17 02 2010

BART Gestapo- Hard on Inferior Class of Beings, Bitch Assed N'rs, Useless Eaters & Liberals

-Matrix- something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization as Nazism (National Socialism) is the matrix for an apartheid U.S police state.- Princeray- 


Since the racial extermination of Oscar Grant on January 1, 2009 by BART Gestapo and Officer Tony Pirone’s explosive racist battle cry heard around the World against Oakland’s people of color, “Bitch Assed N’ers” and other racially explosive offenses against society, instead of developing humane policies and guarantees, BART has decided to be aggressive, play low-down dirty and lynch even Good Ole Boy Attorney John Burris. It has decided to strike first against the people as psychological warfare tactics.

After BART issued a recent public statement disclosing a $1.5 million settlement for Grant’s 5-year-old daughter, Tatiana, Dale Allen, BART’s attorney, took the initiative against John Burris’ clients, Grant’s five friends, who were brutalized and terrorized by BART Gestapo the night Grant was murdered. He offensively boasted that he would vigorously defend BART against a civil rights lawsuit by Grant’s friends because four of the five men had admitted in depositions that they had “significant police contacts” and were trying to evade police officers during the incident. [1][2] Dale Allen’s law firm is appropriately entitled “Low, Ball & Lynch”.

Allen alleged that the men acted “aggressively” toward officers, were “interfering in a police investigation,” tried to evade police and “created a stressful environment” that led to Grant’s death. [3]

Allen said the men also said in their depositions that Grant was involved in a fight with another passenger on a train before it stopped at the Fruitvale BART station.[4]

In addition to chest beating, Allen also exposed some very explosive news that may have a bearing on Mehserle’s upcoming murder trial. Allen bragged that Grant’s five friends corroborated statements in depositions by other witnesses that Mehserle was “shocked, dazed and stunned” after the shooting, backing up Mehserle’s defense that the shooting was an accident.[5] 

Due to Allen’s public news leak seriously attacking his clients’ creditability and standing in the community in violation of some type of covert confidentiality agreement with BART, Burris said at a February 5, 2010 news conference that BART’s boastings may crater the settlement with Tatiana.  However, Allen blasted back that Burris had entered a stipulation of dismissal accepting the settlement on behalf of Grant’s daughter “and we fully intend to enforce the terms of the settlement if he attempts to withdraw.” [6] 


Well, this is all very interesting. Wasn’t John Burris the legal representative for Grant’s five friends, Nigel Bryson, 19, his brother, Jackie Bryson, 21, Michael Greer, 22, Carlos Reyes, 21, and Fernando “June” Anicete, 20? On October 13, 2009, Burris filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against BART for the five young brothers. [7]

It would seem to reason that Burris was at the Low Ball & Lynch depositions of the five brothers. Did he deliberately standby under a shroud of confidentiality and allow the BART Gestapo to coerce and further terrorize the five young men to make paradoxical statements to set the stage to undermine Mehserle’s upcoming first degree murder trial? 

During the solo press conference Burris called in response to BART’s public posturing in the Oscar Grant affair, Burris exposed publicly for the first time that he had voluntarily entered into some type of secret collective CIA/James Bond type “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” protective gag order with Oakland’s Secret Matrix that even his clients didn’t know about.

I suppose that Burris would be upset with BART for dissing him, particularly, in lieu of what have I done for you lately. Burris said that he had been a good House Negro keeping the secrets and protecting the Oakland Secret Matrix. Burris’ press conference was more like Malcolm’s reference to House Negroes’ cry about the master’s house fire, “our house is on fire.”  It seems that Burris was more concerned about being dissed by occupants of the house (legal system) than the injustices and crimes perpetrated against the community. During the press conference, Burris kept referring to Oscar Grant’s friends as “Boys.” What was that all about? Coded? 

In Johnny Come Lately & the Alameda County Mafia, I was puzzled why Burris directed a letter to BART Police Chief Gary Gee to look into and investigate the existence of an “unprofessional relationship” between BART Officers Tony Pirone and Johannes Mehserle that had been confidentially offered to him from some source. By the revelations in his press conference, I am quite now certain why. 

To be foretold is to be forewarned. I maintained that that information was important and involved public safety whether or not these officers were secretly acting in concert as neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Minutemen, Birchers or the like.[8] Note the names of other officers involved in the officer involved mayhem and murder that night, Marysol Domenici, Jon Woffinden, and Emery Knudtson. [9] It sounds like members of the “Axis Forces” of World War II, the Gestapo. 

What about 37-year old Michael Joseph Gibson? On Saturday, November 21, 2009, BART Gestapo caught the world’s eye again on video senselessly brutalizing a non resisting bipolar schizophrenic Gibson by hurling him into a glass plate window. Gibson’s only crime had been annoying BART patrons with a public exhibition of his mental suffering.

The Michael Joseph Gibson Affair could not have come at a worst time for BART’s PR campaign and national reputation, which was in the middle of an international spotlight involving the videotaped cold blood and senseless execution of Grant with his hands behind his back by BART Gestapo.

In the Gibson affair, BART decided to strike first as a psychological warfare PR tactic. They called a rare Sunday press conference to get ahead of the story to control once the video was exposed to the World. BART refused to identify the officer.  

By Monday, “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” good ole House Negro John Burris was on the case representing Gibson guarding and covering-up Matrix secrets; and absolutely nothing has been publicly released further about the Michael Joseph Gibson-BART Affair. Subsequently, the D.A. found no justified grounds to charge Gibson with felonies for resisting arrest and assaulting BART Gestapo. At the time of this posting, the name of the Gestapo officer is still shockingly SECRET!

