THE GREGORY FILE PART II: A Little Touch of Buchenwald; Dr. Isaac Slaughter & Stanford University’s OUSD Death Studies and “THE MONSTER FACTORY”

25 06 2009

charles4-The Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area has one of the largest concentrations of some of the most traitorous and dangerous backstabbing cut throat Black Police, CIA, FBI and military intelligence contractors, informers and agent provocateurs in the country.- 

Charles Alex Gregory was never quite sure what it really meant when one of his associates made an unsettling comment during a private business meeting to implement a pioneering economic and real estate development plan for the revival of West Oakland. His colleague asked the group. “Who is watching Charles?” 



One of Gregory Construction’s last housing development projects was in West Oakland on the 27th hundred block of Adeline Street. He collaborated in a partnership on the housing project with Dr. Isaac Slaughter. Gregory’s vision was to create an on-site intensive entrepreneurial university and transitional home for Black students and young West Oakland families. 

 In 1990, Nelson Mandela visited the site and admired Gregory’s concept. While the young Black entrepreneurial genius was trying to turn West Oakland into an oasis of opportunity for its Black residents, a military-industrial-medical-congressional complex sentinel had been clandestinely posted at his door to undermine his efforts and transform West Oakland into a little Buchenwald.

Buchenwald was the home of some of the worst racist and nontherapeutic medical experiments conducted in Nazi concentration camps.  These experiments were done with the participation of many of Germany’s leading physicians, researchers, universities and chemical companies. Among the tests conducted on inmates were those involving typhus, yellow fever, smallpox, chemical warfare agents and poisoned ammunition. [1]

That sentinel that collected at Gregory’s door was that Dr. Isaac Slaughter, one of the most clandestine and dangerous Negroes in America. The late Dr. Isaac Slaughter was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Clinic (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest nontherapeutic experiment on human beings in medical history, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study. [2]  

West Oakland, A Little Buchenwald

mother“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

Hauptsturmführer SS Joseph Mengele, the Angel of Death

In 1995, a lawsuit exposed Dr. Slaughter and Stanford University’s covert racist nontherapeutic death studies and experiments that were conducted in a predominately Black elementary school of the Oakland Unified School District. Stanford University is a handmaiden for military-industrial-medical-congressional complex. One of the objects of the death study experiment was to induce trauma in minor children by informing them of a loved one’ terminal illness and death, then record and study the post traumatic stress (PTS) reaction.[3]         

In the lawsuit, a 9 year-old Black child was pulled from his class at Cole Elementary School in West Oakland for a one-on-one interview with psychiatric social worker, Janet Florio. She was working through Slaughter’s West Oakland Mental Health Clinic for a Stanford University Death Study. [4]     

To deliberately induce trauma in the child during the interview, Florio told the boy that his mother was dying from cancer. She asked the 9 year old how he felt about it. The boy had no idea that his mother was suffering from cancer, or was gravely ill. The boy was traumatized. He was so traumatized and distressed about what he was told that he refused to go to school or leave his mother’s side fearing that she would die and leave him alone. 

It is also important to keep in mind that traumatized children are particularly subject to multiple personality syndrome and disorders due to traumas associated with parental separation through death or illness. Dr. Ralph Allison made the following important observation; “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life-threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.” [5]

The mother had no idea how Stanford discovered her illness. She had guarded revealing her condition to her child. She denied being involved in the Stanford’s Death Studies, or any knowledge of the study. 

The traumatized child required counseling and services of a mental health professional for PTS at Children’s Hospital in Oakland. The mother then sued OUSD, Janet Florio, Dr. Isaac Slaughter and WOMHC for damages. The case was settled before trial for little of nothing for only the child’s future PTS counseling.   


