living with my mother and siblings at the 65th Street San Antonio Village. I was surprised one evening when I discovered that my little brothers and sister, middle school students, had been invited to attend some type of religious services at their middle school across the street.

I was alarmed that religious services were taking place on school grounds. I am still not sure how they came to be invited, but they weren’t going without me. I attended the religious services as they had planned. It was Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple circulating on the grounds of the Oakland Unified School District performing religious miracles. I distinctively remembered something odd about Rev. Jones attendant. She was an elderly Black woman with deep dark folds around her eyes. It had been Rose Shelton, my wife’s grant aunt, Rev. Jim Jones’ personal nurse. It was her eyes that evening that had left a burning impression on me. Again, it was those expressionless cold blank eyes buried in a pocket of wrinkling and worn skin. As Jim Jones was performing his phony miracle curing people of cancer by having them pretend to spit out cancer that was fresh chicken livers, I distinctively recalled Rose’s eyes and zombie like appearance as she attended Rev. Jones without the sun shades in his act by hiding and pretending to clutch cancerous matter that had been casted out of the mouth in her white handkerchief hiding the chicken livers.

When I looked directly in Rose’s eyes, it had been the first time that I had observed an uncharacteristic excessive wrinkling of the skin around the eyes as if a person had been awoke for days if not weeks. That was the first time that I had been plagued by some type of universal strange blank and unemotional zombie like demeanor and expressions. The blank expression and emotionless eyes that I observed in young black mental patients in the mental institution in Los Angeles wasn’t the first time it had made an impression on me. It was on that evening in 1970 or 1971 at Havenscourt Jr. High. It had been the zombie eyes of Rose Shelton that first bewildered and mystified me.

At that time, I knew very little about Nazis, mind control or the CIA. During Huey P. Newton’s incarceration at the San Luis Obispo California Men’s Colony, the older brothers as I recalled in specific, Brother DC (Captain Dennis Cox in exile in Paris), told us that it was important to make constant contacts with Huey at the prison because they were torturing him with Chinese-Korean Brainwashing tactics like sleep deprivation. For example he said that they were dropping water just outside his cell 24 hrs. a day until it caused ringing noises in his head. I just didn’t appreciate at the time the wicked ends of Korean torture tactics and sleep deprivation.   

As a manchild, I loved to watch monster and science fiction movies. Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples and what the system was putting Huey through at San Luis Obispo was a science fiction flick being played out in true life right before my eyes and I at that time had no way of knowing or appreciating its true danger.

Shortly after shielding my younger brothers and sister from Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple on the grounds of the OUSD under Superintendent Dr. Marcus A. Foster, two FBI agents (a black and white team) paid a visit to my mother and siblings while I was away to suggest to her that it was best for my health and safely if I got out of Oakland.

Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple was a covert governmental coordinated racial medical-social control and pacification experiment that extensively used sleep deprivation tactics as a means of brainwashing and mind control.

Just before his death in April 1992, Charles Alex Gregory, was drawn inside an organization that from all appearances was an instinctively benign group, SIMBA Inc., from the mindset of Roland Gilbert, a former inmate of Lompoc Federal Penitentiary.  

In prison, Gilbert had gone through some type of MK ULTRA operant conditioning experimental behavior modification program. Charles didn’t understand it but SIMBA Inc. was nothing more than Lompoc’s experimental operant conditioning program covertly repackaged as SIMBA’S “The GHETTO SOLUTION” targeting Black children, particularly males that conditioned them and their adult mentors, one of which was Charles Alex Gregroy, into “altered states of consciousness” — a hypnotic state used in mind control in which the mind becomes highly susceptible to suggestion. Gilbert’s mind control paradigm program for SIMBA Inc. was straight out of the Dr. Gregory Bateson, Abraham Maslow and Aldous Huxley’s Esalen Institute; and it singled out and targeted Charles Alex Gregory’s independence and genius for obstruction. Bateson, Maslow and Huxley were some of the most important clandestine architects of the CIA’s MK ULTRA program.

The medical-military-industrial-congressional complex has clandestinely turned Oakland into some sort of far out and futurist medical scientific pacification laboratory and testing grounds because Oakland had become ground-zero and home to Black Power Nationalism and African-American Independence that Charles Alex Gregory presented;  and Liberation.

Oakland was the home of the feared Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense that was sweeping across the World like a wildfire. Oakland had become home to some of the most progressive educational and political systems in the nation and the World. 

The CIA’s MK ULTRA PROGRAM IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. The trail to Jonestown runs right through OAKLAND.

[2] Id.

[4] Id.

[5] Carroll, Michael C., LAB 257, Harper, NYC (2004) pgs. 7-8


[7] Id.



[10] Id. At footnote 6

[11] Id. At footnote 5, pg. 8

[12] Id.

[13] Id. Page 9

[14] Meier, Michael, Was Jonestown a CIA experiment? a review of the evidence, Mellen House (1988) at page 92

[15] Id. At footnote 3

[16] Id.

[17] Id.

[18] Id.

[19] Layton, Deborah, Seductive Poison, Anchor Books, NY (1999)


THE GREGORY FILE PART II: A Little Touch of Buchenwald; Dr. Isaac Slaughter & Stanford University’s OUSD Death Studies and “THE MONSTER FACTORY”

25 06 2009

charles4-The Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area has one of the largest concentrations of some of the most traitorous and dangerous backstabbing cut throat Black Police, CIA, FBI and military intelligence contractors, informers and agent provocateurs in the country.- 

Charles Alex Gregory was never quite sure what it really meant when one of his associates made an unsettling comment during a private business meeting to implement a pioneering economic and real estate development plan for the revival of West Oakland. His colleague asked the group. “Who is watching Charles?” 



One of Gregory Construction’s last housing development projects was in West Oakland on the 27th hundred block of Adeline Street. He collaborated in a partnership on the housing project with Dr. Isaac Slaughter. Gregory’s vision was to create an on-site intensive entrepreneurial university and transitional home for Black students and young West Oakland families. 

 In 1990, Nelson Mandela visited the site and admired Gregory’s concept. While the young Black entrepreneurial genius was trying to turn West Oakland into an oasis of opportunity for its Black residents, a military-industrial-medical-congressional complex sentinel had been clandestinely posted at his door to undermine his efforts and transform West Oakland into a little Buchenwald.

Buchenwald was the home of some of the worst racist and nontherapeutic medical experiments conducted in Nazi concentration camps.  These experiments were done with the participation of many of Germany’s leading physicians, researchers, universities and chemical companies. Among the tests conducted on inmates were those involving typhus, yellow fever, smallpox, chemical warfare agents and poisoned ammunition. [1]

That sentinel that collected at Gregory’s door was that Dr. Isaac Slaughter, one of the most clandestine and dangerous Negroes in America. The late Dr. Isaac Slaughter was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Clinic (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest nontherapeutic experiment on human beings in medical history, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study. [2]  

West Oakland, A Little Buchenwald

mother“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

Hauptsturmführer SS Joseph Mengele, the Angel of Death

In 1995, a lawsuit exposed Dr. Slaughter and Stanford University’s covert racist nontherapeutic death studies and experiments that were conducted in a predominately Black elementary school of the Oakland Unified School District. Stanford University is a handmaiden for military-industrial-medical-congressional complex. One of the objects of the death study experiment was to induce trauma in minor children by informing them of a loved one’ terminal illness and death, then record and study the post traumatic stress (PTS) reaction.[3]         

In the lawsuit, a 9 year-old Black child was pulled from his class at Cole Elementary School in West Oakland for a one-on-one interview with psychiatric social worker, Janet Florio. She was working through Slaughter’s West Oakland Mental Health Clinic for a Stanford University Death Study. [4]     

To deliberately induce trauma in the child during the interview, Florio told the boy that his mother was dying from cancer. She asked the 9 year old how he felt about it. The boy had no idea that his mother was suffering from cancer, or was gravely ill. The boy was traumatized. He was so traumatized and distressed about what he was told that he refused to go to school or leave his mother’s side fearing that she would die and leave him alone. 

It is also important to keep in mind that traumatized children are particularly subject to multiple personality syndrome and disorders due to traumas associated with parental separation through death or illness. Dr. Ralph Allison made the following important observation; “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life-threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.” [5]

The mother had no idea how Stanford discovered her illness. She had guarded revealing her condition to her child. She denied being involved in the Stanford’s Death Studies, or any knowledge of the study. 

The traumatized child required counseling and services of a mental health professional for PTS at Children’s Hospital in Oakland. The mother then sued OUSD, Janet Florio, Dr. Isaac Slaughter and WOMHC for damages. The case was settled before trial for little of nothing for only the child’s future PTS counseling.   


In October 2006, I requested information and explanation from Kathy McClelland, director of Stanford’s research compliance department in regards to the covert nontherapeutic experiments on defenseless Black children on school grounds without parental permission. McClelland was/is responsible for Stanford’s Human Research Protection Program. [6]  As of this date, McClelland and Stanford University has refused to acknowledge my inquiry or respond. Stanford is a private institution not subject to any public records acts. OUSD has no creditable California Public Records Act compliance office or officer. Under the Bush Administration, my Freedom of Information Acts has been all but ignored.

“If America ever falls to totalitarianism, the dictator will be a behavioral scientist and the chief of police will be armed with lobotomy and psychosurgery”

-Peter Breggin, Psychiatrist-

What were Dr. Slaughter, USPHS and Stanford University really up to? In a Stanford University study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Alliance for Research and Depression and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Dr. Victor Carrion, Associate Professor and Director of the Early Life Stress Research Program at Stanford [7] implicated that early trauma (PTS) such as parental separation through death or illness affects brain development, and that this abnormal brain development leads to abnormal, defiance and antisocial behavior later (biological determinism). [8]

On February 11, 1992, Dr. Frederick Goodwin, then Director of the Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Administration and main NIH psychiatrist announced that the chief public concern in the United States was violence. Dr. Goodwin unveiled an interagency effort to address violence through a governmental “Violence Initiative.”        

Dr. Goodwin is a career psychiatrist, and fascist bureaucrat with the NIH. The Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Administration is an agency under the NIH.  

Violence as a national public concern may be a legitimate governmental issue, but Dr. Goodwin’s focus was racial, and involved highly contested issues of genetic and biological determinism. The violence initiative concerned the genetic basis of the “violence” of inner city youth, particularly Black and Latino adolescences.        

What was shocking and raised eyebrows were Dr. Goodwin’s public introduction to the NIH’s Violence Initiative. He compared the behavior of inner youth to monkeys in the wild. 

“If you look at other primates in nature — male primates in nature — you find that even with our violent society we are doing very well. If you look, for example, at male monkeys, especially in the wild, roughly half of them survive to adulthood. The other half die by violence. That is the natural way of it for males, to knock each other off and, in fact, there are some interesting evolutionary implications of that because the same hyperaggressive monkeys who kill each other are also hypersexual, so they copulate more and therefore they reproduce more to offset the fact that half of them are dying. “Now, one could say that if some of the loss of social structure in this society, and particularly within the high impact inner city areas, has removed some of the civilizing evolutionary things that we have built up and that maybe it isn’t just the careless use of the word when people call certain areas of certain cities jungles, that we may have gone back to what might be more natural, without all of the social controls that we have imposed upon ourselves as a civilization over thousands of years in our own evolution.”

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the bible of modern psychiatry, was an invention of the military/intelligence complex, developed during World War II by Brigadier William Menninger to codify ‘deviant behavior’ that was institutionalized by the APA. [9]

The very bottom line of the Stanford study was to frame “post traumatic stress (PTS)” as violence predictors, and markers for brain abnormality causing deviant and abnormal disorders under the APA’s manual of disorders to justify governmental and multi-million dollar pharmaceutical psychological (drug) intervention to turn more Black children into docile governmental controlled zombies.

In April 2009, Father Landeza , Pastor of the predominately Black St. Columba Catholic Church in Oakland and citizen editorial board, appealed.

 “Ask any flatland Oakland youth if they know someone in jail, or someone who has been shot or killed. Many of these kids either find ways to deny their deep emotional pain or seek remedies — often unhealthy ones — to deaden the sting. Untreated youth PTSD should be viewed as a significant public health crisis within Oakland that cannot be ignored.” [10]

By Landeza’s appeal, California’s fascist Center for Study of Violent Behavior is revisited and may come in through the back door almost (35) thirty-five years after it was unvaryingly rejected as repulsive to civilized society. Psychosurgery or lobotomy was one of 24 (twenty-four) programs outlined in a new $1 million Center for the Study of Violent Behavior proposed by former Governor Ronald Reagan. Each program was described by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Chief of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute.

One of the most controversial projects was called “Violence Predication and Brain Waves”. The principal investigator listed was Dr. John Hanley, an associate professor of psychiatry at UCLA. Dr. West admitted that lobotomies were one means possible to control violent behavior.” There are many recorded cases of violent persons afflicted with temporal lobe epilepsy, showing focal brain wave abnormalities, in whom the pattern of violence was cured by surgical removal of the focus of abnormal brain wave activity,” he wrote. [11]       

Father Landeza’s appeal takes us right back to Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing (Beast of Bucharest), the Oakland/Sacramento/San Francisco Bay Area’s resident SS Officer. [12]

 SS Bolschwing told associates how the Third Reich used drugs in the drinking water in concentration camps such as Buchenwald to keep the prisoners docile, and that the bottom line of pharmaceutical manipulation and intervention was to control the population in the quest for world domination. [13]

Furthermore, the violence center was reportedly the brainchild of Dr. William W. Herrmann. Dr. Herrmann was one of SS Bolschwing’s California understudies in Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet.

Dr. Isaac Slaughter had a direct connection with Dr. Herrmann and Dr. West at the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville, and one of Dr. West’s CIA MK ULTRA contractor colleagues.

chpierceDr. Slaughter had been President of the Association of Black Psychiatrists of America founded by Dr. Chester Pierce, a Professor of Educational Psychiatry at Harvard University. Dr. Pierce had a peculiar and interesting background.

In 1962, Dr. Pierce was an associate of the renowned and notorious CIA mind binder spook psychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West in an infamously fanatical experiment   investigating the psychoactive drug LSD for the CIA.