The Michael Joseph Gibson Affair was obviously important to the public, the Oscar Grant Case and Mehserle’s upcoming murder trial as evidence of a custom, pattern and routine habit of senselessly brutalizing people of color. 

It would also have a bearing on civil rights lawsuits under 42 U.S.C.A. §1983 against BART by developing and maintaining policies and customs which exhibited deliberate indifference to the constitutional rights of people of color in Oakland, namely, inadequate/improper investigation of citizen complaints of police misconduct; inadequate/improper recruitment, training of police officers; inadequate disciplining, sanctioning, and shielding of police officers who engage in unlawful conduct; and, inadequate training against a code of silence or” blue code” within the police department.

I maintain that BART is the product of Stanford Research Institute (SRI). SRI is the archetype of the BEAST Nazi War Criminal Obergruppenfuhrer SS Hans Kammler’s Sonderkommando (Special Unit) “think tank.” SS Kammler was secretly disappeared by the OSS out of Germany in May 1945 in Operation Paperclip. [10]  The BART Police Force is a private army of the Sonderkommando, a reflection of the BEAST, the SS and the Gestapo.

Along with Fayedine Coulter, John Grigsby, G. William (Billy) Hunter, Earl Warren, D. Lowell Jensen, Edwin Meese; Thomas Jensen, and DA Thomas Orloff, John Burris is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall and Alameda County D.A’s “Good Ole Boys Club” forever loyal and a silent partner to Oakland’s Murder Inc. Secret Matrix; the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, the BEAST, and Lucifer’s servants and its seeds. [11]


[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.

[5] Id.

[6] Id.

[7] Bryson el. al.  v. Gee, US District Court, Case No. 4:2009cv04835(10-13-2010)





The Gregory Files: The Assassination of Little Bobby Hutton & The Secret Undeclared War Against the Panthers

5 01 2010

Little Bobby Hutton, 17 years Old, The Heart of the Panthers

The Negro youth and moderate[s] must be made to understand that if they succumb to revolutionary teachings, they will be dead revolutionaries.” J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director

FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover outlined the theme of COINTELPRO set out above. These were not idle words threatening to kill us for engaging in constitutionally protected activity. Little Bobby Hutton and at least 37 Panthers were murdered outright by a confederation of governmental and military bureaus and departments. The FBI labeled the Panthers as domestic public enemy number one and “the greatest threat to internal security.” The confederation initiated a clandestine war against the Panthers. In most cases, the FBI coordinated the assault. Of 295 FBI operations against black organizations, 233 of them were against the Panthers. [1]


Huey P. Newton was the brawn, Bobby Seale was the brain, and Little Bobby Hutton was the heart of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPPSD). There was only one Bobby in the BPPSD. It was Bobby Seale, but Bobby Hutton looked up to Seale so much it was a compliment to be in the shadows of Bobby Seale as “Little Bobby.” I don’t believe that there was anyone that loved the Panthers more than Little Bobby. When I first saw him, he always appeared to beam with pride, content and fortune to be among Seale and the older brothers and sisters. 

It was Little Bobby’s pompous glide that stood out to me as they passed through the halls of Merritt Jr. College. At first, I was rather envious of him. I had always daydreamed to be accepted as part of the in-crowd of a group of older brothers. Always rounding up the end of the pack, Little Bobby had to use long and ever elegant strides to keep up. He seemed all legs. He reminded me of a graceful and swift gazelle trying to keep in pace with the older brothers. It had always been something to see and be in awe of, The Proud Little Bobby Hutton. I was just a young poor daydreamer, but a fly on the wall of history. 

I didn’t know Little Bobby at the time of the formation of the BPPSD in October of 1966, I subsequently discovered to my pleasant surprise that he was Charles Hutton’s little brother. Charles had been one of my best friends at Lowell Jr. High School. We were all from modest Lumpen West Oakland Christian families. As a custom, we loved and were ever caring of our and each others younger siblings.

Little Bobby was always quiet, humble, and respectful. He wasn’t ever loud or boastful. He didn’t talk too much. I was surprised to find out that he had a girlfriend, a companion, in the Panthers. She was among the core Lumpen members. She was tall, graceful, sincere, unassuming, and humble. They complimented each other so much. The little time that I knew him, I watched him grow far beyond me from the shadow of a best friend’s young brother to become the heart of an avant-garde people’s vanguard, but one thing didn’t change. Little Bobby wouldn’t intentionally and unnecessarily harm anyone.

Little Bobby’s every breath was Panther. He lived and interiorized the life of the BPPSD. He idolized and absolutely loved Bobby Seale, and the BPPSD. Our orders were to defend ourselves and our people not ambush anyone.

Our rules of conduct prohibited us from pulling weapons on anyone without the justification of self defense. Little Bobby was ever mindful of our reflection in the community. He knew and cherished the rules and image of the BPPSD more than any others. He was the “Heart of the Party.” Little Bobby understood that we had to be shining examples of something entirely novel in our community, a revolutionary forefront of the Black Community.

The BPPSD had evolved into more than a bunch of Lumpen with guns. Their only armor was the 10-Point Plan and undying love for the people. Their only reward was constructive optimism, peace, freedom, security and harmony in the community. The Panthers took calls from the community 24 hours a day. When the brothers said “let’s go,” I had no idea where we were bound to or what forces we had to face. However, I couldn’t go out on assignment on all calls. Some of the older brothers thought I was too young. One night, we got a call from a distressed interracial family being harassed by the Berkeley Police Department. I strapped up with the brothers to go in. Captain Glen Stafford looked at me and said, “No, little brother, you can’t go.” “You’re the future.” It did lighten me up, but I sincerely had doubts if I would see my 21st birthday.

