The Gregory Files: The Assassination of Little Bobby Hutton & The Secret Undeclared War Against the Panthers

5 01 2010

Little Bobby Hutton, 17 years Old, The Heart of the Panthers

The Negro youth and moderate[s] must be made to understand that if they succumb to revolutionary teachings, they will be dead revolutionaries.” J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director

FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover outlined the theme of COINTELPRO set out above. These were not idle words threatening to kill us for engaging in constitutionally protected activity. Little Bobby Hutton and at least 37 Panthers were murdered outright by a confederation of governmental and military bureaus and departments. The FBI labeled the Panthers as domestic public enemy number one and “the greatest threat to internal security.” The confederation initiated a clandestine war against the Panthers. In most cases, the FBI coordinated the assault. Of 295 FBI operations against black organizations, 233 of them were against the Panthers. [1]


Huey P. Newton was the brawn, Bobby Seale was the brain, and Little Bobby Hutton was the heart of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPPSD). There was only one Bobby in the BPPSD. It was Bobby Seale, but Bobby Hutton looked up to Seale so much it was a compliment to be in the shadows of Bobby Seale as “Little Bobby.” I don’t believe that there was anyone that loved the Panthers more than Little Bobby. When I first saw him, he always appeared to beam with pride, content and fortune to be among Seale and the older brothers and sisters. 

It was Little Bobby’s pompous glide that stood out to me as they passed through the halls of Merritt Jr. College. At first, I was rather envious of him. I had always daydreamed to be accepted as part of the in-crowd of a group of older brothers. Always rounding up the end of the pack, Little Bobby had to use long and ever elegant strides to keep up. He seemed all legs. He reminded me of a graceful and swift gazelle trying to keep in pace with the older brothers. It had always been something to see and be in awe of, The Proud Little Bobby Hutton. I was just a young poor daydreamer, but a fly on the wall of history. 

I didn’t know Little Bobby at the time of the formation of the BPPSD in October of 1966, I subsequently discovered to my pleasant surprise that he was Charles Hutton’s little brother. Charles had been one of my best friends at Lowell Jr. High School. We were all from modest Lumpen West Oakland Christian families. As a custom, we loved and were ever caring of our and each others younger siblings.

Little Bobby was always quiet, humble, and respectful. He wasn’t ever loud or boastful. He didn’t talk too much. I was surprised to find out that he had a girlfriend, a companion, in the Panthers. She was among the core Lumpen members. She was tall, graceful, sincere, unassuming, and humble. They complimented each other so much. The little time that I knew him, I watched him grow far beyond me from the shadow of a best friend’s young brother to become the heart of an avant-garde people’s vanguard, but one thing didn’t change. Little Bobby wouldn’t intentionally and unnecessarily harm anyone.

Little Bobby’s every breath was Panther. He lived and interiorized the life of the BPPSD. He idolized and absolutely loved Bobby Seale, and the BPPSD. Our orders were to defend ourselves and our people not ambush anyone.

Our rules of conduct prohibited us from pulling weapons on anyone without the justification of self defense. Little Bobby was ever mindful of our reflection in the community. He knew and cherished the rules and image of the BPPSD more than any others. He was the “Heart of the Party.” Little Bobby understood that we had to be shining examples of something entirely novel in our community, a revolutionary forefront of the Black Community.

The BPPSD had evolved into more than a bunch of Lumpen with guns. Their only armor was the 10-Point Plan and undying love for the people. Their only reward was constructive optimism, peace, freedom, security and harmony in the community. The Panthers took calls from the community 24 hours a day. When the brothers said “let’s go,” I had no idea where we were bound to or what forces we had to face. However, I couldn’t go out on assignment on all calls. Some of the older brothers thought I was too young. One night, we got a call from a distressed interracial family being harassed by the Berkeley Police Department. I strapped up with the brothers to go in. Captain Glen Stafford looked at me and said, “No, little brother, you can’t go.” “You’re the future.” It did lighten me up, but I sincerely had doubts if I would see my 21st birthday.

I knew that no matter what danger existed or insurmountable forces that existed that threatened the peace of mind, wellbeing and security of the community, the Panthers would go in disciplined, fearless with their backs straight and narrow winning the hearts and minds of the people.

The Panthers had some of most fearless and heroic brothers and sisters that I had ever seen. As a Manchild, I had to learn to overcome and face fear from Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Glen Stafford, Brother Clutch, Big Man, Orleandro Harrison, David Hilliard, Warren Tucker, Wendell Wade, and so many other loyal and noble brothers and sisters that had nothing to give but love.  We were bound to take nothing from the people or harm them in any form or manner.  

This heroic fearlessness, love and selfless dedication to the community earned the Panthers a great deal of goodwill and love in the community that you couldn’t buy.

So, it is hard to believe as some allege that Panthers would be traveling in a convoy of automobiles loaded with brothers that you barely knew to carry out a critical mission to ambush police. That wasn’t Little Bobby, and it wasn’t the way the Panthers had been organized. It wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t orders of the BPPSD. It was counterproductive to our values, families and image in the community that the Panthers had won. It was not the way to continue to win the hearts, minds, imagination and support of the people and cause that we loved so dearly. 



On Thursday, April 4, 1968, a couple of brothers and I were manning the office on 45th and Grove. At sometime before 6 p.m., an old woman rounded the corner sobbing and crying. She was hysterical and screaming. She was dressed in her night robe and slippers. She was screaming that they killed him. They killed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She cried out to us, “You’ll get those bastards!” She then hung her head low and continued to sob and cry as she disappeared back around the corner.

As word passed of Dr. King’s assassination in Memphis, people just spontaneously poured out on the street sobbing and crying. As if by some sort of magic spell, people began walking the street blind; in sort of a deep emotional hypnotic state of disbelief. The King of Peace was dead. The sky was crying.

Word came down among the ranks; Oakland wasn’t for burning that night. I hurried to Merritt Jr. College and flung open the doors of the campus auditorium for our people to gather, moan, cry, and ponder. As Huey once said, it would be one more step to bring the community to a higher level of consciousness. [2]


Marlon Brando (April 3, 1924-July 1, 2002)

The senseless assassination of the King of Peace brought about a higher level of consciousness across the racial divide. People around the world were left outraged by the vicious slaughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by covert forces within the Nixon Administration, and the U.S. Government. The same forces that wanted the Panthers dead had killed Dr. King. People began to look to the Panthers for answers. One sincere infamous individual sought answers and crossed the racial divide to join us. It was Marlon Brando.

By Friday morning, April 5, 1968, Marlon Brando was in the Panther office at 45th and Grove when I arrived. Bobby Seale asked if I knew the white guy standing in the office looking at me. I responded no. I whispered to Bobby that I thought he was another Berkeley hippie. He laughed. It was Marlon Brando.

Brando had been one of my most favorite Hollywood heroes. I still love, “On the Waterfront.” I never imagined that I would let along be in the same room with him, but to meet him in the flesh was beyond all my daydreaming and imagination. I noticed as Brando looked at me, he was warm, humble, and comfortable with us, the BPPSD. 

Bobby told me something that he has yet to repeat. He told me very quietly and ecstatically that the Panthers would finally reach the respect and notability as a Peoples Vanguard that he and Huey had envisioned. Due to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it had left a great deal of people disillusioned with the government. Brando was a sort of Hollywood emissary. Bobby told me that some of the biggest names in Hollywood were ready to support the BPPSD. It was so hard to believe. I took a deep breath. I was hopeful that the unrelenting vicious attacks and threats against us would soon be a thing of the past.

The assassination of Dr. King not only set practically every major metropolitan city in the United States in flames and rebellion, but it had a rippling effect that set the tides of public compassion toward the BPPSD, and the fascist military industrial complex reacted quickly and violently to discredit us, and silence and neutralize Marlon Brando regarding their clandestine blood war against the Panthers. By Saturday, April 6, 1968, Little Bobby Hutton, The Heart of Panthers, would be dead. The sky would cry again. 


On Saturday, April 6, 1968, at about noon it was another brother and I manning the Panther office at 45th and Grove. Eldridge Cleaver arrived in one of the two enormous bright colored 4-door 1967-68 Dodges that the brothers had access to from some source. I believe that I could speak for most of the general membership, we didn’t particularly appreciate Cleaver. He didn’t associate himself with the Lumpen. We also had a problem with him raping and sexually exploiting our young sisters. It almost exploded into a rebellion among the Lumpen against Cleaver and the Central Committee when Cleaver sexually attacked a young sister, Frances Young. Bobby Seale had promised that the Central Committee would act to investigate the matter, and take steps to protect our sisters. Bobby was always the glue that kept us together and on focus. We loved Bobby and believed in him with our lives in toll. Bobby interceded and quelled the revolt.

As the car pulled in front of the office, Cleaver was sitting along in the massive backseat of a bright yellow Dodge. He was so self important. He had to be chauffeured around by Warren Wells. Cleaver exchanged a few words with us and proceeded straight to an office in the rear of the shotgun storefront.

While Cleaver was in the back office, a well dressed bourgeois appearing Black man arrived by car to the front of the office in company of what he said was his son. He was drunk, sobbing and crying. He pleaded, and cried over and over again that he had to speak to someone in charge about a warning and injustice that he had to get off his chest. Cleaver was the highest ranking member, Minister of Information, at the office so we escorted them to the rear office to talk to him.

After a couple of minutes, the rear office door swung open. Cleaver exploded into a rage. Cleaver screamed that the man was crazy. He shouted. “Get out.” “Get out.”  As the man passed us, he continued to plead and cry out for us to hear him. Cleaver went wild shouting, “Don’t talk to him.” “He’s crazy, don’t talk to him.” Cleaver chased the man and his son out of the office. When he finally drove away despondent, shaking and sopping, Cleaver went straight to the rear office. He gathered his things and left in a hurry in that big yellow Dodge without saying a word to us.

I was dumbfounded by the incident. At the time, I had absolutely no idea what the crying man had wanted to warn us about. I wished that there had been anyone other than Eldridge Cleaver at the office that afternoon.


At sometime in the late afternoon, Little Bobby, June Hilliard and some other brothers arrived at the office. June had access to another large Dodge, a bright 4-door orange car. The brothers had been busy transporting grocery goods between houses for the sisters preparing food for the Sunday Free Huey Rally and Picnic.

Before dusk, we drove Little Bobby to his house for dinner which was not too far from the office in North Oakland on 56th Street. June asked Little Bobby what was cooking for dinner. He said that there was a big pot of beans. One of the brothers jokingly asked if he could join him, and if it included a big jug of red kool-aide. We shared a laugh and a slip of the Bitter Dog [3] as Little Bobby left us.

While we were at the office waiting for the sisters to call for more supplies, June’s wife took the car to run errands. As dusk fell and June’s wife had not returned the car, I had no specific duties. Our orders were because of police raids on the office at night upon the slightest justification we had to avoid staying at the office if we had no essential duties to perform. 

That faithful evening, I walked across the street and took the bus homebound to 40th Avenue in East Oakland. The last words Little Bobby left me had been that he would rejoin us at the office after dinner. It never entered my imagination that it would be the last time that I saw Little Bobby Hutton alive.

On April 6, 1968, our primary concerns had been the success of the Free Huey Rally to take place on Sunday, April 7, 1968 at Defremery Park in West Oakland. After the assassination of Dr. King, the universal consciousness among the people had risen. Internationally renowned activist and Hollywood star Marlon Brando was here. There were great expectations for the rally and picnic. The sisters had planned to feed the mass of people expected to turn out at the rally to express their dissent to the Vietnam War; the policies of President Richard M. Nixon; and outrage about the assassination of the King of Peace; and support Huey and the BPPSD.


We were well aware that the OPD had initiated a full press harassment campaign against the Panthers, but we weren’t aware of the degree of the attack. We weren’t aware of a detailed Panther Squad that kept photographs and license plate numbers of known Panthers. We weren’t aware that the entire U.S. government had declared war against us.  They formed a Goliath, a vast coordinated domestic terrorist counterintelligence confederation approximating the secret security state within the state straight out of Nazi Germany that went far beyond the OPD Panther Squad; the U.S. Constitution; U.S. and California Criminal Code; the Nuremberg and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.



“[P]urpose of counterintelligence action is to disrupt the BPP and it is immaterial whether facts exist to substantiate the charge.” -Federal Bureau of Investigation-

As FBI FOIA documents are being released regarding COINTELPRO, as of this date there continues to be a lack of detailed information released about the campaign against the Oakland Panthers, and the assassination (murder) of Little Bobby, which was absolutely consistent with the FBI’s stated domestic terrorist COINTELPRO theme. 

The Oakland Police Department (OPD) formed a secret panther squad to illegally harass and neutralize the Panthers. Charles Gain was the Chief of OPD from 1967 to 1973. Gain replaced ardent racist Edward M. Toothman [4] as police chief in September 1967 to lead the clandestine governmental coordinated assault against the Panthers beginning with the attempted assassination of Huey P. Newton in October.

Gain and William Chohendet led the FBI’s San Francisco office’s “Panther Squad” (a subpart of its COINTELPRO Section). [5]  All along as Chief of the OPD, Gains had secretly been one of J. Edgar Hoover’s top COINTELPRO FBI agents. Charles Gain also moved into Seattle as its acting police chief in July of 1970 to coordinate the attack on the Black Panther Chapter in that city.

Previous to the FBI takeover of the OPD, the Bechtel-Kaiser (SS Himmler) Cartel removed the independent minded Catholic Mayor John C. Houlihan in a bloodless coup d’état. Houlihan was replaced on May 1, 1966 by former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Reading. [6]  

The California Attorney, General, Evelle J. Younger, was also instrumental in Hoover’s Cointelpro program to disrupt and destroy Black Nationalist, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Younger had also been one of Hoover’s top agents.

The California Organized Crime and Criminal Intelligence Branch (OCCIB) of the State Department of Justice had been set up by Younger before 1970. A report circulated by the OCCIB in 1972 identified among its prime targets the Black Panther Party. [7]

Evelle Younger was also a former OSS agent during WWII, and was also instrumental in the CIA’s Project Chaos. Younger had been the Los Angeles County District Attorney during the June 1968 assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel. He was instrumental in the cover-up, and framing Sirhan Sirhan for the CIA high level Kennedy assassination.


The CIA’s Special Operations Groups within the Counter-lntelligence Division created the illegal domestic operation, Project CHAOS. “Project MERRIMAC [1967 to 1973] involved the infiltration by CIA agents of . . . Black activist groups. . . . Project RESISTANCE [1967 to 1973] was a broad effort to obtain general background information” about radical groups across the country.” [8]

In addition to the FBI, under Project MERRIMAC and RESISTANCE, subparts of Project CHAOS, the BPPSD had also been infiltrated by the CIA in combination with the theme of COINTELPRO.