Dr. West and his colleague at the University of Oklahoma, the same, Dr. Chester Pierce, were looking into the mind blowing effects of the stimulant. They shot 297 milligrams of LSD into the rump an elephant named Tusko with a rifle-powered dart at 8am on August 3. It was enough LSD to make 3000 people experience hours of “marked mental disturbance”. Tusko immediately began to sway, his hindquarters buckled, and it became increasingly difficult for him to maintain himself upright. Five minutes after the injection, he trumpeted, collapsed, fell heavily on to his right side, defecated, and went into status epilepticus.” An hour and 40 minutes later, Tusko was declared dead. [14]

A Humanist, Dr. Pierce was also described as a fanatical New Age and New World Guru. At a 1973 conference on Educating for the New World Order, he instructed:

“Every child in America who enters school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with an allegiance to our institutions, toward the preservation of this form of government that we have. Patriotism, nationalism, and sovereignty, all that proves that children are sick because a truly well individual is one who has rejected all of those things, and is truly the international child of the future.” [15]

Similarly, Dr. Slaughter had a peculiar, scary and extremely veiled counterintelligence background. Since 1960, Dr. Slaughter had been a head staff psychiatrist at the “Little Prison of Horrors,” the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville at the controls of the facility’s electric-shock machine in the Maximum Psychiatric Diagnostic Unit. [16]

At Vacaville, he was also a collaborator of another renowned and notorious CIA’s mind control-binder spook psychiatrist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Sanford University and UC Berkeley. Dr. Hamilton, CIA Technical Services Division (TSD) Station Chief at Vacaville, conducted MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH experiments, “clinical testing of behavioural control materials” on inmates funded by a chain of front organizations, [17] and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). [18]

At Vacaville, Dr. Slaughter was the leading Black elder of one of the CIA’s most notorious illegal domestic counterintelligence mind control operations, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). The BCA produced the infamous counterintelligence agent provocateur domestic terrorist zombie, Donald Defreeze, of the Symbionese Liberation Army. [19]

In December 1969, Donald DeFreeze was sent to Chino for “psychiatric testing.” From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic personality multiplication under the CIA’s MK Ultra-SEARCH mind control program under Dr. Slaughter; and Dr. Hamilton. [20]

Dr. Slaughter’s BCA was allegedly yet another brainchild of Ronald Reagan’s fascist kitchen cabinet pacification expert, Dr.  Herrmann. [21]  Dr. Pierce’s CIA MK ULTRA colleague, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, was Dr. Slaughter’s BCA senior technical consultant. [22]

COLSON-WESTBROOKIn 1970, Dr. William W. Herrmann brought in CIA contractor Colston Westbrook. Westbrook was a black psychological warfare expert whose firm had built interrogation/torture centers for the CIA in Vietnam for CIA’s PHOENIX program. [23]           

Hermann was a counter insurgency expert for Systems Development Corporation. Herrmann worked with Stanford Research Institute (SRI), the RAND Corporation, and the Hoover Center on Violence at Stanford University. Herrmann was a CIA agent that was associated with the Phoenix Assassination Program of the Vietnam War. He was also directly linked with the Iran-Contra affair as an arms dealer, probable for the Merex Company, in the “October Surprise” according to government records and Herrmann’s own testimony. [24]          

The Iran-Contra affair incident that resulted in Herrmann being imprisoned was the sale of 10,000 TOW missiles to Iran. According to sources, Oliver North thought him unreliable so Herrmann ended up in jail where he could be silenced if need be. He was arrested in London on the job in 1985, while moving suitcases of counterfeit US currency. After serving prison time in England from 1986-87, he was sent to a prison in Pennsylvania. [25]          

Dr. Herrmann was yet another head of the Nazi Hydra in America under Strumbannfuhrer SS Otto von Bolschwing.. The UCLA Violence Control Center and BCA were actually the playground of the Herrmann/Bolschwing circle as part of California’s pacification plan consistent with the stated objectives of the Huston Plan, and the Third Reich. Bolschwing’s protégé and a body of the International Nazi Hydra network were Strumbannfuhrer SS Otto Skorzeny and his Merex Company. Merex was at the heart of arms sales to Iran. [26]               

Colston Westbrook was deeply implanted within U.C. Berkeley’s Black Studies Department. Westbrook became Defreeze’s CIA control agent at Vacaville under his new implanted counterintelligence-insurgency revolutionary multiple personality to become Clinique, the leader of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). [27]   The rest is history. 


“Terrorism is a relatively gentle means of keeping the masses in a state of permanent obedience.” [28] 

Dr. Slaughter’s army of zombie assassins was real. The victims were real. During the 1970’s, there were numerous sadistic machete attacks against whites that took place in the Oakland-Berkeley Area that to this date remain unsolved.

According to authorities on October 25, 1970, the first Death Angel murder was committed in Berkeley. The mutilated body of a young white man was found in the backyard of 2412 Sixth Street. He had multiple cuts covering his body. He appeared to have been hacked to death with an axe or machete. Three blocks away at 2410 Ninth Street, there were programmed killers brothers, Ronnie (Al Rashid) and Sebron Flenaugh, Jr. (The Jedi Assassin).

On the evening on June 25, 1988, Sebron, Jr. went on an absolutely bizarre shooting spree at Micropure warehouse in Concord, CA. He killed two people, and wounded 5 others in some type of induced “Jedi Warrior” trance. [29] 

On the evening of November 14, 1971, Ronnie Flenaugh, a member of El Constran, was assassinated at the apartment of the group’s leader, Billy Mapp. The name “El Constran” was first coined by D. Lowell Jensen, Alameda County District Attorney. [30] 

In the onslaught, Mapp’s young daughter was also senselessly and savagely slaughtered that night. An associate Paul Cook gave police the lead to some of the assassins, George Freddie Payne, 31, and David “Chilly Red” Williams, 39. Flenaugh, Mapp, and Cook and the assassins were all connected to activities at a halfway house on 32nd and Telegraph in Oakland.          

Flenaugh under the pseudo name Al Rashid was most likely cut out as a direct link to a number of senseless puzzling machete slashings occurring in Oakland and Berkeley by the “Cult of the Death Angels.”

On October 16, 1972, Mapp and Flenaugh’s co-pseudo religionist of El Constran, Paul Cook, a parolee and prison reform activist was brutally assassinated on 32nd Street in front of Alternative House. Cook’s assailant was UC Berkeley grad and Black operative, Maalik El Maalik. Maalik was a Bay Area prison reformer that the New World Liberation Front had subsequently issued a death warrant for CIA/FBI collaboration. [31]

Cook and Maalik were running Alternative House. The halfway house was home to recently released Black and Brown prison parolees experimentally minded controlled and bended by the medical-military-industrial complex for special projects like assassinations. For an ex-convict halfway house, Alternative house was full of guns, knives and weapons. Direct sponsors of the house had been the Oakland Police Department and the notorious Raymond Procunier, Director of the California Department of Corrections. [32]         

Seemingly, Cook had become problematic after Flenaugh’s murder. Cook had authored a manuscript entitled “The Monster Factory” to expose the abuses of the prison industrial complex and his complexity at Alternative House in managing virtually created zombie “monsters” coming out of the prisons. Just before being shot to death at the halfway house, he had been attacked and repeatedly stabbed in the chest with a screwdriver by an Alternative House ex-con. In some way, Cook survived that attack to kill him. The ex con alleged that Cook had threatened him with a shotgun at the house. [33]         

Cook and Maalik appeared to be at the heart of managing the group of pseudo Black Muslim” El Constran, Cult of Death Angels.” They wore distinctive black turbans and long black capes. Cook also always wore a vest of chains that symbolically connected him with prison. Cook had recently been paroled from San Quentin where he claimed to have been a friend of George Jackson. 

Cook had planned to walk away from Alternative House. Within days of his murder, Cook had planned to release for publication the first of his exposes about the “Monster Factory” in the infamous alterative newspaper, The Berkeley Bard.           

On that faithful day, Cook had returned to Alternative House to retrieve some of his personal property. Fearing another attempt on his life for reprisals for leaving Alternative House and threatening to publicly expose it, Cook’s immediate family escorted him to the house. Nevertheless, Maalik shot him in the back, and once on the ground blew his brains out at close range. Paul and his family had been unarmed.        

Maalik was later acquitted of murder by self defense when the defense painted Paul as a crazed violence prone ex convict. Alex Haley of Roots fame was one of Maalik’s many well connected character witnesses. [34]   

The Dr. Frankenstein in charge of the Alternative House zombies was Dr. Isaac Slaughter, working out of the WOMHC. Cook, Flenaugh, and Mapp of El Constran and assassins of Flenaugh were Dr. Slaughter and Dr. Hamilton’s CIA mind controlled zombie monsters out of San Quentin, Folsom and the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville. Maalik El Maalik was further connected to Dr. Slaughter and Dr. Hamilton through California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville’s New Careers (Behavior Modification) Program. [35]

There is yet another twist to Alternative House. In 1976, Al and Jeanie Mills, former members of the Peoples Temple acquired ownership interest in Alternative House. The Mills were notorious John Birchers [36] and the public relations specialists for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.

In 1979, CIA remote viewer Russell Targ of Stanford Research Institute (SRI) [37] was the Director of Counseling at the Human Freedom Center (HFC), which was founded by the same former Peoples Temple members, Jeannie and Al Mills.  It was the Center which involved Congressman Leo Ryan in his investigation into Jonestown, [38] and set him up for assassination in Guyana in 1978.

About two weeks after Targ left HFC to return to SRI, the Mills were bounded and gagged and executed in Berkeley in 1981. The Mills were planning to write a book on Jonestown.[39]  There is very definite connection between the CIA and SRI. [40]

Just prior to his death, Charles reportedly commented on his dilemma to family. He suggested that he had somehow been deliberately misled by the people around him; he said that by the time he finally looked up and realized what was happening to him, he had already been encircled. With friends like Dr. Isaac Slaughter, who needs enemies?

Needless to say, Gregory’s entrepreneurial university and transitional home for Black students and young West Oakland families that Nelson Mandela admired and coined a South African name for didn’t develop, nor the badly needed shopping center at the site of Clawson Elementary School, or the transformation of the Acorn Project into tenant owned affordable condos.

-Dead Men Tell No Tales-

Some of the people traitorously watching Charles are obvious. Within three years of Gregory’s death, Dr. Isaac Slaughter suddenly died in 1995.

Why would anyone want to kill Charles Alex Gregory and his innocent family? Who benefited from his death?-




[3] Florio v. Dr. Isaac Slaughter & West Oakland Health Center, C-753590, Oakland-Alameda County Superior Court  

[4] Id.

[5] Ralph Allison,  M.D., Abstract, MPD and DID are Two Different Post-Traumatic Disorders, 1995





[9] Chapter 30, Lies My Psychology Professors Taught Me,


[11] Brain Surgery Questioned in Violence Study, S.F. Chronicle, April 1, 1973





[16] Personal interview with former inmate of Vacaville.






[22] Id.

[23] Id.





[28] Hartman, Militaerische Notwendigkeit and Humanitaet [Human and Military Necessity], Deutsche Rundschau, 1877-1878, XIII-XIV, cited in German Psychological Warfare; Survey and Biblography (New York, Committeee for National Morale, 1941, on deposit in the Maslow Library of the Wright Institute).; Opton, Edward M. Jr., Psychiatric Violence Against Prisoners: When Therapy is Punishment, 45 Miss. L.J., 1974, pgs. 605-644

[29] , Webster, et. al, vs. Flenaugh, et al. (1988) Case No. 641939

[30] People v. Payne (Alameda County) Case No. 055938


[32] See Mackey v. Procunier, 477 F.2d 877 (9th Cir. 1973)

[33] See People v. Maalik El Maalik, Alameda County Courthouse

[34] Id.

[35] Id.






PART I The Man that Nobody Knows in Oakland: Charles Alex Gregory, Black Facilitators & the Hong Kong Triads

20 06 2009


Charles Gregory’s plane went down just like JFK Jr’s plane went down, straight down, killing him, his wife, his seeds just like JFK, Jr! 

Charles Alex Gregory had been an exceedingly brilliant young Black entrepreneur and visionary, A Golden Boy and Jewel of Oakland. He was a naturally born genius, father, gifted musician, lawyer, physicist, financier, philanthropic builder and real estate developer.

In 1972, Gregory graduated from Tuskegee Institute in Alabama with a B.S. in Physics. Before entering law school at Boalt Hall at U.C. Berkeley, Gregory worked in high nuclear physics at the National Accelerator Laboratory in Botavia, Illinois.

After graduating from Boalt Hall in 1975, the multi-genius Gregory developed an interest in urban development and became a successful Oakland housing financier developer and urban planner. Charles wasn’t born into wealth and privilege like JFK, Jr. By his wit, Charles amassed millions worth of properties and assets brick by brick to pioneer in building affordable low income housing developments, shopping centers, educational and business opportunities for Oakland’s poor and disenfranchised.    

Charles was a pioneer in inter-space housing development and federal housing tax credit program financing. Inter-space development involves taking available existing city vacant parcels and lots and building new affordable and low income single and multi-family units on the parcels. The federal housing tax credit program is a means of directing private capital toward the creation of affordable housing. In fact, Gregory had an exclusive development agreement with the City of Oakland to develop at least (10) ten city lots into low-income single family or multi-family units. On the Monday subsequent to his death, Charles had an appointment with the city to sign the formal agreement officially turning over the parcels for development.         

Charles was also leading a campaign to convert the municipally owned West Oakland Acorn Housing/Apartment Project into low-income condos to benefit its Black residents. Charles was also pursuing turning the Clawson Elementary School corridor on the border of Emeryville into a West Oakland shopping center.


In April 1992, Gregory’s plane went down just like John F. Kennedy Jr’s plane went down, straight down, killing him and his young family. Before Gregory’s body was cold, a team of professionals had entered his home and business to remove files, documents, data and compromised his entire computer system by removing the hard drives. They placed his handwritten will in the top drawer of his desk.