I knew that no matter what danger existed or insurmountable forces that existed that threatened the peace of mind, wellbeing and security of the community, the Panthers would go in disciplined, fearless with their backs straight and narrow winning the hearts and minds of the people.

The Panthers had some of most fearless and heroic brothers and sisters that I had ever seen. As a Manchild, I had to learn to overcome and face fear from Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Glen Stafford, Brother Clutch, Big Man, Orleandro Harrison, David Hilliard, Warren Tucker, Wendell Wade, and so many other loyal and noble brothers and sisters that had nothing to give but love.  We were bound to take nothing from the people or harm them in any form or manner.  

This heroic fearlessness, love and selfless dedication to the community earned the Panthers a great deal of goodwill and love in the community that you couldn’t buy.

So, it is hard to believe as some allege that Panthers would be traveling in a convoy of automobiles loaded with brothers that you barely knew to carry out a critical mission to ambush police. That wasn’t Little Bobby, and it wasn’t the way the Panthers had been organized. It wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t orders of the BPPSD. It was counterproductive to our values, families and image in the community that the Panthers had won. It was not the way to continue to win the hearts, minds, imagination and support of the people and cause that we loved so dearly. 



On Thursday, April 4, 1968, a couple of brothers and I were manning the office on 45th and Grove. At sometime before 6 p.m., an old woman rounded the corner sobbing and crying. She was hysterical and screaming. She was dressed in her night robe and slippers. She was screaming that they killed him. They killed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She cried out to us, “You’ll get those bastards!” She then hung her head low and continued to sob and cry as she disappeared back around the corner.

As word passed of Dr. King’s assassination in Memphis, people just spontaneously poured out on the street sobbing and crying. As if by some sort of magic spell, people began walking the street blind; in sort of a deep emotional hypnotic state of disbelief. The King of Peace was dead. The sky was crying.

Word came down among the ranks; Oakland wasn’t for burning that night. I hurried to Merritt Jr. College and flung open the doors of the campus auditorium for our people to gather, moan, cry, and ponder. As Huey once said, it would be one more step to bring the community to a higher level of consciousness. [2]


Marlon Brando (April 3, 1924-July 1, 2002)

The senseless assassination of the King of Peace brought about a higher level of consciousness across the racial divide. People around the world were left outraged by the vicious slaughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by covert forces within the Nixon Administration, and the U.S. Government. The same forces that wanted the Panthers dead had killed Dr. King. People began to look to the Panthers for answers. One sincere infamous individual sought answers and crossed the racial divide to join us. It was Marlon Brando.

By Friday morning, April 5, 1968, Marlon Brando was in the Panther office at 45th and Grove when I arrived. Bobby Seale asked if I knew the white guy standing in the office looking at me. I responded no. I whispered to Bobby that I thought he was another Berkeley hippie. He laughed. It was Marlon Brando.

Brando had been one of my most favorite Hollywood heroes. I still love, “On the Waterfront.” I never imagined that I would let along be in the same room with him, but to meet him in the flesh was beyond all my daydreaming and imagination. I noticed as Brando looked at me, he was warm, humble, and comfortable with us, the BPPSD. 

Bobby told me something that he has yet to repeat. He told me very quietly and ecstatically that the Panthers would finally reach the respect and notability as a Peoples Vanguard that he and Huey had envisioned. Due to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it had left a great deal of people disillusioned with the government. Brando was a sort of Hollywood emissary. Bobby told me that some of the biggest names in Hollywood were ready to support the BPPSD. It was so hard to believe. I took a deep breath. I was hopeful that the unrelenting vicious attacks and threats against us would soon be a thing of the past.

The assassination of Dr. King not only set practically every major metropolitan city in the United States in flames and rebellion, but it had a rippling effect that set the tides of public compassion toward the BPPSD, and the fascist military industrial complex reacted quickly and violently to discredit us, and silence and neutralize Marlon Brando regarding their clandestine blood war against the Panthers. By Saturday, April 6, 1968, Little Bobby Hutton, The Heart of Panthers, would be dead. The sky would cry again. 


On Saturday, April 6, 1968, at about noon it was another brother and I manning the Panther office at 45th and Grove. Eldridge Cleaver arrived in one of the two enormous bright colored 4-door 1967-68 Dodges that the brothers had access to from some source. I believe that I could speak for most of the general membership, we didn’t particularly appreciate Cleaver. He didn’t associate himself with the Lumpen. We also had a problem with him raping and sexually exploiting our young sisters. It almost exploded into a rebellion among the Lumpen against Cleaver and the Central Committee when Cleaver sexually attacked a young sister, Frances Young. Bobby Seale had promised that the Central Committee would act to investigate the matter, and take steps to protect our sisters. Bobby was always the glue that kept us together and on focus. We loved Bobby and believed in him with our lives in toll. Bobby interceded and quelled the revolt.

As the car pulled in front of the office, Cleaver was sitting along in the massive backseat of a bright yellow Dodge. He was so self important. He had to be chauffeured around by Warren Wells. Cleaver exchanged a few words with us and proceeded straight to an office in the rear of the shotgun storefront.