In October 2006, I requested information and explanation from Kathy McClelland, director of Stanford’s research compliance department in regards to the covert nontherapeutic experiments on defenseless Black children on school grounds without parental permission. McClelland was/is responsible for Stanford’s Human Research Protection Program. [6]  As of this date, McClelland and Stanford University has refused to acknowledge my inquiry or respond. Stanford is a private institution not subject to any public records acts. OUSD has no creditable California Public Records Act compliance office or officer. Under the Bush Administration, my Freedom of Information Acts has been all but ignored.

“If America ever falls to totalitarianism, the dictator will be a behavioral scientist and the chief of police will be armed with lobotomy and psychosurgery”

-Peter Breggin, Psychiatrist-

What were Dr. Slaughter, USPHS and Stanford University really up to? In a Stanford University study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Alliance for Research and Depression and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Dr. Victor Carrion, Associate Professor and Director of the Early Life Stress Research Program at Stanford [7] implicated that early trauma (PTS) such as parental separation through death or illness affects brain development, and that this abnormal brain development leads to abnormal, defiance and antisocial behavior later (biological determinism). [8]

On February 11, 1992, Dr. Frederick Goodwin, then Director of the Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Administration and main NIH psychiatrist announced that the chief public concern in the United States was violence. Dr. Goodwin unveiled an interagency effort to address violence through a governmental “Violence Initiative.”        

Dr. Goodwin is a career psychiatrist, and fascist bureaucrat with the NIH. The Alcohol Drug and Mental Health Administration is an agency under the NIH.  

Violence as a national public concern may be a legitimate governmental issue, but Dr. Goodwin’s focus was racial, and involved highly contested issues of genetic and biological determinism. The violence initiative concerned the genetic basis of the “violence” of inner city youth, particularly Black and Latino adolescences.        

What was shocking and raised eyebrows were Dr. Goodwin’s public introduction to the NIH’s Violence Initiative. He compared the behavior of inner youth to monkeys in the wild. 

“If you look at other primates in nature — male primates in nature — you find that even with our violent society we are doing very well. If you look, for example, at male monkeys, especially in the wild, roughly half of them survive to adulthood. The other half die by violence. That is the natural way of it for males, to knock each other off and, in fact, there are some interesting evolutionary implications of that because the same hyperaggressive monkeys who kill each other are also hypersexual, so they copulate more and therefore they reproduce more to offset the fact that half of them are dying. “Now, one could say that if some of the loss of social structure in this society, and particularly within the high impact inner city areas, has removed some of the civilizing evolutionary things that we have built up and that maybe it isn’t just the careless use of the word when people call certain areas of certain cities jungles, that we may have gone back to what might be more natural, without all of the social controls that we have imposed upon ourselves as a civilization over thousands of years in our own evolution.”

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the bible of modern psychiatry, was an invention of the military/intelligence complex, developed during World War II by Brigadier William Menninger to codify ‘deviant behavior’ that was institutionalized by the APA. [9]

The very bottom line of the Stanford study was to frame “post traumatic stress (PTS)” as violence predictors, and markers for brain abnormality causing deviant and abnormal disorders under the APA’s manual of disorders to justify governmental and multi-million dollar pharmaceutical psychological (drug) intervention to turn more Black children into docile governmental controlled zombies.

In April 2009, Father Landeza , Pastor of the predominately Black St. Columba Catholic Church in Oakland and citizen editorial board, appealed.

 “Ask any flatland Oakland youth if they know someone in jail, or someone who has been shot or killed. Many of these kids either find ways to deny their deep emotional pain or seek remedies — often unhealthy ones — to deaden the sting. Untreated youth PTSD should be viewed as a significant public health crisis within Oakland that cannot be ignored.” [10]

By Landeza’s appeal, California’s fascist Center for Study of Violent Behavior is revisited and may come in through the back door almost (35) thirty-five years after it was unvaryingly rejected as repulsive to civilized society. Psychosurgery or lobotomy was one of 24 (twenty-four) programs outlined in a new $1 million Center for the Study of Violent Behavior proposed by former Governor Ronald Reagan. Each program was described by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Chief of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute.