The man in charge of the CIA at that time was Richard McGarrah Helms (March 30, 1913–October 22, 2002). He was the Director of Central Intelligence from 1966 to 1973. He was the only director to have been convicted of lying to Congress over CIA undercover activities. In 1977, he was sentenced to the maximum fine and received a slap on the waist suspended two-year prison sentence. [9]

The CIA head of Project CHAOS was Richard Ober. Ober was part of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) with Allen Dulles during WWII. He became a liaison with the anti-Fascist underground in Nazi-occupied Europe. Ober served under James Angleton as his chief counter-intelligence deputy. Richard Helms and James Jesus Angleton may have been two of the most dangerous and ruthless men in the western hemisphere. [10]

Richard Helm of OSS and the CIA Deputy Director’s great journalist coup had been a 1935 interview with Fuhrer Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. [11] Helms of the OSS was a principal along with Allen Dulles in Operation Paperclip that clandestinely brought thousands of SS-Knights of the Black Sun into America.[12]  Helms was also the CIA plans director that headed the Phoenix (assassination) Program in Vietnam. [13]

Helms signed for the secret and illegal entry of California’s resident SS High Priest, Sturmhauptfuhrer Baron Otto von Bolschwing, into the United States as a CIA agent. [14] SS Bolschwing was one of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s top SA (Sturmabteilung) agents. [15]

In 1945, the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corp (CIC) hired SS Bolschwing who had been the right-hand man for Adolf Eichmann in Nazi Germany. The CIC used Bolschwing to learn of his methods in recruiting, interrogating, and hiring SS officers. After spending nine years in Europe, von Bolschwing was brought to the United States where he worked for the CIA in the area of interrogation. His expertise involved using a variety of torture methods on subjects — bullwhips, placing needles under fingernails, drugging victims, and attaching electrodes to theirs testicles and nipples.[16]  SS Bolschwing was undoubtedly the Helms and Angleton’s California resident SS counterintelligence CIA expert that led to the vicious undeclared war against the Panthers and the death of Little Bobby.

The CIA MK ULTRA mind control program was the brainchild of Helms, Dulles, and the Knights of the Black Sun. In 1973, it was Helms that clandestinely destroyed most all CIA-MK ULTRA (mind control), and FAMILY JEWELS (Nazi connections, assassinations (JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, Dr. King, etc.) files to shield it from congressional oversight; and criminal prosecution. [17]

James Jesus Angleton of OSS and CIA Deputy Director of Counterintelligence, Helm’s right hand man, was a principal along with Dulles, Helms in Operation Paperclip. Angleton was the CIA’s chief in charge of the Artichoke, Phoenix (assassination) Programs; and Murder, Inc. in America. Angleton was the CIA man behind Lee Harvey Oswald; and the JFK, RFK, and the Dr. King assassinations. [18]

In June 1970, Richard Nixon held a meeting with J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Helms and the heads of army and navy intelligence (Joint Chiefs of Staff). Nixon wanted better intelligence on “revolutionary activism” in the United States. Ober was given an office in the White House and worked closely with Nixon’s “Berlin Wall” Nazi presidential advisors, H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman. [19]

State of California: SQUAD 19 

Louis Tackwood, agent-provocateur for the Los Angeles Police Department Criminal Conspiracy Section (CCS), and the Public Disorders Intelligence Division (PDID),   exposed LAPD involvement in “dirty tricks and murderous things” (Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, October 18, 1971). [20]

Working along with the CCS and PDID to target the BPPSD, Tackwood identified Nixon White House plumbers “Martin” and “White.” “Martin” and “White” were actually former CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and James McCord, both implicated in covert operations; and the Watergate break-in. [21]

Evelle Younger, E. Howard Hunt, James McCord were members of the CCS and a super clandestine counterintelligence group, Squad 19. [22] Alameda County Mafia District Attorneys D. Lowell Jensen and Edwin Meese were also principals of CCS and Squad 19 that illegally targeted the Panthers for persecutions, harassment, frame-ups, imprisonment and neutralization. 

Squad 19 was also responsible for planning a false flag operation similar to the Nazi’s Reichstag Fire Event to plunge the country into a reign of fear to justify a Nazi-fascist takeover of the United States. They had planned to assassinate President Richard M. Nixon during a bloody and violent disruption of the 1968 Republican Convention, and frame Black Nationalist such as the Panthers, leftist, and Vietnam anti-war activist for the assassination. [23] 


Tom Charles Huston, a Nixon-appointee, had developed plans to monitor ‘domestic security threats.”  (Deep Throat) (Mark) Felt labeled Huston a “gauleiter,’ which means “the leader or chief official of a political district under Nazi control.” [24] 

The Huston Plan was also a top secret coordinated battle plan targeting the Panthers composing of the National Security Agency (NSA), CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), FBI and the counterintelligence agencies of the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. [25] The DIA is the intelligence branch of the U.S. Defense Department. The Whitehouse plan was overseen by presidential assistant Tom Charles Huston of the Neo-Nazi Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). The YAF, a head of the secret Nazi Hydra in America, has been linked to the conspiracy to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. [26] 


False flag operations are covert operations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time. [27]

Eldridge Cleaver (August 31, 1935-May 1, 1998) Admitted Agent Provocateur of the April 6, 1968 False Flag Operation that Led to Little Bobby's Death

Filed in 1969 by the OPD, Mullin v. Brando was a classic slap lawsuit against Marlon Brando to silence him about the murder of Little Bobby and the undeclared war against the Panthers. The OPD sued Brando for slander for alleging on a national television broadcast that they had murdered Little Bobby illegally in cold blood while trying to surrender. [28]

The complaint alleged that Little Bobby had been killed as result of a “gun battle” which had been provoked by Panthers. This was a clear departure from allegations of a deliberately “planned ambush” of the OPD. [29]

Truth is an absolute defense to slander, but COINTELPRO, Project CHAOS, Squad 19, Huston Plan, and the secret war against the Panthers were still top secret governmental programs in 1969. Three of Little Bobby’s shooters were identified in the lawsuit as OPD officers Robert Coffman, Robert Fredericks; and Owen Carlton Brown of the Emeryville Police Department. [30] According to convicted felon Whitehouse Plumber, Charles W. Colson, the FBI were shooters too. [31] Most probably, the entire Goliath Confederation shared in Little Bobby’s execution.

One of the shooters, Owen C. Brown said that Little Bobby had been executed from a “massive volley”[32] of a firing squad on the street in the glare of high tendency spotlights that had been setup like a Hollywood set. We also had been informed that Little Bobby been torn apart by experimental weapons.

The parties that infiltrated the Panthers in collaboration with FBI, CIA, and military intelligence and setup and initiated the false flag shootout of April 6, 1968 that led to Little Bobby’s death is also still secret, except one, Eldridge Cleaver.

In a May 19, 1980 article in the New West Magazine, “Souled Out, Eldridge Cleaver Admits He Ambushed Those Cops,” [33] Eldridge admitted that he was one of the agent provocateurs that collaborated with government to contrive the false flag operation that resulted in Little Bobby’s death. [34]

In a 1997 PBS Frontline interview, Cleaver again admitted that he was the agent provocateur of the false flag operation, “…we started the fight. There were 14 of us. We went down into the area of Oakland where the violence was the worst a few blocks away from where Huey Newton had killed that cop so we dealt with them when they came upon us.” [35] A decision to engage the police would not have come from Cleaver, Minister of Information, with 14 ill prepared brothers in a convoy of old and out of state cars.  

Immediately after Little Bobby’s death, Cleaver released a tape recorded disinformation message to the membership. In that tape, Cleaver claimed that the assault by the OPD was sudden and unprovoked when he got out of the car to take a piss; not to initiate an stupid, unnecessary and counterproductive firefight. I was at Panthers headquarters all day up until about two to three hours before Little Bobby’s death. There was no planned Panther ambush of the police. At that very small wrinkle of time in history, we had so much to lose.    

After the coordinated false flag operation of April 6 to discredit the credibility and image of the Panthers globally, Cleaver was allowed to escape revocation of his parole to travel freely for seven years as a FBI/CIA mole through the strongholds of Panther international support networks in Canada, Cuba, France and Algeria  [36]

In fact, Cleaver demonstrated little reluctance to discuss the details of debriefing the FBI about the BPPSD international networks, and his scandalous and criminal activity to deliberately discredit, disrupt, and destroy the Panthers’ networks, credibility and image globally. [37]

Additionally, the article revealed that at the time that Cleaver was released from Soledad Prison, the FBI was there clandestinely recruiting Black inmates to infiltrate the Panthers as moles and agent provocateurs  for reduced sentences and freedom. [38]

On one occasion that I recall, a 6’8” over 300 pound Black mental patient from a hospital ward was dressed in a Panther uniform and released among us. In fact, the brother still had a hospital gown on under the leather coat. He was psychotic, delusional and violent. We didn’t abandon him. For almost 24 hours, we administered love, patience and kindness, and defused his violent outbursts and bizarre behavior in the community. To the community that he had been set in to discredit us before, we asked for their understanding, prayers and mercy. They understood too well. 

For Cleaver’s part in the false flag ambush of the OPD, he was sentenced to 5 years probation and 2,000 hours of community service instead of a maximum of 82 years in prison in a deal worked out by the Alameda County Mafia D.A. Thomas Orlott, and in all probability the FBI[39], and CIA.

In fact, Cleaver disclosed in the Frontline interview that his plea bargain deal was brokered by a so-called apologetic OPD Lt. David Hilliard.[40] Not only was Hilliard one of Little Bobby’s murderers, he was alleged to have brokered a deal with Ralph “Sonny” Barger, Spiritual Leader of the Hell’s Angels, for the Feds, Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (AFT), to assassinate Cleaver in Algeria.[41]  Hilliard was also alleged to be a principal in the cover-up of the 1973 cold blooded murder of 14 year old Tyrone Guyton by the Emeryville PD. [42]

I subsequently discovered that the crying man that appeared at the Panther Office to warn us that the sky would fall on us just hours prior to the killing of Little Bobby wasn’t Chicken Little. 

Out of 661 people working for OPD, only approximately 16 were Black. One of them was that crying man that couldn’t go along with a planned coordinated false flag attack against the Panthers in the wake of Dr. King’s assassination. Crying and distraught, he came to warn us, and it was Cleaver that chased him away and then deliberately along with other agent provocateurs led the brothers into an ambush that resulted in the murder of Little Bobby Hutton; and thus discrediting of the Panthers for an unprovoked deadly false flag ambush on the OPD.    

Cleaver also understood the timing of the false flag ambush was to underhandedly sabotage and discredit Marlon Brando’s extremely important mission in Oakland among the Panthers.  



April 12, 1968, Marlon Brando & Princeray and BPPSD, Little Bobby's Funeral at Ephesian's Church of Christ, Berkeley, CA. I was in a state of depression and disbelief that Little Bobby was really and truly dead.

A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it. –Frederick Douglass- 

Most of these people will never make the headlines and their names will not appear in Who’s Who. Yet when years have rolled past and when the blazing light of truth is focused on this marvelous age in which we live — men and women will know and children will be taught that we have a finer land, a better people, a more noble civilization — because these humble children of God were willing to suffer for righteousness’ sake. -Dr. Martin Luther King-

I never told my mother that I was in the Panthers. I dressed in uniform in the basement or from a bag on the street. I didn’t want her to worry, but mother’s wit knew anyhow. A lot of people were demonstratively kind to me, because as was told, “I wouldn’t be here long.”

Of all the people in the world, Little Bobby had been one of the most meek, compassionate, patient, and obedient of human beings. I never heard Little Bobby curse or use any unkind language. Little Bobby wouldn’t harm anyone unnecessarily and without substantial justification. He deserved so much to live out the enjoyment of his youth and prosper. If they killed him, what more would they do to us. 

They killed Little Bobby on Saturday, April 6. My death had been scheduled for Monday, April 8, 1968.  In all the doom and gloom that surrounded me, I had found a companion and love that my heart and formative years had been longing for, Elizabeth (Libby). She wasn’t a Panther. She was a dedicated college student. 

She was a beautiful almond skinned young lady with slightly slanting brown eyes. Her jet black hair was always in prefect place, short with a single curled bang that slightly draped across in front of one of her eyes.  She was kind, gentle and sweet. Her soft and tender eyes were always filled with tears for the world. She was like the girl around the corner. She loved to smile, laugh and dance. With her liveliness and carefree joy of life, I was able to forget about death, and enjoy some moments of youth. 

I had spotted her on the way to class. I noticed that she wasn’t like most of the other girls. She wasn’t a party girl. There weren’t a lot of guys hanging around her. Libby was a serious student committed to her studies. The following quarter, I made sure that I enrolled in one or two classes that she had enrolled in. I made sure I sat next to her. I didn’t have fine clothes, money, name or a car, but we found our affections mutual even though I had nothing to give but love. It was like living out a storybook romance to have a beautiful young lady like Libby in my life.

I had known about her ex-boyfriend, Oogie. The grapevine said that he was one of West Oakland’s major marijuana drug dealers. He drove around in a new yellow XK9 ragtop Jag. I had seen him around town with an array of different young ladies, but I never saw him with Libby, or else I wouldn’t have approached her. She told me that it had been over with him for sometime. 

Immediately after Little Bobby’s death, the word came down through the ranks that we had to stay low, because there were random police squads out to pick-up or pick us off. The following Monday morning, I went to school. I was totally surprised and emotionally overwhelmed by the people I found waiting for me at campus. Some were crying, they said that they weren’t sure if it had been me that was killed. People that I didn’t know surrounded me uttering sincere expressions that they were glad that I was alive. I was humbled. I trembled. It brought me to tears. I thought about Libby and rushed to the place where she rented a small room a couple blocks from the campus.

Libby came to door crying. She said that Oogie had just come to her in tears. In an unexpected hysteria, he asked her to marry him. It was so sudden; she didn’t know what to do. She told me if I just told her that I loved her that she would send Oogie on his way.  

Little Bobby’s death flashed through my mind. The amount of people that worried that I had been killed including my own mother’s worry affected me. I couldn’t put Libby through that. With the death of Little Bobby, it was so difficult for me to envision a future, or living any type of normal life with death so close. I didn’t realize just how close death was. 

I couldn’t compete with the security that Oogie had to offer. I had nothing but the prospect of death or imprisonment. I didn’t tell Libby that I had indeed truly and dearly loved her. I had wanted to tell her that I wanted her to play a bigger and greater role in my uncertain life. Because of my predicament, I had tried to shield her in the past. Now, I wanted to live more than ever. But, I couldn’t stand in the way of her future or burden her. I walked away.     

On the way back to campus, Oogie’s yellow jag slowly passed within a few feet of me. I didn’t have the heart to look at him if only for a second. Little Bobby was gone. Now, I lost Libby my storybook princess. I was crying inside. 