While Cleaver was in the back office, a well dressed bourgeois appearing Black man arrived by car to the front of the office in company of what he said was his son. He was drunk, sobbing and crying. He pleaded, and cried over and over again that he had to speak to someone in charge about a warning and injustice that he had to get off his chest. Cleaver was the highest ranking member, Minister of Information, at the office so we escorted them to the rear office to talk to him.

After a couple of minutes, the rear office door swung open. Cleaver exploded into a rage. Cleaver screamed that the man was crazy. He shouted. “Get out.” “Get out.”  As the man passed us, he continued to plead and cry out for us to hear him. Cleaver went wild shouting, “Don’t talk to him.” “He’s crazy, don’t talk to him.” Cleaver chased the man and his son out of the office. When he finally drove away despondent, shaking and sopping, Cleaver went straight to the rear office. He gathered his things and left in a hurry in that big yellow Dodge without saying a word to us.

I was dumbfounded by the incident. At the time, I had absolutely no idea what the crying man had wanted to warn us about. I wished that there had been anyone other than Eldridge Cleaver at the office that afternoon.


At sometime in the late afternoon, Little Bobby, June Hilliard and some other brothers arrived at the office. June had access to another large Dodge, a bright 4-door orange car. The brothers had been busy transporting grocery goods between houses for the sisters preparing food for the Sunday Free Huey Rally and Picnic.

Before dusk, we drove Little Bobby to his house for dinner which was not too far from the office in North Oakland on 56th Street. June asked Little Bobby what was cooking for dinner. He said that there was a big pot of beans. One of the brothers jokingly asked if he could join him, and if it included a big jug of red kool-aide. We shared a laugh and a slip of the Bitter Dog [3] as Little Bobby left us.

While we were at the office waiting for the sisters to call for more supplies, June’s wife took the car to run errands. As dusk fell and June’s wife had not returned the car, I had no specific duties. Our orders were because of police raids on the office at night upon the slightest justification we had to avoid staying at the office if we had no essential duties to perform. 

That faithful evening, I walked across the street and took the bus homebound to 40th Avenue in East Oakland. The last words Little Bobby left me had been that he would rejoin us at the office after dinner. It never entered my imagination that it would be the last time that I saw Little Bobby Hutton alive.

On April 6, 1968, our primary concerns had been the success of the Free Huey Rally to take place on Sunday, April 7, 1968 at Defremery Park in West Oakland. After the assassination of Dr. King, the universal consciousness among the people had risen. Internationally renowned activist and Hollywood star Marlon Brando was here. There were great expectations for the rally and picnic. The sisters had planned to feed the mass of people expected to turn out at the rally to express their dissent to the Vietnam War; the policies of President Richard M. Nixon; and outrage about the assassination of the King of Peace; and support Huey and the BPPSD.


We were well aware that the OPD had initiated a full press harassment campaign against the Panthers, but we weren’t aware of the degree of the attack. We weren’t aware of a detailed Panther Squad that kept photographs and license plate numbers of known Panthers. We weren’t aware that the entire U.S. government had declared war against us.  They formed a Goliath, a vast coordinated domestic terrorist counterintelligence confederation approximating the secret security state within the state straight out of Nazi Germany that went far beyond the OPD Panther Squad; the U.S. Constitution; U.S. and California Criminal Code; the Nuremberg and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.



“[P]urpose of counterintelligence action is to disrupt the BPP and it is immaterial whether facts exist to substantiate the charge.” -Federal Bureau of Investigation-

As FBI FOIA documents are being released regarding COINTELPRO, as of this date there continues to be a lack of detailed information released about the campaign against the Oakland Panthers, and the assassination (murder) of Little Bobby, which was absolutely consistent with the FBI’s stated domestic terrorist COINTELPRO theme. 

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) formed a secret panther squad to illegally harass and neutralize the Panthers. Charles Gain was the Chief of OPD from 1967 to 1973. Gain replaced ardent racist Edward M. Toothman [4] as police chief in September 1967 to lead the clandestine governmental coordinated assault against the Panthers beginning with the attempted assassination of Huey P. Newton in October.

Gain and William Chohendet led the FBI’s San Francisco office’s “Panther Squad” (a subpart of its COINTELPRO Section). [5]  All along as Chief of the OPD, Gains had secretly been one of J. Edgar Hoover’s top COINTELPRO FBI agents. Charles Gain also moved into Seattle as its acting police chief in July of 1970 to coordinate the attack on the Black Panther Chapter in that city.

Previous to the FBI takeover of the OPD, the Bechtel-Kaiser (SS Himmler) Cartel removed the independent minded Catholic Mayor John C. Houlihan in a bloodless coup d’état. Houlihan was replaced on May 1, 1966 by former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Reading. [6]  

The California Attorney, General, Evelle J. Younger, was also instrumental in Hoover’s Cointelpro program to disrupt and destroy Black Nationalist, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Younger had also been one of Hoover’s top agents.

The California Organized Crime and Criminal Intelligence Branch (OCCIB) of the State Department of Justice had been set up by Younger before 1970. A report circulated by the OCCIB in 1972 identified among its prime targets the Black Panther Party. [7]

Evelle Younger was also a former OSS agent during WWII, and was also instrumental in the CIA’s Project Chaos. Younger had been the Los Angeles County District Attorney during the June 1968 assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel. He was instrumental in the cover-up, and framing Sirhan Sirhan for the CIA high level Kennedy assassination.