One of the most controversial projects was called “Violence Predication and Brain Waves”. The principal investigator listed was Dr. John Hanley, an associate professor of psychiatry at UCLA. Dr. West admitted that lobotomies were one means possible to control violent behavior.” There are many recorded cases of violent persons afflicted with temporal lobe epilepsy, showing focal brain wave abnormalities, in whom the pattern of violence was cured by surgical removal of the focus of abnormal brain wave activity,” he wrote. [11]       

Father Landeza’s appeal takes us right back to Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing (Beast of Bucharest), the Oakland/Sacramento/San Francisco Bay Area’s resident SS Officer. [12]

 SS Bolschwing told associates how the Third Reich used drugs in the drinking water in concentration camps such as Buchenwald to keep the prisoners docile, and that the bottom line of pharmaceutical manipulation and intervention was to control the population in the quest for world domination. [13]

Furthermore, the violence center was reportedly the brainchild of Dr. William W. Herrmann. Dr. Herrmann was one of SS Bolschwing’s California understudies in Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet.

Dr. Isaac Slaughter had a direct connection with Dr. Herrmann and Dr. West at the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville, and one of Dr. West’s CIA MK ULTRA contractor colleagues.

chpierceDr. Slaughter had been President of the Association of Black Psychiatrists of America founded by Dr. Chester Pierce, a Professor of Educational Psychiatry at Harvard University. Dr. Pierce had a peculiar and interesting background.

In 1962, Dr. Pierce was an associate of the renowned and notorious CIA mind binder spook psychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West in an infamously fanatical experiment   investigating the psychoactive drug LSD for the CIA.

Dr. West and his colleague at the University of Oklahoma, the same, Dr. Chester Pierce, were looking into the mind blowing effects of the stimulant. They shot 297 milligrams of LSD into the rump an elephant named Tusko with a rifle-powered dart at 8am on August 3. It was enough LSD to make 3000 people experience hours of “marked mental disturbance”. Tusko immediately began to sway, his hindquarters buckled, and it became increasingly difficult for him to maintain himself upright. Five minutes after the injection, he trumpeted, collapsed, fell heavily on to his right side, defecated, and went into status epilepticus.” An hour and 40 minutes later, Tusko was declared dead. [14]

A Humanist, Dr. Pierce was also described as a fanatical New Age and New World Guru. At a 1973 conference on Educating for the New World Order, he instructed:

“Every child in America who enters school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with an allegiance to our institutions, toward the preservation of this form of government that we have. Patriotism, nationalism, and sovereignty, all that proves that children are sick because a truly well individual is one who has rejected all of those things, and is truly the international child of the future.” [15]

Similarly, Dr. Slaughter had a peculiar, scary and extremely veiled counterintelligence background. Since 1960, Dr. Slaughter had been a head staff psychiatrist at the “Little Prison of Horrors,” the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville at the controls of the facility’s electric-shock machine in the Maximum Psychiatric Diagnostic Unit. [16]

At Vacaville, he was also a collaborator of another renowned and notorious CIA’s mind control-binder spook psychiatrist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Sanford University and UC Berkeley. Dr. Hamilton, CIA Technical Services Division (TSD) Station Chief at Vacaville, conducted MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH experiments, “clinical testing of behavioural control materials” on inmates funded by a chain of front organizations, [17] and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). [18]

At Vacaville, Dr. Slaughter was the leading Black elder of one of the CIA’s most notorious illegal domestic counterintelligence mind control operations, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). The BCA produced the infamous counterintelligence agent provocateur domestic terrorist zombie, Donald Defreeze, of the Symbionese Liberation Army. [19]

In December 1969, Donald DeFreeze was sent to Chino for “psychiatric testing.” From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic personality multiplication under the CIA’s MK Ultra-SEARCH mind control program under Dr. Slaughter; and Dr. Hamilton. [20]