By the time I reached campus, a young man greeted me that I didn’t know. He asked what if I had known what was wrong with Oogie. He told me Oogie was crying and acting strangely. He said Oogie had a shotgun in the car, and kept mumbling and crying that he had to kill somebody. I didn’t know or associate with Oogie. I couldn’t figure out just how he associated me with Oogie’s mission, but it soon became crystal clear that I had been Oogie’s target. I was supposed to die that morning.

It was the second time that I knew of that a drug dealer had been setup to kill me. Each time by the Grace of God, they couldn’t go through with it just like the crying man. I had walked away from Libby. The justification to kill me as part of a love triangle gone bad had been concluded by faith. It appeared that Oogie just didn’t have the heart to go beyond that.   

If the confederation had killed me, I would have become a martyr like Little Bobby. If a drug dealer or jilted lover killed me, I would become nothing but a sad and tragic statistic.   

We lived under a constant threat of death and imprisonment that left most of the brothers and sisters with post traumatic stress symptoms. At the time, I didn’t understand that I suffered bouts of melancholy and depression. Far too often, I self medicated with easily accessible alcohol. I had a low tolerance for it. I weighted no more than 140 pounds soaking wet. It took only a couple of beers to put my lights out. For decades, I could not look at photos of Little Bobby, BPPSD or talk about the BPPSD experience. Each time, I relived it. It seemed like I died a thousand times.

On April 6, 1968, the confederation had gained the objective of the false flag ambush to discredit the Panthers as cop killers. They didn’t have to slaughter Little Bobby. There were some discussions that the confederation thought that they were liquidating Bobby Seale and mistakenly killed Little Bobby. I don’t believe that. The confederation had Seale under constant surveillance. They knew where Bobby Seale was at all times. Plus, Seale would be too important to them alive. 

 They intended to kill Little Bobby. The confederation wanted to cut out the heart of the Panthers. They wanted to slaughter Little Bobby symbolically in the prime of his youth at 17 in such a gruesome manner as a means of psychological warfare; to send a message to the world that if youth of people of color succumb to revolutionary teachings or resist the New World Order, they will be dead.     

The day after the confederation slaughtered Little Bobby, I put on my Panther uniform. I was walking along East 14 Street (International Blvd) near Fruitvale Avenue in Oakland, when a young Black man about the same age as I leaned half his body out of the passenger side window of a passing automobile and cried out to me, “You’re gonna die!”  He extended his hands out as if to beckon upon me with an extreme puzzled and concerned expression on his face. I knew what he meant. He meant the police was going to kill me. He wanted to know in his heart what great cause existed to risk my youth and life; and why?”

Huey use to say that the man’s technology cannot defeat the will of the people. Dr. King said our fight for freedom from oppression was “God’s Will,” but part of the answer to his question is old, older than recorded history. You can find among the lines of a metaphoric poem from Ancient Black Ta-Merry (Egypt).  

The Love of my sister is across the river;

The arm of the Nile is between us;

The tide is high upon the waters;

The crocodile lurks upon the bank;

Yet will I delve into the depth of the waters;

My courage is high upon the stream;

Tis her Love that makes me mighty;

That is the magic that smite the crocodile.

It is GOD’S WILL AND undying love for the people.

It was an unholy alliance that murdered Little Bobby Hutton. J. Edgar Hoover had promised him death for being among the first of the Black youth to embrace the Panthers and its absolutely constitutionally protected 10-Point plan. It was an oppressive unholy alliance that spanned city, state and federal law enforcement agencies, branches of the military, and the Whitehouse just like something out of Nazi Germany that was responsible for murders of Little Bobby, Huey P. Newton, and dozens of other people of color in Oakland, the Home of the Panthers. 

Germany under the Nazis became a police state, a state where the power of the police, and especially the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei; secret state police) and its agents tyrannically with virtually no procedural checks or oversight identified, arrested, tortured, interned and murdered political opponents, social undesirables; and others who refused to conform to the policies of the Nazi state. The Gestapo took repressive jurisdiction over the political police matters of the district, county and local police authorities. The Gestapo was under the SD ((Sicherheitsdienst). The SD was Reichsfurhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s brainchild. 

California's Resident CIA Project CHAOS Counterintelligence Specialist, Strurmbauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolshwing (The BEAST of Bucharest)

The person most likely responsible for setting up America’s version of Nazi Germany’s secret police that declared war on the Panthers was CIA agent Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing (BEAST of Bucharest) and his deep cover shadow counterintelligence and repression ring. SS Bolschwing had been one of Himmler’s top SD officers of the SS. [43]

At end of April 1968 after assassination of King, RFK, and Little Bobby, he stepped directly under Helms, Angleton, and Ober into the shoes of one of Hitler’s most important master ardent Nazi spy chiefs, Reinhard Gehlen, when he retired from the CIA. SS Bolschwing was financially and spiritually connected to President Richard M. Nixon, the Whitehouse, the Republican Party[44], and the Oakland Bechtel-Kaiser Cabal through the Schroeder Bank of New York.[45]  He was the highest ranking resident SS (Knight of Black Sun) on America’s payroll.

In March 1969, Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Bolschwing of the CIA moved right into Sacramento, CA, the seat of state power[46], to coordinate the fascist Republican governmental arms of Governor Ronald Reagan, Attorney General Evelle J. Younger, and Squad 19’s undeclared war against the Panthers, Left, People of Color; and the U.S. Constitution. 

This secret unholy alliance and secret political state police like something out of Nazi Germany in its second generation still exists in Oakland without exposure, oversight and procedural checks. The forces in Oakland responsible for the murder of Little Bobby Hutton, Dr. Marcus Foster, Charles Alex Gregory, Dr. Marcus Foster, Dorothy King, Chauncey Bailey, Oscar Grant and others have not been brought to the light of day as their tyrannical beastly genius and works; and justice by the people; the U.S. and California Civil Rights, Criminal Codes; the Nuremberg and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


[2] Newton, Huey P. Revolutionary Suicide. (1973). New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, pg. 184

[3] Red Port Wine and a couple of small cans of Lemon Juice










[13] Id.

[14] Breitman, Richard, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, pg. 370







[21] Id.







[28] Mullins v. Brando (1970) 13 CalApp3d 409, 91 Cal.Rptr. 796, 798-99 (1970), cert. denied, 403 U.S. 923 (1971)

[29] Oakland Tribune, “Held in Wake of Planned Shootout”, April 8, 1968

[30] Id. At footnote 17

[31] Aitken, Jonathan, Charles W. Colson, a life redeemed, pg. 301



[34] Id.


[36] Id. At footnote 33

[37] Id. 

[38] Id.

[39] Id.

[40] Id.






[46] Id. At Footnote 43

The Gregory File: FRANCIS PARKER YOCKEY-A High Priest of the SS in Oakland

5 11 2009


1960, Frances P. Yockey, Dean of the SS arrested by the FBI in Oakland


Clearing the Path for the Invisible BEAST

Imperium-latin, word for a command, which grew to signify the right to give orders, and so to mean supreme power, normally equivalent in the later Roman period to ‘empire’. Imperator, originally ‘commander-in-chief’, became a title used by the emperors, and came to signify ‘emperor’. The Latin writers of the Dark Ages could use imperium of a single kingdom, but the word retained the connotation of a kingdom supreme among others.

According to Nicholas Goodrick-Clark, many neo-Nazis want to establish an autocratic state to be called the Western Imperium. This proposed state would be led by a Führer-like figure, and would include all areas inhabited by the Aryan race (defined as non-Jews of European ancestry), i.e. Europe (includes all of Russia), Anglo-America, South Africa (may include Rhodesia or Zimbabwe) with its white minority, Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America (especially Chile, Argentina, southern Brazil and Uruguay.) Only those of the Aryan race would be full citizens of the state. This concept is based on the 1947 book Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics by Francis Parker Yockey.

Francis Parker Yockey, an American Nazi often called “The Man with Many Faces” was born in Chicago in 1917. Yockey has become an international fascist prophet and Nazi cult figure. Like his mentor Baron Julius Evola, Mussolini’s Mystic, in Italy, Yockey is an intellectual hero of the militant right wing in America. Yockey graduated from Georgetown University and earned a law degree with honors from Notre Dame in 1941.

Yockey is also often referred to as a man of many mysteries, but one thing is certain. Yockey was not an American Nazi in a vacuum as we are led to believe glorified by neo-Nazis and right wing elements. Yockey was a real Nazi associated with some of the most notorious, dangerous and influential postwar Nazis of World War II, and the worldwide underground network of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s war crime booty laden dreaded SS (Schutzstaffel), the BEAST.

Yockey was connected with the secret networks of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler’s most favorite and chief general; Scarface SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, ODESSA, and die Spinne (“the spider”). Yockey was also a confident of Hitler’s most trusted and significant bodyguards, SS-Brigadeführer (major general) Otto Ernst Remer.

During the Nazi Reich, Yockey and an American named Harold Keith Thompson had vowed their allegiance to the BEAST of Nazi Germany. Thompson was a graduate of Yale University. Thompson had also been the public relations person for Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother, Marguerite Oswald, after the assassination of President Kennedy.

Thompson of New Jersey was the official point man in America for Skorzeny’s ODESSA and die Spinner Networks, and the “chief and almost exclusive representative in North America for the interests of the surviving National Socialist Germany Worker’s Party and the SS.” [1] 

In a captured document signed by Hitler on July 27, 1941, Thompson had been appointed a Special Agent of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Overseas Intelligence Unit under “the Blond Beast,” SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrick. [2]  The SD was the intelligence unit of Himmler’s BEAST, the SS.


Himmler's SS Mystic, Baron Julius Evola

Baron Julius Evola was another one of Yockey’s mentors and confederates to actually sit at the table with Hitler, Himmler, and Duce Benito Mussolini. Baron Evola was born on May 19, 1898 in Rome to a family of Sicilian aristocrats.  After completing initial training as an industrial engineer he entered the Italian Army and served in the closing days of WW1.

Evola entered the political world of Italian politics via his involvement with a brotherhood called UR that was dedicated to reviving Roman Imperial Paganism and ousting Christianity as the Faith of Rome under Mussolini. 

During the 1930’s, Baron Evola produced an Italian version of German Nazi Race Theory in which he proffered the ideal of an ‘Aryan-Roman’ race defined by a strong social hierarchy and a volatile anti-Semitism.  Mussolini adopted Evola’s racial guidelines as the official policy of the Italian Fascist State in 1938.

In September of 1943, Evola joined Hitler and Himmler’s inner circle of racial fascist mystics as an agent of the Sicherheitsdienst’s (SD) [3] Amt VII under SS-Brigadefuhrer Franz Six.

In Vienna, Evola worked undercover for the SD like Yockey as “A Man with Many Faces” on translating sacred texts and Freemason ritualistic documents seized by the Gestapo from private libraries and Masonic temples that were raided by the SS. As a rival to their Aryan mystic power, authority and control, Hitler and Himmler targeted and persecuted Masons in Nazi Germany and over 80,000 were sent to Concentration Camps. [4]

The Coming of the Invisible BEAST

After the collapse of Nazi Germany, Evola continued his sinister covert work with the BEAST, the SS.  This time, Evola worked on building, recruiting and maintaining a Nazi Underground. As early as 1938, Evola according to a cryptic reference in a SS report revealed that one of his most secret missions was to help establish a secret international order for the BEAST.

“I believe that Evola’s Vienna project was intimately linked to the development of what I will call ‘the Order,’ a new kind of Knights Templar designed to successfully function sub-rosa. Well before the end of World War II, the intelligence and financial networks of the Third Reich were hard at work preparing underground networks to survive the coming Allied occupation. Escape lines to South America and the Middle East were organized. Bank accounts were created in Switzerland and other neutral nations to finance the underground with plunder the Nazis had looted from occupied Europe. But how was this secret empire to be managed, except by a virtually invisible ‘government in exile…” [5]

“For years, Evola had been fascinated by knightly orders as expressions of the Kshatriya caste of warrior aristocrats. In the formal structure of the SS, he saw the precursor to a new Ordenstaat, a State ruled by an Order. He also understood the great advantages provided by medieval orders of chivalry due to their transnational composition. Crusading orders, like the Knights Templar and the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, were pan-European, with separate ‘national’ sections (‘langues,’ or tongues) unified through a Council presided over by a Grand Master. After the collapse of fascist state power, a new Order, an ‘invisible college’ of sorts, was needed not only to manipulate bank accounts and travel schedules but to have policy-making functions. Nor could it simply be run under the auspices of the Vatican, since Evola believed that Rome’s downfall had been caused by the acceptance of Christianity by the dominant faction of the Roman elite…The Order was a vessel for those ‘Hermetic’ elements of the conservative Revolution, old ruling class, and new Nazi elite not entirely beholden to the political, cultural, and religious ‘Guelf’ wing of the European aristocracy which remained ideologically to the continued propagation of the ruling Christian mythology.” [6]

Yockey, Thompson, and Evola were not neo-Nazis but real Nazis willingly working with the BEAST. Yockey and Evola weren’t mere New Age Philosophers. Both Yockey and Evola from their contacts with the SS had wittingly developed extensive knowledge of Aryan esoteric and occult folklore and mysticism. They were teachers and High Priests of the SS clearing the path worldwide for BEAST.

According, as pieces of an international conspiracy puzzle, Yockey, Thompson, and Evola’s task was to help the SS “create an inner organizational and ritual structure for the Grand Masters of a secret Shamballah whose financial nerve center was carefully hidden away in Swiss bank accounts.” [7]

Oddly enough, nevertheless being agents of the SD, Yockey and Thompson were members of U.S. Armed Forces. Thompson was a lieutenuent with U.S. Naval Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd’s fleet. Yockey served with a U.S. Army counterintelligence unit, G-2, in Germany. For whatever unknown reasons, Yockey and Thompson were directly involved with Admiral Byrd’s secret 1946-47 infamous Operation Highjump hunt for Nazis in Antarctica.

After the collapse of Nazi Germany, Hitler and a force of Nazis purporedly escaped by submarines (u-boats) to a secret underground base in Antarctica, SHANGILA-A New Berchtesgaden.  [8]

Again oddly enough and amazingly, as an agent of Skorzeny’s ODESSA and dies Spinner SS Network, Yockey was given a prosecuting attorney position with the Nuremberg (Weisbaden) War Crimes Tribunal in 1946. At Nuremberg, Yockey had direct access to VIP Nazi war criminals like Fuhrer and Reichskanzier Admiral Karl Doenitz, and may have been instrumental in covertly compromising key cases against them, and assisting Nazi rat (escape) lines out of Germany. [9]

In 1948 while in Ireland, Yockey wrote Imperium, a manifesto of international Nazism and Fascism. Yockey dedicated Imperium “To the hero of the Second World War,” Adolf Hitler. [10] Imperium received critical acclaim and praise from Skorzeny, Remer, Baron Evola, and the SS underground. Today, Imperium is likened in importance to Nazism and Fascism as Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle).