The CIA’s Special Operations Groups within the Counter-lntelligence Division created the illegal domestic operation, Project CHAOS. “Project MERRIMAC [1967 to 1973] involved the infiltration by CIA agents of . . . Black activist groups. . . . Project RESISTANCE [1967 to 1973] was a broad effort to obtain general background information” about radical groups across the country.” [8]

In addition to the FBI, under Project MERRIMAC and RESISTANCE, subparts of Project CHAOS, the BPPSD had also been infiltrated by the CIA in combination with the theme of COINTELPRO.

The man in charge of the CIA at that time was Richard McGarrah Helms (March 30, 1913–October 22, 2002). He was the Director of Central Intelligence from 1966 to 1973. He was the only director to have been convicted of lying to Congress over CIA undercover activities. In 1977, he was sentenced to the maximum fine and received a slap on the waist suspended two-year prison sentence. [9]

The CIA head of Project CHAOS was Richard Ober. Ober was part of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) with Allen Dulles during WWII. He became a liaison with the anti-Fascist underground in Nazi-occupied Europe. Ober served under James Angleton as his chief counter-intelligence deputy. Richard Helms and James Jesus Angleton may have been two of the most dangerous and ruthless men in the western hemisphere. [10]

Richard Helm of OSS and the CIA Deputy Director’s great journalist coup had been a 1935 interview with Fuhrer Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. [11] Helms of the OSS was a principal along with Allen Dulles in Operation Paperclip that clandestinely brought thousands of SS-Knights of the Black Sun into America.[12]  Helms was also the CIA plans director that headed the Phoenix (assassination) Program in Vietnam. [13]

Helms signed for the secret and illegal entry of California’s resident SS High Priest, Sturmhauptfuhrer Baron Otto von Bolschwing, into the United States as a CIA agent. [14] SS Bolschwing was one of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s top SA (Sturmabteilung) agents. [15]

In 1945, the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corp (CIC) hired SS Bolschwing who had been the right-hand man for Adolf Eichmann in Nazi Germany. The CIC used Bolschwing to learn of his methods in recruiting, interrogating, and hiring SS officers. After spending nine years in Europe, von Bolschwing was brought to the United States where he worked for the CIA in the area of interrogation. His expertise involved using a variety of torture methods on subjects — bullwhips, placing needles under fingernails, drugging victims, and attaching electrodes to theirs testicles and nipples.[16]  SS Bolschwing was undoubtedly the Helms and Angleton’s California resident SS counterintelligence CIA expert that led to the vicious undeclared war against the Panthers and the death of Little Bobby.

The CIA MK ULTRA mind control program was the brainchild of Helms, Dulles, and the Knights of the Black Sun. In 1973, it was Helms that clandestinely destroyed most all CIA-MK ULTRA (mind control), and FAMILY JEWELS (Nazi connections, assassinations (JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, Dr. King, etc.) files to shield it from congressional oversight; and criminal prosecution. [17]

James Jesus Angleton of OSS and CIA Deputy Director of Counterintelligence, Helm’s right hand man, was a principal along with Dulles, Helms in Operation Paperclip. Angleton was the CIA’s chief in charge of the Artichoke, Phoenix (assassination) Programs; and Murder, Inc. in America. Angleton was the CIA man behind Lee Harvey Oswald; and the JFK, RFK, and the Dr. King assassinations. [18]

In June 1970, Richard Nixon held a meeting with J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Helms and the heads of army and navy intelligence (Joint Chiefs of Staff). Nixon wanted better intelligence on “revolutionary activism” in the United States. Ober was given an office in the White House and worked closely with Nixon’s “Berlin Wall” Nazi presidential advisors, H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman. [19]

State of California: SQUAD 19 

Louis Tackwood, agent-provocateur for the Los Angeles Police Department Criminal Conspiracy Section (CCS), and the Public Disorders Intelligence Division (PDID),   exposed LAPD involvement in “dirty tricks and murderous things” (Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, October 18, 1971). [20]

Working along with the CCS and PDID to target the BPPSD, Tackwood identified Nixon White House plumbers “Martin” and “White.” “Martin” and “White” were actually former CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and James McCord, both implicated in covert operations; and the Watergate break-in. [21]

Evelle Younger, E. Howard Hunt, James McCord were members of the CCS and a super clandestine counterintelligence group, Squad 19. [22] Alameda County Mafia District Attorneys D. Lowell Jensen and Edwin Meese were also principals of CCS and Squad 19 that illegally targeted the Panthers for persecutions, harassment, frame-ups, imprisonment and neutralization. 

Squad 19 was also responsible for planning a false flag operation similar to the Nazi’s Reichstag Fire Event to plunge the country into a reign of fear to justify a Nazi-fascist takeover of the United States. They had planned to assassinate President Richard M. Nixon during a bloody and violent disruption of the 1968 Republican Convention, and frame Black Nationalist such as the Panthers, leftist, and Vietnam anti-war activist for the assassination. [23] 


Tom Charles Huston, a Nixon-appointee, had developed plans to monitor ‘domestic security threats.”  (Deep Throat) (Mark) Felt labeled Huston a “gauleiter,’ which means “the leader or chief official of a political district under Nazi control.” [24] 

The Huston Plan was also a top secret coordinated battle plan targeting the Panthers composing of the National Security Agency (NSA), CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), FBI and the counterintelligence agencies of the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. [25] The DIA is the intelligence branch of the U.S. Defense Department. The Whitehouse plan was overseen by presidential assistant Tom Charles Huston of the Neo-Nazi Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). The YAF, a head of the secret Nazi Hydra in America, has been linked to the conspiracy to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. [26] 


False flag operations are covert operations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time. [27]

Eldridge Cleaver (August 31, 1935-May 1, 1998) Admitted Agent Provocateur of the April 6, 1968 False Flag Operation that Led to Little Bobby's Death