Dr. Slaughter’s BCA was allegedly yet another brainchild of Ronald Reagan’s fascist kitchen cabinet pacification expert, Dr.  Herrmann. [21]  Dr. Pierce’s CIA MK ULTRA colleague, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, was Dr. Slaughter’s BCA senior technical consultant. [22]

COLSON-WESTBROOKIn 1970, Dr. William W. Herrmann brought in CIA contractor Colston Westbrook. Westbrook was a black psychological warfare expert whose firm had built interrogation/torture centers for the CIA in Vietnam for CIA’s PHOENIX program. [23]           

Hermann was a counter insurgency expert for Systems Development Corporation. Herrmann worked with Stanford Research Institute (SRI), the RAND Corporation, and the Hoover Center on Violence at Stanford University. Herrmann was a CIA agent that was associated with the Phoenix Assassination Program of the Vietnam War. He was also directly linked with the Iran-Contra affair as an arms dealer, probable for the Merex Company, in the “October Surprise” according to government records and Herrmann’s own testimony. [24]          

The Iran-Contra affair incident that resulted in Herrmann being imprisoned was the sale of 10,000 TOW missiles to Iran. According to sources, Oliver North thought him unreliable so Herrmann ended up in jail where he could be silenced if need be. He was arrested in London on the job in 1985, while moving suitcases of counterfeit US currency. After serving prison time in England from 1986-87, he was sent to a prison in Pennsylvania. [25]          

Dr. Herrmann was yet another head of the Nazi Hydra in America under Strumbannfuhrer SS Otto von Bolschwing.. The UCLA Violence Control Center and BCA were actually the playground of the Herrmann/Bolschwing circle as part of California’s pacification plan consistent with the stated objectives of the Huston Plan, and the Third Reich. Bolschwing’s protégé and a body of the International Nazi Hydra network were Strumbannfuhrer SS Otto Skorzeny and his Merex Company. Merex was at the heart of arms sales to Iran. [26]               

Colston Westbrook was deeply implanted within U.C. Berkeley’s Black Studies Department. Westbrook became Defreeze’s CIA control agent at Vacaville under his new implanted counterintelligence-insurgency revolutionary multiple personality to become Clinique, the leader of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). [27]   The rest is history. 


“Terrorism is a relatively gentle means of keeping the masses in a state of permanent obedience.” [28] 

Dr. Slaughter’s army of zombie assassins was real. The victims were real. During the 1970’s, there were numerous sadistic machete attacks against whites that took place in the Oakland-Berkeley Area that to this date remain unsolved.

According to authorities on October 25, 1970, the first Death Angel murder was committed in Berkeley. The mutilated body of a young white man was found in the backyard of 2412 Sixth Street. He had multiple cuts covering his body. He appeared to have been hacked to death with an axe or machete. Three blocks away at 2410 Ninth Street, there were programmed killers brothers, Ronnie (Al Rashid) and Sebron Flenaugh, Jr. (The Jedi Assassin).

On the evening on June 25, 1988, Sebron, Jr. went on an absolutely bizarre shooting spree at Micropure warehouse in Concord, CA. He killed two people, and wounded 5 others in some type of induced “Jedi Warrior” trance. [29] 

On the evening of November 14, 1971, Ronnie Flenaugh, a member of El Constran, was assassinated at the apartment of the group’s leader, Billy Mapp. The name “El Constran” was first coined by D. Lowell Jensen, Alameda County District Attorney. [30] 

In the onslaught, Mapp’s young daughter was also senselessly and savagely slaughtered that night. An associate Paul Cook gave police the lead to some of the assassins, George Freddie Payne, 31, and David “Chilly Red” Williams, 39. Flenaugh, Mapp, and Cook and the assassins were all connected to activities at a halfway house on 32nd and Telegraph in Oakland.          

Flenaugh under the pseudo name Al Rashid was most likely cut out as a direct link to a number of senseless puzzling machete slashings occurring in Oakland and Berkeley by the “Cult of the Death Angels.”