After a National Transportation Safety Board investigation, it concluded that the crash was result of pilot error, “flying by the seat of his pants.” Just as in the case of JFK, Jr., the L.A. Times reported “The accident that killed Kennedy was caused by an inexperienced pilot  … the NTSB concluded in its final report” [1]

NTSB’s conclusion was far from the truth. Both JFK, Jr. and Gregory were “cautious and methodical” and experienced pilots. [2]  Gregory had been a holder of a private pilot’s certificate since 1972. At Tuskegee, Gregory flew with the infamous and legendary Tuskegee Airmen of World War II fame. Just as in the case of JFK, Jr., the planes with autopilots are capable of flying itself to within 100 feet of an airport. [3]

What Happened To America’s Golden Boys? WHO BENEFITED? That is a question that should be asked following a political assassination, or even when foul play is suspected.

But why would anyone want to kill John Kennedy Jr.? He was planning to run for National office according to Newsweek and People. He told friends he would have run for Senate in New York, but let Hillary Clinton run instead.

On August 1, 1999, JFK, Jr. had planned to announce, that like his father, he was going to run for President in 2000. His relatives, however, warned him that the U.S. Secret Service would not and could not protect him and they did not protect his father. A JFK, Jr. presidency campaign would have interfered with the plans of Senator Al Gore as well as George W. Bush, and the Dragon Lady Hillary Clinton.

Senate or the presidency, JFK, Jr. would have won. He was the one of the most popular men in America. From most accounts, despite his wealth and privilege, JFK, Jr was a truly down to earth just individual like Robert F. Kennedy. He acknowledged a conspiracy in his father’s death. He published an article by Oliver Stone, in his magazine, George, about assassinations, conspiracies, and lying history books. Who would want to kill him? The people who killed his father had to kill him. JFK, Jr. was going to go after them.

The City of Oakland has a deadly dark side that Charles didn’t seem to realize until it was too late. Oakland has a secret evil anti-man “doppelganger.” [4] When Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike visited Oakland in 1883, [5] he came to plant a seed and initiate 12 Oakland men into the “Luciferian Doctrine, and the Secret Doctrine.”[6]  

Albert Pike was a Confederate Brigadier General who had been sentenced to death for treason during the Civil War in conspiring in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln [7] until another president by the name of Johnson, Andrew Johnson, pardoned him. Immediately upon Pike’s release, President Johnson subsequently received masonry degrees 4 through 32 in one night in 1867. Sovereign Grand Commander Pike was also one of founding fathers of the Ku Klux Klan in Tennessee. [8]

The Masonic Brethren planned to use the Civil War and the assassination of Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy to strengthen their power over the American government and its people. They represented the invisible government, and were a law among themselves like Hitler’s Vehm. Writer Allen E. Roberts wrote in his book about freemasonry “The Craft’s relationship to any nation was clearly explained at the time of the Civil War 1861 letter from the Grand Lodge of York Masons in Pennsylvania to their counterparts in Tennessee. The letter said, “Masonry is as old as government. It constitutes a government in itself. Masonry is sovereignty and a law unto itself. It knows nothing but the principles and teachings of its faith.”[9] Just like the Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Schutzstaffel).

For decades, the city has had an unmerciful subversive invisible unholy alliance where governmental agencies, officials (Alameda County Mafia) and police have worked hand in hand in combination with the mob and secret societies in corruption, and stifle the legitimate will and happiness of the people by brute lethal repression, assassinations, terrorism, a law unto itself.

Why would anyone want to kill Charles Alex Gregory and his innocent family? Who benefited from his death?


In 1977, by a majority, Black residents elected Lionel J. Wilson (1923-1998) as the first Black mayor of the City of Oakland. Unbeknown to the majority of his constituents, one of the first things that Wilson did was to go to China and recruit as a matter of city policy Hong Kong financiers and corporations who were fleeing the end of British rule in the colony, which included China’s ancient secret criminal societies, the Triads. In Hong Kong under British rule, the Triads reportedly entered all levels of society, wielding influence everywhere from politics to the film industry.

The term ‘Triad’ was given by the Hong Kong government to Chinese secret societies based on the triangular symbol which once represented such societies. The symbol is the Chinese character ‘Hung,’ encased in a triangle, representing the union of heaven, earth, and man. So Triads even today are sometimes referred to as the ‘Hung Society’ or the ‘Heaven and Earth Society.’ [10]

By 1970, there were more than 30 Triad societies in Hong Kong, some groups numbering less than 40 persons who knew one another on an individual basis and other groups including as many as 28,000 members. The three largest groups were the Wo Shing Wo, the Chiu Chau, and 14K. [11] More than any others, Chiang Kai-shek’s faction of the 14K would have found itself perfectly at home in Oakland

Chiang Kai-shek was the Generalissimo of the Republic of China (Mainland China) before the Red Chinese takeover in 1948. Chiang Kai-shek had encouraged the foundation of 14K. It was established at 14-K Po Wah Road, Canton, China in 1945 to marshal the forces of secret societies against communism, and the Mao Zedong’s Red Army after the defeat of Japan. 

The Generalissimo was a fascist and fanatic anti-communism. After being overran, he retreated to the Island of Formosa and reformed the Republic of China on the island which became Taiwan. On the Island of Taiwan, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek set himself up as the Director/General of the Kuomintang Army, and President of the Republic of China in exile.

Chiang’s blatant connections with the Triads in the days of his control of Mainland China were well authenticated. He ordered a million of his followers indoctrinated in Triad principles between 1946 and 1949. These agents were to continue Triad policies in deeply covert connections with some of the Tongs in the United States and Europe after the Republic of China’s migration to Taiwan.

Much of the illegal activity occurring in the Far East was attributed to control from Taiwan. Several officials fled from Hong Kong to Taiwan when the Royal Hong Kong Police caught on to the game after forming their Anti-Triad Unit in 1956. There was no extradition from the Republic of China, and most of the wanted subjects already had Taiwan Triad connections.

Chiang had begun to exploit his Triad connections in Shanghai in 1927, where he built up enormous caches of gold from drug sales, gambling, loan sharking and prostitution. These illicit funds were later used by his Triad-oriented adherents to bargain with and buy off officials of other nations in a bid to maintain Taiwan’s international recognition as the only legitimate seat of Chinese government.

Chiang Kai-shek and Taiwan’s greatest benefactor and lobbyist was Senator William F. Knowland, Editor/Owner of the Oakland Tribune. So much so, Knowland was often referred to as the “Senator from Formosa (Taiwan).” With Senator Knowland as a leader of the China Lobby, Congress passed the Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan. In 1954, U.S. President Harry Truman was forced into a threatened nuclear war confrontation with Red China if Chiang Kai-shek’s Republic of China in Taiwan was attacked. [12]

There are over thirty subgroups to the 14K, and it remains one of the most powerful triads internationally devoted to the traditional pursuits of organized crime such as smuggling, gambling, kidnapping, drug trafficking, murder, robbery, prostitution, and extortion. [13]

According to the 2004 annual report of organized crime in California prepared by the Department of Justice, Department of Justice/Division of Law Enforcement /Criminal Intelligence Division, between 1995 and 1996, approximately 125 individuals were involved in 11 computer business takeover robberies in California. This organized crime group, Triads, operates in San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton, Los Angeles, San Diego, and other major cities in the United States, China, and Thailand. Criminal intelligence sources indicate that this group has an international hierarchical organizational structure, consisting of bosses, crew chiefs, lieutenants, and soldiers. The bosses orchestrate and direct armed robberies after receiving orders for specific computer components from the buyers. The bosses are so well insulated that many of the group’s members are unaware of their identities. In April 1996, this joint investigative effort led to the indictment and arrest of seven subjects on violations of the Federal Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) statute and conspiracy to interfere with interstate commerce by threat under the Hobbs Act. As a result of the criminal intelligence gathered during this investigation, two murder cases and several armed robbery cases were solved. [14]

In Oakland, the Triads as in Hong Kong have embedded themselves in most levels of Bay Area society, wielding influence everywhere in the affairs of state. Triads are difficult to break because everybody gets a piece of the action, even their Black collaborators and facilitators.

THE BLACK Facilitators: virtual murrell & The oakland redevelopment advisory committee

The Oakland Bay Area has one of the largest concentrations of some of the most traitorous and dangerous backstabbing cut throat Black Police, CIA, FBI and military intelligence contractors, informers and agent provocateurs in the country. 

Most of the organized criminal activity of the Triads, corruption in the affairs of the state, and clandestine police CIA, FBI and military intelligence operations such as assassinations would not be successful without the dynamic cooperation and collaboration of Black Facilitators.

Just before his death, Gregory had been a leading minority real estate developer bidder on developing Victoria Court Development of the Oak Center Redevelopment Project on 14th & Adeline Street in West Oakland. [15]

The Victoria Project was a multi-million dollar housing development. Gregory Development was planning building multiple low income affordable condos on land owned by the city.  Gregory had offered to fully fund the project and build the units independently without municipal funding and bonding. Gregory had to win final approval from the Oakland Redevelopment Advisory Committee (ORAC).

Gregory had vowed not to play back door politics to win bids to develop West Oakland low income housing projects for its residents, which probably brought him into the crosshairs of the wolves of the Alameda County Mafia, and the Triads.

The authority to establish a redevelopment agency is granted by the Community Development Law of the State of California. Every city or county within the state may establish a redevelopment agency by adopting an ordinance declaring the need for such within the jurisdiction. In the City of Oakland, as in most California communities, the City Council serves as the local Redevelopment Agency (RDA). 

The ORAC serves as a state mandated community-citizen clearing house to make recommendations to RDA to fund selected projects within a redevelopment area. Redevelopment funds are a deep well of extremely contentious financial capital, where all the wolves and cut throats gather.

 California’s 400 plus community redevelopment agencies generate more housing subsidies than any other group in California. Redevelopment agencies reported that they deposited nearly $1.1 billion into their housing set-aside funds during Fiscal Year 2002-3. At the end of the year, the total equity in the RDA housing funds exceeded $2.2 billion. [16]

In 1992, Virtual Murrell was a key gatekeeper to Oakland’s deep well of redevelopment capital. Murrell had been appointed to the committee by Mayor Elihu Harris. Virtual Murrell a.k.a Virgil Murrell was ORAC’s chairperson. Murrell was an aide to City Councilman Leo Bazile. I had known of Virgil at old Merritt Jr. College with Soul Students Advisory Council. The word on the street then was that Murrell was an opportunist that couldn’t be trusted.

I was among the first members to be purged from the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in 1969 along with the notable Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown. To my surprise, Virgil Murrell initiated the purge as part of the governing body of the Black Panther Party (Central Committee). I had been with the panthers since 1967. I didn’t know Virgil had been on the Central Committee. My impression was that the Great Purge of 1969 was the doings of the late Attorney Charles Garry and benefited COINTELPRO, Project CHAOS, and Nixon’s Huston Plan.

After the purge of the old members, the panthers formed a “Goon Squad”. The Goon Squad was a death squad with a license to kill setup to control public opinion, and silence us. At old Merritt Jr. College, the Goon Squad engaged in a well publicized attack on Professor Fritz Pointer in this classroom for criticizing the new panthers. Fritz was the well respected and beloved brother of the Pointer Sisters, and the community. To my surprise, Charles Garry showed up in court to defend the Goon Squad. We didn’t know at the time, but Garry was a running dog for military intelligence asset Mobster Joseph Bonanno, Sr. [17]

Joe Bonanno engineered and directed the major drug connection between the Sicilian and U.S. Mafias and remained an active partner with gangsters Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Santo Trafficante, and Carlos Marcello in the Syndicate’s heroin operations. When a Mafia friend and key government witness testified about the death of mobster Johnny Rosselli in the investigation of the assassination of JFK and the involvement of Trafficante in that death, Bonanno had that witness killed. One of the key conspirators in the post-JFK assassination cover-up was Joe Bonanno, Sr. [18]

In 1973, Garry appeared to be Dr. Marcus Foster’s control agent. Garry was actually a double agent watching Dr. Foster. Garry was a setup to protect and shield military intelligence assets, operations and agents. Garry had also been SLA Thero Wheeler’s attorney. In 1976, Garry became Jim Jones’ attorney. Garry was intimately involved in developing cover for the CIA mind control and medical experiment settlement, and the mass murder in Jonestown, Guyana.

In 1995, Murrell pled guilty in federal court to violating the Hobbs Act. Murrell had been shaking down local real estate developers such as Gregory Construction in return for official acts and preferential treatment before ORAC. Murrell was also living rent-free in some type of safe/party house in the Berkeley Hills controlled by William Dallas. Dallas’ firm (Lucas Dallas, Inc.) was involved in a multi-million dollar development proposal (Housewives’ Market Project) with ORAC and the City of Oakland.
William Dallas was actually a covert cutout laundering money for the Hong Kong/Chinese Triads. Members of the California Fair Political Practices Commission said that Dallas was part of ``the largest campaign money-laundering scheme in the history of the state of California.'' [19]       

Sue Associates, an Oakland-based architecture and planning firm, and co-owner Amy Sue, committed campaign disclosure violations by acting as intermediaries when they laundered campaign contributions for William Dallas made to four candidates for Oakland City Council totaling $56,000. [20]

Part of Murrell’s pled agreement was that he would name names and provide details of the fraud, corruption and Triad connections on ORAC and the City of Oakland. Murrell was shipped out for a year to a federal prison resort in Michigan for white collar criminals, but the government failed to pursue the investigation of ORAC, the Alameda County Mafia and the City of Oakland.

In 2006, Murrell’s name surfaced again when a federal grand jury issued a subpoena to Oakland’s Peralta Community College District for records regarding Virtual Murrell investigating real estate developer Alan Dones and his dealings with the District. [21]

THE BLACK Facilitators: the Dones-Grigsby-Guillory (Barbara lee) combine

Sitting at the well of about 60 million dollars in subsidized funds for Oakland’s Uptown Redevelopment Project [22] was Strategic Urban Development Alliance (SUDA).

Alan Dones is the managing partner of the Oakland development firm SUDA. The Oakland-based partnership, SUDA, is co-owned by Don Perata’s old friend San Francisco financier Calvin Grigsby. Grigsby is also part of the “Good Ole Boys” Boalt Hall connection graduating from the law school in 1974 or 1975. [23]

In 1996, Grigsby, former CEO of Grigsby, Brandford & Co. was charged in Miami with bribery and using his bond business to steal more than $1 million in public funds to finance everything from political contributions to expensive cars and Super Bowl tickets.