Filed in 1969 by the OPD, Mullin v. Brando was a classic slap lawsuit against Marlon Brando to silence him about the murder of Little Bobby and the undeclared war against the Panthers. The OPD sued Brando for slander for alleging on a national television broadcast that they had murdered Little Bobby illegally in cold blood while trying to surrender. [28]

The complaint alleged that Little Bobby had been killed as result of a “gun battle” which had been provoked by Panthers. This was a clear departure from allegations of a deliberately “planned ambush” of the OPD. [29]

Truth is an absolute defense to slander, but COINTELPRO, Project CHAOS, Squad 19, Huston Plan, and the secret war against the Panthers were still top secret governmental programs in 1969. Three of Little Bobby’s shooters were identified in the lawsuit as OPD officers Robert Coffman, Robert Fredericks; and Owen Carlton Brown of the Emeryville Police Department. [30] According to convicted felon Whitehouse Plumber, Charles W. Colson, the FBI were shooters too. [31] Most probably, the entire Goliath Confederation shared in Little Bobby’s execution.

One of the shooters, Owen C. Brown said that Little Bobby had been executed from a “massive volley”[32] of a firing squad on the street in the glare of high tendency spotlights that had been setup like a Hollywood set. We also had been informed that Little Bobby been torn apart by experimental weapons.

The parties that infiltrated the Panthers in collaboration with FBI, CIA, and military intelligence and setup and initiated the false flag shootout of April 6, 1968 that led to Little Bobby’s death is also still secret, except one, Eldridge Cleaver.

In a May 19, 1980 article in the New West Magazine, “Souled Out, Eldridge Cleaver Admits He Ambushed Those Cops,” [33] Eldridge admitted that he was one of the agent provocateurs that collaborated with government to contrive the false flag operation that resulted in Little Bobby’s death. [34]

In a 1997 PBS Frontline interview, Cleaver again admitted that he was the agent provocateur of the false flag operation, “…we started the fight. There were 14 of us. We went down into the area of Oakland where the violence was the worst a few blocks away from where Huey Newton had killed that cop so we dealt with them when they came upon us.” [35] A decision to engage the police would not have come from Cleaver, Minister of Information, with 14 ill prepared brothers in a convoy of old and out of state cars.  

Immediately after Little Bobby’s death, Cleaver released a tape recorded disinformation message to the membership. In that tape, Cleaver claimed that the assault by the OPD was sudden and unprovoked when he got out of the car to take a piss; not to initiate an stupid, unnecessary and counterproductive firefight. I was at Panthers headquarters all day up until about two to three hours before Little Bobby’s death. There was no planned Panther ambush of the police. At that very small wrinkle of time in history, we had so much to lose.    

After the coordinated false flag operation of April 6 to discredit the credibility and image of the Panthers globally, Cleaver was allowed to escape revocation of his parole to travel freely for seven years as a FBI/CIA mole through the strongholds of Panther international support networks in Canada, Cuba, France and Algeria  [36]

In fact, Cleaver demonstrated little reluctance to discuss the details of debriefing the FBI about the BPPSD international networks, and his scandalous and criminal activity to deliberately discredit, disrupt, and destroy the Panthers’ networks, credibility and image globally. [37]

Additionally, the article revealed that at the time that Cleaver was released from Soledad Prison, the FBI was there clandestinely recruiting Black inmates to infiltrate the Panthers as moles and agent provocateurs  for reduced sentences and freedom. [38]

On one occasion that I recall, a 6’8” over 300 pound Black mental patient from a hospital ward was dressed in a Panther uniform and released among us. In fact, the brother still had a hospital gown on under the leather coat. He was psychotic, delusional and violent. We didn’t abandon him. For almost 24 hours, we administered love, patience and kindness, and defused his violent outbursts and bizarre behavior in the community. To the community that he had been set in to discredit us before, we asked for their understanding, prayers and mercy. They understood too well. 

For Cleaver’s part in the false flag ambush of the OPD, he was sentenced to 5 years probation and 2,000 hours of community service instead of a maximum of 82 years in prison in a deal worked out by the Alameda County Mafia D.A. Thomas Orlott, and in all probability the FBI[39], and CIA.

In fact, Cleaver disclosed in the Frontline interview that his plea bargain deal was brokered by a so-called apologetic OPD Lt. David Hilliard.[40] Not only was Hilliard one of Little Bobby’s murderers, he was alleged to have brokered a deal with Ralph “Sonny” Barger, Spiritual Leader of the Hell’s Angels, for the Feds, Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (AFT), to assassinate Cleaver in Algeria.[41]  Hilliard was also alleged to be a principal in the cover-up of the 1973 cold blooded murder of 14 year old Tyrone Guyton by the Emeryville PD. [42]

I subsequently discovered that the crying man that appeared at the Panther Office to warn us that the sky would fall on us just hours prior to the killing of Little Bobby wasn’t Chicken Little. 

Out of 661 people working for OPD, only approximately 16 were Black. One of them was that crying man that couldn’t go along with a planned coordinated false flag attack against the Panthers in the wake of Dr. King’s assassination. Crying and distraught, he came to warn us, and it was Cleaver that chased him away and then deliberately along with other agent provocateurs led the brothers into an ambush that resulted in the murder of Little Bobby Hutton; and thus discrediting of the Panthers for an unprovoked deadly false flag ambush on the OPD.    

Cleaver also understood the timing of the false flag ambush was to underhandedly sabotage and discredit Marlon Brando’s extremely important mission in Oakland among the Panthers.  