From 1946 to 1960, Yockey was a mysterious globe trekker from North America to England, Italy, Germany, Egypt, the Iron Curtain and Middle East, and Havana, Cuba always meeting with secret networks of Nazis and Fascists agent-provocateurs, spies, and initiates.

Yockey acted as a SD courier for Czech intelligence. Yockey did work with Johann Von Leers in Egypt. Leers was a Nazi propagandist a protégé of Joseph Goebbels, Reichsminister of Propaganda.  Yockey even tried to sell the Egyptian government some supposedly bogus Argentine (Brotherhood of the Bell (Die Glocke)) nuclear technology,[11] which have come only from SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Hans Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler tucked away in Argentina. [12]

Yockey worked briefly as a speechwriter for Senator Joseph McCarthy. In New York City, Yockey attended the salon of the right-wing poet “Hitler’s prostitute”[13], George Sylvester Viereck, who had worked with Aleister Crowley when Crowley was a U.S. double agent-propagandist for Germany during the First World War. [14]

In 1941, Viereck was indicted for a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, when he set up his pro-German publishing house, Flanders Hall, and was imprisoned from 1942 to 1947. Yockey may also have met the sexologist, Alfred Kinsey, and sex change pioneer, Dr. Harry Benjamin at Viereck’s wild satanic-SS parties.[15]

Yockey also spent time in New Orleans, writing propaganda for use in Latin America. In New Orleans, there exist rumors of a link between Yockey and Lee Harvey Oswald. [16]

In early 1960, Yockey re-entered the United States. A FBI informant reported finding Yockey leading a private gathering in San Francisco in the occultist rituals of the BEAST.

During a flight to the Bay Area, Yockey’s suitcase had been mishandled and misplaced. An American Airlines employee at the Dallas-Fort Worth opened his baggage and found seven birth certificates and three passports with different names with the same picture. [17]

The FBI traced the luggage to a residence in Oakland where Yockey intermittently resided. On June 8, 1960 when he came to pick up his baggage in Oakland, he was arrested by the FBI and interned at the San Francisco County Jail. [18]

Yockey had been strip searched and spent eleven days in jail. Nevertheless on June 17, 1960, Yockey bit into a cyanide capsule to die a Nazified death. His body was found lying on a bunk bed, dressed only in underwear and a pair of black SS-type boots. [19]

Yockey’s place of arrest at an apartment house overlooking Lake Merritt and downtown Oakland has been sited as a place of reverence by want-to-be Nazis. Yet, Yockey’s arrest in Oakland is symbolic and indicative for other reasons.

The BEAST in Oakland: IMPERIUM

We must also uphold the need for a true hierarchy and for different dignitaries, with a higher function of power installed at the top, namely the imperium. Julius Evola [20]

Before Yockey could expose Scarface Skorzeny and Himmler’s implanted underground Nazi networks around the world, in Dallas, New Orleans, San Francisco and Oakland to the U.S. Justice Department under Robert F. Kennedy, he was slipped a cyanide capsule sacrificing himself for the cause constituent with the creed of the SS.  

For one, everywhere Yockey planted himself it was for the work of BEAST, plotting, funding, teaching, and indoctrinating its initiates to clear the path for the BEAST.

Beyond their philosophical gibberish, Evola and Yockey’s bottom was that the imperium (sacred authority) consolidated by power of the rite as established by the SS was reserved to Indo-Aryans ruling classes. In their scheme of things, Aryans were the “kingdom supreme among others.”  By the creed of the SS, “power is based on superiority and not vice versa.” And to them universal suffrage, the right to vote, was “the degradation of the ruling class.”

“[M]ost people, even when they admit the notion of aristocracy in principle, ultimately settle for a very limited view of it: they admire an individual of being exception and brilliant, instead of for being one in whom a tradition and special ‘spiritual race’ shine forth, or instead of whose greatness is due not to his human virtues, but rather to the principle, the idea, and a certain regal impersonality that he embodies.”  Superman (Ubermensch) Fredrich Nietzche-German Philosopher


Oakland's Stephen Bechtel, Sr., Beholden to the SS

Fourteen years (14) after the collapse of Nazi Germany, the invisible BEAST was well at home in Oakland. J. Henry Schroeder, Nazi financer and Hitler’s Banker; and the Rockefellers set up Oakland’s most influential and powerful resident, the Bechtel Corporation. [21] It is one of this nation’s most prevailing military-industriously treacherous, dangerous and illusionary organizations in the World.

“Bechtel’s close relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency helped influence overthrows of several foreign governments perceived as unfriendly to American business goals; and allowed the company to be at the right place at the right time to take advantage of new business opportunities with puppet regimes (3). Close ties between Alan Dulles the CIA deputy Director and Steve Bechtel’s financial advisor, John Simpson, facilitated the relationship between Bechtel and the CIA. Steve Bechtel served as the CIA’s liaison with the Business Council and several other organizations directly linked with the CIA (4). The ties between Bechtel and the CIA led to collaborations in intelligence gathering that helped overthrow Iran’s Mossadeq in 1953 and Indonesia’s Sukarno and replace them with the Reza Shah Pahlavi and Suharto respectively, pro-Western, pro-business allies. Key Bechtel alumni are Reagan Secretary of Defense Casper Weinburger former Bechtel general counsel, and Reagan Secretary of State, George Schultz former Bechtel President, and current Bechtel board member. W. Kenneth Davis, former vice-president for nuclear development became Reagan’s deputy secretary of Energy and head of the Atomic Energy Commission under Reagan. William Casey, chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission under Nixon, head of the Export-Import bank under Ford, Reagan campaign manger and head of the CIA under Reagan was also a Bechtel consultant. Richard Helm was CIA director under Nixon and eventually became a Bechtel consultant. White House political advisor Perter Flanigan under Nixon became a senior partner in the Bechtel-owned investment house Dillon, Read and Company. Robert L. Hollingsworth, AEC’s general manager under Nixon became manager of manpower services at Bechtel. Nixon Treasury secretary William Simon became a Bechtel consultant. Additionally, numerous friends of Bechtel, too long to list, many working in the AEC eventually ended up with Bechtel. The close collaboration between the AEC and Bechtel was “so incestuous it is impossible to tell where the public sector begins and the private one leaves off.” [22]

If we believe what Hitler’s personal Commando Strumbannfuhrer SS Otto Skorzeny said on his deathbed that Nazi (SS) intelligence with the U.S. Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) formed the CIA with “Wild Bill” Donovan and Allen Dulles,[23] then Oakland’s Bechtel Corporation is one and same. It is also beholden to the SS.

Oakland’s charm and the beauty of its diversity is but an illusion. It is a dangerous place to be Young, Gifted and Black.  It was a dangerous place for CHARLES ALEX GREGORY. There is a glass house shadow government in Oakland. It is a prototype of Yockey’s IMPERIUM.

[1] Lee, Martin A., The Beast Reawakens, Routledge, New York, 2000, pg. 8



[4] Id.

[5] Coogan, Kevin, Dreamer of the Day, Autonomedia, 1999, page 320-321

[6] Id.

[7] Id.





[12] See Farrell, Joseph P. (2005). Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend. Adventures Unlimited Press. pp. 107-108.

[13] Id. At footnote 1, page 105

[14] Id. At footnote 11

[15] Id. At footnote 12

[16] Id. At footnote 11

[17] Id. At footnote 1, page 155

[18] Id.

[19] Id. At footnote 1, page 156






28 07 2009

“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.” Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)

charles and KingThe brilliant multi-genius Charles Alex Gregory had a vision for his people. It was an American Dream. The vision is enthroned in the Declaration of Independence, the right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”    

He was born on July 8, 1951 in Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama. Charles came to the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area to attend U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall sometime after graduating from Tuskegee Institute in May 1972 with a B.S. in Physics.

The Bay Area is a beautiful and striking place sitting at the foot of a natural bay to the Pacific Ocean. The weather is always calm and pleasant all year round. It is one of the most diversely populated areas of the country that souls traveling through become in love with, but it has a deep dark evil side.

At its roots, Oakland remains a land of shadows and illusions, and a hidden troubling veiled background. The ante-bellum period of the old South is often considered the pinnacle of Southern aristocracy. The Southern aristocrats owned a majority of the wealth and land of the South. They have remained wealthy and the powerbrokers of the South even after their defeat in the American Civil War. The Southern powerbrokers are very visible, and in most cases able to be clearly seen.

In 1852, the City of Oakland was founded upon conceit by a bunch of lying, conniving, crooked and illusory squatters, Andrew Moon, Edson Adams and Horace Carpentier. The Spanish land grant owner, Vincente Peralta, and a band of armed rancheros found them illegally squatting on land near Jack London Square. After being herded in by the rancheros, the unsuspecting Peralta agreed to lease them what is now Oakland.

In absolute treachery and unseen deceit, Moon, Adams and Carpentier subdivided Peralta’s land grant property into lots and sold them to unsuspecting white gold rush settlers. Horace Carpentier was an immoral and fraudulent attorney that specialized in lawsuits and land grab schemes contrived to steal valuable Spanish land grants throughout Northern California.

The Peraltas subsequently lost Oakland. They had to deplete their herds of cattle and sell off large tracts of land to pay court costs to fight Carpentier’s tedious and never ending multiple illegal land grab schemes, city incorporations and lawsuits. [2]


In 1883, Sovereign Grand Commander and Confederate General Albert Pike, one of the founding fathers of the Ku Klux Klan, visited Oakland [3] to inplant his racist demonic seed and initiate and veil twelve (12) Oakland disciples into concealment in the “Luciferian Doctrine, and the Secret Doctrine.”[4] 

As part of a twisted pacification plan, even the way of the “Great Beast” found its way to Oakland. In 1976, Satanist U.S. Army Captain Grady McMurtry (1918-1985) quietly moved into Oakland at 588-590 63rd Street and at 2820 San Pablo in Berkeley from Washington D.C to carry on a racialist (Nazi) devil worshipper legacy. [5] McMurtry appeared in Oakland at the start of the crack cocaine epidemic. He opened the Northern California Thelema Lodge of secret society Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O) in North Oakland to seed skinheads, which was raided in 1989 [6] for among other things drug trafficking, crack cocaine. The lodge’s phone number on 63rd Street was listed to “Aleister Crowley” (The Great Beast). 

Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947) was “The wickedest man in Britain”. The late Crowley remains one of the world’s most famous and influential Satanists of the twentieth-first century. Crowley called himself “The Great Beast”, a reference to the New Testament’s description of the Anti-Christ. Crowley’s brand of Satanism involves Nazism, drug trafficking and abuse, abductions, murder, mayhem, rape, animal and human sacrifices. McMurtry was the successor to the “Great Beast” Crowley. [7]

To this day, the lying, conniving, crooked, illusory and veiled forces at the roots of Oakland remain in power. The Oakland powerbrokers are not very visible, and in most cases cannot be clearly seen. They are extremely ruthless, and illusory. They feed upon the weak, poor, dead and the unsuspecting.

From the outside, the affairs of the City of Oakland appear normal municipal business. Oakland’s Victoria Court Development of the Oak Center Redevelopment Project on a strip of land at 14th & Adeline Street in West Oakland seemed pretty normal urban redevelopment city business. [8]  I had a personal connection to the strip. My maternal grandparents and uncle had once occupied a downstairs unit of a grand Victorian house at the site before the mass urban redevelopment that displaced thousands of Black homeowners from West Oakland.

The Victoria Court Redevelopment Project was an interspace real estate development project. Interspace real estate development is the process to transform existing intercity vacant lots into new home/condo developments as a matter of city redevelopment policy. Gregory Construction, Inc. (Charles Alex Gregory) pioneered the concept and development within the city. It was as if the Victoria Court Project had been specifically designed for Gregory Construction. Gregory intended to build 20 to 40 affordable and low income Victorian designed concept units on the strip. Gregory had been the most respected, qualified and experienced real estate developer and building contractor in line to develop the Victoria Court Project. The ever resourceful Gregory Construction, Inc. had planned to develop and build the Victoria Court Project without city subsidies and bonding nothing beyond normal state redevelopment capital. Furthermore, the majority of the units were projected to be low-income housing units to benefit and fit the financial needs of most West Oakland’s Black residents.

One of Gregory Construction’s main competitors for the project was far less resourceful and experienced, but was a deceitful, shadowy and dangerously mob connected entity that feed upon the weak, poor, dead and unsuspecting.  

The forces at the roots of Oakland tried to veil the nature of that entity in the shadows to keep them at the pinnacle of Oakland’s deep well of redevelopment financial capital.

“I mean, no one is ever to say one kind word about niggers… The conservative isn’t against the Niggers; he just wants to keep him in his place for his own good.”  November 2, 1962: Dallas to Munich, Germany, Nazi Larry Schmidt of Americans for Freedom (YAF) and Conservatism USA (CUSA) [9]

Charles Alex Gregory had a vision for West Oakland. His vision was to transform one of the city’s most abandoned areas into an oasis of trade, industry and educational opportunity to benefit its neglected Black residents. If anyone could do it, it was Charles Alex Gregory. He saw it. Brilliantly, he had planned to finance it through existing funding resources such as state redevelopment capital, tax credits and incentives.

While Charles was boldly dreaming of a transformed West Oakland, there was other unseen forces working behind the curtain in the affairs of the City of Oakland conspiring to keep West Oakland and its residents mired in eternal poverty, crime, death, destruction and drug addiction.  

On or about June 14, 1991, a confidential reliable informant (CRI) told the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) that a white male (5’ 10”, wt. 145) was interested in buying kilograms of cocaine for distribution. The CRI had been a reliable source of information regarding Bay Area drug trafficking. SFPD decided to setup a reverse sting operation to nab the drug dealer.

The police identified the CRI as Don Holmes. Holmes told police the suspect lived in Piedmont, CA in a million dollar house. Holmes set the suspect up to purchase five (5) kilos of cocaine at $18,500 for each kilo. The suspect had told the CRI that under normal circumstances he could have no problem coming up with sufficient cash to purchase the kilos, but he was involved with a major real estate deal that absorbed most of his cash. He had just purchased 15 condos in Utah for cash. He encouraged Holmes to invest his money in the condo project.

The suspect also bragged about how he launders money through real estate investments. The suspect discussed a past relationship with a major drug dealer, who one time produced a suitcase containing twenty kilos of cocaine and how his associate was busted by the Feds and seized all his money and property.

On July 12, 1991, the suspect showed up to purchase the kilos. He said that he had two associates two blocks away to test the product. The suspect negotiated the sale at $16,750 per kilo.

