17 02 2010

BART Gestapo- Hard on Inferior Class of Beings, Bitch Assed N'rs, Useless Eaters & Liberals

-Matrix- something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization as Nazism (National Socialism) is the matrix for an apartheid U.S police state.- Princeray- 


Since the racial extermination of Oscar Grant on January 1, 2009 by BART Gestapo and Officer Tony Pirone’s explosive racist battle cry heard around the World against Oakland’s people of color, “Bitch Assed N’ers” and other racially explosive offenses against society, instead of developing humane policies and guarantees, BART has decided to be aggressive, play low-down dirty and lynch even Good Ole Boy Attorney John Burris. It has decided to strike first against the people as psychological warfare tactics.

After BART issued a recent public statement disclosing a $1.5 million settlement for Grant’s 5-year-old daughter, Tatiana, Dale Allen, BART’s attorney, took the initiative against John Burris’ clients, Grant’s five friends, who were brutalized and terrorized by BART Gestapo the night Grant was murdered. He offensively boasted that he would vigorously defend BART against a civil rights lawsuit by Grant’s friends because four of the five men had admitted in depositions that they had “significant police contacts” and were trying to evade police officers during the incident. [1][2] Dale Allen’s law firm is appropriately entitled “Low, Ball & Lynch”.

Allen alleged that the men acted “aggressively” toward officers, were “interfering in a police investigation,” tried to evade police and “created a stressful environment” that led to Grant’s death. [3]

Allen said the men also said in their depositions that Grant was involved in a fight with another passenger on a train before it stopped at the Fruitvale BART station.[4]

In addition to chest beating, Allen also exposed some very explosive news that may have a bearing on Mehserle’s upcoming murder trial. Allen bragged that Grant’s five friends corroborated statements in depositions by other witnesses that Mehserle was “shocked, dazed and stunned” after the shooting, backing up Mehserle’s defense that the shooting was an accident.[5] 

Due to Allen’s public news leak seriously attacking his clients’ creditability and standing in the community in violation of some type of covert confidentiality agreement with BART, Burris said at a February 5, 2010 news conference that BART’s boastings may crater the settlement with Tatiana.  However, Allen blasted back that Burris had entered a stipulation of dismissal accepting the settlement on behalf of Grant’s daughter “and we fully intend to enforce the terms of the settlement if he attempts to withdraw.” [6] 


Well, this is all very interesting. Wasn’t John Burris the legal representative for Grant’s five friends, Nigel Bryson, 19, his brother, Jackie Bryson, 21, Michael Greer, 22, Carlos Reyes, 21, and Fernando “June” Anicete, 20? On October 13, 2009, Burris filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against BART for the five young brothers. [7]

It would seem to reason that Burris was at the Low Ball & Lynch depositions of the five brothers. Did he deliberately standby under a shroud of confidentiality and allow the BART Gestapo to coerce and further terrorize the five young men to make paradoxical statements to set the stage to undermine Mehserle’s upcoming first degree murder trial? 

During the solo press conference Burris called in response to BART’s public posturing in the Oscar Grant affair, Burris exposed publicly for the first time that he had voluntarily entered into some type of secret collective CIA/James Bond type “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” protective gag order with Oakland’s Secret Matrix that even his clients didn’t know about.

I suppose that Burris would be upset with BART for dissing him, particularly, in lieu of what have I done for you lately. Burris said that he had been a good House Negro keeping the secrets and protecting the Oakland Secret Matrix. Burris’ press conference was more like Malcolm’s reference to House Negroes’ cry about the master’s house fire, “our house is on fire.”  It seems that Burris was more concerned about being dissed by occupants of the house (legal system) than the injustices and crimes perpetrated against the community. During the press conference, Burris kept referring to Oscar Grant’s friends as “Boys.” What was that all about? Coded? 

