BART’s K-9’s, Terror Dogs of the BEAST?


One of Oakland’s veiled Family Jewels is that BART’s K-9’s lack any obvious traditional legitimate law enforcement functions such as drug, bomb sniffing, and rarely used for searches. BART’s K-9 units are composed of German Shepherds (Schaferhundes). They are bred and trained at an academy in Germany only to terrorize its subjects. [1]


Well, that is really very interesting. Schaferhundes were the dogs of choice for Nazi Germany’s K-9’s units, too. The Nazis also trained their Schaferhundes to terrorize.


Schaferhundes were particularly important to Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and his SS, the Knights of the Black Sun, the Masters of Death. According to SS regulations, Schaferhundes’ use was highly regarded and regulated. They used them in concentration camps to herd, terrorize, maim and kill helpless captives. Himmler’s SD (Sicherheitsdienst) also used primarily Schaferhundes to interrogate, torture, maim and kill detainees just like U.S. military forces used them in Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad to terrorize, torture, maim and murder their detainees.  


The SS Terror Dogs were raised at a farm for Nazi Germany’s diensthunde (service dogs) at a breeding farm and training facility in Rontgental near Berlin by Reichshninspektor Langner. [2]


Are BART’s Schaferhundes bred and trained at the same facility in the spirit of Reichshninspektor Langner’s SS Terror Dogs? Well, they seem to be trained to perform the same function as SS Terror Dogs primarily to herd, terrorize, maim and probably kill Black and Brown BART patrons, too.


What’s really going on! BART’s dogs are Born of the BEAST, too.




[1]Published Monday, January 5, 2009, by the San Francisco Bay Guardian, 1992 story: BART police lacks oversight or accountability,

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