Subsequent to a 1992 deep cover investigation by former Miami-Dade County Commissioner, Joe Gersten, of racketeering, drug trafficking and money laundering at the Port of Miami[24], seaport boss Carman Lunetta and Gribsby were indicted on 10 counts of embezzlement and money-laundering. [25]

The Miami Herald reported:

“Billions of dollars in illegal drugs are pouring into South Florida every year, according to a new state report. It seems that drug smugglers are getting inside help at the Port of Miami…” [26]

Lunetta and his running dog Grigsby were running the Port of Miami. The charges against Lunetta and Grigsby included large illegal donations to the Democratic National Committee in Washington.  Grigsby is a master deal maker whose firms have made about $340,000 in campaign donations around the United States during the late 1980’s. Grigsby is a native son of Bill Clinton’s hometown, Hope, Arkansas. [27]

In 1995, Grigsby firm ran $1.2 billion in bond issues, according to the Securities Data Co. In 1996, Grigsby was a trustee of the Democratic National Committee and President Clinton’s appointee to a U.S. economic mission to Albania. Grigsby was a guest of the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown on a trade mission to China. Grigsby is a longtime friend of San Francisco’s Mayor Brown.

Grigsby Miami cohort, Mobster Carman Lunetta [28], one of the most powerful bureaucrats in Dade County, organized the largest Clinton-Gore fundraiser ever held outside Washington, which raised 3.4 million dollars. Lunetta was a quest of one of Vice-President Al Gore’s fundraiser on December 15, 1995. These frequently illegal gatherings-where government favors and contributors to the Democratic Party were exchanged blew up into what was dubbed “Coffeegate”. Coffeegate almost earned Gore a special prosecutor, but Attorney General Janet Reno eventually decided against it. Instead, Reno and FBI went after Whistleblower Joe Gersten to send him to prison on false capital murder charges, which resulted in a special 2001 congressional investigation of Janet Reno and the prosecutors. [29]

In 1999, a federal judge not a jury in Miami threw out the embezzlement charges, but the damage of the trial and declining business compelled Grigsby to shut down his investment bank, but Grigsby proved to be a fish too big to fry and soon was back to his old influence peddling business in Oakland.

Done and Grigsby’s partner on SUDA is John Lee Guillory. Guillory is Congressperson Barbara Lee’s cutoff on SUDA. At sometime prior to 2000, Congressperson Lee sold her main firm, Sentinel, Inc., to Guilltone Properties on some type of installment payment agreement. Guilltone Properties happens to be John Lee Guillory. [30] As part of the installment agreement, Guillory makes regular payments to Congressperson Lee, and employees of Guilltone Properties funnel money into Lee’s campaign. [31]

In 2000 after unloading Sentinel, Guilltone Properties was setup with federal contracts with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the sum of $2,510,000, and Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service for $564,000, totaling $3,074,000 in federal contracts. [32]

A senior Peralta official speculated that the feds want Dones in order to get to Lily Hu, one of his lobbyists, who is tight with state Senate president Don Perata. The Peralta official suggested that if Dones implicates Hu in wrongdoing, the feds can pressure her to snitch on Perata. [33]

The federal probe into the Dones-Grigsby-Guillory combine may not be that simple, Lily Hu had also been on Dones, Grigsby, and Guillory’s payroll. Additionally since 2000, the various members of the Dones-Grigsby-Guillory team have donated at least $66,900 to Don Perata and a variety of campaign committees associated with him.

In 2004, the city of Oakland adopted the final EIR for the multi-million dollar Forest City Project (Uptown Redevelopment Project), which covered several blocks between 18th and 21st streets, and Telegraph and San Pablo avenues. The project featured more than 200 residential units, a governmental building, and some retail, plus the potential for 1500 high rise condominiums. With the collaboration of Hu, the multi-million dollar Forest City ($187 Million) project was awarded to Dones-Grigsby-Guillory’s SUDA.

Prior to the election of a Democratic President Barak Obama, the Dones-Grigsby-Guillory combine, Don Perata and cohort Lily Hu were all under a federal grand jury investigation for violations of the Hobbs Act and federal anti-racketeering statutes, and maybe even murder. [34]

Lily Hu is a Taiwanese National that rocketed into Oakland’s crooked governmental affairs in about 1994. Hu learned the Oakland inside loyalist trade from a successful Black entrepreneur, Frank Wishom. After giving up all his secrets and inside information, Hu kicked Wishom to the curb.

In 2003, Wishom went to the FBI as revenge. It is unclear exactly what Wishom told the FBI in regards to Hu’s Chinese Triad connections. Within months, Wishom was dead. Whatever was left of his wealth, papers, and personal belongings, Hu seized it by a 1998 will which left everything to her leaving Wishom’s daughters of his body without an inheritance. Before his death, “Good Ole Girl” from the Boalt Hall Connection, Fayedine Coulter, had been stealthy implanted into Wishom’s confidence as a potential bankruptcy attorney.

THE BLACK Facilitators: attorney fayedine coulter  

Along with John Burris, John Grigsby, Earl Warren, D. Lowell Jensen, Edwin Meese; Thomas Jensen, and DA Thomas Orloff, Fayedine Coulter is a 1976-77 graduate of U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall’s “Good Ole Boys Club” forever loyal to the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, and Lucifer’s servants. [35]

The motive that Chauncey Bailey was killed to stop him from exposing the financial woes of YBMB was/is a false flag. A key to setting up the false flag for Chauncey’s assassination and the final fall of bakery enterprise was the appearance of Attorney Fayedine Coulter.

On October 24, 2006, Coulter filed a voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition forYour Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB). As YBMB’s bankruptcy attorney, Coulter had the entire inside and outside web of information and documentation regarding the entire financial affairs of YBMB. [36]

If Chauncey had been setup to obtain confidential documents regarding YBMB’s confidential financial affairs, who would obviously have been the source? “Good Ole Girl” Fayedine Coulter.

After the death of Chauncey, the bankruptcy court forced YBMB into an involuntary Chapter 7 then completed the total liquidation and the Final Fall of YBMB. Coulter conveniently and quietly slipped underneath the foliage like a snake for her next dirty operation for the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, and Lucifer’s servants

In Wishom’s case, Coulter was able to quietly further shield the entire inside and outside web of information and documentation regarding the entire corrupt financial affairs of the Dones-Grigsby-Guillory combine, Don Peralta and cohort Lily Hu, the Alameda County Mafia, and the Hong Kong Triads. [37]

Like a snake in the grass, Coulter has currently quietly crawled into the Final Fall of the Estate of Charles Alex Gregory to try to finally destroy his name, legacy and immediate family in Oakland. [38]

Oakland Redevelopment Advisory Committee & THE TRIADS

Anchored at 1975 Telegraph Avenue of the Foster City (Uptown) Project was David Ho Yin Lee. Lee opened Cybelle’s Pizza at the site. Lee had advanced notice of the project and land grabbed the property to reap a handsome profit when the project was officially infused with redevelopment money. Lee was part of the Chinese Triad Criminal Network in Oakland and San Francisco. Lee’s triad collaborator on ORAC with Virtual Murrell was Franklin Young a.k.a Franklin Doung. Young had been placed on ORAC by Elihu Harris at sometime before 1992.

I suspect that if anyone would check, you’ll find that most of the people that bought property between 18th and 21st streets and Telegraph and San Pablo avenues before the Forest City Project (Uptown Redevelopment Project) was officially announced in 2000 were Hong Kong Triad syndicate members land grabbing properties to reap the profits from the well of redevelopment federal/state and city money.

In 1995, while Murrell was being packed off to prison, Young and Lee were indicted by the federal grand jury under anti-racketeering statutes for conspiracy in an ongoing criminal enterprise. Lee, the local boss of the enterprise, was running drugs out of his Cybelle’s Pizza restaurants in Oakland and Berkeley at 1050 Gilman Street.

Young and Lee were also running a burglary ring specializing in ripping off truckloads of computers for the Chinese international syndicates. They employed Black and Latino drug addicts as cutouts for their dirty work. Two of their cutouts, Deshane Stuart and Arthur Luis Martinez, were busted in a laptop computer caper that bagged a truckload shipment of brand new Toshiba Laptops. Stuart and Martinez took the truckload shipment of computers directly to the Port of Oakland. Lee loaded the trailer with the laptops from the truck on a container ship bound for Hong Kong, China.

Meanwhile, John Burris of the “Good Ole Boys” Boalt Hall connection moved in as Franklin Young’s defense counsel to shield the Triad.

Young and Lee received sentences of 37 months each, about 3 years; in federal prison. Nevertheless both Young and Lee refused to cooperate in breaking the Triad ring and recovering the stolen computers. Their hapless pasties, Arthur Luis Martinez received 30 months, and Deshane Stuart received 37 months even though both Martinez and Stuart fully cooperated in prosecuting Triad ringleaders, Young and Lee.

Whereas, by the time the Foster City (Uptown) Project was officially approved and infused with about $60,000,000 redevelopment funds Lee was out of prison to collect. The City of Oakland paid Lee handsomely in public redevelopment capital for 1975 Telegraph and for everything in Cybelle’s Pizza including the furniture and fixtures.  

There is no statute of limitations for murder!

Former Miami-Dade County Commissioner, Joe Gersten, was from a South Florida prominent family of lawyers and judges. Even with the power of his family, they were unable to protect him. Gersten, like a normal citizen, went to the FBI with evidence of Lunnetta and Grigsby’s corruption at the Port of Miami under an assumption in psycho-analytical terms of mental aberrations, behaviorism and relativity of morals. According to congressional findings, the FBI paid crack addicts to falsely frame Gersten for killing a transvestite at a local crack house. In combination with the U.S. Justice Department, Gersten was setup to spend life in prison. Gersten left the country and safety settled in Australia.  

In Oakland, Charles was surrounded by a pack of wolves and cut throats at the deep pool of redevelopment capital. We have no evidence that Charles went to the FBI regarding ORAC’s corruption, because nobody seems to know who Charles Alex Gregory or Gregory Construction, Inc. is or were. Nevertheless Gregory Construction, Inc. has been in the real estate development business in Oakland for almost 20 years. Nevertheless on the Monday just subsequent to his death, Charles had an appointment with the city to sign a formal land development agreement to officially (inter-space development) develop at least 10 (ten) parcels for the city. Nevertheless, Gregory Construction, Inc. immediately subsequent to his death was the leading real estate developer on track to build a multi-million dollar condo development (Victoria Courts) in West Oakland. Nevertheless, Charles was the leading proponent to develop a major West Oakland shopping center, and transmute Oakland’s Acorn Project into privately owned and financed condos. Nevertheless, Gregory Construction, Inc. developed an entire award winning low income housing tract (Beautiful Elmhurst) in the City of Oakland.  Repeated requests to the city and state pursuant to the Public Records Act regarding Charles Alex Gregory or Gregory Construction, Inc. have come back negative.

Almost 12 (twelve) years after Virtual Murrell was sent to federal prison for public corruption in Oakland, as early as 2006, a federal investigation continues into Murrell’s connections to Oakland’s corrupt redevelopment finances and players surrounding it. 

Almost 15 (fifteen) years after Gregory’s plane down, the City of Oakland is continuing to destroy documents regarding its redevelopment affairs. People are asking questions and want answers regarding the den of corruption surrounding the public’s redevelopment capital, which included Chauncey Bailey.

Subsequent to his assassination on August 2, 2007, “Bailey had also sought answers from Brown and City Attorney John Russo concerning Brown’s destruction of police and economic development records prior to his departure from the mayor’s office.” [39]

Some parties are still interested in breaking the pack of wolves’ stranglehold on the affairs of the City of Oakland. What do the City of Oakland, Alameda County Mafia and the “Good Ole Boys” Boalt Hall Connection have to hide in regards to the assassination of Charles Alex Gregory and his innocent family?

Charles Alex Gregory was a shining prince of his people, and a Golden Family Jewel of Oakland that I will never forget or betray.

There is no statute of limitations for murder!

[1] LA TIMES, 7/7/00, page 1).


[3] Id.

[4] See Ravenscroft, Trevor, The Spear of Destiny, Samuel Weiser, Inc. York Beach, ME (1973)




[8] http://

[9] Roberts, Allen E., A House Undivided, The Story of Freemasonry and the Civil War, 1961, pp. 33-35






[15] Oakland Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 93-39 C.M.S. (6/29/93)











[26] Id.

[27] Id. At footnote 14







[34] Id.




[38] Alameda County Superior Court, Case No. RG07-343536


THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: Oakland’s MK-ULTRA Monarchs, Political Assassination Pasties & Convictions by False Confessions

5 06 2009


“We’re through the looking-glass here, people… white is black and black is white.” Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner-JFK, the Movie)

The Chauncey Bailey case is not a dog and pony show. Chauncey is dead. Whatever his views, Chauncey was a loved familiar icon in the community. He was murdered in board daylight on a busy Oakland street by shotgun blasts blowing his head away in an utter cold grizzly and sadistic fashion. It was a classic Oakland political assassination just like the assassination of Dr. Marcus A. Foster.

At least four people besides Chauncey are also dead. The lives of dozens of young men and their families lie in the balance between happiness, freedom and life in prison or the death penalty. At the apex of the crossroads of their lives is a cold blooded COINTELPRO police counterintelligence agent-provocateur that specializes in entrapment, inhumane interrogation methods and torture. There is a government created Monarch with an implanted photographic memory ready to spin tales of Big Black Brutes including tales of the reemergence of the Death Angels of the infamous Zebra Murders of the 1970’s who allegedly randomly assassinated white people.  The tales will certainly wet the drawers of fearful white women across the world. And, there is a powerful news media collective feeding white hysteria by spinning front page stereotypical tales of religious fanatics, murder, bedlam, madness and sex. This is not a movie plot but real events that will lead to further human misery, tragedies, and racial injustices.    

The Oakland Police Department with the collaboration of the Chauncey Bailey Project is attempting to close the case on the false confession of an emotionally disturbed and abused foster home client with little or no collaborating physical evidence. Devaughndre Broussard has more of an emotional range of a Richard Prior then a cold blooded assassin.

Convictions by false confessions of powerless emotionally disturbed mentally disabled and mildly retarded individuals plague the American judicial system, and taint the Chauncey Bailey case to high heaven.