In Johnny Come Lately & the Alameda County Mafia, I was puzzled why Burris directed a letter to BART Police Chief Gary Gee to look into and investigate the existence of an “unprofessional relationship” between BART Officers Tony Pirone and Johannes Mehserle that had been confidentially offered to him from some source. By the revelations in his press conference, I am quite now certain why. 

To be foretold is to be forewarned. I maintained that that information was important and involved public safety whether or not these officers were secretly acting in concert as neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Minutemen, Birchers or the like.[8] Note the names of other officers involved in the officer involved mayhem and murder that night, Marysol Domenici, Jon Woffinden, and Emery Knudtson. [9] It sounds like members of the “Axis Forces” of World War II, the Gestapo. 

What about 37-year old Michael Joseph Gibson? On Saturday, November 21, 2009, BART Gestapo caught the world’s eye again on video senselessly brutalizing a non resisting bipolar schizophrenic Gibson by hurling him into a glass plate window. Gibson’s only crime had been annoying BART patrons with a public exhibition of his mental suffering.

The Michael Joseph Gibson Affair could not have come at a worst time for BART’s PR campaign and national reputation, which was in the middle of an international spotlight involving the videotaped cold blood and senseless execution of Grant with his hands behind his back by BART Gestapo.

In the Gibson affair, BART decided to strike first as a psychological warfare PR tactic. They called a rare Sunday press conference to get ahead of the story to control once the video was exposed to the World. BART refused to identify the officer.  

By Monday, “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” good ole House Negro John Burris was on the case representing Gibson guarding and covering-up Matrix secrets; and absolutely nothing has been publicly released further about the Michael Joseph Gibson-BART Affair. Subsequently, the D.A. found no justified grounds to charge Gibson with felonies for resisting arrest and assaulting BART Gestapo. At the time of this posting, the name of the Gestapo officer is still shockingly SECRET!

The Michael Joseph Gibson Affair was obviously important to the public, the Oscar Grant Case and Mehserle’s upcoming murder trial as evidence of a custom, pattern and routine habit of senselessly brutalizing people of color. 

It would also have a bearing on civil rights lawsuits under 42 U.S.C.A. §1983 against BART by developing and maintaining policies and customs which exhibited deliberate indifference to the constitutional rights of people of color in Oakland, namely, inadequate/improper investigation of citizen complaints of police misconduct; inadequate/improper recruitment, training of police officers; inadequate disciplining, sanctioning, and shielding of police officers who engage in unlawful conduct; and, inadequate training against a code of silence or” blue code” within the police department.

I maintain that BART is the product of Stanford Research Institute (SRI). SRI is the archetype of the BEAST Nazi War Criminal Obergruppenfuhrer SS Hans Kammler’s Sonderkommando (Special Unit) “think tank.” SS Kammler was secretly disappeared by the OSS out of Germany in May 1945 in Operation Paperclip. [10]  The BART Police Force is a private army of the Sonderkommando, a reflection of the BEAST, the SS and the Gestapo.

Along with Fayedine Coulter, John Grigsby, G. William (Billy) Hunter, Earl Warren, D. Lowell Jensen, Edwin Meese; Thomas Jensen, and DA Thomas Orloff, John Burris is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall and Alameda County D.A’s “Good Ole Boys Club” forever loyal and a silent partner to Oakland’s Murder Inc. Secret Matrix; the Alameda County Mafia, the Military-Industrial-Medical-Congressional Complex, the BEAST, and Lucifer’s servants and its seeds. [11]


[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.

[5] Id.

[6] Id.

[7] Bryson el. al.  v. Gee, US District Court, Case No. 4:2009cv04835(10-13-2010)





The Gregory File: FRANCIS PARKER YOCKEY-A High Priest of the SS in Oakland

5 11 2009


1960, Frances P. Yockey, Dean of the SS arrested by the FBI in Oakland


Clearing the Path for the Invisible BEAST

Imperium-latin, word for a command, which grew to signify the right to give orders, and so to mean supreme power, normally equivalent in the later Roman period to ‘empire’. Imperator, originally ‘commander-in-chief’, became a title used by the emperors, and came to signify ‘emperor’. The Latin writers of the Dark Ages could use imperium of a single kingdom, but the word retained the connotation of a kingdom supreme among others.