When the sting was strung, the suspect fled, but was arrested after a short chase. For whatever reasons, the SFPD did not pursue the suspect’s associates for conspiracy to distribute cocaine. The suspect was taken to the SFPD Southern Station for further investigations.

Astoundingly, the suspect was only cited for two marijuana cigarettes and released pending further investigations. [10] Over a month after the suspect’s arrest, the Oakland Police Department along with SFPD executed a search warrant for the suspect’s residence at 451 Jerome Avenue, Piedmont, CA. Among other things not reported, the police found marijuana (California Health & Safety Code, §11359) and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) for sale and distribution (California Health & Safety Code, §11378).

Oakland’s “Mr. Steve” & The New York Spatola-Inzerillo-Gambino Mafia Clan

The Spatola-Inzerillo-Gambino Mafia Clan is a transatlantic mafia family, based in Palermo and New York City. In Sicily, the family clan is centered around the Inzerillo, the Spatola and Di Maggio families, while in the United States the Sicilian faction in the Gambino family is the core of the group. The Inzerillo clan hailed from the Passo di Ragano neighborhood in Palermo. They were relatives of New York City Mafia boss Carlo Gambino.

Beginning in 1984, a courageous Italian judge with the aide of an informant turncoat mafia soldier began to break the $1.6 Billion dollar Inzerillo-Gambino Mafia Clan’s international heroin and cocaine smuggling, money laundering syndicates that used pizzerias as fronts. [11]

With the cooperation of the Italian police, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), FBI, and New York City Police, Carlo Gambino’s crime family came under an intense investigation. Through wiretaps, they discovered that a West Coast functionary of the Gambino Ring was a “Mr. Steve” in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.

The subsequent investigation and campaign by DEA to bust the San Francisco Bay Area-West Coast drug operations (distribution cells) of the Spatola-Gambino, and Inzerillo Palermo- New York crime families led to West Coast functionary “Mr. Steve.” Mr. Steve was Stephen Wilson, the son of Oakland Mayor and former Alameda County Superior Court Judge, Lionel Wilson.

In December 1988, “Mr. Steve” and twenty-one Bay Area criminals associated with the Spatola-Gambino, and Inzerillo Palermo- New York mob was rounded-up and busted by the DEA. [12] 

On 12/14/1988, the San Francisco Chronicle referred to Steve Wilson as a major high profile West Coast drug dealer functionary known in the inner circles as “Mr. Steve”. It also appeared that the DEA investigation was being compromised by Oakland’s Interagency Drug Council (IDC) controlled by Lionel Wilson.

In fact, San Francisco investigators were told by the Oakland Police Department (OPD) that they had no information about Mr. Steve nevertheless maintaining about ten (10) years of reliable informant reports that Steve Wilson was a major drug dealer in Oakland.

The DEA further identified Oakland’s Port of Oakland as the major U.S. entry point for “Golden Triangle” (Burma) heroin which distribution was/is primarily controlled by the New York Gambino Sicilian Mob family. [13] 

In 1988, the DEA seized cash, assets and Wilson’s home along with several other pieces of real property related to his drug trafficking industry saying that the assets had been bought with drug trafficking proceeds. Subsequently, the U.S. Justice Department was able to forfeit Wilson’s home as drug related assets in a civil suit. [14]

Mr. Steve was charged with conspiracy and attempting to pocess cocaine for sale between May and December 1988, and two counts of using a telephone to negotiate the acquisition of cocaine. He was charged with six tax violations for allegedly understanding his income to avoid more than $242,000 in federal taxes from 1986 through 1988.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Richard W. Held (FBI Agent in Charge) was also one of “Mr. Steve’s” high placed guardian agents. FBI Agent Held notified Mayor Lionel Wilson of the DEA search warrant on “Mr. Steve” before the search took place. The DEA search warrant was hijacked and then executed about noon by Mayor Wilson’s own IDC instead of the DEA, and of course most of the evidence was gone and “Mr. Steve” was not there. [17]     

At the time, Richard Held may have been one of the most powerful and notorious FBI agents only behind the director. Held was Special Agent-in-Charge of the San Francisco FBI Office from 1985-1993.  Held began his career under President Richard Nixon’s fascist-Nazi administration in 1968 in the Los Angeles office of the FBI.

He became the lead agent in the FBI’s COINTELPRO “racial matters” pacification program along with the CIA’s Project CHAOS, Nixon’s Huston Plan, and the Public Disorder Intelligence Unit, of the CCS (Criminal Conspiracy Section of the Los Angeles Police Department) to attack, expose, and neutralize “black extremists”, and pacify the left. Their overall coordinated objective was to put the Black masses into their place; in prison, virtual slavery or 6 feet below the ground.

Held was instrumental in targeting Los Angeles Black Panther Party leader Geronimo ji jaga Pratt for neutralization by framing him for murder. In a 1/28/70 memo by Held to the FBI Director, Edgar J. Hoover, he confirmed his involvement, “I request Bureau approval … to attack, expose, and ridicule the BPP… operation number one is designed to challenge the legitimacy of the authority exercised by Elmer Gerard Pratt.” Framed for a murder he did not commit, Geronimo spent 25 years in state prison. He was released in 1997 after a judge overturned his conviction based on prosecutorial misconduct. The key witness in the case, Julius Butler, was an agent provocateur and informant for Held, LAPD, and the L.A. District Attorney’s office; that information was kept secret during Geronimo’s trial.

Mr. Steve’s guardian angels, Held and Jensen, were associated with the FBI’s ultra secret counterespionage domestic intelligence department, “Division Five.” Division Five was responsible for COINTELPRO. Some sources maintain that Division Five was/is an arm of the Office of Naval Intelligence associated with the assassination of the JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King under the cloak of the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC). [18] [19]

Division Five acts dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) which acts on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged leadership of Division Five and the DIA is a control group, the highly secret policy agency, the DISC. [20] 

The DISC is headquartered at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio, which is the SECURITY DIVISION of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) that was headed by Sturmbannfüehrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun. [21]

Fritz Gustane Anton Kraemer was a special assistant, adviser and strategist to the U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations (DCSOPS) at the Pentagon, [22] and the National Security Council (NSC). The NSC was patterned after Hitler’s Security Council, and its jurisdiction was to oversee the CIA by dictate of the National Security Act of 1947

The extraordinary researcher Mae Brussell identified Kraemer as the “Number One” most powerful person (Secret Team) in the United States. She suspected that he was the very same Brigadefuhrer SS Fritz Kraemer [23] who was very high up in Hitler’s regime and personally responsible for extremely strategic fascist atrocities in WWII, who as a war crimes defendant literally walked away from the Nuremberg Tribunal. [24]

Fritz Kraemer and his son, Sven Kraemer, were major advisors of the NSC and the Pentagon Army Chiefs of Staff for both Democratic and Republican presidential administrations since Eisenhower. They were also prominent advisors in the Center for Security Policy (CSP), which features the William J. Casey Institute. Judge Jensen’s Alameda County Mafia partner, Edwin Meese III, was an informal advisor of the CSP with the Kraemers. [25]

U. S. Marine Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North was at the center of national attention during the Iran-Contra affair, a political scandal of the late 1980s under Reagan. North was a NSC member along with Kraemers involved in the clandestine sale of weapons to Iran, which served to encourage the release of U.S. hostages from Lebanon. North formulated the second part of the plan: diverting proceeds from the arms sales to support the Contra rebel group in Nicaragua.

The most disturbing item to come from Iran Contra was that there was another commodity being traded, namely drugs earmarked for the streets of the United States, particularly targeting the Black Communities of Los Angeles and the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. Lt. Col North actually kept a record of the drug transactions, and labeled them as such as found by the Kerry 1988 Congressional Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations. [26]

When the late courageous Gary Webb, author of Dark Alliance, was in Oakland, I asked him pointblank who were the Oakland Black drug dealers trafficking cocaine for the Colombia Cali-Medellin cartel funneling millions in drug (blood) profits to the Contras run by the CIA, and Lt. Col. Oliver North of the NSC. “Freeway” Ricky Ross was the exposed Black drug dealer trafficking cocaine for the Contras in Los Angeles, [27] but the Black Bay Area’s Iran-Contra Medellin drug traffickers remained anonymous.

Rather reluctantly, Webb said, “Rudy (Rudolph) Henderson.” I was somewhat shocked and taken back by the response. Rudolph had been my childhood friend when I lived a couple doors down from the Henderson Family on 8th Street in West Oakland.

In West Oakland, Rudolph had been a husky sweet kid that didn’t even have the heart to fight. The Hendersons was an ordinary hard working blue collar family. They were like my second family.

In 1989, Henderson pleaded guilty to a single charge of possession for sale of 7 kilograms (15.4 pounds) of cocaine and evasion of $115,000 in taxes in 1984. He also agreed to forfeit his Sonoma County estate and two luxury cars. He was originally sentenced to 20 years in prison, but that was reduced on appeal. [28] In December 2006, Rudolph was liquidated in broad daylight in North Oakland. Rudy had been on parole since 2002 for the 1989 conviction for drug trafficking. Of course in Oakland, Rudy’s murder remains needlessly unsolved.

Crack cocaine has literally destroyed Black Communities across the nation. One in 11 African-Americans are in prison, on parole or on probation, and more than 50 percent of federal inmates are imprisoned for drug crimes related to crack cocaine. But in the drug trafficking industry, Rudy was like Cary Webb’s Dark Alliance Ricky (Freeway) Ross of Los Angeles; they were expendable. They were by design made the mass media’s most visible poster boys for drug traffickers and crack cocaine making Black communities across the country a wasteland of poverty, crime, death, destruction and drug addiction, while a far greater evil and danger loom.

“Ethnic cleansing is a bit trickier in South Central Los Angeles than it is in South Central Europe. It is essential in a “democracy” to have people do it in a way that makes it look like they’re “doing it” to themselves. You need a socially induced suicide. So how do you get people to commit suicide? You make it very attractive for their children to make money doing something illegal. Then you arrest them for it in a very visible way (Remember the battering rams and armored cars?).  You design stories to make people blame themselves for what has happened. This is how branding works. Pepsi = tastes good, Black people = cause illegal drugs and crime.  Support all this by a national media owned by defense contractors and other corporate interests. That way the nightly news has lots of moneymaking incentives to cover HUD OIG sponsored drug raids in black communities rather than doing a story on CIA drug trafficking.”  -Catherine Austin Fitts-  [29]

During wiretap investigation of the affairs of the drug syndicate of “Mr. Steve” at his home, Rudolph had been a frequent caller.  On many occasions the FBI/DEA recorded, he talked with Mr. Steve’s witting aficionado and partner in his drug trafficking industry, Denise E. Smith. The FBI/DEA had even followed Mr. Steve and Denise to the San Francisco Opera, and grand parties with the rich, famous and powerful in Beverly Hills, particularly at the home of the Ambassador of Mexico. Denise E. Smith is the same party at the head of Royal Realtors & Loan Services in Oakland [30] that just slipped through the cracks of a federal indictment for drug trafficking.

 After Gregory’s death, all of his office-business phone logs for weeks leading up to his death disappeared. However, we combed through the phone logs left by the intruders. We found messages left for Gregory from Mr. Steve’s aficionado and partner, Denise E. Smith, allegedly, relating to a piece of property on Skyline Blvd in the Oakland Hills. “Mr. Steve” and his network was also watching  Charles Alex Gregory.

Cointelpro- Cocaine & The SS (“Schutzstaffel”) The World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murder Cult

“Only the SS was equal to the task of exterminating the Jewish people. Others talked about it but had too many reservations. To have completed such a mission is an unwritten page of honor in the history of the SS.” (Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler)

Mr. Steve’s passport listed him as a Caucasian under the alias name of “Steve or Michael Towns.” Did he change his bloodline to join an international white blood cult network of cocaine distribution and death? Mr. Steve’s alias is eerily similar to the Nazi trained Chilean General Augusto Pinochet DINA assassin and Operation Condor (North-South American campaign of political repressions involving assassination and counter-intelligence operations) [31]  functionary, Michael V. Townley. [32]

“Our concern, our duty is our people and our blood. It is for them that we must provide and plan, work and fight, nothing else. We can be indifferent to everything else. I wish the SS to adopt this attitude to the problem of all foreign non-Germanic peoples… All else is vain…” (Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler)

Heinrich Himmler’s SS was the instrument most noted responsible for the demotic wholesale slaughter of Jews, and non Aryans by Nazi Germany. Its instrument of death, destruction and human annihilation went by a different name, “the Knights of the Black Sun”, the Masters of Death.

The SS is generally translated as the “Schutzstaffel”, a special staff or military unit. There was another darker occult meaning of the “SS”, a meaning with roots deep in dualism and the occult of ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian mythology.

The letters “SS” also referred to die Schwatze Sonne, the Black Sun. The doctrine of the Black Sun is that there are two suns, the “white” sun at the center of the physical solar system, and the “black” sun, a “hidden” sun of (spiritual) illumination. The myth of the Black and White Sun encompasses the ancient doctrine of dualism, the two realms of good and evil, light and darkness, order and chaos as independent principles.

In some versions of Black Sun mythology, the Black Sun lies at the center of the galaxy. One attribute of the Black Sun is that it is the cause of the immortality,” evil”, and the reincarnation of the soul. In Babylonian mythology it was also associated with the coming of the “King of Kings” and the establishment of a New Babylon. Finally, theosophical mythology associated the Black Sun with uttermost “Hyperborea” and “Thule”, the legendary stellar home and celestial origin of the Aryan race. [33]

Their gods were Aryan war gods, Odin (Wotan) and Thor. The Aryan war gods were filled with Magic and Power in Heaven and in “Hell.” Many of the top leaders in Hitler’s Inner Circle such as Himmler, Goebbels and even Hitler began to envision themselves as god-like, taking on the characteristics of Aryan war gods, and mythical Germanic Kings. They dwelled into the black arts and occultism and ancient volkish rights in order to bring forth an Aryan vanguard of “supermen” to accomplish world domination.

One of the vanguard’s most sacred missions was to bring about the total annihilation of non Aryans by a secret blood oath for the coming of a Germanic blood master root race. Himmler’s vanguard was made-up of the Blood and Elite of the Germanic race.

It is important to note that the SS not only wanted to kill the body, but sought by pseudo-occult-spiritual science to extinguish the soul and spirits of non Aryans.  Himmler and other key members of the SS were not only fanatic occultists, but followers and believers of Rudlof Steiner’s pseudo “spiritual science.” Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was an important German occult philosopher.

Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Sigmund Rausher was Dr. Josef Mengele’s medical colleague at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland performing some of the most bizarre and heinous medical experiments on human beings. Dr. Rausher was one of Rudlof  Steiner’s followers.  Dr. Rauscher had also been one of Himmler’s favorites, and it was Dr. Rausher that in August 1942 developed the idea of using gas chambers for racial mass murder and the “Final Solution”.