April 12, 1968, Marlon Brando & Princeray and BPPSD, Little Bobby's Funeral at Ephesian's Church of Christ, Berkeley, CA. I was in a state of depression and disbelief that Little Bobby was really and truly dead.

A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it. –Frederick Douglass- 

Most of these people will never make the headlines and their names will not appear in Who’s Who. Yet when years have rolled past and when the blazing light of truth is focused on this marvelous age in which we live — men and women will know and children will be taught that we have a finer land, a better people, a more noble civilization — because these humble children of God were willing to suffer for righteousness’ sake. -Dr. Martin Luther King-

I never told my mother that I was in the Panthers. I dressed in uniform in the basement or from a bag on the street. I didn’t want her to worry, but mother’s wit knew anyhow. A lot of people were demonstratively kind to me, because as was told, “I wouldn’t be here long.”

Of all the people in the world, Little Bobby had been one of the most meek, compassionate, patient, and obedient of human beings. I never heard Little Bobby curse or use any unkind language. Little Bobby wouldn’t harm anyone unnecessarily and without substantial justification. He deserved so much to live out the enjoyment of his youth and prosper. If they killed him, what more would they do to us. 

They killed Little Bobby on Saturday, April 6. My death had been scheduled for Monday, April 8, 1968.  In all the doom and gloom that surrounded me, I had found a companion and love that my heart and formative years had been longing for, Elizabeth (Libby). She wasn’t a Panther. She was a dedicated college student. 

She was a beautiful almond skinned young lady with slightly slanting brown eyes. Her jet black hair was always in prefect place, short with a single curled bang that slightly draped across in front of one of her eyes.  She was kind, gentle and sweet. Her soft and tender eyes were always filled with tears for the world. She was like the girl around the corner. She loved to smile, laugh and dance. With her liveliness and carefree joy of life, I was able to forget about death, and enjoy some moments of youth. 

I had spotted her on the way to class. I noticed that she wasn’t like most of the other girls. She wasn’t a party girl. There weren’t a lot of guys hanging around her. Libby was a serious student committed to her studies. The following quarter, I made sure that I enrolled in one or two classes that she had enrolled in. I made sure I sat next to her. I didn’t have fine clothes, money, name or a car, but we found our affections mutual even though I had nothing to give but love. It was like living out a storybook romance to have a beautiful young lady like Libby in my life.

I had known about her ex-boyfriend, Oogie. The grapevine said that he was one of West Oakland’s major marijuana drug dealers. He drove around in a new yellow XK9 ragtop Jag. I had seen him around town with an array of different young ladies, but I never saw him with Libby, or else I wouldn’t have approached her. She told me that it had been over with him for sometime. 

Immediately after Little Bobby’s death, the word came down through the ranks that we had to stay low, because there were random police squads out to pick-up or pick us off. The following Monday morning, I went to school. I was totally surprised and emotionally overwhelmed by the people I found waiting for me at campus. Some were crying, they said that they weren’t sure if it had been me that was killed. People that I didn’t know surrounded me uttering sincere expressions that they were glad that I was alive. I was humbled. I trembled. It brought me to tears. I thought about Libby and rushed to the place where she rented a small room a couple blocks from the campus.

Libby came to door crying. She said that Oogie had just come to her in tears. In an unexpected hysteria, he asked her to marry him. It was so sudden; she didn’t know what to do. She told me if I just told her that I loved her that she would send Oogie on his way.  

Little Bobby’s death flashed through my mind. The amount of people that worried that I had been killed including my own mother’s worry affected me. I couldn’t put Libby through that. With the death of Little Bobby, it was so difficult for me to envision a future, or living any type of normal life with death so close. I didn’t realize just how close death was. 

I couldn’t compete with the security that Oogie had to offer. I had nothing but the prospect of death or imprisonment. I didn’t tell Libby that I had indeed truly and dearly loved her. I had wanted to tell her that I wanted her to play a bigger and greater role in my uncertain life. Because of my predicament, I had tried to shield her in the past. Now, I wanted to live more than ever. But, I couldn’t stand in the way of her future or burden her. I walked away.     

On the way back to campus, Oogie’s yellow jag slowly passed within a few feet of me. I didn’t have the heart to look at him if only for a second. Little Bobby was gone. Now, I lost Libby my storybook princess. I was crying inside. 

By the time I reached campus, a young man greeted me that I didn’t know. He asked what if I had known what was wrong with Oogie. He told me Oogie was crying and acting strangely. He said Oogie had a shotgun in the car, and kept mumbling and crying that he had to kill somebody. I didn’t know or associate with Oogie. I couldn’t figure out just how he associated me with Oogie’s mission, but it soon became crystal clear that I had been Oogie’s target. I was supposed to die that morning.

It was the second time that I knew of that a drug dealer had been setup to kill me. Each time by the Grace of God, they couldn’t go through with it just like the crying man. I had walked away from Libby. The justification to kill me as part of a love triangle gone bad had been concluded by faith. It appeared that Oogie just didn’t have the heart to go beyond that.   

If the confederation had killed me, I would have become a martyr like Little Bobby. If a drug dealer or jilted lover killed me, I would become nothing but a sad and tragic statistic.   

We lived under a constant threat of death and imprisonment that left most of the brothers and sisters with post traumatic stress symptoms. At the time, I didn’t understand that I suffered bouts of melancholy and depression. Far too often, I self medicated with easily accessible alcohol. I had a low tolerance for it. I weighted no more than 140 pounds soaking wet. It took only a couple of beers to put my lights out. For decades, I could not look at photos of Little Bobby, BPPSD or talk about the BPPSD experience. Each time, I relived it. It seemed like I died a thousand times.