According to Nicholas Goodrick-Clark, many neo-Nazis want to establish an autocratic state to be called the Western Imperium. This proposed state would be led by a Führer-like figure, and would include all areas inhabited by the Aryan race (defined as non-Jews of European ancestry), i.e. Europe (includes all of Russia), Anglo-America, South Africa (may include Rhodesia or Zimbabwe) with its white minority, Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America (especially Chile, Argentina, southern Brazil and Uruguay.) Only those of the Aryan race would be full citizens of the state. This concept is based on the 1947 book Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics by Francis Parker Yockey.

Francis Parker Yockey, an American Nazi often called “The Man with Many Faces” was born in Chicago in 1917. Yockey has become an international fascist prophet and Nazi cult figure. Like his mentor Baron Julius Evola, Mussolini’s Mystic, in Italy, Yockey is an intellectual hero of the militant right wing in America. Yockey graduated from Georgetown University and earned a law degree with honors from Notre Dame in 1941.

Yockey is also often referred to as a man of many mysteries, but one thing is certain. Yockey was not an American Nazi in a vacuum as we are led to believe glorified by neo-Nazis and right wing elements. Yockey was a real Nazi associated with some of the most notorious, dangerous and influential postwar Nazis of World War II, and the worldwide underground network of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s war crime booty laden dreaded SS (Schutzstaffel), the BEAST.

Yockey was connected with the secret networks of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler’s most favorite and chief general; Scarface SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, ODESSA, and die Spinne (“the spider”). Yockey was also a confident of Hitler’s most trusted and significant bodyguards, SS-Brigadeführer (major general) Otto Ernst Remer.

During the Nazi Reich, Yockey and an American named Harold Keith Thompson had vowed their allegiance to the BEAST of Nazi Germany. Thompson was a graduate of Yale University. Thompson had also been the public relations person for Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother, Marguerite Oswald, after the assassination of President Kennedy.

Thompson of New Jersey was the official point man in America for Skorzeny’s ODESSA and die Spinner Networks, and the “chief and almost exclusive representative in North America for the interests of the surviving National Socialist Germany Worker’s Party and the SS.” [1] 

In a captured document signed by Hitler on July 27, 1941, Thompson had been appointed a Special Agent of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Overseas Intelligence Unit under “the Blond Beast,” SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrick. [2]  The SD was the intelligence unit of Himmler’s BEAST, the SS.


Himmler's SS Mystic, Baron Julius Evola

Baron Julius Evola was another one of Yockey’s mentors and confederates to actually sit at the table with Hitler, Himmler, and Duce Benito Mussolini. Baron Evola was born on May 19, 1898 in Rome to a family of Sicilian aristocrats.  After completing initial training as an industrial engineer he entered the Italian Army and served in the closing days of WW1.

Evola entered the political world of Italian politics via his involvement with a brotherhood called UR that was dedicated to reviving Roman Imperial Paganism and ousting Christianity as the Faith of Rome under Mussolini. 

During the 1930’s, Baron Evola produced an Italian version of German Nazi Race Theory in which he proffered the ideal of an ‘Aryan-Roman’ race defined by a strong social hierarchy and a volatile anti-Semitism.  Mussolini adopted Evola’s racial guidelines as the official policy of the Italian Fascist State in 1938.

In September of 1943, Evola joined Hitler and Himmler’s inner circle of racial fascist mystics as an agent of the Sicherheitsdienst’s (SD) [3] Amt VII under SS-Brigadefuhrer Franz Six.