Murder of an Infant Who Never Existed (1999, Alabama)

While in jail awaiting trial for an unrelated crime, Victoria Banks claimed to be pregnant. She did it to garner sympathy and get out of jail. The ploy worked. Later, when a sheriff asked her about the baby, she told him that the baby had died. She, her husband, Medell, and her sister, Dianne Tucker, “all with mental retardation,” underwent intensive questioning over 5 days until they confessed to murdering the infant. Later, it was discovered that Victoria had undergone a tubal ligation 4 years earlier and was unable to have children. [1] 

Man Describes Own Arrest and Interrogation: Michael Fitzpatrick (1999, New York)

This man “with autism” was questioned about a bank robbery. He signed a confession, but no record was made of the actual interrogation. Interestingly, Fitzpatrick, a man with remarkable weaknesses and strengths, possessed an uncanny knack for recall. He wrote a detailed 6-page summary of what went on between him and the interrogating police chief. In his summary, Fitzpatrick said that the chief “told me that he would talk to me like a father to a son. So I said, ‘Okay, Dad.’” Five months later, the real bank robber confessed. He stated that he could not stand seeing a person with an intellectual disability go to prison for a crime he, a serial bank robber, committed. [2]  


No other class of evidence is so profoundly prejudicial… triers of fact accord confessions such heavy weight in their determinations that the introduction of a confession makes the other aspects of a trial in court superfluous, and the real trial, for all practical purposes, occurs when the confession is obtained.

-Colorado vs. Connelly-
United States Supreme Court
49 U.S. 157, 182 (1986)

On August 2, 2007, Oakland Post Journalist Chauncey Bailey was viciously struck down on a busy Oakland street by an unknown assailant wearing a black ski mask. A witness stated that Chauncey had just finished a McDonalds’ breakfast before walking up the street to his death. The witness stated that Chauncey left McDonalds carrying a briefcase. 

In Oakland, each year there are hundreds of killings each year involving nameless Black and Latinos that go unresolved, but Chauncey’s death had become sensational news because he was a well known journalist. Chauncey wasn’t a Gary Webb (Dark Alliance), Danny Casolaro (Octopus Conspiracy), or Gary Caradori (Franklin Coverup) type of investigative journalist that beat the bushes to expose governmental, organized crime, military-industrial-medical complex abuses and conspiracies. Chauncey as we usually affectionately called him was a local community icon that always existed on the fringe of truly breaking a big local story.

At one time, I persuaded Chauncey to do a story about the Alameda County Mafia forcing Black and Latino elderly homeowners into county conservatorships as a scheme to strip them of their valuable real properties. [3] Chauncey ran the story, but soon backed off due to pressure after he told he that the story had generated a great deal of public response and outrage. After the story ran, my office phone lines which I left as a reference to the article were stealthily switched so that no one could contact me or follow-up the story.

On April 29, 2009, almost two years later after the assassination, the Alameda County Grand Jury under mass media persuasion from the Chauncey Bailey Project indicted young defenseless, traumatized and hapless Yusuf Bey IV, 23, of murder for allegedly telling two followers to kill Bailey.

The members of the grand jury are supposed to be selected randomly from the general public. However during the late 1960’s, Alameda County’s grand jury system was changed under a narrowly drawn statutory exception by the Alameda County Mafia headed by the infamous fascist district attorneys Delwin Lowell Jensen and Edwin Meese as a tool to primarily discredit, disrupt and destroy the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, the radical Left and Black Nationalist (Black Muslims).

The members of the Alameda County Grand Jury are all specially and exclusively handpicked selected by Alameda County Superior Court Judges. The handpicked Alameda County Grand Jury takes all of its secret evidence and walking orders from the district attorney just like the pastor singing to the choir. Whereas in Alameda County, rarely if ever do its grand juries indict anyone other than poor, hapless and defenseless Blacks and Latinos for crimes while major drug traffickers, organized, white collar, corporate and police crime reign free.

The grand jury heard two days of undisclosed and sealed testimony from a star witness before indicting Young Bey. Their star witness was another traumatized hapless defenseless young man, Devaughndre Broussard, 21, that confessed to the murder and later recanted that confession. The Young Bey grand jury proceeding is sealed, but the indictment is most likely solely based on Broussard’s testimony served up to them on a silver plate by an unlikely person, his own attorney.

Most likely, there was no independent physical evidence presented to them that linked Broussard to Bailey’s murder. Additionally and most likely, there was no paraffin (gun powder residue) test evidence presented to the jury that would have proved that Broussard ever fired any weapon. Recall that Broussard said that he allegedly shot Bailey in the head at close range at least three times with double shot shotgun pellets. Most likely, the grand jury had no ski masks or clothes with bone, skin or blood scatter material either to link Broussard to the killing.

The lead detective in the investigation of Chauncey Bailey’s Assassination was Sergeant Derwin Longmire of the Oakland Police Department (OPD). By most accounts, Sgt. Longmire was the illicit mentor of Yusuf Bey IV, and police intelligence agent-provocateur in charge and responsible for the bedlam and mayhem behind the YBMB crime spree. The crimes of the young brothers could not have taken place without the direct involvement, collaboration and influence of the OPD and Sgt. Longmire.

After the death of the elder Yusuf Bey in September 2003, Waajid Aliawaad Bey, age 51, became CEO of YBMB which was a successful black enterprise. In March 2004, he was allowed to be disappeared until his badly decomposed body turned up as another Oakland Black male unsolved murder statistic.

In June 2005, John Bey, another able leader of the YBMB enterprise was shot at several times allegedly in a failed assassination attempt. The deadly assault on John Bey is again unresolved. The assassination attempt was effective in running him away from the enterprise.

The bakery business was then taken over by Yusuf Bey’s son, Antar Bey. At age 23 on October 25, 2005, Antar Bey was liquidated in what police alleged to have been a coincidence and a failed carjacking while he stopped to get gas on Martin Luther King Jr. Way, near 55th Street in Oakland. Alfonza Phillips III was arrested for killing Antar Bey.

In 2007, Phillips was convicted and sent to prison for life for Antar’s killing. Lead OPD detective in prosecuting Phillips, yours truly, Sgt. Longmire. [4] Phillips’s girlfriend Althea Foy said that she had been tortured and forced by Sgt. Longmire to confess that Phillips told her that he had killed Antar.  Her cries of OPD’s inhumane interrogation tactics have been completely ignored and disregarded by the media.

Who really killed Waajid and Antar and ran away John Bey from the enterprise which allowed Stg. Longmire to step into the footsteps of Elder Bey, Waajid and Antar to entrap the young Beys into a sensational crime spree?

Longmire wasn’t just one of your run of the mill coffee drinking donut crunching sergeants. Longmire was an OPD intelligence unit supervisor. [5] In other words, he was a leader of a specialized trained “Red Squad” unit. Red Squads are police intelligence units that specialize in infiltrating, conducting counter-measures and gathering intelligence on political and social groups. [6] 

During the 60’s, Red Squads worked in concert with the Nixon’s Whitehouse Huston Plan, the FBI under its notorious COINTELPRO, and the CIA’s Operation Chaos to disrupt and destroy Black Nationalists (Black Muslims), Black Panthers, anti-war and “New Left” activists. Contrary to official government assertions, COINTELPRO and Operation CHAOS never ended it just morphed itself into something far more secretive and dangerous than before.

The young men of YBMB are virtually defenseless. All of the crimes that they have been accused of have been sensationalized by the race baiting and yellow journalism of the Chauncey Bailey Project. Young Bey do not have a competent attorney and most likely has no means to hire one just like the political pasty Lee Harvey Oswald left in Dallas begging for legal representation. While Broussard’s controller, Attorney LeRue Grim, has led him like sheep to slaughter just like political pasties James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan.


LeRue Grim is another remarkable individual to pop up in this case with an interesting background. Grim is affiliated with American Humanist Association and the Humanist Church. Grim is a signer of the Humanist Manifesto II and president of the Fellowship of Humanity on 28th Street of Oakland. [I]n “1933, the Humanist Manifesto was written as a direct challenge to all religions of the world. It asserted that man has the power to be god-like. It promoted atheism, evolution (rather than creation), communism and moral relativity. Thus we are told that there is no God, that the Bible and the Ten Commandments are meaningless hoaxes and that anything we do – even murder – is okay, as long as it is for a “good reason”. John Dewey, one of the prime influences in America’s government (public) school system, was a major advocate of humanism.” [7]

Humanist Manifesto II was written in 1973, and one of its signers along with Grim was “the infamous sexologist Sol Gordon, who referred to himself as “polymorphous perverse.” Gordon has been on the board of directors of SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Council of the United States), has been affiliated with Ortho Pharmaceuticals (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, which is connected with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), has produced the infamous Zing Sex Comix, and has called many of those disagreeing with him “Bible Bigots.” And in case you think this represents only an isolated extreme example of humanistic attitudes about people who believe in THE HOLY BIBLE, look at the following quote from a prize-winning essay by John Dunphy in THE HUMANIST (January-February 1983): ‘The battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom…between the rotting corpse of Christianity…and the new faith of humanism….Humanism will emerge triumphant.’ Psychologically, this was all part of a programming process that would culminate in a “brave new world,” and how it would be administered was explained in Roderick Seidenberg’s 1964 book, ANATOMY OF THE FUTURE, in which he showed how a master race of “administrators” controls the masses of human beings “by the ever increasing techniques and refined arts of mental coercion” to the level of mindless guinea pigs.”[8]

According to the Oakland Fellowship of Humanity, “The President of the Fellowship in the early 1970s was a Supervisor of Custodians for Hayward State University.  He was Jake Price, father of two sons, one the former Vice Principal of Oakland’s Technical High School, Marty Price, and the other, Styles Price, high school teacher and social activist…Tolbert Small became Jake’s son-in-law and a founder of the George Jackson Free Health Clinic.  Tolbert once worked with the Black Panthers and today he is a renowned Oakland medical doctor, in fact, a rare hero of medicine who runs an independent medical practice.” [9]

Interestingly, Styles and Marty Price were directly implicated in the Aug. 20, 1970 assassination of Gary Tsukamoto, Berkeley’s first police officer slain in the line of duty. At one time, Styles Frederick Price, a retired Oakland social studies teacher, and Don Juan Warren Graphenreed were arrested on probable cause warrants for Tsukamaoto’s homicide and conspiracy to commit homicide. Graphenreed was accused of driving the getaway car while Price was accused of pulling the trigger.

The assassination of Tsukamaoto was a clandestine military intelligence counterintelligence “Strategy of Tension” operation designed to bring into disrepute and disrupt the Black Panther Party that the police alleged were the culprits. Either Price or Graphenreed were Black Panther members. A public trial would have implicated and exposed covert military intelligence executive action operations in Tsukamaoto’s murder, both Price and Graphenreed had to be subsequently freed and released from the charges.  Tsukamaoto’s murder may never be solved if left to local police.

At the time of Tsukamaoto’s assassination, I knew both Price and Graphenreed as students at Oakland’s old Merritt Jr. College campus. I knew Graphenreed as “Stan”. Stan was associated with Venceremos (Cuban Volunteer Harvest Program), and a military-police counterintelligence group headed by Mark Comfort called the “Alm Boy Dukes”. Styles’ associations were less dubious, but his brother, Marty Price, was a well known counterintelligence leftist radical. According to Styles, Marty was a supplier of C-4 explosives to radicals, and was involved in some type of paramilitary training with the panthers based in the mountains near the University of Santa Cruz. [10]

One of these training centers in the Santa Cruz Mountains was the site of the grizzly murder of Fred Bennett and satanic mutilation of his body in January 1971. Bennett was the head of the East Oakland Chapter of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Bennett was accused of being an informer. He was executed by a shot in the head by a .357 magnum. The body was then set on fire. After the flesh had been burned from his bones, the bones were pulverized with a shovel and scattered in the woods where the police found 149 sticks of dynamite. [11]  Marty’s calling card?

Also during that time, the University of Santa Cruz had become the base of the extremely dangerous military counterintelligence mass mind control specialist, Dr. Gregory Bateson. Englishman Bateson was associated with the notorious Dr. Aldous Huxley, author of “The Brave New World.” Among other things, Dr. Bateson had been with the Office of Strategic Services (forerunner of the CIA), and then led the CIA’s MK-Ultra hallucinogen (LSD) secret mind control and drug project [12]  along with Dr. Huxley to create zombie assassins, and turn the masses into guinea pigs and mindless robots. With Dr. Bateson at its roots, the tiny town of Santa Cruz became a mass murder and serial killer capital. [13] 

I had an occasion to meet with LeRue Grim, the old trickster, at the American Legion War Memorial Building and Complex in San Francisco. He was the Chairmen of the American Legion War Memorial Commission. For whatever reasons, Grim just popped up and committed himself as an attorney to represent me and others to save another well endowed Oakland Black religious institution, Mt. Zion Spiritual Temple. Mt. Zion was a religious institution created by the Late “His Grace” King Louis H. Narcisse, from being looted, liquidated and destroyed by Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown’s fascist forces and the military industrial complex. Grim was slick and smooth as silk. He easily convinced us that he naturally had our best interest at heart, and had agreed to prepare the legal strategy and pleadings before the appellate panel to attack an utterly bizarre injunction issued against us by an Alameda County Mafia Superior Court Judge, Cecilia Castellanos.

It was a trick. Grim intentionally disarmed us to allow our appeal rights to just lapse. Grim has a special website to attack what he alleged to be untrue and misleading information about him on the internet. [14] However, his past misconduct and disciplinary record is matter of public record. [15]   Likewise, Grim weaseled his way into the fragile confidence of Devaughndre Broussard and unprofessionally and cold heartedly sold him down the river for the military-industrial-medical and congressional complex. .

I also had occasion to share a breeze with Chauncey Bailey before his assassination. I shared a small office space with some brothers on Franklin Street in downtown Oakland. One morning I entered the office and found to my surprise Chauncey working on one of the office computers across from me. I was under the impression that Chauncey had left Oakland to reside permanently on the Island of St. Kitts in the Eastern Caribbean, but for some unknown reason had quietly returned to Oakland. Chauncey had been associated with a stable of reporters handled by the late Dr. Carlton Goodlett of the San Francisco Sun Reporter [16] which included Congresswoman Barbara Lee [17] and Chauncey’s employer, Paul Cobb of Post Newspaper.