It was Steiner’s belief that potassium cyanide (like in the insecticide “Zyklon B” used in Auschwitz) from an occult point of view of “spiritual science” not only kills the body but also the soul. [34]

The SS sacred mission did not end after World War II, the death of the Hitler and the Nazi State. At least two years before the official end of World War II, the SS, including Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, began to go underground to continue their “Thousand Year Reich”  conspiracy of racial mass murder. Here lies one of the most neglected and veiled subjects of twentieth and twentieth-first century.

Generally, people of color aren’t fully aware of them. The media, and surprisingly, most of the left and so called progressives will not talk about the SS, which has allowed them to recruit knights, initiates and disciples to continue their veiled demotic deeds to mass murder non Aryans for decades to come. Incredibly, Bob Marley, the world’s greatest conscious reggae performer, was taken to a SS doctor, Dr. Josef Issels, a Knight of the Black Sun, for cancer treatment. Dr. Issels tortured Marley to death. Dr. Issels also worked under the Angel of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele, at Auschwitz. [35]


One of the principals of Operation Condor along with Michael V. Townley was wanted war criminal Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Klaus Barbie (1913–1991), [36] the “Butcher of Lyon”. SS Barbie had been recruited and veiled by U.S. Counter Intelligence Corps in 1947; he also worked for British intelligence. The CIA smuggled SS Barbie into South America as an asset. The ardent Nazi Barbie, consultant to the Bolivian Ministry of the Interior, was a major principal in Luis Garcia Meza Tejada’s 1980 “Cocaine Coup” in Bolivia. 

Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Barbie, ODESSA (Organization of SS Members), and their young neo-fascist disciples organized and protected Colombian Cali-Medellin cocaine cartels and transported drugs and weapons internationally to find its way to the streets of the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area and Black Communities across the Nation. [37]   

SS Barbie was also instrumental as some sort of secret SS High Priest (Knight) in a satanic Thule Lodge [38] in forming a blueprint for a new type of occultist-satanic SS that became the core of paramilitary units, soldiers, and death squads for cocaine cartels across the United States, Central and South America. 

According to an acticle in the Los Angeles Time, 2/27/85, Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Mengele, the Angel of Death of Auschwitz, was also confirmed to having been involved in the Nazi network of crack cocaine distribution. One CIA document said SS Mengele used his farm machinery business in Paraguay, South America as a mechanism to move or launder large sums of money, as well as to cover the movement of illicit narcotics.  [39] 

Connect the dots. The FBI Division Five’s control group that was linked to COINTELPRO was controlled by Sturmbannfüehrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun of NASA and the DISC.


Oliver North’s NSC prime mover and shaker was Brigadefuhrer SS Fritz Kraemer. Fritz Gustane Anton Kraemer of the NSC was one of the most secretive, illusory and veiled personalities at the Pentagon. He didn’t allow pictures or biographies of himself to be produced or published. Nazi War Criminal SS Fritz Kraemer disappeared as a defendant from Nuremberg Tribunal in Germany after the war at the same time that Fritz Gustane Anton Kraemer first appeared with U.S. Allied Forces in Germany. I believe Mae Brussell was right that Brigadefuhrer SS Kraemer was Fritz Gustane Anton Kraemer of the NSC. [40]

California’s resident Knight of the Black Sun, the CIA’s veiled agent war criminal and one of the architects of the “Final Solution,” Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing (Beast of Bucharest) of TCI of Sacramento, CA sold the company’s largest subsidiary to Albert Hakim and Richard Secord. And that subsidiary became Stanford Trading Group International (STGI), and Stanford Technology Trading Group (STTG). STTG became the notorious CIA front that sprouted the Iran-Contra/Cocaine Connection conspirators from the operatives of the Phoenix Assassination and Counterintelligence Program of Vietnam. [41] It included Lt. Col. Oliver North, Theodore Clines, William Casey, Admiral J. Pointdexter, Edwin Wilson, Frank Terpil, Theodore Schackley, Chilean General Augusto Pinochet, and the Nugan Hand Bank.

The Nuremberg Tribunal declared the Knights of the Black Sun rightfully as a war criminal organization. The SS’s overall and undivided objective was to put non Aryans on the planet in their place; in prisons, in virtually slavery for the state, or 6 feet under; “to exterminate” them.   

Towards the end of the war in 1945 the occultist SS had over 840,000 members. They mercilessly carried out the Nazi’s mass murder-extermination policy in which as many as 6 million Jews and 4 million other mostly non Aryans were systematically exterminated on the streets, in concentration and death camps. The SS were frighteningly real, a racialist mass murder cult.

The mass majority of the Knights of the Black Sun just walked away and melted into Germany, Eastern Europe, South America, and into the governmental affairs of America as a plague of racism, chaos, murder, and genocide. 

The suspect’s high profile Bay Area drug dealer associate had to have been non other than Oakland’s “Mr. Steve.” The suspect like “Mr. Steve” also had powerful guardian angels in high places like FBI Agent Richard W. Held, Lionel Wilson, and the NSC, he was referred to Department 31 (Judge Vern Nakahara) of the Alameda County Municipal Criminal Court for misdemeanor probation & diversion pursuant to and under California Penal Code, §1000 even though he didn’t qualify for relief under that section. The suspect was a major Bay Area mob drug trafficker and money launderer. The suspect’s wife said that he had to pay someone $8.000 to package the deal, and get out of the case repackaged and squeaky clean.  

The City of Oakland’s  Sweetheart Real Estate Developer: A Major Crack Cocaine Drug Trafficker and Money Launderer

The repackaged and wiped squeaky clean suspect was Peter Robertson [42] of Baines and Robertson, Inc. [43]  Baines and Robertson was the entity that was Gregory Construction’s main competitor for the Victoria Court Redevelopment Project. The veiled Peter Robertson was at Gregory Construction, Inc.’s rear on the Victoria Court Project. Virtual Murrell and Franklin Young, the veiled society (The Triad), was posted at his front. Dr. Isaac Slaughter, an unseen veiled CIA asset and Denise E. Smith of “Mr. Steve’s veiled COINTELPRO-IRAN CONTRA CRACK COCAINE Syndicate was posted at his side.


  1. Prevent the coalition of militant Black nationalists groups;
  2. Prevent the rise of a (Black) messiah who could unify and electrify the militant Black nationalist movement;
  3. Prevent Black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining respectability by discrediting them to the community;
  4. A final goal should be to prevent the long-range growth of militant Black nationalists’ organizations especially among youth. [44]

Any Black leader, including Christian preachers, with charisma was a target of Cointelpro. The FBI’s Division Five, Defense Intelligence Agency of the Army Chiefs of Staff, and Defense Industrial Security Command wanted to destroy any and all progressive movements that sought to advance the human and civil rights of Black people. Any Black person who sought voting rights, quality education, decent jobs, and even improved housing for Black people was earmarked by Cointelpro for arrest or liquidation.

It was like the unsuspecting Charles Alex Gregory had been surrounded and led blindfolded into a secret demotic circle to be liquidated-heart-body-soul and seed for his natural brilliance, and vision and quest to uplift the souls and spirit of the Black masses, instead of joining in a conspiracy to literally exterminate and annihilate their heart, body and soul with crack cocaine.  


[1] Edwin Black, War Against the Weak, Four Walls Eight Windows, London England. pg xvi







[8] Oakland Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 93-39 C.M.S. (6/29/93)

[9] A correspondence between Larry Schmidt in Dallas, to Bernie Weissman in Munich, Germany, in preparation for their arrival in Dallas, TX just prior to the arrival and Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the letter was published in the Warren Commission Hearings, Vol. XVIII.

[10] SF Police Report, No. 91-0917622


[12] S.F. Chronicle, 12/2/1988

[13] S.F. Chronicle, 12/14/1988


[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] S.F. Chronicle, 12/11/88




[21] Id.












[33] Id. Schellenberg served as major general (Brigadeführer) in the Waffen-SS and held a high post in political secret service.

[34] Supra.








[42] People v. Robertson, Alameda County Criminal Court, Case No. 354361



BLOWBACK: Johannes Mehserle and BART Born of the BEAST? The Extermination of Oscar Grant III

18 01 2009


               On January 1, 2009, what actions of Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) police preceded Oscar Grant raising his hands in defenselessness begging and pleading for his life on the platform of Fruitvale BART Station in Oakland, CA?

               All of the officers surrounding Grant were Aryans. Whatever they were doing and saying left Oscar Grant absolutely terrified of being shot. I was struck by the cold heartiness, deliberateness, and brazenness of the officers as they disregarded his cries and set upon him as if they were subduing a wild animal. With Grant lying prone and helpless on his face an officer mercilessly drove his knee into the back of his head driving it into the concrete, another officer sat upon his back as if he was hog tying an animal.

               BART Officer Johannes Mehserle stood over him and instantaneous and deliberately drew his weapon struck a military stance and barbarically in cold blood drove a hot projective in Grant’s back killing him without any visible signs of remorse.   

               My impression was that Officer wasn’t mistakenly taking up his stunt gun; Mehserle’s flashpoint was as if on automatic exterminating a lower form of life lying beneath him. Due to the silence and lack of any signs of remorse by Mehserle and BART, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.

               The root of the surname Mehserle is Swiss-Germanic, meaning “knife maker.” Is Mehserle a secret member of the Klan or a “Man of the Oak?” Was he born of the pagan BEAST? Was he imitated into a Cult of the Black Sun trained to cold bloodedly kill Black people? Was Mehserle a blowback performing a pagan blood rite on automatic? What’s really going on in Oakland?


“Only the SS was equal to the task of exterminating the Jewish people. Others talked about it but had too many reservations. To have completed such a mission is an unwritten page of honor in the history of the SS.” (Reichsfuhrer der SS Heinrich Himmler)


               I flashed back to the Gestapo officers of the Beast, the Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel). The SS was the world’s greatness mass murder cult. They were High Priests and Wizards of the Cult of the Black Sun preying on lower forms of life declared half-human that they vowed by their creed, religion and blood rite to exterminate.

               The SS was an autonomous (corporate) state army composed entirely of a secret fraternal order of racially pagan-Germanic males concerned with the theory and practice of the occultist arts, white supremacy, world domination, eugenics and cold blooded mass murder of non Germanic people. They were mystic Aryan warrior-priests patterned after the Jesuits, and the mythical Court of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. 

               In most cases, the order of the SS was immune from criminal prosecution and civil liability. They were trained to barbarically, cold bloodedly and mercilessly carry out the Nazi’s extreme human extermination policy in which as many as 6 million Jews and 4 million others including Black people were mass murdered in utter cold blood.

               Was Mehserle under some sort of delusion as a mystic Aryan warrior that he could be immune from criminal prosecution and civil liability for the cold blooded murder of an innocent young Black man?

               Peel away the layers and connect the dots. Mehserle’s utter cold bloodiness in murder of a human being, and BART’s downright demonstrated indifference to the murder of this young father suggests they too were most likely born of the Beast.


“The old war lords are going to come back. S.A. (South America) is full of these Nazis…They will know that is only one kind of people that would do such a thing (assassinate President John F. Kennedy)…that would have to be the Nazis and that is who is in power.” (Jack Ruby, Assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald)[1]


               Some of Oakland’s Secret Family Jewels is that the early key promoters of BART were the BEAST’S Lords of New World Order.

               The history and founding of BART goes back to the rich and powerful Germanic medical-military-industrial complex Bechtel and Kaiser Families of Oakland.

               In 1921, the business partnership of Warren A. Bechtel and Henry J. Kaiser developed in Oakland to build major roads throughout California. Bechtel in concert with the Kaisers and other firms built the Hoover Dam, the San Francisco Bay Bridge, the Alaskan pipeline and the mass transit system in Washington D.C. Bechtel and Kaiser constructed major oil pipelines for Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of California in Saudi Arabia.

               A notoriously dangerous and powerful historical blue blood industrialist named John Alex McCone joined Stephen Bechtel, Sr. and Henry J. Kaiser to become some of the most corrupt war privateers of WWII.

               During the war, John McCone was also one of “Wild Bill” Donovan’s lieutenants in the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the forerunner of the CIA, when Nazi Spy Chief Reinhardt Gehlen (Abweher German Military Intelligence) and his organization of high priests, spies and assassins were placed on the U.S. payroll. Wild Bill was a blue blood international Wall Street banking interest attorney. McCone was the CIA’s fifth director from 1961-1965. McCone, a Knight of Malta alone with Reinhardt Gehlen, is highly implicated as a conspirer in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas.  

               Bechtel was also a principal purveyor of nuclear power since the birth of commercial nuclear power industrial in the late 1950’s. With the aid of his confederate, John McCone, head of the U.S. Atomic Commission; Bechtel had a prominent hand in the design and construction of 45 nuclear power plants in 22 states.

               A list of Bechtel alumni and associates reads like an historical Who’s Who of the CIA, Pentagon, and Washington: George Schultz, former Secretary of State, Caspar Weinberger, former Secretary of Defense, Richard Helms, CIA Chief of MK-Ultra, UK-Search Mind Control Programs, William Casey, CIA Chief, “The Phoenix Assassination Program”, Phillip Habib, Middle East Envoy, of the Iran-Contra Affair. [2]                                    

               During WWII, Allen Dulles, another international blue blood Wall Street banker and attorney had been Wild Bill’s OSS chief deputy in Bern Sweden. Operation Sunrise was Allen Dulles’ baby to move Reichsfuhrer der Heinrich Himmler’s SS BEAST on the United States payroll to launder their vast war booty, exploit their international network of Murder, Inc., and initiate the Cold War against the Soviet Union.

               Allen Dulles is also highly implicated as a conspirer in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas. One thing is certain is that Dulles sat on the Warren Commission setup by President Lyndon Johnson to investigate the assassination. Dulles, former director of the CIA, was a primary key to the cover-up.           

               J. Henry Schroeder, the Third Reich financer and Hitler’s Banker and the Rockefellers of New York setup and funded Oakland’s Bechtel International Group. [3] Allen Dulles (OSS-CIA Director) and his older brother John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State) were directors of J. Henry Schroeder Banking Corporation of New York, London, Zurich and Hamburg, Germany. Bechtel was also one of Dulles’s long-standing allies and by 1952 had extensive political contacts at the highest government level. These contacts were not accidental; they came through John Simpson a director of the Schroeder Bank and close friend of Allen Dulles. [4]       

               BART from the beginning had been a special project for the Bechtel International Group. The Bay Area Council (BAC), a group of Oakland-San Francisco area genetic like businessmen and industrialist, had begun as early as 1945 crusading for a subway system to make a yellow brick road from the Pacific Basin to San Francisco (the Magical Emerald City of the Wizard of Oz and Berlin of the West). Bechtel family members, Stephen D. Bechtel, Sr., Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr., and Henry J. Kaiser, and his son Edgar Kaiser dominated BAC. Stephen Bechtel, Sr. was a member of the board of directors.