In Vienna, Evola worked undercover for the SD like Yockey as “A Man with Many Faces” on translating sacred texts and Freemason ritualistic documents seized by the Gestapo from private libraries and Masonic temples that were raided by the SS. As a rival to their Aryan mystic power, authority and control, Hitler and Himmler targeted and persecuted Masons in Nazi Germany and over 80,000 were sent to Concentration Camps. [4]

The Coming of the Invisible BEAST

After the collapse of Nazi Germany, Evola continued his sinister covert work with the BEAST, the SS.  This time, Evola worked on building, recruiting and maintaining a Nazi Underground. As early as 1938, Evola according to a cryptic reference in a SS report revealed that one of his most secret missions was to help establish a secret international order for the BEAST.

“I believe that Evola’s Vienna project was intimately linked to the development of what I will call ‘the Order,’ a new kind of Knights Templar designed to successfully function sub-rosa. Well before the end of World War II, the intelligence and financial networks of the Third Reich were hard at work preparing underground networks to survive the coming Allied occupation. Escape lines to South America and the Middle East were organized. Bank accounts were created in Switzerland and other neutral nations to finance the underground with plunder the Nazis had looted from occupied Europe. But how was this secret empire to be managed, except by a virtually invisible ‘government in exile…” [5]

“For years, Evola had been fascinated by knightly orders as expressions of the Kshatriya caste of warrior aristocrats. In the formal structure of the SS, he saw the precursor to a new Ordenstaat, a State ruled by an Order. He also understood the great advantages provided by medieval orders of chivalry due to their transnational composition. Crusading orders, like the Knights Templar and the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, were pan-European, with separate ‘national’ sections (‘langues,’ or tongues) unified through a Council presided over by a Grand Master. After the collapse of fascist state power, a new Order, an ‘invisible college’ of sorts, was needed not only to manipulate bank accounts and travel schedules but to have policy-making functions. Nor could it simply be run under the auspices of the Vatican, since Evola believed that Rome’s downfall had been caused by the acceptance of Christianity by the dominant faction of the Roman elite…The Order was a vessel for those ‘Hermetic’ elements of the conservative Revolution, old ruling class, and new Nazi elite not entirely beholden to the political, cultural, and religious ‘Guelf’ wing of the European aristocracy which remained ideologically to the continued propagation of the ruling Christian mythology.” [6]

Yockey, Thompson, and Evola were not neo-Nazis but real Nazis willingly working with the BEAST. Yockey and Evola weren’t mere New Age Philosophers. Both Yockey and Evola from their contacts with the SS had wittingly developed extensive knowledge of Aryan esoteric and occult folklore and mysticism. They were teachers and High Priests of the SS clearing the path worldwide for BEAST.

According, as pieces of an international conspiracy puzzle, Yockey, Thompson, and Evola’s task was to help the SS “create an inner organizational and ritual structure for the Grand Masters of a secret Shamballah whose financial nerve center was carefully hidden away in Swiss bank accounts.” [7]

Oddly enough, nevertheless being agents of the SD, Yockey and Thompson were members of U.S. Armed Forces. Thompson was a lieutenuent with U.S. Naval Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd’s fleet. Yockey served with a U.S. Army counterintelligence unit, G-2, in Germany. For whatever unknown reasons, Yockey and Thompson were directly involved with Admiral Byrd’s secret 1946-47 infamous Operation Highjump hunt for Nazis in Antarctica.

After the collapse of Nazi Germany, Hitler and a force of Nazis purporedly escaped by submarines (u-boats) to a secret underground base in Antarctica, SHANGILA-A New Berchtesgaden.  [8]

Again oddly enough and amazingly, as an agent of Skorzeny’s ODESSA and dies Spinner SS Network, Yockey was given a prosecuting attorney position with the Nuremberg (Weisbaden) War Crimes Tribunal in 1946. At Nuremberg, Yockey had direct access to VIP Nazi war criminals like Fuhrer and Reichskanzier Admiral Karl Doenitz, and may have been instrumental in covertly compromising key cases against them, and assisting Nazi rat (escape) lines out of Germany. [9]

In 1948 while in Ireland, Yockey wrote Imperium, a manifesto of international Nazism and Fascism. Yockey dedicated Imperium “To the hero of the Second World War,” Adolf Hitler. [10] Imperium received critical acclaim and praise from Skorzeny, Remer, Baron Evola, and the SS underground. Today, Imperium is likened in importance to Nazism and Fascism as Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle).