Dr. Goodlett, a CIA contractor, was Jim Jones’ personal doctor and implicated in supplying the Peoples Temple and Jonestown with Black elderly patients for covert CIA fodder guinea pig mind control and ethic biological medical experiments at Jonestown, Guyana. [18] [19]St. Kitts is an old Jesuit controlled Island from the 17th Century that is heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering from drug cartels in Columbia, South America.[20] Mayor Jerry Brown is an old world Catholic Jesuit Priest. Chauncey was a practicing Catholic. I had a gut feeling that something was terrible wrong with the picture that flashed before my eyes. I was afraid that I was being setup for something far out straight out of a James Bond novel or the Da Vinci file. I immediately packed up all of my papers and belongings that I could carry and hurriedly left the office without saying a word to Chauncey. For whatever reasons, Chauncey was expressly interested in knowing what my office hours were. One of the brothers had even given Chauncey a key to my office. That brother was an alleged paid FBI informer. From then on, I started to work out of the office only during sporadic early mornings, weekends and late nights to prevent Chauncey or anyone else from developing my daily routine.

The lead story that Chauncey was murdered by Devaughndre Moniq Broussard and Yusuf Bey IV to stop him from developing a story exposing the financial woes of YBMB is a cover for something much bigger that Bailey was involved in investigating and exposing like corruption of the OPD and Jerry Brown. [21] 

The motive that Chauncey was killed to stop him from exposing the financial woes of YBMB was/is a false flag. With Stg. Longmire deeply infiltrated within YBMB, a key to setting up the false flag for Chauncey’s assassination and the final fall of bakery enterprise was the appearance of Attorney Fayedine Coulter. On October 24, 2006, Coulter filed a voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition for YBMB. As YBMB’s bankruptcy attorney, Coulter had the entire inside and outside web of information and documentation regarding the entire financial affairs of YBMB. [22]

If Chauncey had been setup to obtain confidential documents regarding YBMB’s confidential financial affairs, who would obviously have been the source? “Good Ole Girl” Fayedine Coulter.

Along with John Burris, Earl Warren, D. Lowell Jensen, Edwin Meese; Thomas Jensen, and DA Thomas Orloff, Fayedine Coulter is a 1976-77 graduate of U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall’s “Good Ole Boys Club” forever loyal to the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, and Lucifer’s servants. [23]

After the death of Chauncey, the bankruptcy court forced YBMB into an involuntary Chapter 7 then completed the total liquidation and the Final Fall of YBMB. Coulter conveniently and quietly slipped underneath the foliage like a snake for her next dirty operation for the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, and Lucifer’s servants.


Monarchs refer to young people in America who are/were victims of mind-control experiments run either by the CIA or military intelligence agencies. Monarch stands for the Monarch Butterfly, and a symbolic “unfolding of a New Consciousness within.” 

Broussard is a lonely institutionalized psychological abused and traumatized individual with very little close family ties. Broussard may have also be a hapless crack addict. [24] He is a perfect and classic military-industrial-medical complex mind controlled political pasty. Broussard spent most of his formative young life in and out of foster homes. Even the CBP admitted Broussard life was like “…jigsaw puzzle with many missing pieces.” [25] 

When his mother was arrested and sent to prison for drug abuse offenses, Broussard was packed up and sent to Edgewood Children’s Center for Emotionally Disturbed Children in San Francisco. [26] Edgewood Children’s Center is a large agency that cares for some of the most disturbed children and adolescents in the state in various day and residential programs providing medical and psychiatric care (mind altering drugs, hypnosis, and electrical shock therapy?). 

In March 2005, Broussard was reported missing by his mother from his home in San Francisco. Broussard turned up in Belmont, California on a robbery charge. Belmont is a predominately white affluent city in San Mateo County with particularly no Black residents. Belmont is known as the City of Sanitariums. [27] Belmont was the home to Twin Pines Hospital part of the State of California’s system of notorious psychiatric facilities. What was Broussard doing in Belmont?  Being secretly programmed by one of Twin Pines’ old guard MK-Ultra mind control doctors?  MK ULTRA was the CIA’s Top Secret Program in Human Experimentation and Behavior Modification[28]

From the nature of Broussard’s extensive history of state psychiatric institutional links and contacts, and by his confessing and recanting confessions, he appears like Sirhan Sirhan as a person susceptible to hypnotic suggestion and military-industrial-medical complex manipulation. Just before rejoining YBMB in May 2007 to bring it to a tragic end, Broussard had been living on the streets. Interestingly, Broussard’s relatives say that he had been “brainwashed.” [29] 

Who was Broussard’s programmer? Anything mentioned in the presence of a subject under hypnosis is automatically etched into the subject’s mind, especially if it comes from the hypnotist. And it might flow out at anytime.


In the case of Sirhan Sirhan, the falsely confessed lone-nut assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan’s notebook contained what appeared to be automatic writing scrawls, “God help me . . . please help me. Salvo Di Di Salvo Die S Salvo.” The referenced apparently was to Albert Di Salvo, the notorious Boston Strangler. That case had been cracked by the use of hypnotism. The hypnotist was Dr. William Joseph Bryan, Jr., of Los Angeles with a background of work with military intelligence during the Korean War in the field of brainwashing.  Bryan billed himself as “probably the leading expert in the world” on the use of hypnosis in criminal law, and often boasted about being employed by the LAPD and the CIA. In the spring of 1977, Bryan was found conveniently dead in Las Vegas. [30]

In the case of Broussard, his reference to the infamous Zebra Murders of the 1960’s is equally intriguing as a clue to his programmers. Broussard referenced it as the underlining motive in the alleged slaying of Michael Wills (white) by Young Bey and Antoine Mackey on July 12, 2007.

The perpetrators implicated in the Zebra Murders were linked most often to Black men freshly released from prisons, and mental institutions. These perpetrators also most likely implicated innocent Black Nationalist brothers in the killings. The members of the cult were supposedly rewarded for taking trophies of their victims, fingers, hands, and heads, etc.

Whoever behind the killings accomplished a number of things which were part and parcel of the FBI’s COINTELPRO Program and CIA’s CHAOS program, discredit and destroy Black Nationalism, and create a climate of fear of Black people to prevent any coalitions between races, groups, organizations, and friendly countries.

Joseph Alioto, former San Francisco mayor, was the one of the first to publicly expose a “Cult of Death Angels” that may have been responsible for up to 18 random deadly assaults against whites in San Francisco. He claimed that all crimes were committed by a shadowy group of black religious fanatics, headquartered in an unidentified Midwestern city. 

The mayor described the group as well financed and led by a man living in the Midwest who awarded members with promotions based on how many whites they killed, giving extra credit to those who produced proof of murder in the form of parts of the victim’s body. He said that the cult was dedicated to the murder and mutilation of whites and dissident blacks and gets many of its recruits from prisons and jails.    

Nevertheless, the victims that survived attacks described their assailants as virtual robots: “He had this zombie look…”“His face was devoid of emotion; There was no hostility in it, just blank, staring eyes”;  “…he looked to be in some kind of state”; “It was like he was in a trance-he was looking at me, but he was looking through me.” From the descriptions of the assailants by surviving eyewitnesses, one has to conclude that the killers were under some type of trance and mind control operation. [31]

An extremely interesting detail about the Zebra Killings is that the state’s star witness was an equally institutionalized psychological abused and traumatized individual by the name of Anthony Cornelius Harris. Harris, a former San Quentin inmate, said that a group of Black Muslims called the “Death Angels” headquartered somewhere in the Midwest had randomly killed whites (devils) to earn death angel black wings. During his testimony for which he was granted immunity, Harris freely admitted that he was involved (the slayer) in at least 10 of 14 killings of whites.  

Anthony Harris had an extensive psychiatric history and institutional background. In 1959, when he was 14 years old, Anthony’s mother placed him in a state mental hospital, Pacific State Hospital, because he was fighting with his brothers and sisters. He was in the hospital about a year before he escaped from Patton State Hospital where he had most likely undergone mind control experiments to kill consistent with the objectives of the CIA’s notorious zombie assassin program, MK-ULTRA. [32]


Guess who was at Pacific State conducting experiments on defenseless patients during that time? The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) had a special research project at Pacific, Socio-Behavior Study for Mental Retardation. The NIMH project was headed by Dr. George Tarjan and Nobel Peace Prize’s Linus Pauling, an international renowned chemical/nuclear scientist. Dr. Tarjan was a Professor of Psychiatry of the Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA, Past President of the American Psychiatric Association, and American Academy of Child Psychiatry. [33]  The UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute was home to the notorious CIA/MK- ULTRA “Maestro of Mind Control”, Dr. Louis Jolyon West. [34]  Dr. West had been a close collaborating associate of MK-ULTRA mind benders Bateson and Huxley.


Dr. Pauling and Dr. Alton Ochsner of New Orleans, sons of German immigrants, were old friends. Dr. Ochsner was an extremely powerful old southern ultra military intelligence racist that was implicated in creating pasty, Lee Harvey Oswald, for the assassination of JFK. [35] According to Edward T. Haslam, author of Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus, The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory, Ochsner headed the CIA’s MK DELTA  mind control-assassination program under Dr. Sidney Gottieb, [36] below. MK DELTA involved the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations.

One of Dr. Ochsner’s MK DELTA assassins was involved in the November 14, 1971 slaying of Ronnie Flenaugh AKA Al Rashid of El Constran. El Contran was an Oakland faction of governmental created pseudo-virtual reality Muslim Death Angels. Ronnie had been taken off the streets of Berkeley, drugged and programmed by NIMH to kill out of Agnews State Mental Hospital in San Jose.

Also among Pauling cadre of MK-ULTRA mind benders was Canadian Dr. Abram Hoffer. Dr. Hoffer had close ties to not only the OSS and CIA, but also to the Canadian, British and American Naval Intelligence agencies. Dr. Hoffer was one of the organizers of the ‘(Aldous) Huxley Institute of Biosocial Research,’ had numerous connections to MK-ULTRA hypnotists, one of whom was Dr. Sidney Fogel. Hoffer and Fogel coauthored a work titled, ‘Changes In Personality by Altering Perception in Post Hypnotic States.’ Hoffer’s chief associate, MK-ULTRA mind bender Dr. Humphrey Osmond. Dr. Osmond had been brought in to play a prominent role in MK-ULTRA by the infamous CIA Director Allen Dulles. [37]


Agnews had been turned into a virtual governmental mind bending laboratory under Dr. Maurice Rappaport. Dr. Rappaport was the Chief of Research of the Research Department of Agnews State Mental Hospital. [38] Dr. Rappaport was a human factor engineering (HFE) professional of infamous military-industrial complex mind control operation Stanford Research Institute. [39] Along with Dr. Rappaport at Agnews, among other mind bending doctors, was Dr. Julian Silverman of NIMH and Esalen Institute. [40] Dr. Silverman was drugging schizophrenic patients with LSD-25 and experimenting in developing altered states of consciousness. [41] Dr. Silverman was also a close associate of Dr. Gregory Bateson at Esalen Institute[42] and the VA Hospital at Palo Alto. [43] Dr. Valeria Hunt of UCLA (CIA Dr. Louis Jolyon West) and the NASA (Nazi Dr. Werner von Braun) Space Biology Department was there also. Dr. Hunt is infamous for her experiments in electro-magnetic biological fields and human behavior modification. [44]

I will never forget the moments that I saw poor Ronnie at Merritt Jr. College after they let him out of Agnews. Ronnie had been a magnificent body builder. He was with several members of the pseudo Muslim group, El Constran. They wore distinctive long black capes and turbans. What appeared so strange about Ronnie was his eyes were rolling around in his head as his body swayed back and forth and side to side as walked down the campus driveway. It is still etched in my mind. He appeared to be in a zombie-trance.

At that time, it was our general understanding that Ronnie had been recently released from prison. It also appeared that he was led along like a bulldog by the group’s leader, Billy Mapp. I had known of Mapp around the community. Mapp went to school with my older sisters. One of them appeared to have had a crush on him. I didn’t know at the time, but they were on their way to the campus auditorium to confront Huey P. Newton. Huey had just been released from jail and was scheduled to speak on campus. 

George Freddy Payne was another pseudo-virtual reality governmental created Black Muslim that had been programmed to kill out of the wards of Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility. After a number of murders and assaults against whites in Oakland and Berkeley which remain unsolved to this day, Payne among a team was sent in to liquidate Al Rashid at Mapp’s small apartment in East Oakland. 

After liquidating Al Rashid and senselessly killing one of Mapp’s young daughters, Payne was apprehended in Jefferson Parish near New Orleans working for Mike Kelly’s March Homes. Kelly was well connected to anti-Castro Cuban Activist Carlos Bringuier. Bringuier staged the infamous fight with Lee Harvey Oswald caught on television in front of the World Trade Mart in New Orleans to paint him as a communist as set out in the movie JFK. Bringuier’s group of anti-Castro Cubans was bankrolled by Dr. Ochsner.

In 1973, Mike Kelly was the campaign manager of Attorney Harry Connick, Sr. for district attorney of New Orleans Parish defeating (JFK) Jim Garrison. Connick’ backers were CIA Contractor Clay Shaw as set out in the movie JFK, Bringiuer, [45] and Dr. Ochsner. Connick defeated D.A..Garrison then intentionally destroyed all of Garrison’s JFK investigation files that he could. [46]

California Institute of Technology, CalTech, was also at Pacific State Hospital experimenting on patients along with Pauling and Tarjan. [47] Dr. Sidney Gottieb of the CIA’s dirty tricks (assassinations) department was a CalTech graduate in chemistry. [48] MK-ULTRA started on Apr 13 1953 and was headed by Dr. Gottieb acting under the command of CIA director Allen Dulles. Sidney Gottlieb was provided with $25 million in CIA funds to distribute to universities and others for MK-ULTRA projects between 1953 and 1963 (equivalent to $250 million in 2008). From 1953-1966, the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) spent $7.5 million on 84 research projects involving LSD with the CIA. [49] CalTech developed the electroshock machines for California’s mental hospitals including Patton. [50] 

In a 1969 prison diagnostic study, a psychiatrist noted that Harris had a severe personality disturbance bordering psychosis (manic-depressive, alternating phases of elation and depression) and the schizophrenic (delusions of importance and persecution, withdrawal, hallucinations, etc., varieties of psychosis).[51] The psychiatrist was the same doctor that hospitalized/programmed him in 1959 at Pacific State Hospital, finding Harris programmed to be, “homicidal”. Harris was under control. He was probably allowed to escape from Patton into society to become a Monarch sleeper killer.