               In 1957, BAC hired Stanford Research Institute (SRI) of Stanford University to prepare a study to fancy the benefits that would accrue to the Bay Area from a mass transit system. On the basis of the study and a lavish public relations campaign heavily financed by Bechtel and its corporate confederates a $792 million public bond issue was narrowly approved by voters.

               Since the early 1960’s when Oakland’s population boomed with Black residents, the City of Oakland has been in the fishbowl of Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Negro removal (Urban Redevelopment), Mass Transit (AC Transit), and the City of Oakland government structure (Mayor-City Manager-Council) was masterminded, designed, developed and controlled by SRI.

               SRI is as it was then a major CIA and pentagon contractor and medical-military-industrial complex “think tank”. SRI was founded in 1946 by the same group of Germanic BAC businessmen that financed and developed BART again headed by Stephen D. Bechtel, Sr. and Henry J. Kaiser. Bechtel and former CIA Director John McCone were board members.

               Miraculously in little or no time, SRI grew to be the second-largest corporate-government “think tank” in the United States only behind the RAND Corporation. Its business has always been supplying government and industry with the latest in applied research, economic analysis and management techniques secretly of the Beast.

               There are some parallels between the founding and development of SRI in 1946 and a missing secret covert SS Sonderkommando (Special Unit) “think tank” from Nazi Germany.

               In April 1945, one of the most wanted, important and powerful WWII Nazi war criminal only behind Reichsfuhrer der SS Heinrich Himmler, SS OBERGRUPPENFUHRER DR.ING.HANS Kammler and his project, the “wunderwaffen” conveniently disappeared from Germany. Wunderwaffen is a Nazi term meaning “Wonder Weapons.” It included the secret research and development of the world’s first weapons of mass human destruction, the atomic bomb, air-fuel bombs, biological warfare.

               SS Kammler coordinated the development of wunderwaffen secret programs via SS Sonderkommandos “think tanks” of the leading Nazi scientists that he recruited which drove the SS medical-military-industrial complex mass murder death machine. SS Kammler is also generally believed to have been the architect of the Nazi concentration and death camps.

               SS Kammler’s “think tanks” involved some of the most important hardcore and dangerous Nazi scientists and agents that covertly moved directly into the United States through Project Paperclip including SS Stumbannfuhrers (Major General) Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger, Wernher von Braun, and German rocket pioneer scientist Dr. Hermann Oberth. Dornberger and von Braun are also believed to have been some of the masterminds behind the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King.

               It is believed by some that SS Kammler struck a deal with US General George S. Patton of the U.S. Third Armored Division to turn over the SS medical-military-industrial complex’s secrets to the Americans in return for his “disappearance.”

               In March 1945, SS Dornberger and von Braun and 120 members of SS Kammler’s Sonderkommando rocket team that had been hiding in the mountains of Bavaria voluntarily surrendered to U.S. Allied Forces. General Patton was the military governor of Bavaria. 

               Then, “Pilscn and the Skoda Works were captured by Combat Command B Third Armored Division, the same unit that captured Kammler’s unique metropolis, with its treasure trove of missiles and jet engines, at Nordhausen in Saxony on April 11 (1945).” [5]

               In that same April that General Patton overtook SS Kammler’s headquarters; he conveniently disappeared from sight, sound and history. Critical to the SS Sonderkommando development of the Nazi’s weapons of mass destruction was the development of the world’s first true computer called the “Eniac” (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). It was developed by another ardent Nazi digital computer expert Konrad Zuse of Berlin. Zuse was a close friend of SS von Braun and worked on Kammler’s V-2 rocket team as a guidance system technician.

               Zuse’s latest computer, the Z4, survived the Allied bombing blitz of Germany with the aid of SS Kammler by hiding the computer system in the Bavaria Mountains along with his rocket team and may have been part of Kammler’s super wunderwaffen scientific treasure trove secured by General Patton.

               It is generally believed that Zuse’s “Eniac” was used to compile the complicated data needed in developing the SS secret atomic bomb weapon that was supposed to turn the tide of war in the Nazi’s favor.

               However, it would turn out to be that the secret to SS Kammler, the wunderwaffen trove and Nazi loot was best to left in the hands of the Wall Street banking medical-military-industrial interests than a dispensable military grunt like General Patton.

               On December 21, 1945, General Patton was conveniently liquidated by an arranged accident in Germany. After the death of Patton, SS Kammler and the SS wunderwaffen treasure trove disappeared into the banking medical-military-industry of America, and was cemented and shrouded in mystery.  

               However, Konrad Zuse’s super secret Z4 “Eniac” computer just happened to show up at SRI in Menlo Park, CA. According to SRI, “ENIAC, the world’s first digital computer. ENIAC was installed at SRI in 1946, and the institute’s researchers immediately began work scaling down the behemoth machine. SRI scientists came up with the first magnetic core computer memory, which allowed the computer to operate in a much smaller casing. SRI made many other firsts in computers, and in its early years it made key contributions to other industries as well.” [6]

               The rest is history. SRI’s ENIAC was used in the super secret Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 to mass murder and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Japanese.

               In little or no time after the assassination of General Patton [7] and disappearance of SS Kammler and dropping of the atomic bomb, SRI miraculously grew to be the second-largest corporate-government medical-military-industrial-congressional “think tank” in the United States behind the RAND Corporation.

               SRI is an American version of Nazi Germany’s SS Sonderkommando “think tank.” Its business has always been supplying government and industry with the latest in applied research in human experimentation, eugenics, Himmler’s remote projection exercises (remote viewing), and economic strategies and human management (mind control) techniques of the Beast.

               Among its many programs, SRI evaluated the U.S. strategic systems and played a leading role in developing the U.S. response to the launching of the Soviet Sputnik satellite. Its multimillion-dollar involvement in defense work, combined with its work for the Defense Department during the Vietnam War, provoked violent student demonstrations on the Stanford University campus, and led the university to sever its connections with the institute in 1969.[8] 

               Among its covert programs, one of its most prominent projects involved experimental drug testing, trauma based mind control experiments and psychosurgery producing operational Black zombie-assassins at Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility pursuant to mandates of the Huston Plan. One of its experimental zombies was Donald Defreeze (Clique) of the Symbionese Liberation Army.

               Just image for a moment that Oakland wasn’t really named after oak trees, but was really named after the pagan European mythical Forest of the Oak. It was believed that the Oak was the first tree created by God, and its fruit, the Acorn, the first food of mankind.  

               The Oak tree (Quercus robur) is one of the sacred trees of Wicca and Witchcraft, and is associated with the month of June (10th – 7th July).  June is also the month of “Litha” and the Summer Solstice, which is one of the 4 lesser Sabbats of the Witches celebrated on the 21st June.

               In the early age of mankind the Oak tree was thought to have been a primary focus of worship by the ancient Druids. Oak trees were sacred to the Druids, and in Norse Mythology are associated with Thor, the pagan Aryan thunder God.

               The Oak tree was also sacred to the mythology and pagan occult beliefs of the SS. Oak leaves were important parts of SS and Nazi system of rank and awards. The Allgemeine-SS system of indicating rank included oak leaves on the collars of their military regalia.

               The Nazi party used the traditional German eagle in a Nazi style, standing atop of a swastika inside a wreath of oak leaves. Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, High Priest of  the “Thule” Lodge, was married underneath a oak tree as part of SS ritual and pagan initiation.

               It would be completely natural for the BEAST’s Lords of Oakland to secretly harbuor among us one of the Priests of the Black Sun of the Oak Forest. After all Oakland was founded by the Aryan fathers as a haven for secret pagan covens, Druids and “Men of the Oak.” [9]

               To no surprise since the late 1960’s, one of Himmler’s most trusted SS Allgemeine henchmen and priest of death was enbedded just outside of Oakland to covertly lead a fraternity of men of the oak to conspirer to neutralize and exterminate the Bay Area’s Left, Black Nationalist and in particular, the Oakland Black Panther Party for Self Defense.

               In 1969, Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing was in fact in residence in Sacramento, CA, the seat of state power under the Fascist Ronald Reagan’s governmental regime, to mastermind Murder, Inc.

               In Sacramento, von Bolshwing maintained a CIA Project Chaos front corporation (TCI) and den of international assassins, gun runners and drug traffickers, which included among others Oliver North of the National Security Council (NSC), CIA agents Edwin Wilson and Frank Terpil, all of the infamous Iran-Contra Affair and U.S.A Murder, Inc. 

               In 1981, the Office of Special Investigation (OSI), a special unit of U.S. Justice Department targeting for deportation Nazis living illegally in the U.S. finally moved in on SS von Bolschwing. While facing deportation in U.S. Federal Court, the same justice department sealed his case on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on the basis of U.S. National Security. [10]  

               So it’s not too farfetched to speculate if Johannes Mehserle and BART were born or initiated of the BEAST for the one of their high priests to be within a breath of Oakland.

               For decades, the BEAST has been here clandestinely organizing and spreading their poison at the highest levels of government. It was/is part and parcel of Himmler’s SS clandestine mode of operation; SS agents are/were routinely lent to local police departments to target, terrorize and barbarically liquidate and summarily execute preceded national security threats (OPD Panther Squad).

               Make no mistake, von Bolschwing was one of the most dangerous and traitorous mass murders on the planet. He was a world class war criminal, torturer and terrorist. SS von Bolschwing was on staff and adviser to the infamous SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, “the architect of the Holocaust”.  SS von Bolschwing introduced Eichmann to Palestine and the fathers of Israel’s Zionist terrorist state that is currently barbarically mass murdering the brown People of Palestine.

               All of the Oakland’s unsolved murders of young Black men and women were not at the hands of our people. Peel back the layers. Connect the dots. Take a long and good look at the City of Oakland, OPD and BART Police. What were BART officers doing and saying on the Fruitvale platform to terrorize Grant and the other young men? Are there Klansmen or other white supremacy factions active on BART or OPD forces posing a threat to the public?

               Don’t be fooled by the disinformation of media circus clowns, professional handkerchief heads and Head-Negroes-In Charge, BART Police is an autonomous state police force whose jurisdiction spans the State of California second only to the California Highway Patrol.

               BART’s board of directors has little or no power or jurisdiction over BART Police. It is an autonomous state police force just like the SS that’s the way it was designed from the beginning by the BEAST’s Lords of the New World Order. It is their own private army infused and cloaked with the power of the state, and power to kill.

               There must be independent and impartial investigation of the BART incident, murder of Oscar Grant, and BART Police Department?


[1] Lawrence, Lincoln, Mind Control, Oswald & JFK: Were We Controlled (1997) Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, ILL, pg. 102

[4] The Secret War Against The Jews, John Loftus, Mark Aarons, St Martin‘s Griffin, 1994, p244-245.

[5] Tom Agoston, Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Away Nazi Super secrets to Russia (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1985), p. 65. See Also Reich of the Black Sun,

[7] See Wilcox, Robert K, Patton, The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton, Regnery Publishing (2008)

[8] McCartney, Laton, Friends in high places, Simon & Schuster Inc., NY, NY, 1988, pg.  78


[9] See the early Oakland City Directories (1872-1920) at Oakland History Room at the Oakland Public Library, Oakland, CA to see the extraordinary number of different secret fraternal organizations including the Druids embedded in early Oakland

[10] AP, Screening of Evidence Sought in Nazi Case, NY Times, October 5, 1981






OAKLAND FAMILY JEWELS: The Blood Feast Case, Cover-Up of Satanic Ritual Abuse of Black Children in Oakland

18 12 2007

Caught in the Act!

On March 16, 2005 shortly after sunset, Marylyn Webster and Hamaseh Kianfar were walking along a narrow walkway in the Berkeley Rose Garden Park in the Berkeley Hills. As they proceeded along the path, they were approached by an elderly couple, Katherine Pope and her husband. As they passed each other in a single line along the path, as Katherine Pope attempted to pass Marylyn Webster, suddenly Webster grabbed her by head and pulled it back and with a flashing sweeping motion slashed her throat to the bone in seconds with what appeared to be a large butcher’s knife. Katherine fell mortally wounded at the feet of her husband, who began fanatically to stop the blood flowing from her throat. Kianfar then gathered Marylyn and dashed from the scene, and escaped in Kianfar’s stylistic and notable blue convertible. Kianfar turned out to be a 30 year old part-time mental health counselor at the Alameda County Juvenile Hall in San Leandro from San Rafael; CA. Webster was a disabled 16 year old emotionally disturbed psychotic Black girl of Oakland. Kianfar had counseled Webster at juvenile hall for “volatile and aggressive behavior.” Kianfar waited 15 hours before calling police to report the crime.  She originally told police that she happened to be driving by the Berkeley Rose Garden when she saw Marylyn holding a knife and running down the street toward the victim and her husband. She later recanted, and told police that she was with Marylyn at the time of the attack, and helped her escape. She said that she had met Marylyn on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley a few hours before the attack, which was untrue. A couple of days before the attack, Marylyn had climbed out of the window of her group home and escaped. Marylyn and Kianfar were clandestinely meeting during her run-away and appeared together on that faithful evening on March 16, 2005. After the attack, Kianfar took Marylyn to an Old Navy Store and bought her a change of clothes. She then ditched the bloody knife and clothing, and dropped Marylyn off at one of her relatives with a caution that she should be kept away from knives.   

 On March 18, 2005, Marylyn was arrested by police on the charges of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Sources said while being held at Alameda County Juvenile Hall, the 16 year old called the throat slashing and attack a feasting” ritual, a “Blood Feast”. What would a 16 year old mental disturbed Black girl know about an ancient European Pagan “Blood Feast”?

On April 6, 2005, the police finally issued a no-bail warrant for the arrest of Kianfar on the charge of accessory-after-the fact. Nevertheless the grievous nature of the crime, aiding and abetting a crime, conspiracy, escaping the scene, not reporting the crime, and lying to police,  

For unknown reasons, Kianfar was not booked, fingerprinted or photographed by Oakland police Wednesday, authorities said. She was also given a May 6 court date; Felony suspects are generally required to appear in court within 48 hours. [1]            

Who is Hamaseh Kianfar, and why the special and preferential treatment by Oakland Police Department?            