On October 16, 1972, Mapp and Flenaugh’s co-pseudo religionist of El Constran, Paul Cook, a parolee and prison reform activist was brutally assassinated on 32nd Street in front of Alternative House. Cook’s assailant was UC Berkeley grad and Black operative, Maalik El Maalik. Maalik was a Bay Area prison reformer that the New World Liberation Front had subsequently issued a death warrant for CIA/FBI collaboration. [31]

Cook and Maalik were running Alternative House. The halfway house was home to recently released Black and Brown prison parolees experimentally minded controlled and bended by the medical-military-industrial complex for special projects like assassinations. For an ex-convict halfway house, Alternative house was full of guns, knives and weapons. Direct sponsors of the house had been the Oakland Police Department and the notorious Raymond Procunier, Director of the California Department of Corrections. [32]         

Seemingly, Cook had become problematic after Flenaugh’s murder. Cook had authored a manuscript entitled “The Monster Factory” to expose the abuses of the prison industrial complex and his complexity at Alternative House in managing virtually created zombie “monsters” coming out of the prisons. Just before being shot to death at the halfway house, he had been attacked and repeatedly stabbed in the chest with a screwdriver by an Alternative House ex-con. In some way, Cook survived that attack to kill him. The ex con alleged that Cook had threatened him with a shotgun at the house. [33]         

Cook and Maalik appeared to be at the heart of managing the group of pseudo Black Muslim” El Constran, Cult of Death Angels.” They wore distinctive black turbans and long black capes. Cook also always wore a vest of chains that symbolically connected him with prison. Cook had recently been paroled from San Quentin where he claimed to have been a friend of George Jackson. 

Cook had planned to walk away from Alternative House. Within days of his murder, Cook had planned to release for publication the first of his exposes about the “Monster Factory” in the infamous alterative newspaper, The Berkeley Bard.           

On that faithful day, Cook had returned to Alternative House to retrieve some of his personal property. Fearing another attempt on his life for reprisals for leaving Alternative House and threatening to publicly expose it, Cook’s immediate family escorted him to the house. Nevertheless, Maalik shot him in the back, and once on the ground blew his brains out at close range. Paul and his family had been unarmed.        

Maalik was later acquitted of murder by self defense when the defense painted Paul as a crazed violence prone ex convict. Alex Haley of Roots fame was one of Maalik’s many well connected character witnesses. [34]   

The Dr. Frankenstein in charge of the Alternative House zombies was Dr. Isaac Slaughter, working out of the WOMHC. Cook, Flenaugh, and Mapp of El Constran and assassins of Flenaugh were Dr. Slaughter and Dr. Hamilton’s CIA mind controlled zombie monsters out of San Quentin, Folsom and the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville. Maalik El Maalik was further connected to Dr. Slaughter and Dr. Hamilton through California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville’s New Careers (Behavior Modification) Program. [35]

There is yet another twist to Alternative House. In 1976, Al and Jeanie Mills, former members of the Peoples Temple acquired ownership interest in Alternative House. The Mills were notorious John Birchers [36] and the public relations specialists for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.

In 1979, CIA remote viewer Russell Targ of Stanford Research Institute (SRI) [37] was the Director of Counseling at the Human Freedom Center (HFC), which was founded by the same former Peoples Temple members, Jeannie and Al Mills.  It was the Center which involved Congressman Leo Ryan in his investigation into Jonestown, [38] and set him up for assassination in Guyana in 1978.

About two weeks after Targ left HFC to return to SRI, the Mills were bounded and gagged and executed in Berkeley in 1981. The Mills were planning to write a book on Jonestown.[39]  There is very definite connection between the CIA and SRI. [40]

Just prior to his death, Charles reportedly commented on his dilemma to family. He suggested that he had somehow been deliberately misled by the people around him; he said that by the time he finally looked up and realized what was happening to him, he had already been encircled. With friends like Dr. Isaac Slaughter, who needs enemies?