After being released from San Quentin, Harris was sent straight to Oakland as a pseudo-virtual reality Black Muslim to begin the dirty work to undermine the legitimate aspirations of the Black Community for the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, and Lucifer’s servants.

The Zebra Killings was a clandestine military intelligence counterintelligence “Strategy of Tension” operation designed to bring into disrepute and disrupt the Nation of Islam (Black Muslims). As we learned from the Sirhan case, the same forces that produced Anthony Harris programmed Broussard. Would it be surprising that one of the witnesses to a Zebra attack in San Francisco was a William Bryan,[52] Dr. William Joseph Bryan?           

Young Bey is also is a confused psychological disturbed, delusional and traumatized individual. According to the CBP, he thinks a “mother ship” orbits the Earth-one with which he maintains contact.” [53] “He (Young Bey) thinks President Barack Obama is secretly a Black Muslim who sent Bey IV a clandestine message by wearing a red tie at his inauguration. His presidency was predicted by prophecy – it is a sign of the approaching end times. When Bey IV is exonerated on the myriad of charges he now faces — including ordering the killing of journalist Chauncey Bailey — he will take his rightful place as a presidential adviser, he claims.” [54]

I recall watching the Young Beys as boys marching robotically, turning and spinning on a dime in unison at the snap of their father’s command. Now, Stg. Longmire called the shots that would have Young Bey turning and spinning at the snap of his commands into entrapment.

Longmire creeped into Young Bey’s life something in 2005 after the assassination of Antar Bey. Lorna Brown, an attorney who has represented Bey Sr. and Bey IV in various cases, saw Longmire as a mentor to her young client during the past two years. As the two developed a relationship, Young Bey began several high profile senseless run-ins with Oakland and San Francisco police. It was doing Longmire’s mentorship that Young Bey led bakery members on a string of crimes that included robbery, vandalism, assault, kidnapping and torture. Longmire constantly reassured Young Bey that they were like brothers and their friendship would endure after the ordeals that he was facing.

After Chauncey’s assassination, Stg. Longmire arranged for Young Bey to meet with Broussard alone in a police interview room to help him get Broussard to confess to killing Chauncey. After just six or seven minutes, Broussard confessed. Just as in the case of political pasty Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, OPD did not record the meeting between Young Bey and Broussard that developed his first confession. [55] You have to wonder if Young Bey offered Broussard more cigars stuffed with powder cocaine as an incentive to confess. [56] 

On a secretly recorded tape of a staged meeting with bakery associates, Young Bey whispered natively to his associates that Longmire had made it clear that getting a confession from Broussard would “take the heat off the bakery.” [57]

Now, Stg. Longmire is being used as a classic cutout. The word being spread by CBP is that Longmire may be fired. Stg. Longmire is about to become OPD’s fall guy for its dirty work in the Chauncey Bailey Assassination and the Fall of Your Black Muslim Bakery Black Enterprise.

I was born and raised in Oakland. I had always loved Oakland, but it has a grim dark side and history that is eating away at the core of the city.  I look at Oakland through the “Looking Glass” at yet another Oakland Family Jewel.




[2] Id.

[3] Oakland Tribune, Guardian: System under fire, May 13, 1996, A-9-10







[10] Personal conversion with Styles Price at Fremont HS, Oakland, CA in 1997-98

[11] San Francisco Chronicle, April 21, 1971















[26] Id.



[29] Id. At footnote 15










[39] Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1972;26(2):172-178.






[45] Probe V2N5: Connick vs. Garrison Round Three, From the July-August, 1995 issue (Vol. 2 No. 5)

[46] Id.





[51] Attorneys’ Dictionary of Medicine and Word Finder, Volume 5, PR-TG, LexisNexis, Mattrew Bender, 2002

[52] Howard, Clark: Zebra: The True Account of the 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco, page 218. Berkley Books (paperback edition), New York, October 1980


[54] Id.





17 05 2009


The Chauncey Bailey Project (CBP) is group of investigative journalist organized to hammer home a point: “You can’t kill a story by killing a journalist.” [1] The CBP single-mindedly is unconsciously going after some of the most powerless, defenseless and traumatized members of the Black community to hammer home and sensationalize a point that out of control young Big Black Brutes were solely responsible for Chauncey’s assassination on August 2, 2007.

 The manipulated, confused and abused young brothers of Your Black Muslim Bakery and the Bey Family have been demonized by an unprecedented, unrelenting, and flagrant racialist mass media campaign of yellow journalism that only serves the racialist objectives of the military-industrial-medical-congressional complex.


In 1988, racialist presidential campaign strategists for George Bush Sr. went after Democrat Presidential Nominee Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis as soft on crime with a television mass media campaign featuring a Black prisoner, Willie Horton, who committed a rape while on furlough. The aim of such tactics was to disguise and make “racism” justified as in Nazi Germany. The effect of the veiled racial campaign went beyond persuading “swing votes” in presidential election campaigns. It resulted in the demonization of Black people in general, and set the stage for the justification of racial fanaticism, and a racist incarceration binge targeting young Black males among other consequences.


The CBP has disgracefully gone after Yusuf Bey IV, Your Black Muslim Bakery, and Bey Family to demonize them with a coordinated mass media campaign of unparalleled power and sensationalism to set the stage to convict them in the media (public lynching), and prejudice them internationally beyond reproach similarly to persecution of Southern justice to Scottsboro Boys in Alabama. [2]   What CBP is doing to this targeted Black group of Muslims is a dangerous abuse of power.

During the late 1970’s, it was uncovered that American newspaper columnists,  commentators, journalist and broadcast commentators had relationships with the CIA that went far beyond those normally maintained between reporters and their sources. They were referred to at the Agency as “known assets” and could be counted on to perform a variety of undercover tasks; they were considered receptive to the Agency’s point of view on various subjects. [3] Is CBP just native, complicit assets, or are they being unwittingly controlled by the military-industrial-medical-congressional complex?

The lead detective in the investigation of Chauncey Bailey’s Assassination was Sergeant Derwin Longmire of the Oakland Police Department (OPD). Stg. Longmire was much more than a defender of Yusuf Bey IV (Young Bey), Your Black Muslim Bakery, and Bey Family as the CBP leads the public to conclude. In the Bailey case, Stg. Longmire is a police intelligence agent-provocateur in charge and responsible for manipulating Young Bey and the others into a (“Strategy of Tension”) crime spree of murder, bedlam and mayhem.

Stg. Longmire is an OPD intelligence unit supervisor. [4] In other words, he is a leader of specialized trained police “Red Squad” units. Red Squads are police intelligence units that specialize in infiltrating, conducting counter-measures and gathering intelligence on political and social groups in coordination and cooperation with FBI, CIA and the fascist military-industrial-medical-congressional complex. [5]  Red Squads counterintelligence tactics included “Strategy of Tension” [6]operations in which targeted dissident groups are infiltrated and deliberately conduct a series of planned fanatic actions then tie the terrorism to the group to discredit, disrupt, destroy and neutralize them.

Stg. Longmire is a trained interrogation specialist, a Black Gestapo. He is an expert in extracting mainly false confessions from poor, powerless and defenseless individuals. He railroaded Alfonsa Phillips, 22, in prison for life on basis of false confessions. Phillips was convicted of killing Antar Bey, CEO of Your Black Muslim Bakery, which opened the door for Longmire’s manipulated perplexed mentored neophyte, Young Bey, to take over the enterprise as the CEO. Phillips’ girlfriend, Althea Foy, said Longmire coerced her to implicate Phillips in Bey’s murder. 

Ms. Foy testified in Phillip’s trial that Longmire mercilessly interrogated her for at least five hours until she caved in and implicated Phillips in Bey’s murder. She said that the interrogation session was so abusive that at one point she began menstruating and bleeding through her clothes. She said that he had pushed her into a seat and told her that he “hadn’t slapped a young black bitch around in a long time and that she was lucky to still have her teeth.” She said that he told her that “a swarm of Muslims” would harm her and her family if she didn’t cooperate. [7] Out of Longmire’s interrogation session he got her to falsely confess to police that Phillips “told me that it was a carjacking gone bad.” [8] 

Longmire also closed the case against Phillips with a statement from Foy’s stepfather that Phillips murdered Bey. Foy’s stepfather appealed in court in yellow jail overalls. He was a convicted armed robber and another poor defenseless drug addict. [9]


Devaughdre Broussard is a young lonely institutionalized psychological abused and traumatized individual with ties to foster homes and psychiatric care institutions. Broussard is also a hapless crack abuser. [10] After Chauncey’s assassination, Stg. Longmire arranged for Young Bey to meet with Broussard alone in a police interview room to help manipulate drugged out Broussard to confess to killing Chauncey. After just six or seven minutes of unrecorded persuasion from Young Bey, Broussard confessed while a simple paraffin test (gun residue) would have collaborated his involvement in the murder. You have to wonder if Young Bey offered Broussard more cigars stuffed with powder (crack) cocaine as an incentive to confess. [11] 

In Longmire’s art of extracting false confessions from poor powerless individuals, as a tactic he does not record interrogations. [12]  As a police/military intelligence tactic, Lee Harvey Oswald’s interrogations in Dallas weren’t recorded either. Just like the CIA, Longmire avoids recording harsh interrogation methods that could expose him and OPD to legal risks and public scrutiny. OPD as a department endorses Longmire’s secret interrogations methods just like the CIA. [13]

In the meanwhile, the OPD secretly recorded a tape of a staged meeting of Young Bey with bakery associates just like a good stage play; Young Bey whispered naively to his associates that Longmire had made it clear that getting a confession from Broussard would “take the heat off the bakery.” [14]

Was Longmire and his supervisors double-crossed by OPD and setup as a classic cut-out by releasing the tape to CBP? [15] Now, it buzzes through the internet that Longmire is about to fired. CBP approach to the Longmire matter is that he interfered with the police investigation of the Young Bey and Your Black Muslim Bakery clan because of a stereotypical secret Black male bonding phenomenon.

However, Longmire’s footprints are all over the entire Your Black Muslim Bakery Affair consistent with the objectives of the FBI’s COINTELPRO, CIA’s Project Chaos, military intelligence and the National Security Agency to discredit, disrupt, destroy and neutralize Black Nationalist organizations such as Your Black Muslim Bakery and enterprise.

Longmire’s strings of false confessions to wrongfully convict defenseless and poor hapless Black and Latino individuals by departmental torturous interrogations methods with no or little trustworthy collaborating or physical evidence have to come to light just as it has come to light in Chicago. [16] 

A thorough investigation of the entire Chauncey Bailey Assassination and Your Black Muslim Bakery Affair will unravel all of Longmire’s convictions by false confessions, and only then can we began the work to apprehend and convict Chauncey’s real killers, and LoEshé Adanma Lacy’s real killers. I believe that the same forces that really killed LoEshé killed Chauncey.

Do brothers usually assault individuals with the latest high tech weapons in ski masks? I don’t think so. Chinese Triad assassins do and that is one of their M.O’s. If quiet is kept, Chinese Triads have been moving in on Oakland’s drug trade for the last couple of decades. [17] Donald Lacy, LoEshe’s father, and Chauncey were great friends. Lately, Lacy has been pretty quiet. I wonder why? The Chinese Triads are an entirely different type of animal. They usually grease the hands of almost everyone in power. They have the power, money and political cover along with the military-industrial-medical-congressional complex to pull off such killings on busy streets in board daylight just like the assassination of JFK.

In the Lacy case, OPD arrested and convicted another lonely institutionalized psychological abused and traumatized 16 year old individual with ties to foster homes and psychiatric care institutions for murdering LoEshé, when witnesses saw at least 4 (four) ski masked individuals with automatic weapons kill her. The young man, Christopher Smith, didn’t have the facts, assailants’ attire, or guns straight in his confession yet he lingers in jail for a crime that he didn’t commit. [18]

Stg. Longmire must not be allowed to be a classic police/military intelligence cut out and vanish into the woodwork. If the so-called independent investigative journalist of CBP is truly independent and interested in justice instead of being running dogs for the military-industrial-medical-congressional complex they would develop Longmire’s counterintelligence activities, expose his art of extracting false confessions to convict probably hundreds of poor and defenseless defendants and; OPD’s complicacy with that unconstitutional and inhumane activity.


Longmire’s interrogation methods and the OPD’s complicacy in torture and the continuing use of COINTELPRO objectives to disrupt, discredit, destroy and neutralize the Left, Dissent (Port of Oakland, April 7, 2003), and Oakland’s Black Enterprises is yet another Oakland Family Jewel.










[8] Id.




[12] Id.






[18] People v. Smith (1999) Alameda County Superior Court, Case No. 136764

Bloodless Coup d’ etat, B.A.R.T & The Fall of John C. Houlihan, Mayor of Oakland

2 02 2009


The late prominent Attorney John C. Houlihan was the mayor of Oakland during the formative years of mass “Negro removal” federally funded under the veil of urban redevelopment.

Since 1964, the mass Negro removal in Oakland was masterminded, designed and developed by the military intelligence handmaiden, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) at Stanford University.

In 1964, the Oakland Redevelopment Agency (ORA) funded by the SRI’s collaborator Ford Foundation came under instant suspicion and exposed for its deception and hidden agenda in regards to the multi-million dollar mass redevelopment of West Oakland in the Oak Center Mass Redevelopment Project. Kaiser was the leading engineering firm for the money-spinning project.

The ORA executive director, Thomas C. Bell, and his top aide, Arthur Hoff, resigned following criticism by Robert McCabe, the regional federal urban renewal administrator. McCade charged that ORA was using “subterfuge” in its dealings with the government. McCade complained that the agency was telling the public, Black residents of West Oakland, that the project was to be mainly rehabilitation and at the same time was adopting standards that would make this impossible. They conspired secretly with SRI and the Ford Foundation to level most of West Oakland. At that time, West Oakland was densely populated with predominately Black, about 90%, homeowners.