On April 6, 1968, the confederation had gained the objective of the false flag ambush to discredit the Panthers as cop killers. They didn’t have to slaughter Little Bobby. There were some discussions that the confederation thought that they were liquidating Bobby Seale and mistakenly killed Little Bobby. I don’t believe that. The confederation had Seale under constant surveillance. They knew where Bobby Seale was at all times. Plus, Seale would be too important to them alive. 

 They intended to kill Little Bobby. The confederation wanted to cut out the heart of the Panthers. They wanted to slaughter Little Bobby symbolically in the prime of his youth at 17 in such a gruesome manner as a means of psychological warfare; to send a message to the world that if youth of people of color succumb to revolutionary teachings or resist the New World Order, they will be dead.     

The day after the confederation slaughtered Little Bobby, I put on my Panther uniform. I was walking along East 14 Street (International Blvd) near Fruitvale Avenue in Oakland, when a young Black man about the same age as I leaned half his body out of the passenger side window of a passing automobile and cried out to me, “You’re gonna die!”  He extended his hands out as if to beckon upon me with an extreme puzzled and concerned expression on his face. I knew what he meant. He meant the police was going to kill me. He wanted to know in his heart what great cause existed to risk my youth and life; and why?”

Huey use to say that the man’s technology cannot defeat the will of the people. Dr. King said our fight for freedom from oppression was “God’s Will,” but part of the answer to his question is old, older than recorded history. You can find among the lines of a metaphoric poem from Ancient Black Ta-Merry (Egypt).  

The Love of my sister is across the river;

The arm of the Nile is between us;

The tide is high upon the waters;

The crocodile lurks upon the bank;

Yet will I delve into the depth of the waters;

My courage is high upon the stream;

Tis her Love that makes me mighty;

That is the magic that smite the crocodile.

It is GOD’S WILL AND undying love for the people.

It was an unholy alliance that murdered Little Bobby Hutton. J. Edgar Hoover had promised him death for being among the first of the Black youth to embrace the Panthers and its absolutely constitutionally protected 10-Point plan. It was an oppressive unholy alliance that spanned city, state and federal law enforcement agencies, branches of the military, and the Whitehouse just like something out of Nazi Germany that was responsible for murders of Little Bobby, Huey P. Newton, and dozens of other people of color in Oakland, the Home of the Panthers. 

Germany under the Nazis became a police state, a state where the power of the police, and especially the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei; secret state police) and its agents tyrannically with virtually no procedural checks or oversight identified, arrested, tortured, interned and murdered political opponents, social undesirables; and others who refused to conform to the policies of the Nazi state. The Gestapo took repressive jurisdiction over the political police matters of the district, county and local police authorities. The Gestapo was under the SD ((Sicherheitsdienst). The SD was Reichsfurhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s brainchild. 

California's Resident CIA Project CHAOS Counterintelligence Specialist, Strurmbauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolshwing (The BEAST of Bucharest)

The person most likely responsible for setting up America’s version of Nazi Germany’s secret police that declared war on the Panthers was CIA agent Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing (BEAST of Bucharest) and his deep cover shadow counterintelligence and repression ring. SS Bolschwing had been one of Himmler’s top SD officers of the SS. [43]

At end of April 1968 after assassination of King, RFK, and Little Bobby, he stepped directly under Helms, Angleton, and Ober into the shoes of one of Hitler’s most important master ardent Nazi spy chiefs, Reinhard Gehlen, when he retired from the CIA. SS Bolschwing was financially and spiritually connected to President Richard M. Nixon, the Whitehouse, the Republican Party[44], and the Oakland Bechtel-Kaiser Cabal through the Schroeder Bank of New York.[45]  He was the highest ranking resident SS (Knight of Black Sun) on America’s payroll.

In March 1969, Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Bolschwing of the CIA moved right into Sacramento, CA, the seat of state power[46], to coordinate the fascist Republican governmental arms of Governor Ronald Reagan, Attorney General Evelle J. Younger, and Squad 19’s undeclared war against the Panthers, Left, People of Color; and the U.S. Constitution. 

This secret unholy alliance and secret political state police like something out of Nazi Germany in its second generation still exists in Oakland without exposure, oversight and procedural checks. The forces in Oakland responsible for the murder of Little Bobby Hutton, Dr. Marcus Foster, Charles Alex Gregory, Dr. Marcus Foster, Dorothy King, Chauncey Bailey, Oscar Grant and others have not been brought to the light of day as their tyrannical beastly genius and works; and justice by the people; the U.S. and California Civil Rights, Criminal Codes; the Nuremberg and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


[2] Newton, Huey P. Revolutionary Suicide. (1973). New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, pg. 184

[3] Red Port Wine and a couple of small cans of Lemon Juice










[13] Id.

[14] Breitman, Richard, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, pg. 370







[21] Id.







[28] Mullins v. Brando (1970) 13 CalApp3d 409, 91 Cal.Rptr. 796, 798-99 (1970), cert. denied, 403 U.S. 923 (1971)

[29] Oakland Tribune, “Held in Wake of Planned Shootout”, April 8, 1968

[30] Id. At footnote 17

[31] Aitken, Jonathan, Charles W. Colson, a life redeemed, pg. 301



[34] Id.


[36] Id. At footnote 33

[37] Id. 

[38] Id.

[39] Id.

[40] Id.






[46] Id. At Footnote 43