 Unless there are two women of the same name living in Marin County, California, she appears to be quite an interesting and indeed prominent character. lists her as the author of the book Sufi Stories, the holder of master’s degree and candidate for a Ph.D. Further research indicates that she is the daughter of the co—founders of the International Association of Sufism, headquartered in Marin County, and an attendee at UN-sponsored conference on Global Solidarity: The Way to Peace and International Cooperation. This Conference brought together United Nations NGO from around the world in an effort to build bridges among us to explore viable ways for civil society to generate action plans focused on development, peace, human rights and environmental issues. The International Association of Sufism is one among many organizations related in various ways to the Sufi religious practice in the United States. Sufism itself is a venerable and highly respectable religious practice, based on mysticism, originally growing from Islamic roots, but developing in complex ways, not all of them part of Islam. Many famous Islamic writers, philosophers, and poets have been Sufis. Wikipedia notes: Since they believe that everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly, and to open arms to what they believe as even the most evil one. [emphasis added]” [2]         

 I assume that Marylyn was raised as a Christian in a struggling Black family in Oakland. A family that must have had their struggles with Alameda County’s Child Protective Services and juvenile court systems over the control of Marylyn’s mind, soul, spirit, and her life. In the system, Marylyn had been in and out of juvenile group homes, and psych wards since she had been thirteen years old.            

hen I was growing up, my mother had us neil down at the foot of our beds each and every night and recite our Lord’s Prayer in the Book of Matthew, Verse 6:9-13: “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” I believe Marylyn was brought up the same way as most traditional Black Christian families had done for generations.            

Somewhere in the system, Marylyn was delivered over to Hamasehash Kianfar, a Sufi Mystic that by her creed opens her arms to the most evil, mysticism, and ritual murder. “Mysticism is like a cup & Sufism is its wine. The wine of mysticism from any religion can fill the cup.” The aim of Sufism is to make people godly, means, the Friend of God, uplifting their inner and outer knowingness with purity. [3]  There are subtle and important distinctions between ritual murder and sacrifice. In its simplest terms, human sacrifice is ritually murdering someone as an offering to a god; ritual murder is ritually killing someone for religious reasons.            

 There is no question that Katherine Pope’s throat was cut almost to the bone. There is also no question that Marylyn was severely handicapped, emotionally disturbed, and psychotic. Her attorney, Public Defender Cliff Blakely, said that she was functioning as a 7 or 8 year old. Prior to attack on Mrs. Pope, Marylyn had been sent to the Bates Medical Center Herrick Campus Psych Ward for smearing menstrual blood and feces over herself.  There is no question that Marylyn was under the control and influence of Hamasehash Kianfar, and that she was a fervent worshipper of Islamic Sufism, and she had to have been patterning Marylyn with Sufi mystic structure, and planted in her mind the ritual “Blood Feast” as to spiritual cleanse, and bring herself closer to God with the blood “feasting” ritual. .              

Islam consists of a number of religion demoninations that are essentially similar in belief but which have significant theological and legal differences. The primary division is between the Sunni and the Shi’da, with Sufism generally considered to be a mystical inflection of Islam rather than a distinct school. The famous Iranian historian and Qur’an commentator Muhammad b. Jarir at-Tabari (d. 923 C.E.) wrote that “striking at the necks” is simply God’s sanction of ferocious opposition to non-Muslims. Mahmud b. Umar az-Zamakhshari (d. 1143 C.E.), in a major commentary studied for centuries by Sunni religious scholars, suggested that any prescription to “strike at the necks” commands to avoid striking elsewhere so as to confirm death and not simply wound.[4]              

Kianfar may also have also been involved in something more evil, bizarre, diabolical and extremely dangerous, she may have been creating and planting an experimental assassin alter personality in Marylyn.             

Adam Alfred Rudolf Sebottendorff

Adam Alfred Rudolf Sebottendorff was an initiate of the Eastern Religion in Turkey as well as of freemasonry. “Just before world war I he made several trips to the Near East. During the Balkan War of 1912-1913, he directed the Turkish Red Crescent and was named a Master of the Order of the Rose Garland (Rosenkraz).’ In 1910, while living in Istanbul, Sebottendorff controlled his own society based on a combination of Islamic Sufi mysticism masonry, alchemy and anti-Bolshevik ideology. He established a sect of devotees comparable with the Islamilian ‘fedayeen’ (Assassins) guided by their spiritual leader, the Old Man of the Mountain. In other words, the idea was to form a militant order of initiates, with a military and religious structure. According to Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, the Thule was a “Society of Assassins.’” [5]         

Thule Society Symbol

Sebottendorff was the spiritual leader and mentor of Nazis Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, Anton Drexler, and Dietrich Eckart. They formed the original German Workers Party, and “Sebottendorff’s Thulist aim was to revive pagan “Aryan” Culture, symbolism, and mythology held that Sufism is ‘the development of the Primaeval religion of the Aryan Race.’” [6]               

The Sufi Master, Hakim Jami, said that Sufism predated the Prophet Mohammed, declaring that Plato, Hippocrates, Pythagoras and Hermes were part of an unbroken line of Sufic transmission. As an initiate of Islamic mysticism, Sebottendorff could rightly call himself a Rosicrucian, a Muslim Brother, and an Odinist. [7]           

According to Sebottendorff, “Thulers were the ones to whom Hitler first came, and Thulers were the first to unite themselves with Hitler.” [8]           

Dietich Eckart (1868-1923)

Dietrich Eckart was the spiritual leader and mentor of Adolph Hitler, and under his tutelage, Hitler became the undisputed leader of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, the Nazis. There is no question that the Nazis were a “Society of Assassins.”            

Marylyn Webster pled guilty to assault with a deadly weapon. After she had been under 24-hour guard in solitary confinement at juvenile hall for a year, she was finally sentenced as a juvenile offender to Porterville Developmental Center in Tulare County. The Porterville Center is a mental health facility, and an alternative to state prison.           

According to Marylyn’s MD, Anthony Rienz, her psychological tests suggested that her IQ was in the mid-50’s, meaning she was retarded. [9]  Marylyn was retarded and psychotic, and it would have been impossible for her to independently perform a fanatic religiously construed “Blood Feast” on a total strangler.            

This case should have generated some media interest or curiosity as to why a well educated religiously fanatical woman had a young defenseless Black retarded and psychotic minor under her control and influence with a large butcher’s knife performing what she understood to be an extraordinary bizarre ancient European “Blood Feast” on a total strangler, but it didn’t for racial reasons.            

 As I sat in court waiting for this woman’s appearance, anyone had to have struck by the numerous and continuous flow of hapless Black and Brown criminal defendants that were brought in and out of the caged back rooms of the courtroom chained like animals.            

The judge, C. Don Clay, who looked like the daunting grand looking white haired godly Black man from the movie, Green Pastures, impersonally imposed the law on all the accused that appeared before him.            

Ms. Kianfar in most instances didn’t even have to approach the bench, and some cases didn’t even have to appear. At the end of one court hearing, a young female reporter and I had to ask the court clerk why Ms. Kianfar did not appear as she was been scheduled to appear as the other criminally accused. We found out that she was allowed some preference by the court not to appear.            

I was so extremely naive to believe that a trial was going to take place. A trial would expose too much information about Kianfar’s satanic ritual abuse programming and control of Marylyn and other Black and Brown children in the system.            

 We weren’t going to hear from Marylyn’s family about the unholy and unnatural influence Ms. Kianfar had, and was allowed by the system over Marylyn, and the details of the length and extent of her contact with Marylyn prior to the attack.            

We weren’t going to learn the true reasons why Ms. Kianfar aided Marylyn’s escape, and didn’t come to the aid of Mrs. Pope, or call the police. We weren’t going to discover where Marylyn obtained that large butcher’s knife, and where she learned how to slit a throat so quickly, quietly and professionally. Even Ms. Pope’s husband that was walking within feet of her didn’t see the attack, it was that quick and smooth.            

 Most of all, we weren’t going to learn where Marylyn learned how to perform a “Blood Feast”, and who taught her about it, when, where and for what purpose.           

On February 22, 2007, Hamaseh Kianfar, 32, was sentenced to five years probation and ordered to perform community service for being an accessory to assault with a deadly weapon. She had previously pled guilty to the charges at a hearing that I somehow had missed. I also missed her sentencing hearing, but I would have been aghast at what took place.            

According to reports, Deputy District Attorney Connie Campbell said that Ms. Kianfar was unremorseful and failed to acknowledge responsibility in the case. The prosecutor denounced as “psychobabble” and “offensive” claims by Kianfar that she was not able “to have boundaries.” [10] The district attorney went further to describe Kianfar’s attitude and demeanor in the case to be “…consistent arrogance. This denial and arrogance is amazing to me.” [11]           

Kianfar’s attorney, Laurel Headly, said that Kianfar was “an exemplary person who made a very, very serious series of mistakes. But it was one time in an otherwise amazing life of 32 years. She had taken responsibility.” [12]           

Amazingly, the noble and wise appearing Black judge that I had I witnessed toll and dispense the system’s so-called blind justice on numerous hapless and repentant poor Black and Brown criminal defendants sided with Headly and Kianfar and said that Kianfar appeared to be of all things “contrite.” [13]            

Extraordinarily, Judge Clay twisted the facts as they existed in that case and said although Kianfar waited 15 hours before calling police, had she not contacted investigators, the teenager might very well have attacked someone else. He was quoted as saying “This minor is troubled and, quite frankly, well beyond (Kianfar’s) ability to control.” [14]           

Incredibly, Judge Clay ignored the fact that Kianfar while waiting15 hours to call police, with criminal intent opened a window of opportunity for her to try to debrief Marylyn, dispose, destroy, and plant evidence, and then dump Marylyn at the home of one of her relatives in Oakland as if nothing had happened.            

Judge Clay ignored the fact that Marylyn may have obtained the knife used to attack Ms. Pope for Kianfar. Kianfar had provided Marylyn with the time, place, opportunity and means to attack Ms. Pope. Quite frankly, Kianfar had the power, opportunity, educational background and religious fanaticism to satanically ritually mind control a troubled, retarded and psychotic young girl.            

The D.A. summation that Kianfar’s claims that she was not able to have boundaries were denial and arrogance, indeed, it was arrogance but it was no means a denial. It was just the opposite. The D.A. truly didn’t have a cue to what this woman was really, really saying.

“Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune!”
“Do not mourn for me: I have influenced history more than any other German.”

Those were Dietrich Eckart ‘s last words as he lay dying in Munich in December of 1923. [15] Recall that Eckart of the Thule society was Hitler’s first “esoteric mentor”. Thule members practiced a form of Sexual Magic derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a member. Crowley was recognized as the foremost worshipper of Satan in the 19th Century. ” (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 164-5) 

The Most Wickedness Man in the World

“Do as thou wilt. That is the whole of The Law” – Aleister Crowley and his Disciples            

Edward Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), of the most evil was one of the most famous Satanists of all time, who called himself “the most wickedest man in the world.”     

At the age of fourteen Crowley became convinced that he was the Beast whose number was 666, foretold in the Biblical Book of Revelations. Central to his “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law” philosophy was the need to find the “true will,” the pure human instinct unhindered by morality. “There is no law,” he wrote, “beyond do what you wilt.” . . . Drugs, alcohol, sex rituals, and human sacrifices were a means to this end. The mind had to be continually deranged to rid it of all inherited values. “Bind nothing!” he instructed. “Let there be no difference made among you between one thing and another thing, for there by cometh hurt.”            

Most modern day Satanist’s creed according to the Great Beast’s “Do as thou wilt” law is that they are self justified in their every whim that there are absolutely no boundaries.            

And that was what Kianfar was really saying to the court of law that she was justified in her satanic creed that her every whim there are no boundaries. “There is no law.”           

This is what really took place on March 16, 2005. Kianfar and Marylyn arrived at the Berkeley Rose Garden in the Berkeley Hills just after sundown. They were going to a secluded spot in the garden park to continue Kianfar’s hypnotic programming to plant Marylyn with an assassin alter personality with imbedded triggers, and continue training the alter to perform a religiously structured ritual murder by attacking and slitting the throat with deadly precision.            

 Katherine Pope and her husband had come to the garden park to watch the sunset. The rose garden has a wonderful spectacular view of the Oakland-San Francisco Bay at sundown. After watching the sunset, the Popes were leaving the park.            

On the way to the garden park, Kianfar had most likely drugged, and begun to hypnotically prime one of Marylyn’s alternate personalities. Kianfar had given her the knife to anchor her association with the ceremonial weapon. Marylyn was in a semi-trance with the knife when she entered the park. As she passed Ms. Pope on the narrow path passing within inches of her. A trigger was accidentally set off; it could have been an unexpected flashback, a color, sudden loud noise, sound, ring tone of a telephone, or a word.            

In covert hypnotic neuro-linquistic programming is the use of codes, keys and triggers (language of the subconscious) to unlock or lock traumas, programmed memories, events, photos compartmentalized within the subliminal mind. When the trigger was accidentally set off, it unlocked Marylyn’s photographic memory of her alter assassin personality’s mission and methodology of murder; and it struck with such quickness and efficiently that Pope’s husband didn’t actually see the attack. Once it had been set into motion, they were powerless to stop the attack.            

Kianfar was programming Marylyn to have a religiously structured assassin alternativenative personality and that is another reason why there wasn’t going to be a trial. There is an actual CIA/military intelligence operational group of Black female assassins called the “Black Angels”. [16] Previously, I watched a video from ex-FBI agent satanic ritual abuse/mind control expert Ted Gunderson [17] where a young Black woman claimed during one of his satanic ritual abuse/mind control seminars that she had been covertly psycho-hypnotically programmed to be a “Black Angel” assassin. I personally asked Gunderson for more information and what he knew about the group, but he became obviously evasive in his response. I dropped the subject since he was unwilling to share any real information in particular interest to Black people.Finally, if Marylyn Webster slit the throat of Mrs. Pope during a hypnotic stage, she was not responsible for the assault with a deadly weapon. The facts in this case suggest that Marylyn may have been drugged and hypnotized and attacked Mrs. Pope under hypnotic suggestion of Kianfar, then the hypnotist or programmer, Kianfar, should answer for the senseless deadly assault, and the unmerciful and inhumane torture, and abuse of Marylyn Webster.             

It is more than likely that Marylyn would have turned loose in the Black Community to operationally assassinate members of our community, or just be a sleeper killer or patsy for a future political assassination like the Chauncey Bailey Assassination.            

This is another one of Oakland’s Many Hidden Truths and Family Jewels, The cover-up of Satanic Ritual Abuse of Black Children in Oakland.    


[2] Id.

[3] According to Inam Hasan, Gudri Shah Baba V,

[4] “Beheading in the name of Islam,” Timothy Furnish The Middleeast Quarterly, Spring 2005, Volume XII number 2

[5] The Hidden Origins of Nazism,

[6] Id.

[7]  SABEHEDDIN, M, Hitler, Nazis & the Occult,

[8] Rudolf von Sebottendorff, Bevor Hitler kam (Before Hitler Came),

[9] Id. footnote 5

[10] S.F. Gate, Former mental health worker gets probation in Berkeley Slashing,

[11] Id.

[12] Id.

[13] Id.

[14] Id.

[15] The Swastika and the Nazis, http://

[16] Stop Misleading the Children, Mr. Jennings,