McCabe charged that all of the members of the “Lilly-White” ORA should have been aware of the deception and misrepresentations made to the Federal Government to obtain federal redevelopment funding. Kenneth F. Smith was the agency chairman. Mrs. Edwin E. Huddleson, Jr., Lloyd V. Lindquist, Nat Frankel and Leslie K. Moore were the remaining body of ORA.

The resignations came after a series of meetings involving the Oakland Citizens Committee for Urban Renewal (OCCUR), Mayor Houlihan and the regional federal urban renewal administrator.
Sol Gilbert, head of OCCUR, met with McCabe, Mayor Houlihan, ORA to save the project. OCCUR was an advisory group required by the Federal government as part of the city’s workable redevelopment program.

Mayor Houlihan was not exactly excited by SRI’s federal redevelopment scheme. Mayor Houlihan publicly considered abandoning the Negro Removal Oak Center Project, entirely.

At the same time, SRI was developing the lucrative Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) the major bay area mass rapid transportation project. Again, Houlihan was not exactly excited and happy with SRI’s BART project, and its impact on residents of Oakland, in particular.

Mayor Houlihan firmly believed that SRI’s mass transit system wouldn’t benefit the citizens of Oakland. He saw the mass transit system as an unwarranted and expensive thoroughfare into San Francisco for people living outside of Oakland. Houlihan’s very vocal campaign slogan was “Oakland for Oaklanders”. He argued that SRI’s mass transit system and West Oakland’s Oak Center Project would destroy Oakland’s tax base by unnecessarily displacing thousandths of businesses, home owners and taxpayers.

BART from the beginning had been a special interest and lush project for the Bechtel International Group, and Kaiser, Inc. founded by the Bechtel and Kaiser Families of Oakland. The Bay Area Council (BAC), a group of San Francisco area fascist businessmen and industrialist, had begun as early as 1945 crusading for a subway system to make San Francisco the gateway to the Pacific Basin.

Bechtel family members, Stephen D. Bechtel, Sr., Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr., and Henry J. Kaiser, and his son Edgar Kaiser dominated BAC. Stephen Bechtel, Sr. was a member of the board of directors. Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. bankrolled the campaign to finance BART.

In 1957, BAC hired its handmaiden SRI to prepare a study detailing the benefits that would accrue to the bay area from mass transit. On the basis of the study and a lavish public relations campaign heavily financed by Bechtel and its corporate confederates, a $792 million bond issue was narrowly approved.

The project had been delayed, and was just getting underway in 1966 when Mayor Houlihan began to rally against it. Bechtel was the leading engineering firm for BART project. Bechtel was set to collect at least $150 million for the job, and underhandedly displace thousands more of Oakland’s Black residents.

On January 30, 1966, Mayor Houlihan made it known publicly that he opposed BART, “Freeways have cut wide swarts through Oakland and rapid transit is taking more property. The devil with the suburbanite…Many cities and mayors are disenchanted with freeways. They are made for the convenience of the suburbanite, not the city. Official Oakland is deeply concerned whether it should continue with rapid transit program.” The mayor stated most firmly, “We may well kick out the rapid transit system.”

Unwittingly or wittingly Mayor Houlihan, a devout catholic Irishman, stood in the way of one of the most hidden fascist, vicious, powerful, and dangerous clan of New World Order businessmen, and medical-military-industrialist and war profiteers on the planet. They were also collaborators with the world greatness racial mass murderers, the Nazis.

By itself, SRI was a major CIA and pentagon contractor similar to SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Ing Hans Kammler’s Sonderkommando (Special Unit) “think tank” of Nazi Germany.

SRI was founded in 1946 by the same group of fascist West Coast businessmen and war profiteers headed by Stephen D. Bechtel, Sr. and Henry J. Kaiser. SRI grew to be the second-largest corporate-government “think tank” in the United States. Its business was supplying government and industry with the latest in applied research, economic analysis and management techniques.

Among its many programs, SRI evaluated the U.S. strategic systems and played a leading role in developing the U.S. response to the launching of the Soviet Sputnik satellite. Its multimillion-dollar involvement in defense work, combined with its work for the Defense Department during the Vietnam War, provoked violent student demonstrations on the Stanford University campus, and led the university to sever its connections with the institute in 1969.

In 1921, the business partnership of Warren A. Bechtel, and Henry J. Kaiser, both of German descent, developed in Oakland to build major roads throughout California. Bechtel in concert with the Kaisers and other firms built the Hoover Dam, the San Francisco Bay Bridge, the Alaskan pipeline and the mass transit system in Washington D.C. Bechtel and Kaiser constructed major oil pipelines for Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of California in Saudi Arabia.

Bechtel was principal purveyor of nuclear power since the birth of commercial nuclear power industrial in the late 1950’s. Bechtel had a hand in the design and construction of 45 nuclear power plants in 22 states.

A list of Bechtel alumni and associates reads like a fascist Who’s Who of the CIA, Pentagon, and Washington: OSS veteran, John McCone, Atomic Energy Commission, CIA (Kennedy, Eisenhower), Bay of Pigs, Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Iran-Contra Affair, George Schultz, former Secretary of State, Caspar Weinberger, former Secretary of Defense, Richard Helms, CIA, UK-Ultra, UK-Search Mind Control Programs, William Casey, CIA, “The Phoenix Operation”, Phillip Habib, Middle East Envoy, Iran-Contra Affair.

President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah, was ousted in 1966 by a military council subsidized by the CIA when Nkrumah’s Pan-Africanism ideas threatened Edgar Kaiser’s Volta Aluminum Company, and his Volta River Dam Project in Ghana. Bechtel have been directly involved in ousting governments by covert military operations in Indonesia and Iran.

On April 30, 1966, the City of Oakland was taken by surprise when Mayor Houlihan suddenly announced his resignation amidst allegations of embezzlement. The Alameda County Grand jury had produced and issued indictments against him. The grand jury complaint flimsy alleged that there was “reason to suspect” that Houlihan “may have embezzled, concealed, smuggled or fraudulently disposed of” some of Mrs. Whitlock’s assets or “misappropriated” assets under her estate.

Germanic clan collaborator, the villainous and fascist Edwin Meese III of Inslaw and Iran-Contra fame, was the chief deputy district attorney assigned to the grand jury and the moving force behind the indictment of Houlihan.
The complaint had been fabricated and planted on behalf of an Eva Velpel of Peoria, Ill.; Ms. Whitlock was a wealthy elderly heir to the Safeway Food Store chain. Velpal was Whitlock’s sister and sole beneficiary under her will. Velpel was represented by Alameda attorney Thomas Ferro. Ferro had his secretary, a Mrs. Novak, appointed administratrix to the estate.

The Alameda County District Attorney and Houlihan’s fellow Irishman, J. Frank Coakley, infamous Port Chicago Mutiny Trial Prosecutor, was obviously shaken, intimidated and fearful of the powerful and traitorous clan and said uncharacteristly, “Nobody made any complaint to me,” adding, “I’m not making any observation at all.” Coakley abandoned the rule of law, and left Houlihan to the wrath of the clan.

In his defense, Mayor Houlihan responded, “there’s a question of whether there was actually $96,000 in bonds” in the estate when he became conservator. That figure came from Mrs. Whitlock who was then 70 years old.” Houlihan further added, “the actual amount of the bonds can be verified by a check of registration information.”

On October 11, 1966, almost five months after he resigned, Houlihan was charged before Superior Court Judge Redmon C. Staats, Jr. that he systematically plundered the estate of the late Sarilla Whitlock, widow of Safeway Stores executive, James Whitlock. She died in 1965 at the age of 74. Extraordinarily, Judge Staats had Houlihan seized, taken away and jailed immediately.

On about October 24, 1966, the once bold, fiery, outspoken and domineering Irishman submissively pleaded guilty to the grand jury indictment. Amazingly, there were no bail hearings, no pretrial conferences, or discovery proceedings before Houlihan was indefinitely detained and jailed.

Houlihan was represented by attorney Stanley P. Golde. Houlihan had been publicly humiliated. He was jailed for approximately (thirteen) 13 days before he was succumbed and pleaded guilty to the charges.

At his hearing, the once prominent attorney and mayor of Oakland was described as appearing “wan” and “tired”. The former mayor had been huddled in a holding cell with six other prisoners awaiting hearings on charges ranging from assault with a deadly weapon to bail jumping. When his case was called, Houlihan conferred briefly with Golde and then the court ordered Houlihan committed immediately to the prison of horrors and mind control, Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility.

Judge Staats had Houlihan’s commitment papers and orders already opened, sealed and delivered. Judge Staats immediately signed commitment orders sending Houlihan to Vacaville Medical Facility for 85 days after he read a letter into the record from E. J. Reimer, chief of the Vacaville medical facility, who said that Houlihan was a “fit subject” for the diagnostic study, brainwashing and maybe one of Vacaville’s infamous psychosurgery procedures, a brain lobotomy mind flush for his insolence to the New World Order.

Houlihan left Alameda County jail with two other prisoners, Riley Bibray and James E. Martinez, also enroute to Vacaville for burglary convictions. Houlihan was dressed in white overalls with a large red “P” on the back and he wore shower clogs.

Houlihan shielded his eyes from the TV lights as a sheriff’s department placed a green airline type bag in the rear of the station wagon which had emblazoned on the side, “Irish Airplanes”, a final veiled humiliating insult by Oakland’s ruling fascist Germanic Clan also known as the Alameda County Mafia.

The medical military industrial medical complex and its handmaiden had removed the Mayor of Oakland in a power bloodless coup d’ etat. It destroyed John Charles Houlihan, because of his public opposition to their veiled plans to clandestinely destroy and level the Black communities of Oakland and handsomely profit from it.

Houlihan was swiped away to SRI’s covert CIA/NASA mind control and behavior modification projects at Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility headed by CIA MK Ultra Station chief, Stanford Psychiatrist Dr. James Alexander Hamilton , and Black collaborator Dr. Isaac Slaughter.

During the CIA’s covert MK-ULTRA program, Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility was used extensively as a secret virtual human guinea pig experimentation lab for the SS-Nazis, and the U.S. medical-military-industrial complex.

In 1963, Dr. William C. Keating, superintendent of Vacaville, reported that over 50 covert experimental programs were ongoing at Vacaville including National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) programs. NASA was a federal agency created, gift wrapped and presented to SS Stumbannfuhrer (Major) Wernher von Braun of Nazi Germany by the United States government. Dr. Keating and Dr. Ralph Urbino, a retired Air Force officer formed a nonprofit and shadowy Solano Institute for Medical and Psychiatric Research as a front for the CIA’s and von Braun’s human experimentation, behavior modification and drug testing projects at Vacaville.

The rest is history. BART became the New World Order lucrative autocratic mass transit system rip-off with its own intelligence and police force, and thousands of businesses and Black residents were displaced, and hundred of miles of Black West Oakland was leveled and destroyed.

Houlihan spent his entire term at the prison of horror and mind control. Houlihan must have been turned into a completely tamed brain flushed zombie. The California Adult Authority granted Houlihan’s release from prison, 2 1/2 months ahead of schedule.

Houlihan’s early release was granted so that he would accept a $15,000 a year position as a special assistant to the late CIA operative and spook, Edward J. Daly, president of Oakland’s World Airways, and the New (World Order) Oakland Committee.

The infamous South Korean Airlines 007 shot down on September 1, 1983 by Soviet fighter planes over the Sea of Japan was one of Daly’s rented planes allegedly loaded secretly with sophisticated CIA spy equipment.

It also carried to death along with 269 passengers, Dr. Lawrence Patton (Larry) McDonald. McDonald was a powerful and controversial 5-term U.S. Congressman, Democrat, from Georgia. He was also simultaneously Chairman of the John Birch Society and President of Western Goals Foundation.

McDonald was also the cousin of infamous General George S. Patton; and an alleged Nazi spy collaborator. According to the research of the late Mae Brussell, McDonald was a national leader of the John Birch Society, which was exceedingly active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy assassination. Western Goals has offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that fed data to the Reinhard Gehlen’s BND, Germany’s CIA. On Western Goals board were Cold War Warriors Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer and Dr. Hans Senholt, once a Nazi Luftwaffe pilot under the notorious SA-Gruppenfuhrer Hermann Wilhelm Goring.

Daly said that he intended to use Houlihan as a flunky and assign him to docile duties involving governmental and community relations, and said the former Oakland mayor would represent him at meetings of public service organizations Daly is unable to attend in person.

Oakland’s bloodless coup d’ etat was engineered, synchronized and arranged by a symphony of the Alameda County Mafia.

Judge Redmond Staats was one of them. He had been a longtime confederate of the political machine of Leland Stanford’s “Southern Pacific Republican Party” led by Oakland’s fascist old guard confederates, Joseph Knowland and Mike Kelly.

Houlihan’s attorney had also been one of them. Stanley P. Golde went on to represent Dr. Marcus Foster, Oakland’s Superintendent of Schools, for a February 1973 drunken driving case in South San Francisco. Dr. Foster had also defied Oakland’s ruling clans, and the Alameda County Mafia.

It is most likely that Marcus Foster was CIA Artichoked and drugged. Dr. Foster’s drugging was timed so that he should have been involved in a deadly freeway crash, but it so happened that he was caught on a freeway onramp traffic jam when the drug overtook and disabled him. Dr. Foster was assassinated before the case was resolved.
Also in 1973, Golde was appointed to Alameda Superior Court by the Nazi collaborating former California Governor Ronald Reagan.

In 1976, as a judge, Golde controlled and covered-up and veiled evidence in the criminal proceedings and cases to shield the cover of Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) members, Emily and Bill Harris, which were covert CIA-FBI collaborators and provocateurs.

Before Judge Golde died in 1999, he had sent more poor Oakland Black defendants to death row than any other judge in the state.

The 1966 secret bloodless coup of Oakland’s Mayor, the late John Charles Houlihan, is another one of Oakland’s Family Jewels that set the backdrop for the blowback, the continuing acts of murder, repression and oppression by the BART Police Department against people of color, and the cold-blooded extermination of the precious life of 22-year Oscar Grant III on January 1, 2009 .