From 1946 to 1960, Yockey was a mysterious globe trekker from North America to England, Italy, Germany, Egypt, the Iron Curtain and Middle East, and Havana, Cuba always meeting with secret networks of Nazis and Fascists agent-provocateurs, spies, and initiates.

Yockey acted as a SD courier for Czech intelligence. Yockey did work with Johann Von Leers in Egypt. Leers was a Nazi propagandist a protégé of Joseph Goebbels, Reichsminister of Propaganda.  Yockey even tried to sell the Egyptian government some supposedly bogus Argentine (Brotherhood of the Bell (Die Glocke)) nuclear technology,[11] which have come only from SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Hans Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler tucked away in Argentina. [12]

Yockey worked briefly as a speechwriter for Senator Joseph McCarthy. In New York City, Yockey attended the salon of the right-wing poet “Hitler’s prostitute”[13], George Sylvester Viereck, who had worked with Aleister Crowley when Crowley was a U.S. double agent-propagandist for Germany during the First World War. [14]

In 1941, Viereck was indicted for a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, when he set up his pro-German publishing house, Flanders Hall, and was imprisoned from 1942 to 1947. Yockey may also have met the sexologist, Alfred Kinsey, and sex change pioneer, Dr. Harry Benjamin at Viereck’s wild satanic-SS parties.[15]

Yockey also spent time in New Orleans, writing propaganda for use in Latin America. In New Orleans, there exist rumors of a link between Yockey and Lee Harvey Oswald. [16]

In early 1960, Yockey re-entered the United States. A FBI informant reported finding Yockey leading a private gathering in San Francisco in the occultist rituals of the BEAST.

During a flight to the Bay Area, Yockey’s suitcase had been mishandled and misplaced. An American Airlines employee at the Dallas-Fort Worth opened his baggage and found seven birth certificates and three passports with different names with the same picture. [17]

The FBI traced the luggage to a residence in Oakland where Yockey intermittently resided. On June 8, 1960 when he came to pick up his baggage in Oakland, he was arrested by the FBI and interned at the San Francisco County Jail. [18]

Yockey had been strip searched and spent eleven days in jail. Nevertheless on June 17, 1960, Yockey bit into a cyanide capsule to die a Nazified death. His body was found lying on a bunk bed, dressed only in underwear and a pair of black SS-type boots. [19]

Yockey’s place of arrest at an apartment house overlooking Lake Merritt and downtown Oakland has been sited as a place of reverence by want-to-be Nazis. Yet, Yockey’s arrest in Oakland is symbolic and indicative for other reasons.

The BEAST in Oakland: IMPERIUM

We must also uphold the need for a true hierarchy and for different dignitaries, with a higher function of power installed at the top, namely the imperium. Julius Evola [20]

Before Yockey could expose Scarface Skorzeny and Himmler’s implanted underground Nazi networks around the world, in Dallas, New Orleans, San Francisco and Oakland to the U.S. Justice Department under Robert F. Kennedy, he was slipped a cyanide capsule sacrificing himself for the cause constituent with the creed of the SS.  

For one, everywhere Yockey planted himself it was for the work of BEAST, plotting, funding, teaching, and indoctrinating its initiates to clear the path for the BEAST.

Beyond their philosophical gibberish, Evola and Yockey’s bottom was that the imperium (sacred authority) consolidated by power of the rite as established by the SS was reserved to Indo-Aryans ruling classes. In their scheme of things, Aryans were the “kingdom supreme among others.”  By the creed of the SS, “power is based on superiority and not vice versa.” And to them universal suffrage, the right to vote, was “the degradation of the ruling class.”