Needless to say, Gregory’s entrepreneurial university and transitional home for Black students and young West Oakland families that Nelson Mandela admired and coined a South African name for didn’t develop, nor the badly needed shopping center at the site of Clawson Elementary School, or the transformation of the Acorn Project into tenant owned affordable condos.

-Dead Men Tell No Tales-

Some of the people traitorously watching Charles are obvious. Within three years of Gregory’s death, Dr. Isaac Slaughter suddenly died in 1995.

Why would anyone want to kill Charles Alex Gregory and his innocent family? Who benefited from his death?-




[3] Florio v. Dr. Isaac Slaughter & West Oakland Health Center, C-753590, Oakland-Alameda County Superior Court  

[4] Id.

[5] Ralph Allison,  M.D., Abstract, MPD and DID are Two Different Post-Traumatic Disorders, 1995





[9] Chapter 30, Lies My Psychology Professors Taught Me,


[11] Brain Surgery Questioned in Violence Study, S.F. Chronicle, April 1, 1973





[16] Personal interview with former inmate of Vacaville.






[22] Id.

[23] Id.





[28] Hartman, Militaerische Notwendigkeit and Humanitaet [Human and Military Necessity], Deutsche Rundschau, 1877-1878, XIII-XIV, cited in German Psychological Warfare; Survey and Biblography (New York, Committeee for National Morale, 1941, on deposit in the Maslow Library of the Wright Institute).; Opton, Edward M. Jr., Psychiatric Violence Against Prisoners: When Therapy is Punishment, 45 Miss. L.J., 1974, pgs. 605-644

[29] , Webster, et. al, vs. Flenaugh, et al. (1988) Case No. 641939

[30] People v. Payne (Alameda County) Case No. 055938


[32] See Mackey v. Procunier, 477 F.2d 877 (9th Cir. 1973)

[33] See People v. Maalik El Maalik, Alameda County Courthouse

[34] Id.

[35] Id.








6 responses

18 09 2009
Susanne Lively-Solano

In June 1988, I watched my best friend and co-workers die at the hands of Sebron Flenaugh Jr. Where is he today??

18 09 2009

I feel a great sense of sorry for what you experienced and what happened to the innocent victims in this case from the actions of what I called the Jedi Assassin. As far as I know, Flenaugh is still confined at a mental ward at the Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility. I am not aware of his current mental state. One of the attorneys for the victims in the civil case tried to discover the root of Flenaugh’s murderous automatic (robotic) compulsion with his association with the U.S. Navy, and Flenaugh’s unknown activity in isolation in Alaska prior to his murderous assaults. When I ordered the case files that should have contained that information, the files suddenly disappeared. When the case reappeared, someone had went through the files and removed everything sensitive that could have led to anything associated with the government. Flenaugh’s brother, Ronnie, became I believe a programmed assassin connected to the infamous Zebra racial murders. Just prior to Ronnie’s assassination in 1971, Ronnie had also disapeared into Alaska with Sebron. I saw Ronnie Flenaugh just moments before a violent confrontation with Huey P. Newton at Merritt Jr. College. I saw it. Ronnie was under some type of trance and involuntary compulsion. Again, I feel a great sense of sorry what took place when Sebron was programmed to kill in 1988 just at the time of the California presidential primary election of George H. Walker Bush, Sr.

25 12 2009
The University Of California At Los Angeles Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index | My Blog

[…] the gregory file part ii: a little touch of buchenwald; dr. isaac … […]

9 08 2010
Angie Tewell

Sue…Contact me immediately on facebook!
I love you!

17 02 2011
William E. Mapp Jr.

Sorry its

22 04 2011

Dear William E. Mapp, Jr.

I got some interesting comments about Billy Mapp, Sr. recently from a talk show. I am at or

Thanks, Princeray

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