“[M]ost people, even when they admit the notion of aristocracy in principle, ultimately settle for a very limited view of it: they admire an individual of being exception and brilliant, instead of for being one in whom a tradition and special ‘spiritual race’ shine forth, or instead of whose greatness is due not to his human virtues, but rather to the principle, the idea, and a certain regal impersonality that he embodies.”  Superman (Ubermensch) Fredrich Nietzche-German Philosopher


Oakland's Stephen Bechtel, Sr., Beholden to the SS

Fourteen years (14) after the collapse of Nazi Germany, the invisible BEAST was well at home in Oakland. J. Henry Schroeder, Nazi financer and Hitler’s Banker; and the Rockefellers set up Oakland’s most influential and powerful resident, the Bechtel Corporation. [21] It is one of this nation’s most prevailing military-industriously treacherous, dangerous and illusionary organizations in the World.

“Bechtel’s close relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency helped influence overthrows of several foreign governments perceived as unfriendly to American business goals; and allowed the company to be at the right place at the right time to take advantage of new business opportunities with puppet regimes (3). Close ties between Alan Dulles the CIA deputy Director and Steve Bechtel’s financial advisor, John Simpson, facilitated the relationship between Bechtel and the CIA. Steve Bechtel served as the CIA’s liaison with the Business Council and several other organizations directly linked with the CIA (4). The ties between Bechtel and the CIA led to collaborations in intelligence gathering that helped overthrow Iran’s Mossadeq in 1953 and Indonesia’s Sukarno and replace them with the Reza Shah Pahlavi and Suharto respectively, pro-Western, pro-business allies. Key Bechtel alumni are Reagan Secretary of Defense Casper Weinburger former Bechtel general counsel, and Reagan Secretary of State, George Schultz former Bechtel President, and current Bechtel board member. W. Kenneth Davis, former vice-president for nuclear development became Reagan’s deputy secretary of Energy and head of the Atomic Energy Commission under Reagan. William Casey, chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission under Nixon, head of the Export-Import bank under Ford, Reagan campaign manger and head of the CIA under Reagan was also a Bechtel consultant. Richard Helm was CIA director under Nixon and eventually became a Bechtel consultant. White House political advisor Perter Flanigan under Nixon became a senior partner in the Bechtel-owned investment house Dillon, Read and Company. Robert L. Hollingsworth, AEC’s general manager under Nixon became manager of manpower services at Bechtel. Nixon Treasury secretary William Simon became a Bechtel consultant. Additionally, numerous friends of Bechtel, too long to list, many working in the AEC eventually ended up with Bechtel. The close collaboration between the AEC and Bechtel was “so incestuous it is impossible to tell where the public sector begins and the private one leaves off.” [22]

If we believe what Hitler’s personal Commando Strumbannfuhrer SS Otto Skorzeny said on his deathbed that Nazi (SS) intelligence with the U.S. Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) formed the CIA with “Wild Bill” Donovan and Allen Dulles,[23] then Oakland’s Bechtel Corporation is one and same. It is also beholden to the SS.

Oakland’s charm and the beauty of its diversity is but an illusion. It is a dangerous place to be Young, Gifted and Black.  It was a dangerous place for CHARLES ALEX GREGORY. There is a glass house shadow government in Oakland. It is a prototype of Yockey’s IMPERIUM.

[1] Lee, Martin A., The Beast Reawakens, Routledge, New York, 2000, pg. 8



[4] Id.

[5] Coogan, Kevin, Dreamer of the Day, Autonomedia, 1999, page 320-321

[6] Id.

[7] Id.





[12] See Farrell, Joseph P. (2005). Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend. Adventures Unlimited Press. pp. 107-108.

[13] Id. At footnote 1, page 105

[14] Id. At footnote 11

[15] Id. At footnote 12

[16] Id. At footnote 11

[17] Id. At footnote 1, page 155

[18] Id.

[19] Id. At footnote 1, page 156



